Note: I am so sorry for the slow update. I have been very ill for some time and just a lot of stuff has been happening in my life lately. Hope it was worth the wait.
Land before Time
The Search for the White Tree
Chapter 3
Grandpa woke when he felt the warmth of the Bright Circle cover his body. He yawned before stretching his arms and legs out then stood up on his feet. Grandma was still resting and he didn't have the heart to wake her, she looked so peaceful.
He turned his head expecting to see Littlefoot already gone like he usually is, but instead he lay in the nest still, which was not like him. Littlefoot liked to get up and go to his friends early in the morning.
Grandpa lowered his head down about to nudge him so he would wake up but when he got closer he saw something was wrong. Littlefoot was shaking and it wasn't even cold, he was crying as tears seem to flow down his cheeks and the sound of his breathing was off not steady but slow and weak.
"Littlefoot!" He was very concerned. He remembered Littlefoot saying last night he wasn't feeling well. He now wished he had stayed up to watch over him.
The child tried to talk, lifting his head up to speak. When he did he ended up coughing until he spat a bit of blood out before passing out.
"Grandma! Come quick!" The old Longneck yelled, scared out of his mind. He tried waking Littlefoot again but he wouldn't respond. His body was hot and he was sweating too. The young longneck seemed to be hit with some kind of sickness but Grandpa was clueless to learning which one. He was in a panic.
Grandma hurried the tone of her husband's voice clearly told her something bad had happened. When she stepped to where he was she saw Littlefoot and saw he was so sick. "W.. 's wrong with him!?"
"I don't know Grandma, he's sick. Whatever this is, it's working fast affecting him".
"No…please we have to do something!"
He nodded looking at her. "We have…" But he was cut off when Mr. Threehorn came running in a panic. "Someone help me, please! Cera is sick!" He looked left and right for anyone who would offer to help until he saw the Longnecks and Littlefoot who looked just as bad as Cera. Then Ducky's mother ran saying the same thing and then Petrie's mother too.
Grandpa longneck called them all over quickly and tried to calm each of them down, though it was difficult. They had to think of the best way to help their children and try to think straight. "Please, everyone! Our children are sick and we have no idea what illness they have. We need help."
It was Petrie's mother who offered to do something first. "I heard there was a healer who passed by not too far ago, I will fly and look for him right away". She took off before they could even say good luck.
Threehorn began to pace up and down angrily as he usually did. "I don't understand how this could happen! Why it even happened. My Cera…"but he stopped himself from continuing on as he was close to sobbing. He did not want to cry in front of them.
Suddenly Littlefoot made a noise, he groaned weakly as he managed to open his eyes. "G..Grandpa…"
The big Longneck quickly went down to him. "Oh Littlefoot… "
"I…I…"He coughed again.
"Shh calm you" He reassured him by rubbing his head every so gentle against his but Littlefoot kept his head down. He had a feeling this was because of that flower he ate. The one he didn't know much about, he felt stupid and silly for not asking.
"Mmm I…I think I did something bad," he said softly, his voice more like a whisper he was terrified to even say it, knowing they all blame him.
"What do you mean?" Grandpa asked.
So Littlefoot explained about the strange flowers that they ate. Littlefoot felt so bad and was crying even more because he knew he made his friends sick, it was his fault he told them it was ok and of course Threehorn agreed about it being his entire fault.
"You fool! Because of you being so reckless Littlefoot, my Cera is sick! If anything happens to her it will be on your head! And I'll make sure you never forget that!" He yelled.
Littlefoot trembled with fear and cruelled up into a ball shaking harder, his sobs growing louder.
Grandpa wasn't known to lose his temper. In fact, many can't even recall the last time he actually showed angry or yell but this time, he could not contain. Slamming his foot down hard the ground shook beneath him and everyone jumped back in fright. It even made Mr. Threehorn jump and back off quick as Grandpa moved his head to look right at him. "Don't you dare say a thing like that to him!" He yelled. "He didn't know what it was and it didn't smell bad either. He never meant to hurt Cera or the others. You know he helped save them and us many times over and all we did was argue! Without Littlefoot, our lives would be worse off and without him, you wouldn't have Cera back in your life".
Threehorn wanted to argue because he was stubborn but he quickly fell silent realizing that the Longneck was actually right. Many times over Cera would tell him tales of how Littlefoot helped them through the worst of the trail home. Cera would often say how brave he was and how she admired him and respected him ever since their time together making their way to the Great Valley. Threehorn saw that in their talks at night.
Now he felt ashamed when he looked down at the frightened Longneck. Who was shivering crying.
"Littlefoot…I…I'm sorry, I'm just worried. I didn't mean to say those things. I'm just so scared for Cera. She's all I have left".
Littlefoot looked up seeing him cry too, which was a rare thing. Cera really was the most precious thing in his life and it was understandable he be upset if she got hurt. Littlefoot still blamed himself but he forgave Mr. Threehorn as he is just scared. "I…I understand Sir…*Sniffle*…"
Grandpa lowered his head to rub against Littlefoot's to comfort him. "How do you feel?"
Littlefoot coughed again harder this time and some of the other Dinosaurs went to get water for him and the other children.
"Grandpa I feel hot and cold at the same time, I can't stop shaking and my belly feels awful and my head hurts…it's…hard to…"he passed out again.
"Oh, Littlefoot..." Grandpa's tears fell on him.
They eventually gathered all the children together and each of them looked the same. Red marks on their bodies, the uncontrollable shaking, and the coughing fits. They were resting but it did little to help them. The grown-ups brought food and water hoping to help them gather some strength to fight off this sickness but they couldn't eat, even Spike wouldn't touch anything.
The night circle had come now and Ducky's mother kept a look out for Petrie's mother and the healer. It wasn't until another hour later that she finally saw Petrie's mother coming.
She flew around, circling them. "He's coming! The healer is here!"
The grownups got up and turned to where she was facing. On top of the hill was a Club Tail. He marched slowly towards them, his body covered in bite marks and cuts, clearly showing he had been in some fierce battles. He walked with a slight limp and his left eye was missing, with only a horrible deep red mark left. "My name is Bone I came as quick as I could".
He walked towards the children examining them closely. He gave a clearly shocking gasp as he was not expecting this illness to be here.
"W...what is it?" Grandpa asked.
"I didn't think this flower would be here," he said.
"What is it? One of the other grownups asked.
Bone turned to look at them. "We call it Deception, it is common around my lands and many dinosaurs sadly fall prey to its sweet scent and tasty petals. I helped them to keep away from it and warn them of the dangers. I had no idea it had gotten this far".
"Quick tell is Where is the cure is!"Threehorn yelled
He gave a heavy sigh looked back to all of them. "There was only one cure but it's located on my land. You call it, the Mysteries Beyond"
Everyone gasped in horror. The worst place to find a cure for their kids. Why did it have to be there? They all thought and some thought it was hopeless to get it now.
Bone walked around the children as he spoke. "There is a tree surrounded by fire and Sharpteeth. its pure white and its petals can help stop the deception infection, your children most eat them to survive this".
"How do you know of this?" Grandma asked.
"I myself gathered every type of plant in my lands until I found the one to kill the infection. It took me months and many die while waiting. I still carry that burden with me. I was lucky to even found the tree surrounded by fire. I and a good flyer of mine braved that dangerous area and brought the petals home saving all those infected."
Petrie's mother stepped forward now. "Can't you tell us where it is, so I can get it?"
"I would but the area has become more unstable over the years and more Sharpteeth have gathered there with their young. They are very protective and prone to more acts of violence during that time. It would be best to send someone who can fight and stand up to Sharpteeth, plus you would not be able to carry the amount of petals we need".
Everyone looked at one another wondering how they would even gather the petals they needed. It was so dangerous and they had no idea how many dangers they would face if they go. Many of the adults were scared to go back out of the Great Valley as many had lost loved ones to the Sharpteeth and other dangers.
The one who was first to step forward quick was Grandpa Longneck. "Tell me where the White Tree is, I shall find it".
Bone looked up at him. "Are you sure, it's going to be very dangerous",
"My grandchild braved a danger before where I was the one who was sick, now it's my turn to help him. I don't care how much danger it is I'm going because I love him and want to save our children",
Threehorn looked up, he didn't like to admit it but he admired the Longneck and did think of him as a good friend even if they did argue most a lot and mostly when times were bad, but not this time. He wouldn't let him face this all alone.
"I'm going as well; you know my strengths and my fighting abilities. You'll need my help longneck"
Grandpa agreed and was glad for the backup. The old Clubtail smiled and then explained the path they must take. It would not be an easy journey but they were going to risk it for their children.
Sometime later
Grandpa and Mr Threehorn were going to head out soon. Grandma kissed her husband as he got ready to set off. "Please be ok, I can't lose you both". She said with tears in her eyes.
"You aren't losing us, dear, I'll be back soon with the cure". They rubbed heads together and kissed each other for a few moments before Grandpa finally pulled back.
"Look after Littlefoot my dear"
"I'll do all I can I promise"
He nodded but before he left he went to the other children, they huddled together each shivering and coughing as more red marks had appeared on them. Grandpa forced himself to not cry as he knew he had to be strong for them and his wife. He rubbed each one of them and whispered. "Be strong like you always are, I know you can hold on until we get back".
Mr. Threehorn was busy saying goodbye to Cera. He kissed his daughter. "I love you, Cera, be a brave girl for your daddy, I'll be home soon". He turned to leave but Cera's voice startled him.
"Daddy…" She weakly said.
He looked back seeing her awake her arm stretched out to try and touch him. "Cera…you should be rested".
"W..where are you going?"
"Your daddy is going to get something to make you better"
"B.. .."
"Cera I need to stay with Grandma longneck until I come back". He pressed his forward to her. " You're my brave girl I know you'll be strong ok, you remember all the times you left to save us well now it's my turn to help you"
". you be ok…"
Threehorn couldn't help but smile. Even with her being ill she still wanted him to be ok. "Ha don't worry about me Grandpa Longneck is coming with me, you just rest"
"I love you, daddy" she whispered then closed her eyes.
Mr. Threehorn tears slipped through now and the drops hit Cera head but she didn't even notice as she fallen sleep again. "I love you too…my baby girl"
He now left with the Longneck and headed into the mysteries beyond with everyone hoping they get back in time and also that the Tree was still intact.
End of Chapter 3
Another note: I know I could have worded it better why Grandpa and Threehorn go after the White Tree alone but I'm too sick to think of something a bit better. My period hit and its one of the worst I ever had. My Depression and pains are terrible.
I might rewrite it when I'm more myself again. I wanted to post this up because a few people were asking for the next chapter and I felt bad for not uploading it sooner.
Anyway hope its ok.