The past few weeks have been quite repetitive for Dean. Roman would be there for him no matter what. Whenever anyone would try and screw with Dean, Roman would be there.

Dean was beginning to develop feelings for Roman. The way Romans hand would brush against his when they walked side by side and the way Roman would smile at him from the other side of class would make Deans heart flutter.

Dean hadn't seen Roman so far yet, it was only second period anyway. The bell had just rung, and Dean quickly packed up.

He was heading to his third period class, English, when he heard his name being called.


A small smile appeared on Deans face when he turned around, it was Roman.

"Hey Dean" Roman breathed out.

"Hi Ro"

They chatted and walked to class. Romans left hand was on the small of Deans back, when they walked into class.

A bunch of 'ooohhhs' were heard when they walked in.

"Yo Roman! Are you fucking him?!" A beach blonde kid called out from the back of the class.

Roman rolled his eyes and sat next to the kid. He motioned for Dean to sit next to him as well.

"No Dolph, I'm not fucking him" Roman said. "Idiot" Roman muttered.

"Well sorry, bro. I wouldn't blame you, though if you did.…so is he free?" Dolph asked.

Roman eyed him oddly "Why?"

Dolph shrugged his shoulders. "Bro he's fucking hot"

Roman leaned in a bit. "Dolph buddy, I kind of like Dean, so…"

"Ohhhh, I got you, bro. Go for it." Dolph said, smiling.

Roman laughed "Thanks Dolph…but how come you're just now thinking about him?"

"This is like the first time I've seen him happy" Dolph said, shrugging his shoulders.

Roman couldn't help but smile to himself hearing that. He took a glance at Dean, who was taking his books out of his bag, and their eyes met. Roman smiled at him and Dean smiled back, blushing. Dean was so beautiful, seeing him happy made Roman feel an indescribable way.

Romans thoughts were interrupted when a loud group of people came in. Romans expression had changed from compassion to disgust when they came in. It was Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Kevin Owens.

Roman took a glance at Dean. He noticed that Dean had tensed up. Recently, Roman has come to find out that Dean gets nervous around them. Roman leaned over to Dean and rubbed his back, soothingly.

"It's okay, Dean, I won't let them do anything to do" Roman reassured him.

Dean looked at Roman with a half smile, then nodded slowly.

Mr. Regal, the English teacher, eventually came in explained to the class what they were doing today.

"Good Morning class, your assignment today is to create a project based on the three short stories that we've read and demonstrate how the authors depict the tone of the story" Mr. Regal stated. "This will be a group project, I expect three depictions for each story, so that means three people each group. Any questions" Mr. Regal asked and everyone seemed to have understood everything. "Excellent, you have 45 seconds to acquire a group"

Roman immediately looked at Dean and asked him if he wanted to be in his group. Roman then quickly realized they needed another partner. He scanned the room until…

"Hey uhh guys, you got space for one more?"

Roman turned around to be met with Dolph. Roman liked Dolph. He was cool guy, although he seemed to come off as a douche to some people, mostly girls.

"Yeah bro" Roman answered, patting Dolphs back.

"Alright, Dean can you get the construction paper, please?" Roman politely asked.

Dean nodded, then went up to the front.

"Uh Dolph, you're one of the very few guys I trust here, so don't be too hard on Dean, he's a little sensitive." Roman said quickly, he didn't want Dean to come back, hear him, and feel pitied. That wasn't Romans intention at all.

"Yeah don't worry, Roman. I won't be an asshole or anything." Dolph said, reassuring Roman.

Roman mouthed a 'Thank you' as Dean came back.

"Let's get started…"


"Guys I really have to piss" Roman has been complaining for the past 10 minutes.

"Ro it's a double period, so just go right now. There's no point in waiting till lunch, unless you wanna wet yourself." Dean says.

"For real, bro, just go now" Dolph says, with a chuckle.

"Fine okay, I'll be back quickly." Roman says before asking Mr. Regal and running out the door.

"He's definitely something" Dolph says with a laugh.

Dean smiles "Yeah…he is."

"You like him?" Dolph asked randomly causing Dean to blush. "Come oonnn, do you?" Dolph urges.

"I think. I don't know. Maybe?" Dean says, unsure.

"Aww that's fucking cute. Ask him out, Dean"

Dean shook his head "Someone like Roman would never go out with someone like me"

"I doubt that, Dean" Dolph said, furrowing his eye brows. Why would Dean put himself down so much?

Dean shrugged his shoulders and continued working on their project. Dolph did too, still thinking about what Dean had said.

Dean stood up to write on the paper, since it was quite large.

"Slut, move your fucking ass"

Dean turned around to be met with Kevin Owens.

"I wasn't in your way" Dean said, looking up at Kevin.

Kevin looked taken aback by what Dean said. "Rollins c'mere! Looks like your bitch has finally grown a pair" Kevin says with a laugh.

Seth walked over with a laugh. "Oh is that big asshole, Roman, giving you confidence. That fucking traitor, I'm surprised we still haven't taught that douche a lesson" Seth teased.

"Don't you fucking lay a hand on Roman" Dean said, angrily. He really didn't know where all this confidence was coming from.

Kevin and Seth, this time, were both taken aback by Deans response. Seth seemed surprised for a second, but then starting laughing. Seth then roughly grabbed Dean by the waistband of his jeans and gritted "Learn your place, bitch, or am I gonna have t–"

Seth was shoved back and forced to let go of Dean.

"What the fuck's your deal, Ziggler?!" Seth exclaimed, getting ready to fight.

"What's my deal? Why the fuck were you laying your hands on him?" Dolph said, furiously.

Roman had just come back into the room to see Dolph, standing protectively in front of Dean, arguing with Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, and now Randy Orton.

"What's the fucking problem?" Roman said, once he got there.

"Playing hero again, huh Reigns?" Randy says, teasingly.

"Fuck off, assholes" Roman said, before placing his hand on the small of Deans back and directing the Dean, Dolph, and himself towards their project.

"You okay, Dean?" Dolph asked, looking at Dean sympathetically. Dean just nodded his head.

"What happened, guys?" Roman asked, while he was rubbing Deans back. He was trying to comfort Dean, since he still seemed tense.

"It was just them being them, Ro." Dean said, quietly with a little sadness in his voice.

Roman rubbed Deans back and turned his attention to Dolph. "Thanks Dolph for being there"

Dean nodded in agreement "Thank you, Dolph"

Dolph smiled, sincerely and patted Deans thigh gently. "Anytime, Dean"


Dean sat in between Roman and Dolph at lunch. Dolph had invited them to sit with him and his group, consisting of A.J Lee, Daniel Bryan, Paige Bevis, Naomi Knight, Jimmy and Jey Uso (who were Romans cousins that were recently new to the school), Natalya, and Ryan Reeves (Ryback).

They were all really friendly, but Dean wasn't all that social. He laid his head on Romans shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Roman asked.

Dean could of told Roman about everything that's wrong. Dean gets abused at home, gets teased and tormented in school, is forced to be a prostitute to gain money that's not even for him, and that Dean can't express his feelings for Roman are all what's wrong. It's not like Dean didn't deserve any of that though, at least that's what he though. Dean could of said all that, but instead he just said "Nothing, I'm just tired"

Roman wrapped his arm around Dean and pulled him, allowing Dean to rest his head on Romans chest.

"You hungry?" Roman asked. Dean shook his head 'no'. "What'd you eat today?"

It took Dean a bit to answer. He didn't want really want to answer that question, but he did "Nothing"

"Dean, you need to eat." Roman said, examining Dean. Dean was too small for his age. His waist was incredibly tiny and his clothes were loose fitting. "Here." Roman split his sandwich in half and reached out to give it to Dean.

Dean shook his head. "No Ro, that's for you" Dean lightly pushed Romans hand away.

Roman looked at Dean sympathetically. "Dean, take it. I want you to take it." Roman said, emphasizing the word 'want'.

Dean looked at Roman with an 'are you sure?' face, before taking it.

Roman smiled as he watched Dean take a bite of the sandwich.

The next few minutes were uneventful, until Dolph announced…

"Hey guys why don't we hangout this weekend?!" Dolph said, excitedly.

"Where should we go?" A.J asked, while taking a sip of her drink.

"I dunno, we'll eat some lunch or something" Dolph replied, then looked at everyone else.

"I'm in" Roman said, causing everyone else to agree.

"Alright awesome, I'll text you guys when and where.…so you're all going?" Dolph said, scanning the table. Everyone nodded, except for Dean.

"Dean buddy, you coming?" Dolph asked.

Dean looked up at him and shrugged his shoulders. Everyone at the table started trying to convince him "c'mon Dean", "it would be fun", "we don't want you to miss out".

Dean looked up at Roman and bit his lip. "Uh…" he rubbed his neck. "Okay." He said, causing them to starting cheering.

Daniel started saying "Yes! Yes! Yes!", so everyone joined along.

Dean smiled and buried his face in Romans chest. Roman smiled and whispered "I'll pick you up."


It was finally dismissal and Dean walked with Roman, as they headed outside. Roman had football practice today, so he wasn't gonna be taking Dean home.

Dean was a little worried for Roman, though. Seths words from earlier were ringing in his head "…I'm surprised we haven't taught that douche a lesson." Dean couldn't help but feel scared for Roman. If anything happened to Roman, it would be his fault and Dean would never be able to forgive himself.

"You sure you don't want me to take you home?" Roman asked, once again.

Dean smiled "I'm sure. You have practice plus the weathers not that bad today, so I can't walk." Dean reassured Roman.

Roman nodded "Alright, bye Dean." Roman pulled Dean in for a hug.

"Bye, Ro. Be careful okay? Seth and the rest of the guys are there" Dean said, whilst in the hug.

"I will Dean, don't worry" Roman said, before detaching from Dean. Dean waved 'goodbye' to Roman, before taking off.