It's with great sadness that I bring you the final chapter of At Wits End. I want to thank everyone for reading, and I want to thank you guys for the on going support of my writing, and the stories that I produce. It wouldn't be the same without you guys.

Now for the final Chapter.

One way, or another.

I'm gonna find you. I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you.

Katherine Farrow-Victor of the 17th Games

It's been 3 days since I got the letter under my door. Clyde and I have tried to do as much research as we can on the Patriots. We've even had the opportunity to ask the President about it. All we got though was an old Football team from when the dark ages were around.

Snow has been a problem as well. Constantly badgering us and filling our days with business. He's up to something. I can feel it. Clyde thinks he's just weird...but I was trained to realize stuff like this, when someone was lying, when they act out of character. Everyone I've talked to about him has mentioned that Snow is very nice...he doesn't seem like that. He seems like me.

"Ms. Farrow a phone call for you." says Remelda the maid that has been assigned to me throughout my stay in the Capitol.

"Who is it?" I ask confused.

Her brown hair falls into her eyes. She quickly sweeps it up embarrassed. Her blue eyes widen as she sees my chuckle at her reaction.

"My apologies Ms., but they didn't give a name."

She exits the room with her hands in her face as she kicks the wall on accident. She curses and then turns around again and blushes. I laugh and she walks out of the room.

I pick up the red phone that sits on my bedside table. I've only ever used one once before. It was when the psychiatric facility called and told me that my mother was institutionalized. I was 10. That court case was the longest 5 years of my life.

"Hello?" I say in a sweet and charming voice

"Katherine. I see you've been looking for us." says a husky voice

"Who is this." I say concerned as I throw a shoe at the wall to let Clyde know to come in.

We found out that the rooms that they gave us are connected by the closet. I have no idea who's idea that was...but Clyde is in my room in a matter of seconds.

I press the speaker button and allow the Clyde to come sit on the edge of the bed as we listen to what the people calling have to say.

"I assume we've given ample time for young Clyde to get to your room?"

I give Clyde a look, my eyes wide with confusion. How would they know that? And then it hits me. There is either a spy in the President's house, or the rooms are bugged.

"Hello." says Clyde

There is a chuckle on the other end of the line as the husky voice takes a deep breath. I'm assuming this is the same guy that tried to pay us a visit in the hospital, because Clyde is staring daggers at me.

"Is there something that we can help you with? Or do you always call your hits before you try again?" ask Clyde

The voice laughs again.

"Clyde, I never took you as an aggressive person."

Clyde is giving the ugliest look to the telephone. Like a look that I would give to someone to make them back down kind of look. I've never seen this side of him either.

"Tell me Clyde," says the voice, "has your parents settled into their compound yet?"

He stiffens. "You wouldn't." says Clyde

"Oh, but we would. We can do whatever we want. We are our own rulers. Our own government. We are the-"

Clyde presses the button on the phone that hangs up. I slap him in the arm and glare at him. There is a genuine hurt in his eyes as he looks at the phone, and once he realizes what he did there is an instant apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry Kat." he says

I pick up the receiver again and hit the redial button.

"The number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please hang up and dial again. Good bye."

The phone hangs up and we are listening to a dial tone.

"What do we do next?" he ask as we sit in my room.

"The President has a secret facility where information on the dark days are." I give him a look to see if he sees where I'm headed. "I say we break into it."

I wanna be where the people are.

I wanna see, wanna see them dancing.

Walking around on those, what's that word again?

Oh, streets.

Sadie Amaya- Survivor of the 17th Games

I never thought I'd say this, but it kind of sucks to survive the Hunger Games. I mean, obviously if I was allowed to be seen I'd be to it I guess. I haven't left this suit that they have me holed up in since they took me from the games.

Did you know that there is a whole other world out here that the Capitol keeps hidden? Buildings upon buildings of abandonment. Things called movie theaters, and McDonalds. Things like Walmart, and malls. There was a whole culture before the Capitol took over.

I'm apparently staying in a place called Montana. It's cold, like all the time. It's in the middle of Spring, and it's in the 40s. District 3 is somewhat warm at this time. Apparently the Capitol built it's ground on something called the United States. There is other parts of the Capitol that aren't even on this, what was the word again...continent?

I'm angry. All this was was something that they kept from me. My past, my ancestors. I don't know my culture. Did you know there are different nationalities? Mexican, Spanish, German, Russian. What am I? A Capitolian?

They've shown me games that the past people of America used to play. Things called Pokemon, and Minecraft. Showed me books like the bible. Apparently religion is a thing back then too.

All I know is there is a world full of knowledge right here in this very area that we are in...and all we are focused on is how to get back into the Capitol. Why not explore it? Why not settle here. Go on missions to bring people out. Raise a family. See what movies are on. See what different things we can do like go to the arcade. The comic book store. People can believe what they want, and not have to worry about getting flanked for it-

My thoughts are interrupted as a knock at my suit door. I walk over to the door, and open it. I put on the most sarcastic smile I can muster.

"Welcome to I hate my life, this is Sadie how can I help you?" I say

Daniel chuckles as he walks in with my lunch. Turkey sandwich with this thing called Potato chips, which are literally the best thing I've ever had. If there is a God like it says in the bible, he definitely kissed these bad boys.

"You know why you have to be in here." says Daniel.

"Yes I know, because you are waiting for the right time to reveal that I'm alive, so that I can spark an anger and tell them what the Hunger Games are really like. Blah, blah, blah." I say as I plop myself down on the couch and shove a potato chip in my mouth.

"You're feeling a little extra fiery today aren't you?" ask Daniel

"Of course I am!" I probably say a little to excited. "Daniel come here and look."

I open the door to my balcony and look out into the city we are in. It's small, but even at this size, it's better than anything District 3 could have provided.

"Daniel. There is so much that I've never seen. It's all waiting for me right there. Like that building!" I say pointing at the building across the street. It has plastic people in the windows and it's been so interesting to me since I arrived.

"That's an Old Navy." says Daniel. "It's a clothing store before the Capitol took over."

Thanks for the spoiler Dan.

"That's the problem though Daniel. You've gotten to see it. You've gotten to experience this. I've been stuck up here for how long now? A week? A week and a half?"

"You're right." says Daniel as he takes my hand and leads me towards the door.

"Wait are you serious?"

I look around the green and white themed room that I've been in for the past week. The same queen sized bed, the same dank tv that only gives me static. The same bathroom that looks like something died in it...I'm finally getting out. Finally seeing something new.

"Wait. Daniel!" I say as I pull back.

"What is it? Are you scared it won't be what you're expecting?"

"No stupid." I say with a smile. "I want to eat the potato chips."

He laughs as he sits down on the sofa, and I devour my turkey sandwich and chips. I run to the side of my bed, and put my shoes on. I slip into my winter jacket, and stand at the door.

"Ok. I'm ready." I say as I stare at the door.

The same white door that has provided me with so many imaginative stories. The same door that has closed the view of this new world. Is the very same door that's about to open.

We walk down the tan patterned hallway to the elevator that sits at the end of the hall. I press the down button, and when it clicks to our floor I walk on excitedly as I press the first floor button. When the elevator finally arrives Daniel tightens his scarf around his neck as he pushes open the lobby door.

"Look out world. Sadie Amaya is coming." I say to myself as I step out into the brisk air.

Let's let the stars watch, let them stare.

Let the wind eavesdrop. I don't care.

For all that we've got. Don't. Let. Go.


Clyde Averway- Co-Victor of the 17th Games (Unofficially)

I cannot believe I let her talk me into doing this. I'm pretty sure we're breaking the laws in at least 6 different ways just by even PLANNING to go into this room.

"Katherine this thing has to has loads of security."

She holds up a key card as she dangles it in front of my face. I look at her wide eyed as the red and blue card swings back and forth, left and right.

"Where did you get that?!"

She smiles coyly at me, and keeps walking down the hall. I grab her by the shoulder and make her face me.

"Where did you get it?"

She rolls her eyes and gets really close to my face. She puts her right hand on my chest and uses her fingernails to lightly scratch my chest. I start to blush and forget what's going on. She gets really close to my ear, I can feel her breath on it.

"Never underestimate the power of a pretty girl." she whispers as she pulls my District Token out of my back pocket. It's my mom's necklace from back home, and it holds a picture of all of when we were young. I don't wear it because it's girly.

"Ok. Fair enough." I say as she pulls away and winks. She continues to walk down towards a door. It's a door that you'd read about in a super spy novel, or in a book or a movie. It's huge, with steel bars, and it has a huge handle in the middle left side of it. Kind of like a vault.

"Let's see what this baby can do." says Katherine, but right before she is able to swipe the card we hear footsteps coming up from behind us.

"Shit." she says as she pulls me into a room.

"Who's there?!" says the voice as we disappear behind a door.

I start to panic, I have no idea what is about to happen, but I have a feeling that nothing good can come of it. We hear the footsteps coming closer to the door we are behind, and then Katherine does the weirdest thing ever.

She kisses me.

Her lips touch mine with an intensity, and I don't know better but then to just go with it. When the guy opens the door he makes a small coughing noise. Katherine makes a small gasp as she looks embarrassed and pushes me forward. I feel her slip her hand into my back pocket, and realize that she is hiding the card.

"Uh." says the guard. "This area of the house is off limits to anyone who isn't in the first family." he's clearly embarrassed his big bad intruders were nothing but the two victors that just won the games making out in the closet.

"Sorry." I say, "It's just hard to find some privacy with everyone coming in and out of our rooms constantly." I say with a wink. "If you know what I mean."

The guard smiles and tells us to get on our way. Katherine grabs my hand and interlocks her fingers into mine as we walk away. I'm still surprised that she kissed me...It felt...nice.

We get back to our rooms and she lets go of my hand. "Well I guess that fooled them." she says.

Something in my is stirring though, something about the way I'm feeling is daring. Is risky. It's something that I don't want to disappear. Katherine is walking into her room, when she turns around.

"Good night Cly-"

I grab her face in my hand and begin to kiss her. She pulls away instantly, but then she does the same. We stay that way for a while, just kissing each other until we hear a chuckle. We pull away and see Snow walking past us.

"Children." he says as he turns into the door, and heads into his room.

"Good night Katherine."

She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek. "Good night Clyde."

I walk into my room and close the door. I lean against the door, and slide down into a sit as I try and process what just happened. Did I seriously just kiss Katherine Farrow? The mean girl of the Hunger Games? And did she really just kiss me back.

I'm processing my thoughts still when a knock from my closet is heard. Katherine walks in a moment later with a worried look in her eyes.

"Clyde, look." she says as she holds up a piece of paper.

I walk over to her and take the piece of paper out of her hands. It's a letter from the Patriots again.

Awh cute, the lovebirds finally are acknowledging their feelings for each other. Shame we have to take them out. True love never dies though right?

-The Patriots.

She looks at me with a pained expression and I wrap her in a hug. She returns the hug, and leans her head into my chest. I can feel her heart beating faster, and part of it wishes it was because I was hugging her rather than we just received a death threat.

"Clyde I'm scared." she says

"I'm too." I say

We decide that it's best we sleep in the same room that night. I brought my mattress through the closet, and place it near the door in Katherine's room. She'd sleep in her own bed.

"We need a plan." she says as she walks over and sits on my mattress.

"No, what we need is sleep." I say as I kiss her on the forehead. She smiles, and I realize just how beautiful her smile is when it's genuine.

"Good night Clyde." she says as she walks over to her bed and gets under the covers. She gives me one last look before she turns off the lights. She's still smiling.

"Good night Katherine." I say

Ok, I'm not even sure what possessed me to make this a couple, but I love it, and it's cute, and I think Katherine will become a better person because of it. I also think Clyde will experience just what a career thinks, and I definitely think it's gonna scare him.

I just can't.

Again, I'd like to thank the faithful readers of this story. You guys have made this story what is is, and if I do say so myself it's one of my best. Journey to the Top should be posted in an hour or two.

What did you think of the Katherine and Clyde thing? Kathlyde?

Was Sadie's discovery of old America something cool?

Do you think the same group that Sadie is being held by, is the same group torturing Katherine and Clyde?

What is Snow up too?

For the last time this story,

I love my readers lots.

Keep it classy,
