Author's Note-HI! Just to let you know, my friends and I are writing this. Random fact of the day. Okie, now we might as well get going with that stupid disclaimer. *sigh* We do not own Inuyasha. We don't own Vitamin C. We don't own Shrek. We don't own Emperor's New Groove. Or E.T. We really don't own most of the movies or series or whatever mentioned in here. But we do own the tangerines. ^ ^

When the universe was formed, it was chaos. Especially the planet earth. Demons terrorized the people. Aliens destroyed planets. Cats chased dogs. Finally, the council of the gods and goddesses decided they needed to put an end to it. Acting desperately, they quickly (and sloppily I might add) separated the things into separate dimensions. But because they were in such a rush, they didn't notice the few kinks. Such as every ten thousand years the universes would collide.and melded the universes into one.and only on one night.

"Coke!" Kisike squeaked. Amanda rolled her eyes and let her head drop back to the pillow on her sleeping bag. Raylin was snoring, leaning against Christopher.I mean!.a wall.

Kisike was a girl with long blond hair and green eyes. She was fifteen years old and was probably the most insane girl you'll ever come across in the entire universe.

Bridget was a girl with long red hair, hazel eyes, and glasses. She was fifteen years old and the writer of the group, rarely being seen without paper and pencil.

Amanda was a girl with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. She was sixteen years old and killed anyone who offended Gohan from DBZ.

Raylin was a girl with shoulder-length black hair and blue eyes. She was fifteen years old and she was just there. (A/N: *gets hit in the head by Raylin* Okie, okie, just kiddin'!) She was one of the smartest of the group and constantly started random arguments with Amanda.

And these teens were having a sleepover at Bridget's house. Kisike and Bridget were the only ones awake, and they were all in the computer room, Kisike and Bridget typing up a fanfic. It really is the end of the world as we know it.

Bridget sighed and stood up from her place in an old whicker chair. "Okay, okay.coke." She said, starting out the door with Kisike skipping out behind her. They got two Dr. Peppers out of a cardboard box and put them in the freezer. They went back upstairs to see Amanda and Raylin were already asleep

Five minutes later. "Tangerine!" Kisike squeaked. She and Bridget went down stairs to get a tangerine. They went back upstairs..

Five minutes later. "Bathroom!"

Kisike went to the bathroom.

Five minutes later. " Cokes cold!" They went downstairs, to get their now cold cokes. Then went back upstairs, to see a small puddle of drool next to Raylin's head.

Five minutes later. "Tangerine!" Kisike grinned.

".Whyyyyy are you eating all of my tangerines??" Bridget asked as they started down the stairs.

"Vitamin C!" Kisike said.

"..Isn't that a band.?"

"A singer.she played in a realleh weird movie."


Bridget stopped about halfway down the stairs.

"What'd yah stop for??" Kisike asked, poking at the leaf of a plant over the edge of the stairs. Weird music started playing out of nowhere. (Fluffy background theme...^ ^; )

".The um...a lot.brighter.than.the other...three times we came down here...and.there's something in front of it..."

"..You the whole alien in the front basket of a bike thing?"

"'s not a's...little at all...and it's not computer generized and it don't have a glowing forefinger."

"..Well that narrows down the possibilities."

"Look!" Bridget grabbed a handful of Kisike's hair and yanked her so she could see out the big window above the front door at the base of the stairs. Kisike blinked.

"See?" Bridget asked. Kisike blinked again.

".It's.wearing a..boa."

"A boa." Bridget said skeptically.

"..A boa!" Kisike confirmed nodding.

"It's wearing a boa.."

"Sir! We found it!" Kisike grinned.

"..What?!" Bridget asked.

"Shrek.." Kisike said simply.

".That's more tangerines for you." Bridget sighed.

"..Dude, need, like.curtains...the dude at the house like.all.weird!" Kisike said, pointing.

" is he.Why is he..floating in front of the moon." Bridget's eye started twitching. "..Wait.I don't care! I wanna know if he's been spying on my house! That's the last time I leave my bedroom blinds open!" She exclaimed.

" My blinds don't that way...they only go up and down...they're those cheap bamboo stick cat chewed on em." Kisike said.standing after Bridget let her go. Bridget sweatdropped.

"..Why do I care about your cat.chewing on the bamboo blinds you have in your room...when there's some freak hanging over the moon looking at my house?!"

"..Hey...dah moon ish cool!" Kisike said, grinning.again.

"..You know, you sound so much like a prep." Bridget replied.

Kisike giggled an airheaded giggle. "Thank you!"

Bridget sighed. "Okay, look. Follow me. I'm calling the cops and seeing what we can do about this.this.weirdo.stalker.guy.the phone's in the kitchen," she said.

"Good! We can get more tangerines!"

"No more tangerines."

"Oh, c'mon! We're probably gonna die anyways. You could at least let me have one last tangerine!"

"No! Get your own tangerines!"

"I can't! I'm not twenty-one!"

"What does being twenty-one have anything to do with tangerines?"

"I don't know, but I imagine it has something do with driving."

"They're not alcoholic are they.?"

Kisike giggled maliciously.

"Are they.are they.?" Bridget asked.


Bridget stared at her for a second. ".Of course not. STOP CONFUSING ME! .Now is not the time to say confusing stuff. Because it's going to do just that."

"What? What time is it?"

Bridget glanced over at the VCR clock. "12:56 A. M. we've been standing here chatting for probably ten minutes at the least. Let's go." She said.

"And the dude. Is still there. Freeeaky. Let's go say hi!" Kisike said.

".No. We are calling the cops." Bridget said as they started down the stairs again. The first floor of the house was nearly pitch-black, but now it was getting darker.and darker.

"Okay, I don't know if it's just me, the influence of the tangerines, or reality, but these stairs really seem longer.and longer.and longer.and longer."

"." Bridget hit Kisike over the head.

Kisike began humming the theme to the Twilight Zone. The stairs finally came to an end. And the door did NOT look like the normal, everyday, humany door they saw everyday as the front door.

The door white and gold, with intricate designs on it and the doorframe. They were double doors, and light lined the cracks.

"You know what? I don't think I'm going to be very surprised if it leads to the school cafeteria." Kisike said.

Bridget stared at her, then looked away and pushed the door open. The door opened easily and they stepped though. ".I'm thinking we go back UP the stairs." Kisike said.

" am I." Bridget said. The door suddenly slammed shut and disappeared.

".Oops. Well this is not good." Kisike said.

"Kisike, your ears!" Bridget shrieked, pointing at Kisike's ears.

"What about my ears?" Kisike asked.

"Do this." Bridget said, putting her hands over her ears.

"What is this, some sort of game you peasant folk play or something.?" Kisike said as she put her hands over the spot where her to be. Then she moved her hands up, to where her new cat ears were. "AHHH! MY EARS! MY BEAUTIFUL EARS! IT CAN'T BEEE!" Kisike screamed.

"Okay, okay, calm down, there has GOT to be some sort or something for this." Bridget said, trying to calm down Kisike but to no avail.

"KITTY FAAAACE!" Kisike said. She grinned suddenly. "Cool. Heehee."

Bridget sweatdropped.

"Your ears have changed too! But they're still in the same place, only really pointy and!" Kisike said.

Bridget blinked and felt her ears, which were pointy and went out at least half a foot on each side of her head (think Aisha's ears from Outlaw Star). "Elf ears.what.the.hell.okay, I think I'm going to freak out now." she said slowly.

"Don't freak out! Oh, and your eyes are changing"


"Okay, okay.Hey! Hey, I can smell.a lot better.I smell.Um.I don't know what I smell, but I smell something."

".That's not helping!"

"Actually it does, cause you don't really smell human anymore."


"Okay, you need to stop talking in all caps and stuff because you're about to.I don't know what you're about to do, but you're about to do something. Like explode. Your eyes are beginning to turn red."


"Who are you?" the moon man asked, now at the edge of a forest. "And how did you appear out of thin air?"

Bridget and Kisike stared at him. ".Whatdyah mean 'Who are you?'?? YOU'RE the one who was staring through the window over my front door! It's like you were waiting for us or sumthin'."

"STALKER!" Kisike yelled. Then she spotted the furry thing over his shoulder. ".Uhm.why are you wearing a boa." She asked.

The man blinked. ".That's my tail."

"..You have a long tail."

".Thank you?"

Bridget sweatdropped. "..Why were you looking in my house?"

"It does get rather boring watching two humans running up and down stairs every few minutes.." He said. Bridget stared at him.

"..Okay.that didn't answer my question.but Kisike was going to the bathroom that one time.." Bridget said, poking her new ears.

".IT strikes me as odd the way you tell a complete stranger that I went to the bathroom. Especially when the information was far as I can tell.anywhere in the conversation.but oh well." Kisike sighed, then stuck her tongue out at the tall man. "We're not human, incase you didn't notice." She said, pulling at her left ear.

The man's eyebrow twitched. ".You were humans."

"Are you sure?"




"Stake your life on it?"

"Will you shut up??"

"She never shuts up." Bridget sighed, placing a hand on her forehead. Kisike suddenly pointed at the man.

"Whooooooo are yoooooooou?!" She demanded, glaring at him. He raised an eyebrow again.

"I am called.Sesshoumaru." He said, a sudden wind blowing past from nowhere, making Sesshoumaru's silver hair and white and red kimono billow around him dramatically. Bridget sweatdropped. Kisike blinked and looked around.

".Sooooo." Bridget blinked, trying to ignore the phantom wind. "Mind telling me WHY my house was so interesting to you?"

"..I don't know. I was just there." He said, half turning away. Kisike raised an eyebrow.

".You were just.. suddenly.. in front of the moon staring at her house? THAT'S WEIRD!"

".I probably know just as much about this.situation as you do." Sesshoumaru replied coolly. Bridget sweatdropped.

"That was vague." She grumbled. She looked at Kisike. "" She started.then stopped and sweatdropped when she saw Kisike with a whole tangerine sticking out of her mouth. Kisike blinked at her.

"Wuhn?" She mumbled around the food. Bridget glared at her.

".You're making us look bad!" She near yelled. Kisike took the tangerine out of her mouth and blinked at Sesshoumaru.

"Bad in front of who? Mister Imma stalker but I have no idea who I'm stalking and I wear a big pinkish boa thing?" She asked, blinking at Bridget now. Bridget sweatdropped.

"..Hope he can't hear you." She muttered, looking back at Sesshoumaru.

" S'not like I care. He's a dog." Kisike said, biting into a piece of tangerine.

"..That's not nice." Bridget said.

" No, literally." Kisike grinned, " He smells like a doggie!"

".Okie dokie."




"What now?"

" I dunno."

".Okay.we have some reason for being here, right?"

".I dunno."

".Did you bring any more food?"

".I dunno."

".Where are we?"

".I dunno."

".Will you stop that?"

"I dunno!"

"Hey! You.Sessho.guy! Where are we?" Bridget asked. Sesshoumaru looked over at them.

" The Warring States Era, Japan."

"Oh." Bridget blinked. Kisike blinked too, with another mouth full of tangerine. Bridget sighed.

".Have any coke here?" Kisike asked no one in particular.

"..Coke?" Sesshoumaru blinked.

"..Coke." Kisike confirmed.

"..What's that." Sesshoumaru asked.

".You have red eye shadow on. what" Kisike trailed off, lip twitching. Bridget patted her shoulder.

"..This is the FUEDAL Era.meaning there's no coke. Probably no caffeine, either." Kisike stared at her, then glared off past her.

"OH, THAT IS WHAK!" She yelled, stomping past Sesshoumaru and into the forest. Bridget blinked and sweatdropped.

"Where're you goin'??" She asked.

"..I dunno.but frankly.I don't give a damn." She grinned, then disappeared into the forest. Bridget sweatdropped, sighed, and ran after her.

Sesshoumaru stood in his spot, phantom winds starting up again.yeah.

Author's note-So what did you think? Review! But beware if you dare to flame. Most of this chapter was written by Kisike, and knowing her, she'll probably go all Johnny the Homicidal Maniac on you and hunt you down then kill you. Well, all and all, just review, cause the more you do, the sooner we'll post chapters. Well, see ya soon! Ja ne! ^ ^