A/N: So here it is. The final chapter for this story.

As always, thanks for reading.

"How bout it Mach?" Akito whispered.

Machi's eyes roamed over the dark storefront. From outside, the inside of the store looked dark and quiet. But her senses had led them here and now that they were mere feet away, she knew they were in the right spot.

She'd spent many hours in meditation over the last year with her father, Akito, Aunt Suzu and Grandpa Splinter. Begrudgingly at first, of course. And sometimes, she'd still complain. But she could also recognize that the mediation exercises were working. And worth it. Her head rarely buzzed in pain with the sensation of oncoming feelings or knowledge.

And as a reward for all her hard work, she was allowed to join Akito's team on patrols about once a month. She knew she had Akito to thank for the privilege, since he was the one who first suggested she join them. However, that didn't mean that she refrained from pointing out to Akito that she was out on patrols at only fourteen years of age, while Akito had had to beg and beg to be allowed to go out on patrols when he was all of sixteen.

And since she was fourteen now, and since it had been at least three months since Aunt Suzu had retired from her job and come to visit, she was no longer buying that Aunt Suzu was still just visiting them in Grandpa Splinter's guest bedroom. Not that she minded, but Aunt Suzu was clearly living with them now. And not in that guest bedroom up there, either. In fact, she was pretty sure that -

"Machi?" Akito whispered, interrupting her thoughts.

Machi refocused her brain towards the electronics store again. It felt a little bit like she could push her eyes into the store, much the way she imagined it felt for Akito to push a blasting energy from his hands.

"Three guys," Machi said.

"Should we split up?"

"No, they're planning on going out the back," Machi whispered back.

"Let's move. Quietly," Akito said.

Raphael laughed loudly from his position a few blocks away. He was seated on a rooftop ledge with his feet hanging over the side while Leo stood next to him. Leo quickly nudged a knee into Raph's shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly, but he continued to laugh anyway.

"He sounds just like you," Raphael finally said.

"I trained him," Leo said, dryly. "What's wrong with sounding like me, anyway?"

"Nothin, babe," Raph said, a big grin still present on his face. "Hey, remember that time you were yelling at us to be quiet and then you loudly fell down like a million stairs -,"

"Raph -,"

"-and right into those bees?"

Leo glared down at Raphael while he continued to listen as Akito directed his group down to street level. Raphael only laughed again and wrapped one of his hands around one of Leo's ankles.

There were strict rules Akito and his team had to follow on the nights that Machi joined them on patrol. The first was that both Akito and Machi had to keep their communicators turned on so Leo and Raph could always listen in. The second was no complaining about Leo and Raph staying within a few blocks of the group at all times. And the third was a much earlier curfew than Akito's group was used to.

Leo had been slightly surprised how quickly and easily their almost eighteen-year old son had agreed to the restrictions. His surprise disappeared, however, on Machi's first patrol as he and Raph listened as Akito not only followed Machi's lead about where the criminals were, but also depended on her to tell them how many they were going to be up against.

This was because Akito had long ago realized what an important asset Machi could be to his team. And he was impressed with his sister's ability because he knew she worked hard to control it. So he did his best to ignore her taunts about how she had been allowed to begin patrolling at an age that was so young compared to his age for his first patrol, and instead focused on her usefulness for the team. He and Violet had even recently begun to run through strategies for how to talk his dad into letting Machi patrol with them more often than just once a month.

And Machi wasn't the only one who had been working hard over the past year. Not only did his blasting energy appear when he was calm and focused now, but he had almost perfected his aim. There was still the occasional slip up. Although, he still wasn't sure it was his fault on that last occasion considering Violet's brother, Midori, had jumped in front of the criminal Akito had been trying to hit. He was pretty sure that should still be counted as pretty good aim since the bad guy still ended up unconscious. At least, that's what he'd tried to explain to his dad when they'd been caught carrying an unconscious Midori home.

And although Akito still preferred to fight using his katana, he had to admit that blasting away a criminal who thought they were going to sneak up on one of his teammates from several feet away felt pretty good too.

Leo's breath hitched suddenly as he felt Raph's fingers begin to trail up his leg. He moved his head slightly so he could get a better view of his emerald turtle and watched as Raphael did his best not to return his gaze while keeping an innocent expression on his face. A shiver ran across Leo's shoulders as those fingers pressed into his calf muscle before trailing slowly up towards the back of his knee and then back down again.

"Raph," Leo growled down to him. "You're supposed to be listening to our children."

"I am listenin," Raph said. He raised his eyes to finally meet Leo's. "What? I can't touch yer leg?"

Leo did his best to glare down at Raph's challenging eyes and teasing grin. The result was Raphael laughing again as he yanked Leo down to sit next to him. He looped his fingers with Leo's fingers and quieted down when Akito's voice sounded again in their ears. The truth was, hearing their children and the bunnies engage in a fight while they weren't physically present was difficult, and he preferred having Leo tucked into him while they listened together.

Although, between Akito's and Machi's special abilities, and the team's combined ninjitsu skills that came from over twelve years of training under Master Leonardo, their clan's next generation always came up victorious. In fact, they rarely even got a scratch or a bruise, which made it much easier for Leo and Raph to just sit and listen.

"Did you pay for the merchandise in those boxes?" Akito asked as the robbers exited the electronics store into the back alley just as Machi had foreseen. Akito stepped out just far enough to allow the robbers to see the outline of someone in front of them as he spoke.

"Beat it," one of the robbers said, pulling a knife to try to scare off the stranger.

Akito smirked as he slowly pulled a katana. He let the streetlight hit the steel as it was pulled from his back so that the man in front of him could see exactly what a real threat looked like.

Leo's fingers tightened around Raph's and he was suddenly thankful that Raph had made him sit down as they listened to the fight that followed.

"You know he smirks when he pulls his katana," Leo murmured.

"So do you."

"I do not," Leo said, sounding offended. "He learned to smirk from you."

"Maybe. But yer the one who sees the entire fight in yer head before you even pull yer weapon. Ya already know yer gonna win. Trust me, ya smirk."

Leo frowned as he considered if Raph's words were a compliment or not until Raph shouldered him and shot him a grin.

They listened for another moment before Raph rolled his eyes and asked, "Did one em just say booyakashaaa?"

Leo slowly nodded his head. "You know, I'm pretty sure we were seven years old when Mikey came up with that word."

"Yeah, because remember he spent almost a week saying only booyakashaaa and we were stuck trying to figure out what he meant by the tone of his voice alone."

"It still haunts me today," Leo murmured back, earning a laugh from Raphael.

They suddenly heard what they were sure was Violet's kusarigama chain before Akito instructed one of the other bunnies to call the police. A few moments later, they could see the group suddenly back up on the rooftops.

"We're heading home," Akito said, mainly for the benefit of their watchful fathers. His group took off in a sprint towards their building before Akito turned to Violet next to him.

"Hey, Vi, my foot was actually in the air to kick that guy when you jumped in and kicked him."

"I know. But I have rabbit feet," Violet easily responded with a smile.

Her smile was wide and Akito fought the urge to smile back since his girlfriend had clearly known he was going to bring this up and had done this purposely to tease him. He knew he was going to regret asking, but he did anyway. "What does that mean?"

"It means your feet are practically dainty compared to mine."

Akito groaned and listened to Violet's brothers snicker behind them.

"Oh come on," Violet said in response to his groan as they landed on the Hamato rooftop. "I get to have a superpower too."

"Fine," Akito said, holding the door open so his team could all head inside. "We'll call kicking your superpower. For now, though, I'm just going to do my best to forget that you called my feet dainty."

"We're home and inside," Machi reported. "Turning off our communicators."

Leo and Raph listened as the excited teens started talking about ordering pizza and watching a movie before the communicators were officially switched off.

Then it was Raph's turn to experience a shiver as Leo's fingers trailed over the back of his neck. A moment later his shell hit the rooftop behind them as Leo climbed on top of him to straddle his lap.

"You're a very bad turtle," Leo said, although he couldn't keep the smile off his face as he looked down at his beautiful mate.

"Yeah, but that's how ya like me," Raph teased back. His fingers returned to Leo's strong legs, which were currently squeezing into his sides and pinning him to the rooftop. He watched as the hard thigh muscles shifted under his fingertips as he pressed into them. His eyes traveled up to Leo's face and he lifted his hips to rub against Leo when he saw how dark Leo's blue eyes suddenly were.

Leo's response was an immediate churr as he quickly dipped his head to kiss Raphael and to begin a steady rhythm of rubbing his lower plastron against Raph's. Raphael moaned into their kiss and let his fingers trail from Leo's legs over to his slit where they became increasingly more insistent until Leo dropped down for him.

"Ya can't resist my fingers, Leo," Raph teased.

"You have something else I can't resist, Raphie," Leo said. He slowly let his fingers trail up and down Raph's tail and let his fingers tease over Raph's entrance on the upstroke.

Raphael immediately dropped down as well as a growling churr rolled up his throat. Any dirty talk coming out of his mate's still innocent-looking face completely undid him. Every. Single. Time.

"Ya plannin on claimin me on this roof, Leo?" Raph teased before he released another churr as one of Leo's fingers pressed into his entrance. He suddenly felt like an old man as he realized he couldn't remember the last time he and Leo had had any fun like this outside.

"Yes," Leo purred back at him, "unless you want to go back to our apartment full of teenagers?"

"No," Raph husked out. "This roof is fine. This is my new favorite rooftop."

Leo laughed and then quickly covered Raphael's mouth again with his own. He twisted his tongue around Raphael's tongue and continued their kiss even as he removed his fingers and adjusted himself so that Raph's legs could spread wider and allow him to push his hard length into Raphael's body. He listened to Raph's groans and churrs, each noise an encouragement to move faster. To thrust deeper. He did as Raph's body asked until they were both frantically moving together towards a finish that had Leo biting into Raphael's neck and Raphael cursing up at the stars.

Leo released Raphael's neck after a few moments but didn't move otherwise. Instead, he just happily basked in the heat coming off the emerald body beneath him.

"Hey, Leo," Raph murmured as he nudged Leo's shoulder. He wasn't sure how long they'd been lying there like that but he knew Leo wasn't asleep.

Leo hummed in response but didn't move so Raph nudged him again.

Finally Leo lifted his head and met Raph's eyes. Raph smiled at the soft, satisfied expression in Leo's blue eyes.

"I love livin life beside you, Leonardo."

A dorky grin appeared on Leo's face and he reached a hand up to cup one side of Raph's face. "Love you, Raphie."

"Aishiteru," Raph murmured before pulling his mate's face back down for another kiss.

A/N: If you'd like to read more stories related to this series, I have been posting one-shots under the story name: "Promise Series Side-Stories". They're mostly fun, although sometimes serious, stories in no real chronological order. They're a lot of fun to write and sometimes allow me to fill in plot holes with ideas that didn't fit into the main stories. I hope you enjoy them as well.