Star Shine

Edited 6/5/2018


Somehow something that started out as an escape from writer's block turned into something like this. Thank you all for enjoying this story!!

Today one of my readers from another site pointed out that I've been writing Akatsuki's name wrong the whole time!

I'm so embarassed by this 8ㅁ8.

That's why I've decided to edit this while I have the time.Other than that please just continue to relax and enjoy the whole of fanfiction

Chapter One


Deep into the night, when the Day Class students were all tucked away in their dorms and the Night Class students were all stuck in their classrooms, two figures could be seen sat under one of the large oak trees that stood only a short walk away from the Moon Dormitories.

One of the figures, a tall woman of fair silver hair, sat with her back against the tree, humming a soft tune as she gazed up at the brightly lit sky. Her cousin, a man of wild mahongany coloured locks, lay with his head resting on her lap, silently dozing off as she stroked his untidy locks.

They sat like this for quite some time. Both of them simply enjoying the peacefulness of the night.

It was when a single star caught the woman's attention that she stopped her humming for a moment to tell her cousin her interesting prediction.

"Venus is bright tonight whilst the stars around her are dimmer than ever. A love will fulfilled but for this to happen another has to be betrayed." She said, her tone so thin it was almost bittersweet.

Her cousin noticed this and wanted to say something after seeing the blank expression clouding her face. But knowing fully well she wouldn't want him to he simply diverted the coming conversation by fixing her slipping kimono sleeves back in place.

"You'll catch a cold." He stated, feeling the sense of relief wash over him as he saw the hint of amusement in her eyes.

"It makes sense as the night is cold tonight but as vampires is it not uncommon for us to catch viruses as easily as humans do." She said teasingly, motioning for him to move from her lap.

When he obliged, she carefully stretched herself before standing back onto her feet. She then turned back towards him and said, "As I have finished star-gazing it is time for us to return to the dorms dear cousin."

Lazily the male got up and brushed off what little dirt was on his clothes. He did the same to the woman's haori, which he'd been using as a blanket during his nap, before placing it back on her thin shoulders.

Both said nothing as they walked the short distance back to the dorms but that was simply because they both preferred the comfortable silence to ideal chatter.

They had made it half way back when a hard silver gun was pointed at the woman's head and a shrill shout of protest came from a girl not far away from them.

Rather unfazed by this the woman simply held her haori a tad bit closer before confronting the wielder of the gun. "Please put that away Kiryuu-san. We were simply star-gazing to pass the time."

She heard a grunt of disbelief but felt the gun leave its place from her head.

It was then that a brunette hairedgirl, who was wearing a black day class uniform, appeared between the two and started shouting at the silver haired male.

"You can't just point a gun at every night class student you find walking on campus Zero! And you know Arashi-senpai has permission from the headmaster to wander the grounds so stop harassing her everyday would you!" She shouted angrily before bowing to Arashi with an apologetic expression on her face. "I'm sorry for all the trouble Zero has caused you Arashi-senpai, Shiki-senpai."

"It is perfectly fine Yuki-san. Please do not waste any time with me and continue your patrols." Arashi said, smiling kindly at the younger girl.

A slight blush appeared on Yuki's face but before it could set Zero inturrupted her thoughts by tsking and huffing away.

Yuki quickly chased after him but not before seeing off her two senpai. With that Arashi and Senri were once again left to themselves.

Just as they turned back towards the Moon Dormitories Arashi heard a faint "You shouldn't be so rude to her you jerk!" but nothing else but her cousin's yawns after that.

"Come Senri. We should get back before the others return." She said as she teasingly poked Senri lightly on the nose.

The younger vampire rubbed at the spot his cousin had poked but other than that he simply nodded as a reply and followed her back to the dorms.

They managed to arrive at the dorms just a few minutes before other night class students returned. All ignored the two cousins in favour of returning to their rooms but a few of Senri's friends Toya Rima, Hanabusa Aidou, Souen Ruka, Akatsuki Kain and Ichijo Takuma came back after changing into their nightwear.

Rima was the first to come down and sit next to Senri who was now munching on a box of Pocky. Next were Aidou and Ruka who were bickering on about how boring their day was while Akatsuki followed silently behind them. Takuma was last to join them and joyfully started to tell an uninterested Arashi about everything she missed in class that day.

"You should come back to class sometime, Arashi-chan. The teachers miss you very much." Takuma said urging his childhood friend to return to class.

This wasn't his first attempt to get her to attend classes again and knowing it wouldn't be his last Arashi sighed and firmly shook her head in rejection. "I highly doubt that Takuma-san. And as you know as a Hoshito I have no need to further my studies in much less anything than divination which I am devoting myself to here in the dorms. As we have gone through before the only reason I came here was because of Kaname-sama and the chairman. So may we please stop discussing about this?"

Takuma pouted at Arashi's words but didn't push any further. He decided to change the subject which resulted in another one-sided conversation before everyone decided it was time to return to their rooms. Arashi would have just bid everyone goodnight and left but for some reason Akatsuki offered to escort her to her rooms.

While Arashi was delighted by this she knew he was only doing this for a reason beyond her current knowledge so her enthusiasm wasn't as high as high as it should have been when she accepted his offer.

As if sensing her discomfort once they made it to the front of her room Akatsuki sighed and toldher the news, "The council has made it official. We are to get married as soon as we graduate."

Arashi's eyes widen for a friction of a second before she managed to calm herself enough to answer him. "If you wish for an annulment I will not stop you."

Akatsuki looked at her questionably.

"You wish to wed Ruka-san do you not? It will be easy considering she is a Souen and you a Kain." Arashi stated not at all surprised by the look Akatsuki gave her. "I will not protest if you choose to wed her nor will my clan press charges if you do here. However if you do after the official announcement even I will not be able to stop my grandfather."

Akatsuki let out a huff of frustration and clenched his fists. "Look I may love Ruka but she doesn't love me. I don't want her to marry me because she has to but because she wants to. Just...never mind." with that Akatsuki stomped away leaving Arashi alone.

Soon after he left Arashi walked into her room and closed the door gently behind her. She slid down the door slowly and let a single tear trickle down her cheek.

"It is never good when Venus is too bright..." She said, staring resentfully up at the damned star.