Author's Note-Ha! We are still updating! Even though it took year... -sweatdrops- Is anyone still reading this...? Well, anyways, I was reading over this a couple of nights ago and thought, 'We're coming close to the ending. We should at least try to finish this.' So I called up my friend Amanda and she agreed with me and now we just have to ask Kisike... -nodnod- So hopefully we'll pick this back up and finish it at the very least, even though it might be a bit slow at first! Oh, and we still don't own Inuyasha yet!

Miroku walked up to Raylin. "Raylin, Inuyasha and Amanda isn't back yet, so do you think you could watch Kirara, Kouten, and Shippou for me? I need to talk to Sango about something." He said.

Raylin paused, then looked at the ground. "She your ex-girlfriend or something?" she asked in a flat tone.

Miroku blinked, then said, " was a good friend of mine that left for quite a long time."

"Go on ahead." Raylin replied, continuing not to look up at him.

"Are you going to be alright?" Miroku asked, concerned.



"Go on ahead. I'll be fine." Raylin replied.

"Alright..." Miroku said, only half convinced as he walked over to Sango. "Sango?" he asked.

"Hm?" Sango asked, looking over at him.

"Would you like to come on a walk with me?"

"Sure, why not..." Sango replied. She and Miroku began walking from the clearing.

"Sango, I've been wondering...why didn't you stay with us? We said it was all right, even Inuyasha agreed. Yet you still left." Miroku asked.

"Miroku..." Sango said. She looked down at the ground as she walked. "Things were getting too dangerous. I wanted to believe that it would be all right if I went with you and the others, but after finding out that Naraku has Kohaku...I couldn't stay. I knew that so long as Naraku had my brother, he could get me to betray you all like I nearly did last time." She replied. "I left to find Naraku or Kohaku or both."

"But Sango, what is it that you were planning on doing when you found Naraku? You can't defeat him alone-"

"I know that." Sango said. " I said, it wasn't just to save was to protect you...and the others...from me..." Sango said. "I'm sorry that I left. I know now that I shouldn't have, but it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time... I came back, eventually, but by that time, you and the others were gone."

"You must have been far away at the time. We went looking for you, but you were nowhere to be found." Miroku said. "I'm not blaming you or anything...I just wanted to know why..."

"It's alright. I don't blame you." Sango said. There was silence for a few moments.

"So what are you going to do now?" Miroku asked.

"I...don't know..." Sango said. "I've found you all again. I may stay with you and the others. But I may continue looking for Kohaku and Naraku."

"I see." Miroku said quietly. "Well I hope that you'll choose to stay with us."

Sango was quiet for a while. Then she said, "So, who are those girls exactly?"

"They came from another dimension. We found them one morning and we decided to help them get back home." Miroku replied. "There was four girls in the group, but as you could see, now there's only two. Kisike turned evil-as you could see-and Bridget-a miko-was scared off by a shapeshifter in the form of Inuyasha."

"Well then, I hope that the others will be-"

Sango was interrupted by a cry.


Raylin stumbled back as the feather landed in front of her. She glared. "Hey!" She exclaimed. A woman stepped off of the feather. "...And just who the heck are you?"

"Oh no! It's Kagura!" Shippou squeaked.

The woman flicked open a fan in front of her face as she smirked. "The kitsune brat is right. My name is Kagura, the wind sorceress." She replied.

"....." There was a long silence, then Raylin said, "...Go on..." At Kagura's slight frown, Raylin continued, "What? You don't expect that I've actually heard of you or something..." She turned to Shippou and Kouten and Kirara. "You guys go get the others." She whispered to them.

"But Raylin, what will you do?" Shippou asked.

"I'll fight her off." Raylin said. She smirked. "Don't worry, I can. I'll be fine."

"But Kagura is one of Naraku's more stronger of minions!" Shippou said. "She's a wind demon!"

"A wind demon? Oh great. That means the she can knock my arrows off course." Raylin sighed. The chibis -.-;'ed up at her. Raylin blinked for a moment. "What?" she asked.

"Like you had a course to begin with..." Kouten muttered.

Raylin glared down at them. "Shut up. Just hurry up and go get the others so that I don't have to fight this woman for very long. Because unless you've got a machine gun hidden somewhere in that tail of yours, I don't think that you two are going to help any. Just take Kirara for speed." She ordered.

Shippou and Kouten hesitated, then nodded. "C'mon, Kouten..." Shippou said, taking her by the hand as Kirara went into demon form. They hopped on and flew off. Raylin turned back to Kagura.

"Sorry about that. Now, what were you saying?"

Kagura sweatdropped, he dramatic entrance if any now ruined. "I'm here to take you to Naraku." she said a bit flatly.

"...Oh...that explains things a whole lot better. That's who Kisike is working for, right? Or was it that Lord Ilpallazo guy...?"

"...It's Naraku. Understand now?" Kagura asked.

Raylin sighed. "Yeah..." She said as she took out her bow and arrow. Kagura only maintained her grin at this and made no move to do nothing. Raylin raised her eyebrows at this. "What? No weapons? No attacks?"

"Just shoot the arrow." Kagura said impatiently, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, well I don't know, now. Never fire when the enemy tells you to. Because then the enemy is going to do something with the attack or the weapon. It's true. Every time." Raylin said, lowering her bow and arrow.

Kagura smirked. "How very perceptive of you. But now what are you going to do?" she asked, advancing on her.

"I'm going to run...and yell...and hopefully someone like Inuyasha or Miroku will hear me!" Raylin shot back.

"Not a chance!" Kagura said, sweeping her fan to the side, creating a giant wind. The wind picked Raylin up off her feet and threw her off to the side, into a tree.

"Miroku!" Raylin yelled. Her head hit the tree, and she was knocked unconscious.

-at Naraku's castle-

"Damn it! Let me go!" Amanda demanded. Shido chuckled and kept a firm hold on her arms. He led her through the castle until they came upon a room. Inside was Naraku sitting in the corner with a demon puppet in front of him. "I presume that you are that bakayaru Naraku." Amanda hissed as she bared her teeth and flattened her ears against her head. "Let me go or you will surely regret it."

"I don't believe that you are in a position to be ordering me around." Naraku said smoothly. Amanda growled lightly in her throat. "You know that Inuyasha still loves Kagome and Kikyo...he will turn you away to get one of them back..."

"I have learned from past never trust a man who wears blue eye shadow and a baboon suit." Amanda interrupted. "And it's obvious that you fit description, so you might as well hold your breath because I'm not having anything to do with you."

"Shut up, wench." Shido said, hitting the back of her knees, causing her to hit the floor so that she was in a bowing-type style.

"Shido, you have brought me two out of four of the girls as promised. But this isn't the second girl that you said you would bring. Why?" Naraku asked.

"..." Shido frowned and looked away. " away. Her heart isn't as weak as I thought it would be." He said. "...It's just like...hers..." he muttered to himself.

"Shido. You are temporarily in my service for now. Kagura is getting the raven-haired girl, Raylin. As for the redhead, find out where she is and bring her to me."

Shido bowed a low bow. "I will do just that, Naraku. I always fulfill my employer's command." He said.

Naraku chuckled. "I have complete faith in you that you do, Shido. Take her back to a cell and find the fourth girl."

"Yes, Naraku-sama." Shido said, nodding. He grabbed Amanda's arm and dragged her off as she went kicking and screaming the entire way to the cell.

Naraku looked over to see Kagura land on the porch, her feather minimizing. Kagura walked inside, carrying an unconscious Raylin. "Naraku, I have brought the girl that you seek." She said. "She was quite an annoying one, too. I don't see the importance of her."

"She is very important. Just as Kisike and Amanda are now. Take her back to the cell." Naraku said. Kagura nodded and carried Raylin off to the cell where Amanda now stayed.

-Two days later-

Bridget sat up and looked around. Woozy...why did she feel woozy? She didn't even use the word 'woozy', but that wasn't the point. Not to mention that her head hurt like hell. And her shoulder hurt. ...Basically, she just ached all over...

She groaned. "Okay...this isn't good. First thing's first. Where am I?" She looked around again. Blurs. All blurs. She put a hand to her waist. Nothing. Her eyes widened. "And where the hell is my sword and glasses?!" she demanded a bit louder. She looked beside her and saw a folded up kimono with her glasses lying on top. She put them on and looked around again, her vision much, much clearer now. "Well, that's one problem solved..." she commented.

She spotted her sword leaning against the wall in the corner. "...And there's another one. Solved once again. And now I think I'm going to lay down because my head feels like a pile of bricks just got dropped on it." She laid back down for a few minutes, just staring up at the wooden ceiling. " what...?" she wondered. She frowned.

"How did I even get here? Oh, this had better not be like one of those animes where some weird vampire guy saves the girl and expects her to fall in love with him..." She groaned. She studied her hand, then came to the conclusion that it wasn't deathly pale. "Well, I'm not a vampire...huh..." she commented. "Well, you know, if worst comes to worst, then Kisike probably found me and took me to Naraku's. And then that would be pretty bad..." she said. She frowned slightly. "Kisike..." she said softly, thoughtfully.

She never saw this twist in plot coming: Kisike working for Naraku. This was like a story, like one of hers or one of her friends' fanfics that they would write. She really should have seen it earlier-Kisike was always the one to turn evil. Hm...well, that can't be good. If we're going by the rules of our fanfics, then I should either get seriously wounded or even die...or at least nearly die. Great... She thought.

Bridget sighed, then blinked. "Does this count?" she wondered. She looked down and studied herself for a couple of moments. "Hm...I think just my shoulder took the most damage...and I think I might be sick... Meh...I don't think that counts." She said.

Her outfit was a bit torn and her thick hair was tangled, but at least she was indoors. And warm. That was a bit puzzling, though a bit relieving. "Well, at least I have my sword here with me...not that it's really going to do all that much good with this wounded shoulder." She sighed and sweatdropped. She had realized that it was too quiet. She hated total and complete silence-the reason why she rarely ever parted with her headphones back in her world.

"Okay, now I'm just talking to myself. This is ridiculous. No other choice..." She sat up again and tried to stand but dropped down to one knee. She felt as weak as a newborn kitten-no energy in any of her joints or limbs at all. "Okay, now this is really ridiculous. And kind of stupid. C'mon, I'm a martial artist. I should be able to handle a little walk out of the room and around the house." She said to herself, frowning.

No school to skip here... she thought a bit randomly. Not that she ever skipped school. But she was pretty sure this would be a good reason not to go if she were back in her world.

With her frustration she was able to stand up and walk stumble over to the wall and lean on that. She stumbled on out the door, one hand balancing her against the wall as she did. She made her way down the hallway and heard something that she had least expected to hear: a child's laughter. She looked up. "What the...?" she muttered. She sweatdropped. "Well, I don't think I'm at Naraku's..." she muttered.

She opened the door and her eyes widened. A little girl was playing with some kind of a toad demon, though they both looked over at her when the door opened. And watching them was...

"Sesshoumaru..." she said.

"You're awake."

"Y-Yeah..." she said quietly as she gripped the doorframe to keep her knees from giving way. She already was losing strength, fast, and with the shock adding to her weariness, she could barely stand.

Sesshoumaru stood up and walked over to her, placing his hand on her forehead. Bridget blinked. "You still have a fever." He said, taking his hand away. "You should go back to sleep."

Bridget decided to ignore that. "I assume this is where you live...?" she said.


"How long have I been here?"

"About two days."

Bridget nodded and lost her grip on the doorframe, collapsing to her knees. "I suggest you get some rest." Sesshoumaru said.

"That may help..." Bridget said softly. She pulled whatever reserves of strength she had left and stood up, walking slowly back to her room. She walked in, shut the door, and collapsed on her futon. She fell asleep immediately.

Author's Note- -Answering machine comes on-

Bridget: Hey! We're back!

Raylin: Yes we are... Wait. We are?

Amanda: Yep! Back and hopefully ready to write!

Raylin: ...Oh god...

Bridget: Yeah...just wait till we tell Kisike when she gets back from vacation!

Raylin: Well, the fanfic is going to be updated and written to again. Should I feel happy or scared? Oh well. Read and review at the sound of the beep! –beep sounds-