Welcome all to my new SYOT. I hope you enjoy the introduction, you're going to see a lot of stuff, and I'll try and make this as original as possible for you.

Furthermore, if you have more time feel free to catch up on my SYOT All-Stars:The 300th Games. It's almost completed, with a Victor crowned.

Also, BCT= Before Capitol Takeover

ADD= After Dark Days

How can you see into my eyes, like open doors?

Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb.

Ryland Featherly

United States Citizen

17 years old

January 28, 2059 (BCT)

Dear Diary,

It's happening again, the explosions, the take overs. They ceased another State yesterday, the State of Nebraska is no more. They have a total of 46 states now. With the exclusion of Texas, Montana, California, and New Mexico.

It started small, a bombing of a church here and there. A violent takeover of a governor's office. When you allow people to continue to do small things though, the later effects are like dominos. One by one the country that was once number one in the world was taken over by the people called the Capitol.

I'll remember the day they took over New York forever. I was in school, we had just got the announcement for the 8th grade dance. I was wanting to ask Lindy Jenkins to the dance, but I chickened out. I had heard that Wes Parker was going to ask her after 7th period, so I had to get to her first. I walked up to her, and I'll always remember the smile that she gave me...and then it happened.


"Ryland, what's going on?!" screams Lindy as she grabs onto my hand.

"Lindy I don't know...let's just do what she says."

Forty-Five minutes later an interruptive news report appeared on everyone's phone. My Iphone 15 was something I just bought myself. I remember I was so proud of it, it was 2 models to short, but I still was able to say I bought something.

The news report said something about the Capitol taking over everything. That they won't stop until all 50 states were under their control. We saw this coming from a mile away. With the failing countries of Australia, United Kingdom and Ireland, New Zealand..we knew it was only a matter of time before they reached us.

It took them 45 minutes to take the State of New York, and now it's taken them 3 days to take Nebraska.

Will this ever stop, or will this be a complete and utter take over. Can people that call themselves the Capitol really have world domination?


I close the book and push back from the desk that I've been sitting at. Dallas isn't so bad, Dad said Texas would be the safest bet considering they are so flexible with the gun laws. I hate it here. The moisture, the humidity. I feel like I'm swimming everytime I walk outside.

I'll say this about Texans though, they are a proud people. They don't take anything from anyone. I have yet to see a defeated look in someone's eye, or a doubtful expression on someone's face when they hear the bombing getting closer and closer.

"Rye?" ask my Dad when he knocks two times and opens the door to my room.

"Senator Featherly, it's not considered knocking if you open the door while doing it." I say jokingly

Dad was in the Senate before all of this stuff started going to hell. He was a respected member as well. There were talks of his Presidential run. I thought I'd live in the white house by the time I was 20.

"Mom says Dinner is ready."

"I'll be down in a second."

He smiles and closes the door. I stroll over to my dresser and look at the pictures that are sitting on the shelf. Everytime another State is taken over, and another fight for another state starts it always makes me miss New York.

I pick up the picture of Lindy I carried from all of these years. I wonder if she thinks about me, I wonder how much she's cha-

The sound of glass breaking and loud shouts fill my house. I hear my mother scream, and my Father firing off rifle bullets from inside the kitchen. They've been training me and Bryley to know what to do in case this happens.

I run to my little brother's room and see him curled up in a ball in the corner. His three year old self isn't old enough to understand what's going on. He just knows something is wrong.

I run to him and he sees me and a look of relief falls over his face.

"Come on Bry. It's time to go to the hiding spot."

He looks over at me and puts his hand over his mouth, and waits for my praise.

"Yes sir. Just like that." I say

I run to the bathroom that is connected to his room and lift the hatch that is hidden under the bathroom mat. I crawl down the ladder with my brother on my back, and close the top of the bunker, making it look like it's just a tile floor again.

We sit there all night, and I hear different things.

"He had kids. This Senator had kids. We are supposed to kill them all. Everyone. We can't not kill them."

I tuck Bryley into a corner, and right as I do the latch lifts.

I look at Bryley and cover my mouth, letting him know that he needs to be quiet, and turn around to see two very colorful and eclectic people staring at me.

"You had a brother. Where is he?"

"He died when you guys invaded Florida!" I say angry

"Good, then no one will miss you when we do this."

They hold up the gun, and pull the trigger.

Wake me up inside, wake me up inside.

Call my name and save me from the dark.

Bryley Featherly

President of Panem

January 28th, 0017 (ADD)

"Mr. President, you come here every year at this time and tell me the same story." says Cassandra as she sits across the room with her notepad.

"Yes, will it's a scar that keeps baring."

She jots down some notes, probably about how I seem broken, or unfixable. It's nothing I haven't heard before.

"President Featherly, forgive me for asking...I've always wondered though." she adjust her glasses on the rim of her nose and closes the notebook.

"If you hate the Capitol so much, why did you become President?"

I smile as I stare across from her. Foolish girl. She doesn't understand.

"Cassandra, do you know what a fear is?"

"Yes sir, it's the body's flight or fight system. Fear is normally caused from an animalistic instinct that tells us if we are out of our wit with an opponent or another being or thing."

"When I was three years old the people of the Capitol enlisted a very big fear in me. The fear of loneliness. I was broken. Shattered, an orphan."

Her eyes fixate on me with an intensity I've only seen when I first started going to her little practice.

"I made a vow to a really special person when I was 20 years old, that I would do everything in my power to make the people pay that caused that fear in me. And I did."

"So do you still have the fear?" ask Cassandra interested

"That's the thing about fears my dear. They never truly do disappear."

I do hope this made sense. I had this idea when I was sleeping actually. For those who don't follow Bryley is the little 3 year old brother who watched his older brother get shot.

Form for the SYOT is on my page. Please feel free to PM with any questions. Also, not to be a douche, but it's super important you follow the format I've asked in the subject line. I will not look at your tribute if you do not. Also, please follow all the rules.

What did you think of the introduction?

Was Bryley's story interesting to you?

Would you want to know more about how the Capitol took over?

Keep it classy,
