A/N: Another fic? Really? I know I should stop while I'm ahead right? But, I really can't help it. Blame my muse. This will be a klonnie fic, because I have been in complete klonnie feels lately. I also want to say that there will be a few mentions of Damon, but it won't be a bamon centered story. Bamon is my #1 OTP, but I'm trying something a little different instead of going that route.

This fic will loosely follow season 3 of The Originals. As for season 7 of TVD, things that happened in this season won't really happen in here.

I hope you enjoy.

No copyright infringement intended.

"Please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for takeoff."

Bonnie Bennett could definitely say that her seat belt was already tight and secured before the pilot made his announcement. She was given a glass of bourbon to calm her nerves, but it hadn't really started its affects yet. It's funny how a few years ago she couldn't really handle dark liquor, but now that was her sole alcohol of choice.

The pit of her stomach churned excessively, and she had to fan herself a little from the heat that flushed her face. And it wasn't because of the plane. Planes never made her nervous; not when she was five and not now. It was the destination. Heading to New Orleans was either going to be a blessing or a curse, and the latter seemed to be trying to fight for the lead.

She could honestly say that the normal life she was trying to lead hadn't been normal since the day she made that crazy statement. The moment she left Mystic Falls six months ago, embarking on a new life, it was like her mindset craved the exact opposite. And maybe that was a pretty big part of the reason why she was headed to the French Quarter.

Saying how long she would be staying was a question she hadn't really been given the answer too. It could be a couple days, a few weeks, hell even months.

Well, hopefully not that long.

As she rested her head back against the seat, she took one more shot of bourbon and tried to wield her mind to relax. She just didn't expect a specific memory to break the barrier of her thoughts.

"What are you doing?"

His voice startled her. Usually she could tell when he was near because he would always slip up around her and make himself known. Today wasn't that day. Her mind was racing with so many different thoughts, and it was taking everything in her to keep her sanity above water.

"There's a door for a reason," She deadpanned. "So, knock next time."

"When have I ever knocked?"

Bonnie didn't answer as she continued to stuff items in her suitcase. Matt was already down in the car waiting to take her to the airport.

"Seriously, what the hell are you doing?" The confusion and irritation in his voice could be heard a mile away.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Okay, so Damon's sarcastic wit had definitely brushed off on Bonnie through the course of their friendship.

"Packing to take your clothes to the laundry mat?" Because that could be the only valuable explanation that he would accept.

Bonnie smirked, "Yeah, if the laundry mat's in Seattle, then yeah, that's what I'm doing."

"What the hell is in Seattle?"

She didn't need to turn around and look into his eyes to know that he was becoming furious. "I'm going to stay with Lucy."

"A cousin you barely know? For how long?"

"Lucy and I have talked way more than you think." She said, grabbing the rest of her items from her dresser. "And I'm not coming back."

Damon turned Bonnie around so quick that she thought she acquired vampire speed.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Yep, when he dropped the F bomb, all bets were off. He was seething.

But, she walked passed him all the same to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. "Exactly what I said, Damon. I'm leaving Mystic Falls… I'm leaving Whitmore. I don't want to be here anymore. I need a change of scenery."

"And when were you going to tell me? What? When you were already there?"

Her eyes caught his. "Well, you seemed to be preoccupied lately; I really didn't think you'd notice."

Bonnie was rewarded with Damon unzipping her suitcase where the zipper almost fell off and unpacking her belongings.

"What the hell, Damon. Stop!"

He was up in her face so quick, she had to step back because their bodies were about to touch. And that was something she just couldn't handle right now.

"Try again, Bon Bon, because I've been trying to be near you for awhile now, but you keep brushing me off."

"Yeah, well I was just trying to give you your alone time with Elena." Did that sound like distaste coming from her mouth when she said her best friend's name? Yeah, maybe it was. And it shouldn't have been like that. "Because the moment you got her back, your face lit up like nothing else mattered."

"Okay, but just because Elena's awake now, doesn't mean you and I can't hang out. You do matter to me. You're my best friend, remember?"

Bonnie stalled at those two words. They were words that meant so much to her, yet had still become her downfall in the end.

She moved past him and put whatever clothes he pulled out back in her suitcase. "Yeah, well maybe I'm tired of just being that." It left her lips in a whisper, and no one else would have heard it, but he had the advantage of vampire hearing.

Go figure that in that moment she forgot.

And okay, she really didn't want to face him, but it was now or never right? No need to leave with that hammering on her heart forever. So, she turned around, and just like she expected, his eyes were boring into hers.


She shrugged, and willed herself to be strong and not let any tears fall. She wasn't use to being in this type of situation.

"The hell if I know." She tried to brush it off like it didn't mean anything, when in reality, it meant everything. "I will tell you that I tried fighting it. I tried to push it aside, but I guess my stupid heart wouldn't let me.

Silence again.

"That doesn't mean you have to leave…"

"In fact I think it's one of the main reasons I should. Elena's my best friend." She would have to put aside her feelings yet again for her. "I can't stay here and play some silly triangle game that everyone seems to get their kicks off on in this town. I can't sit around and watch you fall even more in love with her. And I don't want to have to put you in a position to choose between the woman you've been in love with for so long and the best friend who's in love with you."


"And honestly, yes apart of this may have to do with you, but this is for me too. I've spent my whole life in Mystic Falls. I've done nothing else… I've explored nowhere else. Lucy is going to help me with my magic and it'll be good to be around family for awhile."

She swung her bag over her shoulder and picked her suitcase up off the bed.

His words stopped her as she began to walk towards the door.

"Falling in love with me is probably the stupidest decision you've ever made. I'm not worth it."

Her eyes caught his when she turned to face him. "Don't sell yourself short. Getting to know you like I did has been some of the best moments in my life. You're worth it, Damon." The tears were trying to break those barriers again, and it was becoming difficult to hold it together. "And hey, even though I wasn't your first choice. You were mine. At least you could be someone's, right?"

She could have left at that moment, but instead, her feet took her towards his direction.

"Oh, what the hell. One for the road?" And then Bonnie Bennett's lips kissed Damon Salvatore's. It was literally their first and last kiss.

And before anyone could think of deepening it and getting any hand movements involved, Bonnie stepped away and left.

She had a flight to catch, and she remembered crying all the way to the airport.

That was six months ago. And she hadn't heard from Damon since. Neither of them had tried to contact one another. They were both too stubborn for that. It was actually Caroline who gave her the low down on everything that was going on. Other than her and Stefan being like the 'it' couple, Damon and Elena seemed happier than ever. And well, that was good. She wanted that for them.

Now, would it make her a horrible person that for one measly moment, she wished that Elena still slept? Yeah, she would definitely win best friend of the year award with that thought right? All this time, they thought that the only way Elena could wake up from Kai's spell was if Bonnie died. That was true at first, but they were able to find a loophole. Tying Elena's life to Lily wasn't easy, but it did become a success. Once that happened, Lily was killed, the remaining heretics fled, and that was that.

And the moment Elena woke up, the light in Damon's eyes flickered with awakening, and Bonnie knew that anything she felt had to be pushed aside. If she would have stayed, it wouldn't have ended well for her. Her heart was fragile at the end of the day, no matter how much of a strong persona she portrayed.

Even though Bonnie missed Damon and his friendship while she was away, she did have to admit that her feelings for him weren't on the forefront of her mind like they were a month after moving to Seattle. Lucy had a hand in doing that. When she was around that was. The girl traveled like nobody's business, always leaving cryptic messages of where she was and what she was doing. So, her apartment had really turned into Bonnie's.

Living in Seattle was great, and she was actually getting use to it raining almost every day. She took up some online classes, practiced magic on a daily basis; learning more and more every day. She face timed with Caroline at least twice a day, and she even let herself get loose on the weekends at a club or two. It was a breath of fresh air.

Yet, there was always something missing. And it wasn't the raven haired vampire with the blue eyes that could pierce through your soul if you allowed it. No, it was the need to help someone. That made her crazy right? After everything she's been through, after the sacrifices, the apologies, everyone's absence of gratitude, you'd think she'd have enough. Maybe that was her flaw… her Achilles heel.

Let's get something straight though, her first intention was to say no when Elijah Mikaelson called her. Why should she help the Mikaelson family when their hybrid of a brother had a way of killing before getting to know someone type of mentality. Not only had he caused death and destruction to their lives, if you breathed wrong he would kill you.

Wait, why was she doing this again? Oh, right, if whatever looming threat over them took their lives, then her friends and her mother would die as well. And that was something that she couldn't live with. And also, Elijah may have wooed her and boosted her ego a little when he informed her that her blood line was the most powerful form of witch craft he had ever endured, and that she had the potential to be the most powerful witch there was, with the right training.

"The power roaming around in your system, just beneath the surface is mouthwatering…. intoxicating, and it defies every law of magic I have ever known." With his expertise and proper training methods, what Bonnie could do now would amplify.

So, Bonnie packed her things, locked up her cousin's place, and caught a flight out. Right before she got on the plane she did face time Lucy, who proceeded to calm her nerves.

"Tell me again how crazy I am for doing this?"

"Bonnie, I already told you, you're far from crazy." Lucy said from whatever remote location she was in. "They asked you to come because they know how powerful you are. I know a lot of shit has happened in the past with the originals, but that's the kind of world we live in you know? Listen, I'm only going to say this once. You know how to take care of yourself. You're a powerful Bennett witch, whose powers are growing by the second. Plus, New Orleans… the witches there, you'll really like it. There's so much to learn. Also, Elijah gave me his word that he would keep you safe."

Bonnie almost forgot that Lucy and Elijah had some type of thing in the past. But, that still didn't ease the discomfort in her stomach.

"Yeah, because his word meant so much in the past. Elijah is only looking out for his family… I'll be collateral damage."

"Which means, when you feel like you're in over your head, high tail it out of there."

Except what would be of her mom and friends if she did? Hell, they didn't even know that she was doing this.

"There goes the face," Lucy said through the phone. "Look, I think I've instilled as much as I can inside your brain that you are not to sacrifice yourself for anyone anymore. The thing about you, your heart is so big that you will do anything to help the people you care about, and that's great. I wish I could be that selfless, but you come first in all of this. Remember that. Plus, your death has thrown off the balance a lot."

Bonnie smiled; of course she would throw that last part in there. Lucy and being sentimental was a hard sentence to come by.

And now, close to five hours later, the flight attendant was nudging her awake to put on her seatbelt so they could land.

Bonnie hadn't even realized she had taken it off during the trip, nor did she realize she had fallen asleep.

The moment she stepped off the plane, it felt like a burst of energy had infiltrated her lungs. Instead of doubling over to catch her breath, she stood still, taking it all in. It was almost like an invigorating high…like she could taste and smell all of the magic coursing through the air. And man, did she want to drown in it; to allow it to seep into her blood stream and insert itself into her bones.

"Wow…" She breathed.

After grabbing her luggage, she turned around to see Elijah standing only a few feet away from her. Okay, so she always thought the eldest Mikaelson brother was a fox. Trying to deny something like that was hard. The way he wore a suit shouldn't even be allowed. He was like staring at a masterpiece you were about to spend your whole life savings on because it was just that damn beautiful… unique… mesmerizing even.

But, she was not going to be hypnotized with his good looks. She was twenty three for crying out loud and here on a mission.

"Ms. Bennett."


He gave her a smile, and it almost made her ovaries explode. When was the last time she had gotten any? A few make outs here and there from parties that her cousin took her too? Had that really been it? Oh, and her trust dusty toy that came into play every so often. Yeah, she definitely needed to focus.

He grabbed her bags, "I am pleased you were able to come in such short notice."

She provided a small smile, but didn't say anything. He was looking at her like he could ravage her in any moment, and getting looked at by a man with his caliber, was something very new to her.

They were in the car before Bonnie spoke again.

"So, let me try to get everything straight. Bring me up to speed. Klaus has a child with Hayley?"

"Yes." He answered. "Her name is Hope."

Bonnie nodded. How crazy was that? Klaus could have children. "And you all have a long lost sister, who is a witch. A vampire named Marcel, who is also Klaus's protégé, practically rebuilt the town? The witches can only do magic in the French Quarter. The first vampires that you all sired are back and probably in a plot to kill you all, and Rebekah is missing?"

"You would be correct." He turned the corner.

"Anything else I'm missing?"

"You are absolutely stunning."

Welp, the car just got smaller and her cheeks began to flush.

Bonnie cleared her throat. "Um… so this prophecy. Explain it to me."

"All we know as of now is that we will be defeated, one by friend, one by family, and one by foe. But, we don't know who, and we don't know how to stop it."

"And you think I will?"

"You are the only one who has come close to killing Klaus and still live to tell the tale."

"Until you went back on your word and stopped me."

"He's my family, Bonnie, as much as I can't stand him, there is a bond there that cannot be broken."

"Even after everything he's done to you and oh… let's say everyone."

"Even after. Niklaus is my Achilles heel as much as I try to deny it. I'm sure you have those… that is why you are here."

That shut her up quickly. She could definitely understand that.

"So, what makes you think I can do this?"

"Because you are honestly the strongest that can give protection. The only one I believe strong enough to save us all."

"And what about the part that says if something goes wrong, Bonnie is put on the back burner?"

"Bonnie, you are here as my guest. This means a great deal to me. I will protect you."

Before she could respond, Elijah pulled up to the compound.

"We are here."

Wow, it was pretty beautiful.

As Bonnie was about to open the car door to get out, Elijah sped around and did it for her.

"Chivalry is not quite dead, Ms. Bennett."

Well, technically, Elijah was dead, so it kind of was. She decided to keep her silly comments to herself.

"Thank you." Before they walked in, Bonnie stopped him with her words. "Let's get one thing straight. I don't trust either of you. That has to be earned. I'm doing this for my mom…for my friends. If anything happens to where my life gets put on the chopping block, I'll leave. And trust me, you will regret it."

0 to 100 real quick; that's exactly how she went when it was about her life and keeping herself safe.

And Elijah admired that, as he stared down at the witch. He never got to truly be in her presence as long as many, but he wasn't blind. Bonnie Bennett was a force to be reckoned with. He could only imagine what she would be like when she came into all of that untapped power.

"I will not allow it to come to that point."

Bonnie nodded.

"Shall we enter?" He opened the door for her.

When Bonnie walked inside, she had to admit, the place was beautiful. And she was blown away by the courtyard.

"I will show you to your sleeping quarters."

"And what do we have here."

Bonnie turned towards the familiar voice to see none other than Niklaus Mikaelson standing before them. When was the last time she had really seen him? Three, four year's maybe? She knew that she spoke to him on the phone informing them about the other side going down, but that seemed like a lifetime ago.

If technicalities were in order, it kind of was.

Also, maybe she could take her cousin's advice and get laid while she was down here, because the moment her libido started to flip by looking at Klaus, was a moment she really started to question who she was as a person.

"Bonnie Bennett, as I live and breathe." He then looked at Elijah with that smile that was dripped with nothing but menacing sarcasm. "I didn't know we were having guest, dear brother" His eyes connected with Bonnie's. "Getting tired of your worthless little circle of friends, I suppose?"

"Caroline's doing fine by the way." She smirked. "I'll tell her you asked about her."

Klaus gave her a ruthless grin.

"Niklaus, do have manners. Bonnie will be staying with us for awhile."

"Yet, I have not gone out of my way to approve that."

"Yet, you seem to be the only one who believes they make all the decisions here."

Really, what did she just walk into? Damon and Stefan 2.0…. or maybe 1.0 since they were older.

"I can leave…" Bonnie suggested, gaining a look from both of them.

"There will be no need for that," Elijah said. "Klaus's manners are fairly unjust if you remembered correctly."

Bonnie allowed a giggle to escape her lips.

"Do treat her with respect, brother; she is here to keep you safe."

And with those last words, Elijah showed Bonnie up to her room.

The apprehension she had in her gut the moment she saw Klaus, died when they walked into the room she would be staying in. Her breath literally caught in her throat. It wasn't just the vibe and the warm colors of the room that insinuated passion and power. It was the dozen of books splayed neatly around the room. There were three tall bookshelves full of books, and others in various areas.

"Are those…are…?"

"Yes, Bonnie. These are grimoires as well as information on your family history." He put down her luggage. "I do apologize by not having them all here for your arrival, but there will be more in attendance in a day or two."

Her eyes widened. There were more? Bonnie was rendered speechless.

"I will leave you to get situated. We are having somewhat of dinner party tonight; I would love if you would grace us with your presence."

Honestly, Bonnie didn't even know if she agreed or disagreed, and she didn't even realize when Elijah left the room.

Saying her time here would be interesting, was definitely an understatement.

A/N: What do you all think? Like I said earlier, I will be loosely following the episodes and the storyline of s3 of The Originals. For those who were reading Family with Power; it is on hiatus, but I haven't given up on it yet.

I know I've written many stories regarding Bonnie and tapping into a lot of power, etc, but I can't help it. We really don't get that on the show, so I love exploring it. So, I hope you will too.

Thank you all for reading, and please review to let me know what you think.