Intro -

A modern AU of Akame ga Kill. Tatsumi has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer which one is something I will reveal eventually. Before being diagnosed, he had the perfect life with a few exceptions. Watch, or rather read, as he comes to terms with his imminent death and realize he's hopelessly in love with a fellow patient at the hospital he makes his home at while he steps on a few toes along the way.

Featuring - Tatsumi, Esdeath, Run, Wave, Akame, Kurome, Seryu, Leone (minor appearances), and various other patients.

Pairings - Tatsumi x Esdeath; Wave x Kurome; Run x Leone (minor);

Ratings - T (mentions of depression, self-harm)

Three months ago, if you had asked me what I was going to do the next day, I wouldn't be able to tell you. Three months ago, I had everything planned. Three months ago, I was living. Now I'm just another empty shell paying for an expensive hotel waiting to die.

Up until recently, well, more specifically, three months ago, I had been a junior at Empire High. My school life was acceptable, even great. I was one of the key figures to the fencing team and had a fantastic girlfriend. I spent my days stopping fights between two warring sisters and spending time with my best friend and brother in all but blood. But these days all I do is spend my time laying in bed, watching as the rigid muscles of my arms and legs fade away.

These days, all I do is stare at the pastel, white colored walls and the bleak sky out the window. These days, the highlight of my day is actually being able to stand without crutches or a wheelchair and look out the window. To see the little kids running outside in the park across the street. The first time I saw the park, I thought it was cute. There's nothing cuter than watching kids play tag or chase each other all over the equipment. By the fifth time I saw the happy kids, I wanted to run them through with my sword. Now, all I see is the city board's terrible planning.

I suppose I shouldn't be this bitter, I still have my friends. I'm told my best friend keeps an eye on the two sisters, ready to intervene if they decide to fight. They visit me daily, my girlfriend stays with me for hours at a time. They try, I think for my sake as much as for their own, to keep things the way they used to be. But when they leave, they take the happy atmosphere with them. They leave me alone in the white room listening to the sounds of the heart monitor.

I was almost seventeen when I found out, just got my license, and boy was I excited! I could finally ask a girl that I've been wanting to ask out for the past two years and pick her up at her house. I could take her to my favorite restaurant and show her all the cool nooks and crannies that I'd found over the years. I could go out with Wave after practice and rant to him just how unfair our lives were.

I wish I had found out differently. I wish it had been that I angered the two sisters and they had stabbed me with their scary katanas and they had to rush me to hospital. Or maybe if I had found out when I was at a doctor's appointment, and to keep their records up to date, they had needed to do an x-ray. But no, I had to find out in the hospital after waking up after two days to find out that I had gotten in a car crash. The car crash was in no way my fault as the other guy had ran a red light and t-boned me. The damage was done though, I had survived the crash with two broken ribs and a major concussion (amongst other injuries). My brother in all but blood, Bulat, had not been so lucky. The doctor in charge, said that it had happened to quickly, and that Bulat had not felt any pain before he died.

I remember yelling at the doctor who took it calmly understanding the grief I was going through. Then he placed two sheets of paper in front of me. Like the rest of this sickening place, the pages were pristine and orderly. I remember picking them up and reading that I had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and that was my life expectancy was six months.

I remember Akame and Kurome rushing into my room seconds after the doctor left. Akame had told me that they both found out while I was asleep. They told me that Bulat's funeral was in four days. I felt myself nod before quietly asking them to leave. Kurome had left me her infamous snack bag before Akame placed a hand on her shoulder and gently led her little sister out of the room and back home. No one else visited me that day, I think the sisters told the others not to. I knew there was a reason I liked them, they understood loss more than anyone else.

Four days after I woke up, I went to the funeral. I haven't been able to leave the hospital since.

I was jarred from my thoughts when there was a knock at the door, "Tatsumi, may I come in?"

Oh joy, the nurse is here. Probably here to tell me that he's here to arrange another chemo session. Not that it'll help.

"Of course, Run."

I liked Run, he was a polite man who had been assigned to taking care of me. Then again, how could you not like Run? He and his wife, Leone, ran a daycare for the hospital and always had a happy disposition about them. Run himself was kind and thoughtful, he always asked permission before he did something. Every hour, except if he was off, he visited bringing me the daily news, stories, and of course treatment plans. Sometimes he sneaked in a couple extra cookies or an extra pudding in my lunch.

Run entered the room and for a second, I thought I saw wings and a halo, but I must've been mistaken. Run only appeared angel-like, he wasn't actually an angel. Pity. He wore dark grey scrubs with a white jacket over top. He had explained to me that he was a licensed doctor, but decided to apply for a nursing as to accommodate Leone's desire to see him more. The hospital hadn't minded that he wore the jacket, as it was rightfully his.

"So Run," I began, "How much begging would it take to let me out?"

Run smiled slightly, "I'm not allowed to let you out. But after this session, I can promise you a new game for your 3DS."

"Wave got it?" I asked in excitement, my emerald green eyes lighting up in excitement. In response to my question, Run pulled out a single small square. I reached out in excitement but Run moved it slightly out of reach and settled it back into his pocket.

Run grinned and raised a finger, "Ah ah ah," He teased, "Wait until after I get this chemo started." He started the process of hooking up the chemo and I watched as it started to pump into my body. I felt the strange substance enter my body and shuddered. Even after three months, I was not used to this feeling.

The nurse, true to his word, grabbed my shiny blue 3DS from off of my bedside table, so I wouldn't have to reach over. He grabbed the matching blue case from within the draw of the bedside table and opened it up, "All charged, yeah?" He asked.

I nodded.

He took out the current game and popped in the new one in a practiced manner. He hummed to himself as he put case on my bed by my feet in case I wanted to switch it out.

Run handed over the device and I opened it up and pressed the power button. With my left hand I pressed one of the buttons on the side and watched as it opened up Pokemon - Omega Ruby. Since Wave and I were younger we had played Pokemon together. We had promised each other to continue this tradition till we graduated high school and even past high school if we chose to.

"Did he get Alpha Sapphire?"

Run nodded and said, "He has also told me to tell you that you are forbidden from transferring any of your old Pokemon over and from choosing Mudkip as your starter."


I pressed the B button repeatedly as I waited for the game to get past the boring introduction. I picked the male character and entered my name, Tatsumi in Romaji. Run watched in amusement before pulling out the timer in his other pocket and setting it to an hour. He informed me that he'd be back in an hour and that he expected me to have beaten the first gym by then. I had raised a hand and waved him out to which he laughed before closing the door to my room quietly behind him.

I had ended up choosing Torchic as my starter, but I quickly added a male Ralts (after much searching) and a male Seedot. I would need these two if I wanted to beat Wave in a battle next time I saw him. When Run re-entered the room, he had unplugged the chemo from my arm and several of my friends had walked into the room.

I looked up from my game and saw Akame and Kurome bickering, no surprise there. I noticed Wave rushing into the room with his own red 3DS looking quite excited. He had asked if I had beaten the first gym, and when I told him I did, he got even more excited. He was about to challenge me to a battle when Akame's voice interrupted.

"Little sister," Akame's voice was full of a warning and promises of punishment if Kurome didn't drop it.

"I can drop out of biology if I want to, and you can't do anything about it!"

The red-eyed older sister raised a single eyebrow in skepticism, "Tatsumi," she called bringing me into the conversation, "Am I Kurome's guardian?"

"Yes?" It came out as more of a question.

"As guardian, am I allowed to speak as a parent in most matters?"


"Kurome, you are not dropping out of biology." Akame said firmly her tone radiating authority.

The sisters stayed for about half an hour before they went out to eat. Kurome grudgingly agreeing to going to a new barbecue place that opened near their small apartment. Wave stayed behind and once the sisters were out of earshot, he challenged me to a battle. I am saddened to say that he won. Stupid Seedot didn't know anything except for Bide. Wave said turned to leave when i called for him to stop.

"Where's Mein?" I asked referring to my beautiful girlfriend.

Wave paused at the door and bit his lower lip, "She's applying for colleges."

"That's great!"

"Out of state."

"O-oh." I whispered in shock. Mein wouldn't be able to visit me. With that Wave bid me goodnight and promised he'd be back tomorrow, at the same time. He said he expected me to have beaten the game.

For the fifth night in a row, I cried myself to sleep.

Just a little something that I've been cooking up. My other stories are not on hold, but I did want to see how this goes. Let me know what you think. I'm also open to a beta reader, if anyone is interested. If you are, please PM as soon as humanly possible.