Just a short little drabble I came up with while thinking about how Twilight Princess ended.
Link felt forgotten, used even. Midna had left him, as if everything they'd done was nothing. Like their relationship had meant nothing to her. She didn't even have a good reason for leaving, queen or not. And then, she had to add salt to the wound and break their only way of seeing each other.
A frustrated snarl escaped Link's mouth. Why Midna? That seemed to be the only thing he could think recently. He loved her, and she left him. She even had told him that she loved him back, but she still left him. Link felt himself doubting that she actually meant it.
It was easier to think that. She had just used him, to save herself and her home. What he thought they had, it meant nothing. It was almost easier to believe that, but it wasn't true. She really had loved him. He could see it in her eyes. In the way she talked to him, how she acted around him.
"So why did you leave?" Link whispered, breaking the silence of his empty home. If he felt so bad, was she also heartbroken? Did she think about him every day, constantly, borderline obsessively? Regret breaking her only way of seeing him, or wishing he were there. Link felt all of those things.
Link needed her; felt he could not live without her. The past month had been agony, and the only thing that kept him going was... thoughts of her. He knew that Midna would want him to live on, and continue with his life. But it was so hard, almost impossible.
Everything he saw reminded him of Midna, and every time he thought of her, the aching in his heart intensified. It hurt so much, it was almost physically unbearable. The knowledge that he would never see her again...
Her mischievous laugh, and the excited glint always present in her beautiful eyes. The way she would run her hand through his fur when he was in wolf form. How she would kiss him, hesitant at first but then with intensity and passion.
He missed every little thing about her. She was his first love, and he knew, his last. He could never come to love anyone as he had loved her, because no one else would be Midna.