Chapter 1:

Roman Reigns was the new kid in Helmsley High. He had to admit, he was nervous. Roman wasn't anti-social or anything. He knew he'd probably make friends quickly, but he just wanted to get used to his surrounding.

Roman had just made it to his first class, English. He sat next to some tall, pretty well built kid with two-toned hair talking to some tall, muscular guy with a buzz cut on one side. On the other side he sat next to a smaller kid with dirty blonde hair wearing an over sized black sweatshirt, worn out jeans, and some Chuck Taylors. He was beautiful Roman thought. He just had this beautiful innocent look. So fragile, vulnerable.

Romans thoughts were interrupted by an English accent? Oh right, Mr. Regal was his name. Why would you teach English in the U.S. when some of the grammar spoken by Americans is not the same as the English? Roman thought.

"Well my children, settle down, I deeply apologize for being late" Mr. Regal said. "Dean, my dear boy, pick your head up and take out your books" Dean. What a nice nam, fits him perfectly, Roman thought.

"M'sorry, sir" Dean said looking down.

"Idiot" he heard the two-toned kid mutter under his breath.

"Well, class looks like we've got a new student, Roman Reigns I believe the name was" Mr. Regal said.

"Yes sir" Roman said raising his hand

"Well hello there, Roman" Mr. Regal said.

"Children, I'm going to write your assignment down on the board, you may work in pairs if you'd like"

Great. Roman thought. Now I have to show others how clueless I am. Roman looked at Dean, who seemed to be doing things by himself, he seemed like a loner. Roman thought.

"You could work with us" the two-toned kid said, referring to himself and the kid with the buzz cut.

"Thanks" Roman said.

"I'm Seth and this is Randy, by the way."

"So dude, you're pretty big, you in to sports?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, I'm actually really in to football. I'm thinking of trying out for the football team here" Roman said, enthusiastically.

"Yeah bro, that'd be totally awesome. Randy and I are both on it. We'll help you with the tryouts" Seth said

"Thanks a lot man"

"No problem." They said in unison. The bell had just rung and everyone was getting out of there seats to head to the next class. Roman had gym next "Roman, you can walk to gym with us" Randy said.

"Cool, thanks guys."

"C'mon boys run faster!" Coach Michaels called out.

Roman was running around the track and Seth was running next to him. While Seth was running, it looked like he purposely pushed into Dean, who fell to the ground.

"Watch where you're going, slut" Seth growled.

Roman stopped "Are you okay?" Roman put out his hand.

Dean looked up at him with those icy blue eyes and took his hand. Roman helped Dean off the ground. "Yeah m'fine, um thanks" Dean said looking at the ground.

Randy and Seth had been watching this from the other side of the gym. "What a fucking little slut" Randy said.

"Yeah, we should tell Roman about that piece of trash." Seth said.

"Let's go boys, go to the locker room!" Coach Michaels blew the whistle.

Everyone headed to the locker room to change. Roman had picked a locker next to Randy, Seth and a couple of other guys. Roman noticed that Deans locker was across from his. When Dean was taking off his shirt, Roman noticed Dean had many bruises on his back and stomach. Seth and Randy were smiling and pointing at Dean.

Then, Seth and Randy walked up to Dean. "Awww, look guys little Dean-o has a boo boo" Seth said and all the guys in the locker room started laughing except Roman. Dean quickly put on a black tank top, grabbed his stuff and his bag and exited the locker room. Seth and Randy looked satisfied with what they've done.

"Boys what's going on here?" Coach Michaels came in saying. A bunch of 'Nothing Coachs' were mumbled.

Roman sat with Seth,Randy, Kevin Owens, Glenn Jacobs, Dave Batista, and a bunch of other guys at lunch. Seth and Randy had introduced him to them. They were all apart of the football team. They were all chatting away when Seth and Randy got up from the table.

Dean was quickly walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. "Hey slut, where are you going in such a hurry?" Seth teased, as him and Randy blocked Deans way.

"Get out of my way" Dean mumbled.

"No" They both replied simply.

Dean tried to go, but Randy shoved him back. Dean stumbled back a bit.

"Just leave me alone" Dean said, his voice nearly pleading.

"Aww, would you look at that Seth he just wants us to leave him alone." Randy taunted Dean. Both made a fake pouting face.

"Alright Dean-o, we'll leave you alone" Seth grabbed a can of soda and dumped it on Deans head.

A bunch of oohhhs were heard in the cafeteria. Dean ran out of the cafeteria embarrassed and into the bathroom.

Dean was breaking down as he tried to take the soda out of his hair. Running water through his hair as tears streamed down his face.

Why does this have to happen to him? Why can't they just leave him alone?

Dean took off his drenched in soda tank top and looked at himself in the mirror and began crying even more.

He put on his sweatshirt and quickly wiped away his tears away when he noticed that someone had entered the bathroom.

It was Roman. Roman had felt bad for what had happened in the cafeteria. He would have stood up for Dean. But he doesn't really know the kid and from what he's heard he ain't all that good.

Roman heard Dean sniffling "Hey, are you alright?" Roman asked, sympathy filling his voice.

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine. Just please leave me alone." His voice cracking. Then Dean left the bathroom.