Dungeon 003
Previously, on Mega (Shinka) Mix [since it's been a while...çДç]:
− Yeah, well... I still don't know how to define what it really was, but I can sense the emotions within this "wrongness" that the Raids carry. − Ash fidgeted with his backpack straps. − The wrongness... wasn't really satisfied this morning. Not as much as it had been yesterday not long after Rush and Fang had saved Aparctias-sama. It's possible that there could be another Raid. − He looked up worryingly at Hekla, who stood slowly.
− If this corresponds to the truth, then we may incur in a double-Raid today. − She pondered, making several of her council tense, automatically setting Poccha on edge.
− Excuse me, what does this imply? − The Penguin Pokémon asked hurriedly.
− Many noticed that there has been always at least one Raid per day since the First Wave. − Marsili offered. − No one had figured out the pattern, until not long ago an unnamed Mighty Knight decided to make roll calls of whoever got taken and when in the dungeons where surveillance still stood. The days where Raids hit harder are the ones where no one or very few get taken by the Shadows. So if you say that whatever you felt wasn't satisfied, then...
− Then today there will be another Raid that will probably reach Phase Two. I hope that you three and your hypothesis will be enough to make us survive. − Palinuro growled, muzzle twisted into a grimace.
What have we done to deserve this?! We haven't jinxed us in any waaaayyyyy! Poccha inwardly wailed, feeling his soul depart from his body. (The tiny part of his mind not busy with that melodramatic act strangely wondered how would that feel to Ash's Aura Orchestra.)
Whatever Poccha's Piccolo was doing, it made Ash do a mix of a gape and a grimace, above all since Lizard's Cello was echoing it perfectly. How could those instruments make those kind of sounds?!
− Say, − Fang spoke up hesitantly − madam Amaryllis mentioned that Shadows have some sorts of strategies when they level up. Like the Flash-Screech combo or the Poison-Venom Drench we saw. There's something similar here too, or...?
− Of course there is. − The Heatmor scoffed with a tongue of flames, as something akin to a trumped (but more deep) resonated along in the Orchestra. − You see those pools scattered around? − He pointed to the sides where the thermal water was sloshing lazily. − A ton of Water Types likes to hide there and try to snipe us Fire Types with Water Guns or Water Pulse. Lots of them luckily are also part Rock, so Marsili and Palinuro are the ones deployed to dispatch them.
An annoyed tin-tinning forewarned Ash that the Seaking was about to pick up the discussion. − I had to ask Libeccio if sir Byakko could provide us some TM in order to strike back adequately. And they let us have some only because Fantomius could Recycle them.
− But... If you needed them to survive, shouldn't they provide them without reserves? − Rush rebutted, drum sounding concerned.
− They would have, if a committee of Mighty and High Knights hadn't decided to emanate a sort of "harvest law". − Aso's instrument ringed forlornly as she sighed. − The supplies produced in sir Byakko's turf, the Campi Elisi, and whatever comes from the forges of Monte Fucina have to be limited in order to be able to supply the entire region. We don't know how long this calamity will last, so we're reduced to a war of attrition.
Oh. That Ash could understand. It was like a deadly kind of endurance game: who would outlast the other would be the winner.
However considering that every time that the Darkness and the Shadows "won", one or more pokémon had just disappeared and with them they had robbed the Knights of chances to fight back. Their side was probably on their last leg.
− Excuse me, maybe it's a stupid question, but why can't all the pokémon just stay out of the dungeons? I know that the Embleteore have to stay inside in order not to curse anyone, but despite their power, they are just rocks, right? Pokémon are more important. − The trainer naively spoke up, feeling a bit self-conscious when the Council looked at him.
− The most sensitive Knights had the same thought. At the same time, though, the oldest and more prudent High and Mighty Knights suggested caution. Thus, in order to test the theory, during one Shadow Raid, sir Byakko, who had evacuated his dungeon in advance, threw his Embleteora to the Shadows. − Hekla-sama's stringed instrument sang a shuddering melody. − Up to that day, we had lost only few other lesser Embleteore, but thankfully no Knights. When the Shadows vanished and didn't reappear for a couple of days afterwards, we thought that it was it. ...Then we discovered that sir Byakko's Embleteora had become a boost for the Darkness by meeting the Phase Two of a Shadow Raid for the first time. − The Fire Beast's teammate all looked away, with various degrees of rage and sorrow resonating in their wing of Orchestra. − That day we lost valuable members of the Council. From then on, we can not allow any Embleteore or Legendaries to be robbed by the Shadows. Eventually they could probably spill even outside the dungeons where they still are confined, if we do.
− In our misfortune, we're at least lucky that their forms never showed up during Shadow Raids. − Kilauea grumbled, gong tin-tinning deeply with resentment and grief.
− What do you mean? − Fang frowned, confused.
− Didn't sir Aparctias tell you this tidbit of information? − Tambora fidgeted uncomfortably. − The Shadows are called this way because they're the shades of pokémon swallowed by the Darkness.
− No, no one mentioned that. − The Totodile gulped, throwing a glance to Rush who looked and sounded alarmed herself. − But they're only "shadows", right? There weren't any real pokémon inside them. − She added apprehensively and somewhat panicky.
− Luckily no. Libeccio confirmed this few days after the First Wave. A High Knight with a strong sleeping attack captured a Shadow and their Esquire sliced it neatly in cubes. Before it disintegrated, there was nothing inside, sans the black glass. − Palinuro dismissed, uncaring. − I wouldn't have wanted to be used like that if it had been me, so you wouldn't be at fault even if there had been pokémon inside.
That wasn't okay on so many levels. Ash felt annoyance spike around the Teams' Orchestra, but he was the first to act on it. − Okay, no. That's messed up. While no pokémon deserves to be used against their will, no one should prefer to die instead. It's better to try and find a way to fight back or free yourself. − He took a breath and stared up to the Floatzel. − Dying is easy, it's surviving that's hard.
Ash was so concentrated on the Water Type's watery instruments that was totally unprepared to the wave of awe from the two Exploration teams. Moreover the males' symphony held also a good amount of respect. Why though? What he had said was completely normal, hadn't it?
− That was a little inconsiderate of you, Palinuro. − Asahi murmured, placing his huge hands on his hips. − Would you rather Krakatoa and the others to be dead that rescueable?
The weasel-otter like pokémon scoffed, hurt resonating in his melody. − Of course not. I was just hoping they're not tortured in the meanwhile, if they're still alive.
− Try to think positive then. − Marsili scolded, spurting a tiny jet of water, from his mouth, soaking the Floatzel.
− Excuse me, not to break the mood, but I'm still keeping the Moomoo milk fresh. Shall we drink it or...? − Baitou huffed under his mountain of brown fur, effectively disrupting the atmosphere.
The Council seemed to act like clockwork after that, sharing the contents of the cans and finally managing to relax a bit. However, Ash's curiosity sometimes was worse that a Meowth's, so he turned to the most friendly (and unoccupied by the refreshments) pokémon of the Council.
− Ne, Teide-san. − He murmured while the Esquires became engrossed in a conversation with Fang and Poccha about the most useful Moves a Water Type should have. Not far from them, Rush was practically sparkling as Kilauea was explaining her her job as an artisan at Collina Fornace. Pikachu and Lizard, instead, were more preoccupied by helping Aso with the Moomoo Milk.
− What is it, fledgling? − The Fire-Flying Type cooed softly.
− I understand that's a sore spot, but can I ask who were the pokémon you lost in the Darkness? − Ash fidgeted uncomfortable. Giving a name and a face to the loss felt like the right thing to do to pay respect to someone's comrades.
− There's nothing wrong in asking, but you did the right call by choosing me. Many of them were pretty attached to the others. − The Oricorio hummed, pensive, eyeing the Council. − Krakatoa, the one Asahi mentioned, was a Camerupt. While the hot springs resort was still in business, she was in charge of the mud baths. She was one of Palinuro's childhood friends, along with Mayon, the Lilligant. The latter was a healer and a pro at Aromatherapy. − The bird tapped a wing on her beak, in contemplation. − Probably they were the ones that kept Palinuro in check after Lady Hekla and Marsili.
− So with them gone, he's more angsty. Yeah, I get the picture. − The Riolu grimaced in sympathy. − How many others?
− Our steadfast messenger and courier, Merapi the Arcanine. He helped to bring injured or old pokémon to the hot springs to heal. Then there were Kauai the Golisopod and her squad of seven Wimpod. They were a new addiction, someone who I "brought" from my homeland, the Tapupelago. They were the perfect cleaning squad, the best I have ever witnessed. − Teide explained forlornly.
− I'm sorry to hear that... but what are those last species? I've never met them. − The trainer had perked at the foreign names in interest.
− I can't blame you, the Wimpod are extremely shy and can make a quick escape thanks to their special ability: if they're hurt, they can sprint away like fireworks, despite being tiny Bug-Water Types. However, in aquatic settlements like this one their cleaning prowess is on par with a Minccino or a Cinccino. − She paused. − Kauai was their leader and evolved form. She was as huge as Lady Hekla, Bug-Water Type too, but with claws capable of cleaving even the thickest tree. Even if she had an ability similar to her Wimpods, she used it to back away then strike twice as fast with Aqua Jet or First Impression if anyone threatened her pod. − Teide sighed. − They were a sight to behold and I brought them here to get "eaten". − The Aura guitar jangled in guilt and regret, but Ash had none of that.
− Hey, how could you have predicted all of this? It was a good job from what I gather, so why would they have refused this occasion and moved here? − He comforted, placing a paw on her shoulder. − It's no one's' fault, besides the Darkness's.
The bird's instrument did a complicated thrill, then settled on a grateful melody, mirrored on its owner face. − Thank you. You're a good 'mon, Ash. You and Pikachu would be an excellent Rescue Team.
− That would be fun. When Pikachu and I travel around, we usually end helping many pokémon anyway, but with a badge it would be more official! − The Fighting Type chuckled, feeling an alien yet familiar buzz about collecting tokens to prove one's value. Maybe this was what Pikachu meant with "Gym challenges".
− The status and its power are rather important here in this region. − Teide acknowledged sagely. − Anyway, I derailed. Our last lost companion was Kilauea's disciple and helper in the forge: Caldera. He was snatched by the Darkness in another dungeon while collecting coal. You know since he was a Cark-*... − She started to explain, but everything came to a sudden half for Ash.
Deep, deep below his feet, something was coursing through the Earth crust, reaching forward, hungry, needy, ready...!
− SHADOW RAID! − Ash cried without thinking, ready to bolt wherever, and startling all the pokémon around him. The discordant notes mounted up, making him nauseated and his legs jelly.
This was the real deal, no turning back.
As Marsili was finishing explaining the mechanics of producing the necessary heat to perform a Scald, Ash's shout startled Poccha so badly that he jumped almost two meters up and had to be caught in midair by Palinuro, who scoffed at him while setting him down. No one said anything afterwards, urgency and tenseness thick as the thermal vapor in the air.
− Fang, Rush, Ash, get out the dungeon! − Lizard rushed to Pikachu, materializing on the fly a "guest badge" that he stuck on the yellow mouse's chest. − We'll keep the bag with the most amount of Reviver Seeds with us!
− Aye! − Fang saluted, even if she looked troubled, and ran towards the exit, taking Rush (who left her bag with Poccha) with her. Ash was being herded by Teide, who got out together with Asahi, Aso and Kilauea.
Poccha fidgeted with the strap of their team bag, then rummaged inside to pick up an Iron Thorn from their mini pouch. − So, who's there in a Phase One? − He asked, coming back to back with Lizard.
− Omanyte, Kabuto, Anorith, Finneon, Goldeen, Seel, Corphish, Buizel, Basculin in the water; − Vavilov fixed better a strange looking plant bulb with a bandanna on his back − Growlithe, Magby, Cyndaquil, Makuhita and Azurill from the ground.
− So Poccha and I take the water pools and you go for the Fire Types? − Pikachu guessed, glancing at the Charmander.
− Yeah, I have Rock Slide at the ready, I'll corner then bury them. − The Fire Type answered, determined. − Ash, how long? − He called.
Poccha risked a glance at the Fighting Type who was holding his muzzle shut, probably to avoid throwing up, but he still made some gestures which Rush interpreted.
− It's about to begin! Three, two, one...! − The Chick Pokémon warned and everybody tensed.
Lady Hekla's fur (even if damp) fluffed, doubling her size as embers and ash mixed with the vapor, temporarily fogging the area around her. Probably this way, she was making herself a harder target to hit.
Marsili dived down along with Palinuro, ready to strike the Rock Types; Vavilov breathed a tongue of fire, lashing it slowly before him like a whip, ready to strike. Tambora wrapped her arms in ethereal fire, all set to either Will-O-Wisp or Hex a Shadow; last but not least, Baitou impatiently stomped the ground, sending tiny tremors, as if prepared to stomp an Earthquake or another Ground Type move at blank point-range.
Nothing or no one moved for several seconds, before from a pool on the opposite side from where the two pure Water Types were, foam bubbled on the surface. The Seven pokémon turned, ready to strike back... only for a huge wave to surge without visible prompt and lunged towards them, boiling and hissing like an attacking Arbok.
Instinctively many of them launched long ranged attacks to try to dispel the Surf. The most effective one was the Piloswine's Ice Beam (which froze solid whichever water hadn't been evaporated by the others' attacks) that revealed the culprits of such a bold move.
There were... three black-glass statues on the top of the wave, no bigger than Poccha, similar looking to a Kabuto, but these ones had a three-spiked tail and two antennae on the top of the head.
The council gasped (sans Lady Hekla because she shook in rage instead) as if they had recognized the creatures. Were they the Finneon or the Basculin?
− Kawaikini! − Tambora gasped, strangled at the same time as Baitou murmured "Haupu" and Vavilov exclaimed "Kalalau!".
− Who? − Lizard prompted, unleashing his Dragon Claws.
− They were part of our Wimpod cleaning squad, they never manifested before! − Teide shouted from outside the edge of the dungeon. − Bug-Water Types, U-Turn-lookalike as special ability! − She added in an after-though.
− Then we'll have to deal with them in one go! − Pikachu ran forward charging electricity and Thunderbolted the still iced Shadows on the wave. The statues crushed under their eyes, turning into black dust. Surely this wasn't it, even if such a preventive strike like that would have been overkill hadn't they been prepared.
Don't jinx yourself, stupid! Poccha berated himself as a second Surf rose from another pool, ready to swallow them.
This time they let Baitou take care of it from the start and this time on the top of the tsunami there were four figures, which looked identical to the first three... or so he thought, because the murmured names were different this time: Waialeale, Namolokama, Nounou and Keanapuka.
Luckily in that stunned second Pikachu kept reacting and the bugs pulverized yet again.
All this battle felt too surreal, yet not really. Poccha now understood why Rush and Fang had been so shaken after rescuing sir Aparctias.
A third wave rose, but this time Marsili and Palinuro scaled it in a Waterfall, knocking off the three Wimpod, evicting the power source behind the Surf, so it splashed back down more or less harmlessly.
Before the hot droplets could completely shake the Rescue Teams members from their reverie, a screech anticipated even their automatic reaction.
− Poccha, get a grip of your feathers, for the love of Azelf! Think of it as a Monster House! − Rush's bellow overwhelmed the roar of the battle. − You are a Rayquaza's blessed bird! They're Bug Types, use Drill Peck, you Slowpoke! Or should I come and help you?!
− Nooh, Rush! − Poccha yelped and leaped into action, putting away the Thorn, fear for his irate partner greater than anything this Shadows would dish him.
As he dived into a pool (since he had noticed that the foes came from there), Poccha thought he heard Fang threaten Lizard of biting him to shreds if he didn't destroy at least ten Shadows till the end of the Raid. Yeah, better not anger her too in the future.
He swam in the uncomfortably warm water, speeding around in search of disturbances... There! Drill Peck active, he began to twist on his axis, to add rotation force, and he pierced through three glass statues, dispelling them.
It was unsettling, but the Piplup had no time to think as twice more foes literally spouted from the rock bottom and charged four different Types of Hidden Power.
Letting go of the Flying Type move, he charged a double Hidden Power of his own to counter the spheres of energy, which exploded upon coming in contact with one another.
The torrent of bubbled obscured his sight and his underwater perception as the current pushed him. I just hope that nothing will jump me now...
After evaporating yet another wave of Surf with a Flamethrower, a pool not far from where Poccha had dived exploded in a fountain of droplets, making Lizard dive sideways to avoid it.
The Penguin Pokémon was flung backwards, but was caught by Tambora, who had been passing by in that zone.
Reassured of the safety of his temporary teammate, Lizard went back to nullify the waves that threatened to drown all the Fire Types gathered at the center of the floor... Wait, he hadn't noticed that he and the council had unspokenly formed a ring around Lady Hekla. While the safety of every pokémon counted, the main priority were the Knight and her Embleteora, after all... But wait, so was Poccha's!
− Tambora! Get Poccha back here! − The orange reptile urged and the Ghost-Fire Type obliged, depositing the penguin beside him.
− What's the matter? − The bird-like pokémon asked between hard breaths.
− We don't have just to guard Lady Hekla and her Embleteora, but yours too! Stay close by and rely on long ranged attacks! − Lizard instructed, as realization made his teammate pale.
− Aye leader! − The Piplup saluted and readied a salvo of rose colored Hidden Powers. That made the Lizard Pokémon jolt: was he really the leader of this impromptu Rescue Team?
The next ten minutes were a flurry of iced or evaporated tsunamis, electrified pools or Hidden Powered counters and, even if the fatigue was making itself noticed, the council and the Team were still holding their ground.
Or at least, they did until another sudden call cut through the battle chaos.
− Look out guys! Incoming upgrade! − Rush's strong voice resonated, filling him with dread.
− A Phase Two?! Who are in those? − Lizard asked Vavilov, who was whipping his flame tongue to keep at bay some of the most daring copybugs.
− Usually Omastar, Armaldo, Lumineon, Quilava, Crawdaunt, Marill, Basculin and Kabutops, but since this Phase One had nothing more than Wimpod, I have no idea! − The ant-bear replied, tensing twofold.
− Get ready! − Rush warned and the Wimp Pokémon before them suddenly dropped into the ground, startling the official R&T members. − Three, two, one...!
The ground under their feet bulged, making them leap away in surprise and partially scatter as what appeared to be an Arcanine jumped up, maw flaming into a Fire Fang to tear a piece of them.
Unfortunately for it, Poccha had already had at the ready a Water Pulse, so the Shadow met a terrible demise by a headshot, combined with a double serving of Dragon Claws, Thunder Punch, Earth Power and probably a Hex.
In the aftermath of the pulverization, the land based council looked at each other in fright.
− Was that Merapi? − Vavilov breathed in horror.
− A friend of yours? − Poccha whispered, meeting several nods.
− Who were the others that were taken by the Darkness? − Lizard asked instead.
− A Lilligant, a Camerupt and a Golisopod other than the Arcanine. All first stage of evolution. − Tambora trembled, stockpiling Ghost energy on her arms. − Phase Twos always have evolved pokémon.
− I have no idea of what are the first and third of those. − Lizard revealed, while they regrouped.
− A Lilligant is a Grass Type, ours was a healer and proficient dancer. − Lady Hekla spoke for the first time since the Raid had begun. She sounded irate. − Beware of her Petal and Quiver Dance. Golisopod is a Bug-Water Type, evolved from Wimpod. She struck fast with priority moves and her sharp claws. − She ruffled her fur, renovating the ash cover. − Krakatoa the Camerupt will be the main foe. Since Shadows have no self-awareness, she will trigger-happy Explosions left and right.
− Isn't air too damp to allow that? − Poccha protested, as at the edge of the chamber black shapes started to emerge.
− It would be, if Krakatoa hadn't found a way to dry the air around her before she was taken. − The Heatmor growled with a note of panic. − At least it takes a while for it to build up.
− Pikachu! You heard that? − Lizard called, as the Mouse Pokémon scrambled to reach them.
− Yeah, I'll engage the Golisopod. I'm fast enough to parry with Iron Tail. You'll take the Lilligants? − He pointed to the doll-like shapes that had started walking towards them.
− Yes. Poccha, you and the Esquires are our counters for the Camerupt, try to find a way for them not to Explode, okay? − The Water Type nodded, even if he looked anxious.
Lizard rally hoped that they'd found a solution before the situation escalated too much.
Teide watched with apprehension the unfurling battle from atop Asahi's shoulder. Their worst fear had finally happened. Their old teammates had emerged for the Raid and everything they had accomplished together was going to slap them in the face. And it wasn't going to be a slap, but more like a BOOM.
− Keep them wet as much as you can! − The Fire-Flying Type heard Palinuro order, then launched himself off with an Aqua Jet to intercept an Extreme Speed Arcanine heeding towards their group.
From her advantage point, the Oricorio could observe the situation and shivered at how many copies there were of the lost-council members. Merapi and Mayon had four of each, but while they could be dealt with, the worrying part was the three Krakatoa (close guarded by a Kauai each) placed in a triangle formation around the group at the center of the chamber.
− This is bad... − Teide murmured, fidgeting.
− What's up? − Fang asked, tense, as she looked ready to jump in at any given moment.
− Kauai, the Golisopod, has Protect and Wide Guard. Her copies are guarding Krakatoa, the Camerupts, so all the attempts to keep them from exploding will be fruitless if the bodyguard isn't taken down beforewing. − She explained as Lizard Flamethrower-ed a Lilligant, pushing it back against the border of one of the pools.
At the same time, Tambora had managed to Will-O-Wisp the Golisopod in the very back of the chamber, while Baitou had landed an Ice beam to the Grass Type that had been beside the Arcanine that Palinuro had parried.
Marsili rode a Waterfall up against the Arcanine placed opposite from his fellow Esquire, making it trample into its own feet; in the meanwhile Vavilov had Fire Lash-ed the glass Lilligant, which had stood beside the fallen Fire canine, covering the now almost helpless goldfish flailing on the ground.
Good on his word, Pikachu had Quick Attacked his way to the Golisopod on the right side of the chamber and had engaged him into a flurry exchange of Iron Tail VS Razor Shell, leaving the Camerupt which it was supposed to protect wide open for Poccha to soak with a fully charged Water Pulse.
Teide tried to relay to the watchers all of that with a quick sum-up, then kept on as the Shadows began their counter attack.
− One of the Arcanine that nobody attacked is heading towards Marsili with a Wild Charge, but Lady Hekla countered it and the other who was doing the same but towards Poccha with some spikes of Stone Edge. − The Dancing Pokémon described, briefly fawning over their Knight prowess. − Oh, the Mayon on the near left is starting to Grass Whistle! I think that Vavilov, Lizard and Marsili are about to nod off!
− Lizard, if you fall asleep, I'll wake you up Fang-style! − The Totodile roared, startling the orange reptile in a terrified Flamethrower that shut up the offending foe.
− Please, teach me your ways! − Rush whispered awed. In the meanwhile, the ant-bear and the goldfish 'mon had shook off the lingering effects of the melody and had gone back to attack.
− Marsili has just refreshed his Aqua Ring and leapt back in the pool; Palinuro is locked into an exchange of Aqua Jet/Extreme Speed with the Merapi he had attacked before. The Mayon that Baitou has Ice Beam-ed is frozen for the moment, so he's bombarding it with Icicle Spears until it gives, I guess. − She took a breath that tuned into a thrilled gasp. − That Pikachu is so proficient with Iron Tail! He has even managed to electrify it to deal super-effective blows to the Golisopod he's engaging! Plus since it's occupied, the Camerupt beside them is being pelted by the Piplup's Water Pulses and seems to be faltering!
During her telling, the Heatmor had pushed back with a Power-up Punch the Arcanine that had tried to Wild Charge Marsili, while the Lampent had taken advantage of the burn she had inflicted to the further Golisopod by Hexing the glass out of it.
− Lady Hekla has used Extrasensory to slam the ex-singing Mayon on Merapi...! − Teide gasped as a sudden movement on her left alarmed her. − Oh no, a Lilligant is on top of an Arcanine, they're Extreme Speeding and Petal Dancing Poccha!
− Don't get stuck in between, Poccha! − Rush encouraged, jumping up and down. The Piplup fortunately had just been grazed by the attacks and rolled briefly on the ground, but quickly recovered by leaping up and discharging two rapid Water Pulses on the Camerupt he had been attacking beforewing. As soon as the last globe of water made contact, the glass-foe exploded in dust, eliminating one of the major threats.
Lizard cheered as he buried with a Rock Slide the couple of Shadows on the nearest right side of the chamber, uncaring of his own achievement. Not much later the Golisopod that had been the partner of the disintegrated Camerupt met the same demise, but by Pikachu's Thunderbolt.
− One less! Go guys, go! − Rush encouraged, while Fang just smirked. The more experienced Explorer seemed still tense thought.
Baitou easily dismissed the frozen Lilligant with yet another Icicle Spear, while Palinuro with a final Waterfall exploded his Arcanine opponent.
Tambora switched target from the far Golisopod to the Grass Type nearby, since it had been charging a massive Energy Ball, and Flamethrowered it, seriously damaging it and making the attack go awry.
A shout from the Seaking encouraged Vavilov to keep on pressing the Arcanine he had Punched, while the fish himself Surfed with enthusiasm the couple of foes he had kept engaging, which dust was washed away with the controlled tsunami.
− Tambora, go and weaken the other Kauai, Pikachu and I will deal with them! − Palinuro ordered, as he built up the water-coat around himself to rocket up in an Aqua Jet.
− On it! − The Mouse Pokémon launched himself directly to the far off center of the chamber in a Quick Attack towards the burned Golisopod. His advance was parried with a Poison Jab, but Pikachu just used the momentum of the push to rebound on the ground right back to the foe, ready to blast it at blank-point range with probably a Volt Tackle, due to the electrical charge surrounding him. However, he and Palinuro were blown away as soon as the latter's Water Type move made contact with the glass-Camerupt.
A tsunami of vapor swept the chamber, reducing the visibility to zero and eliciting several alarmed shouts. How are they supposed to fight like that?!
The Orchestra tones spiked into a sudden high-octave chorus when steam obscured the vision. No one, not even the Shadows, was moving, everyone startled into frozenness by the sudden development. Or, at least after few moments, everyone sans the Shadows. Probably they didn't really need eyes to navigate the chamber.
Ash could feel the wrongness, which moved the glass construct like string-puppets, direct the enemies to their targets, even if more glitch-y than before. Directions that were packed with maliciousness and glee. That was what prompted the Riolu to down a full Persim Berry (barely chewing it) and stand up, heavily leaning on the glowing crystal beside the entrance. The new position and healing effect of the berry allowed the ex-human to feel the instruments inside the fog better. He could do this!
− Tambora! Shot a Fire Type move on your ten o'clock, the Lilligant moved! − The Pokémon beside him jumped in surprise, but Ash didn't notice them, as focused as he was. − Vavilov, Arcanine hasn't moved yet, keep pressing it! Lizard, the duo you buried are still active, keep the Rock Slide going! − He took a breath to add: − The water exploded because Krakatoa was already too hot, use Earth Type moves on them! Baito, if you have one use it on your left, Pikachu isn't on the line of fire!
There was a beat of hesitance from the Council, but the orange reptile obeyed immediately, dispelling the buried Shadows. Soon after the sound of shattered glass, the Inferno that the Lampent unleashed roared on the Grass Type foe barely hitting it. In the meanwhile the whistle of the wind from what Ash suspected was an Aerial Ace intertwined with the telluric rumble of the Piloswine's move. The first salvo of the latter missed the Camerupt, but Baito seemed to adjust the aim and retried.
− Pikachu, keep on, one o'clock! Poccha, run forward, there's the last Lilligant on your line of sight! Tambora better switch target, float back! − The trainer called and the fog lighted up with a Thunderbolt. Poccha's piccolo hissed in a replica of a drill that collided with the presence of the Grass Type so violently that it dispelled. − Marsili, swim on the pool on your left and use a Water move on two o'clock, it's the last Arcanine!
As soon as the glass canine broke, Hekla-sama Roared so loud that the shockwaves of the noise managed to dispel the mist and made the Shadows recoil back a little, though not enough to stop the Golisopod that Pikachu was engaging from unleashing a Sludge Wave.
The riptide washed forward, lapping at Pikachu's heels, but the yellow rodent managed a backflip and landed neatly beyond the edge of the Poison Type move, unleashing yet another Thunderbolt at the Golisopod that dispelled soon after. In the meantime, the Lamp Pokémon twirled, generating a Will-O-Whisp that was launched on the last Golisopod, burning it.
− Leave that Krakatoa to me, concentrate on the unexploded one! – Hekla-sama stomped hard on the ground, Stone Edg-ing the Fire-Ground Type that Palinuro had attacked beforepaw. Her Esquires nodded from the pools and quickly swam towards their targets.
The weasel 'mon leaped out of the water and Focus Blast-ed the Camerupt, while his partner Mega Horned the last Bug-Water Type, who retaliated with an X-Scissor that grazed away few scales and pushed back its foe. Taking advantage of that distraction, Vavilov dove forward with an Aerial Ace, retreating as soon as he made contact with the glass exoskeleton.
− As soon as those three Shadows dispel, another wave is going to come. They need to be careful! − Rush worried, fidgeting where she stood. That gave Ash an idea.
− Poccha, Lizard, stay beside Hekla-sama just in case the Shadows respawn! Pikachu, you, Vavilov and Marsili concentrate on the Golisopod; Palinuro, Baitou and Tambora, the Camerupt is yours! − The Trainer directed and this time the Council members complied immediately with the suggestions.
The Exploration Teammates flanked the Volcano Pokémon and readied a Hidden Power and Dragon Claws, preparing themselves to use them, while Pikachu bounced back and Quick Attacked his way to the last Kauai, headbutting it into Vavilov's Aerial Ace path.
Baitou Earthpower-ed once again the Krakatoa on the left side of the chamber, while Tambora Hexed the dust out of it. With another leap from the pool, the Floatzel shot another Focus Blast at the camel-like Shadow, creaking it. − We're close, keep on! − He shouted to his comrades, Aura glass-hues whistling a crescendo of excitement.
In the background, Hekla-sama just quietly dissipated her "ticking bomb" with another Stone Edge, her stringed instrument thrumming with satisfaction.
Before the last Kauai could even attempt to strike any of its foes, Pikachu Thunder-ed it, destroying it at last. Enthused by the success, the Piloswine stomped the last Earth Type move that shattered the overheated Shadow, which seemed more to liquefy than turn into dust.
The nine Pokémon unspokely took a breather during that momentary pause, several chests heaving with fatigue. Probably their adrenaline level was starting to crash down and, while during the battle their teamwork had improved, their performance was going to take a dive for the worst.
Ash was about to comment on that and suggest for the girls to get ready, when he felt deep satisfaction within the wrongness, making him shudder so much in disgust that he recoiled back against Fang. Feeling her piano nearer (even if alarmed) seemed to mitigate the Darkness' dissonant tune and the Riolu nearly deflated in relief.
‒ Ash, what's the matter? ‒ Rush mother-henned him as the Totodile made him sit. The wrongness slithered back into the deep recesses of earth and the trainer managed at long last to breathe without feeling a Groudon on his chest.
‒ The Darkness has retreated. ‒ The ex-human gulped down the raising bile. ‒ It probably… snatched someone… really strong. ‒ He clamped a paw on his muzzle: the Persim berry effect had been nearly nullified by the horror. ‒ The satisfaction it felt… is making me sick.
‒ So the Raid has ended, but it's not a good news. ‒ Fang summed grimly, steadying the Fighting Type and looking up at Teide. The Baile Style bird nodded in understanding and took flight, heading inside the dungeon.
Ash zoned out a bit after that, trying to concentrate on calming down his queasy stomach. I really need to solve this problem…
An unfamiliar thrill made Poccha whirl around, ready to strike the offender, but thankfully Teide's red plumage acted as a warning before he could have unleashed his Hidden Power.
The Council looked up, muscles still tense but eyes full of curiosity for the intrusion. Lady Hekla gestured to her back with her chin, so the Oricorio perched on one of her spikes beside her gray mane.
‒ The Raid has ceased. ‒ Teide relayed. The relief at those words was almost overwhelming: they hadn't even used a single Revive Seed! The Piplup almost felt the need to cry in joy, but he restrained himself enough to understand that it would be a bad idea to cheer out loud. Above all since the next words chilled him to the core. ‒ The Darkness also seemed to be… disturbingly happy of its harvest, according to Ash-dear. We still do not know if our foe succeeded in stealing an Embleteora or a powerful ally.
‒ It is time that I step out of this dungeon and directly summon Libeccio, then. This Shadow Raid has been a fundamental source of information that must be passed to the News Bearer. ‒ Lady Hekla announced, then started to bark orders: ‒ Asahi, come and retrieve Marsili. Palinuro, you and the Council members head to the Inn infirmary and heal your injuries. Rescue Team, ‒ she addressed the three in the dungeon who stood at attention, charged up moves long ago dispersed, ‒ your mission has been successful. Lizard the Charmander, due to your role in the Team and quick thinking, you have been the unofficial leader of the brigade. I bestow you my Embleteora as reward for your Team accomplishment.
The Legendary bowed forward, bringing the relic still embedded in her crest within Lizard's reach. The orange reptile stepped forward solemnly and retrieved delicately the prize. He briefly bowed in turn, then both he and the Entei straightened. ‒ You have our deepest gratitude, Lady Hekla. ‒ …Their senior was pretty cool, how much would it take for Poccha and Rush to achieve such level?
‒ No need to thank me, Rescuer, you did twice as much the service. Teide, ‒ she turned to the crimson bird still perched on her spike, ‒ escort the Teams to a free room of the Inn. They will be our honored guests tonight.
‒ At your service, My Lady. ‒ The Oricorio bowed and took flight. Poccha exchanged a look with Lizard and Pikachu, then all followed out of the dungeon, reaching their partners who were gathered around Ash.
‒ Are you okay? ‒ Pikachu demanded the Riolu, who wearily exhaled.
‒ This one was the worst at its ending. ‒ The ex-human managed to answer after heavily gulping down. ‒ I almost feel tainted. ‒ He shuddered.
‒ Focus on us. It usually helps after an overwhelming use of your powers. ‒ Rush instructed. ‒ If a vision is too much for me, Poccha is my grounding anchor.
That statement made the Penguin Pokémon flush under the feathers: he didn't much, just babble a tangent about anything and nothing until his partner felt better. The suggestion seemed to work though, because after few seconds of closed eyes, Ash didn't look so green anymore. It helped that Pikachu had also enveloped him into a hug.
‒ Are you better boyo? ‒ Teide asked concerned as Lady Hekla walked past them, finally out of the dungeon. The Legendary turned around to look at the entrance, then at them all.
‒ If you can manage, you should move from the entrance. I'm about to seal it. ‒ The Knight warned, one of the forepaw raised to stop down a move.
‒ Yeah, no need to worry, ‒ the Riolu stood, thankfully without stumbling, ‒ our Orchestra was good enough.
A well placed spike of Stone Edge blocked the passage to the dungeon, then the Entei excused herself to attend the convocation of the Pidgeot messenger.
‒ Come fledglings, you'll feel better after some meals and rest at our Inn. ‒ Teide invited. The six readily followed her, feeling already exhausted even if it was barely afternoon.
Poccha just hoped that they would get used to fight this new kind of enemies, because they would probably get harder in the future.
The Last Outing
Dungeon: "Collina Fornace"
Lizard, Poccha & Pikachu
completed the mission.
Item: Weather Band, Special Band & X-Ray Specs
Do you wanna save the game?
* *cough*(now unneeded)spoilerAvoided*cough*
#theAuthorThiksShe'sSmart #It'sNotVeryEffective
Aura Orchestra Section:
Hekla: Kantele (Finnish national string instrument)
Marsili: Array mbira (lamellaphone instrument, it's played by flicking fixed pieces of metal)
Palinuro: Glassamonica (-A/N: do you have in mind how you can play notes by rubbing the rim of glasses filled with water? This instrument uses the same principle, but the bowls are inserted into one another and rotate on an axis, so you can play it similarly to a piano)
Aso: Soothing Bell (yes, it's the friendly implementing item itself)
Baitou: Balalaika (string instrument, similar to a lute but of Russian origin with only three strings)
Vavilov: Trombone
Tambora: Kagurabue (Japanese flute used in ritual dances dedicated to gods -A/N: at least that's what I understood, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
Teide: Guitar (Baile Style)/ Shamisen (Sensu Style) (the latter is similar to a lute, but is of Japanese origin and is used in Kabuki performances)
Asahi: O-Taiko (Japanese huge drum)
Kilauea: Gong
A/N. *does a bow so deep that would make Inasa from BnHA proud*
I wanted to publish this like a year ago, but real life and my dumb brain didn't give me a break, so I kept procrastinating until now… Gomennasai!(。•́︿•̀。)
Anyway, one of the hardest part of this chapter (along with the fighting scenes) was the Aura Orchestra. Figuring what suited batter with who. Some were easier than others, but since I wanted to give the two Esquires instruments that had a "liquid" sound I had to do some research and I lost part of the residual sprint I had from last chapter... 'ಠ_ಠ
Trivia Time: Rush's call for Poccha to get a grip was what helped me go through my writer block (for a while) too. I had no idea what to write further, so the Rush in me came out from nowhere and told me "NOT TODAY WRITER BLOCK!", so hope you liked the scene (even if probably was too cliché).
Update: as I anticipated in my profile, my PC gave up the ghost and I'm typing this on the smartphone. The process is painfully slow and since there's the quarantine, my family is constantly at home so I have no Zen room to write in a controlled and quiet atmosphere... Sorry... (╥﹏╥)
(BTW) Wishlist fulfillment: I got Sword! Zacian is sooo fluffy! And I Love my Team (Inteleon, Perrserker, Polteageist, Sirfetch'd, Coalossal and Thievul), but I envy a bit the Shield owners for Appletun and Cursola, they're really cute. U_U
The Fossils came and are so derpy that you can't NOT love them! I particularly like the history behind them (i.e. the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs: at the start of paleontology and the discovery of dinosaurs skeletons, the scientist that reconstructed them assembled the pieces practically randomly, not noticing that they were anatomically incorrect. (°□°))
Still no Grass-Fire or Dragon-Bug Types, but I won't despair!
I cross my fingers for stories of the DLCs, hope they won't feel as rushed as the ending of the main game.
Oh! BTW, have you seen the new Pokémon anime series that in the Western countries is going to be called "Journeys"? I loooove it! The new characters are nice and the graphic design is much better than Sun&Moon. What do you think? 。◕‿‿◕。
Thank you for all your favorites, follows and reviews, hope to type ya soon! (/^^)/
[L'assassin orange: I love it too! It doesn't get enough recognition in the canon, so you can expect more in the future.
I almost made the girls jump in, but an idea for the plot came, so I preferred doing this way with Ash's trainer tendencies that took over the battle strategies.
Things got really heated! xD Sorry if the chapter was so late, but you're welcome!
Acientathens: Thank you for all your praises! I hope this fic will contiunue to meet your expectations even if the updates take so long. *mareepish scratches head*]