"Natsu!" Natsu heard his name being called from behind him and turned to see his blonde best friend kneeling down in front of him looking more than a little tipsy. "Do the thing where you purr like a cat!" Lucy demanded and Natsu looked at her, dumfounded.

"When the hell have I ever done that?" He exclaimed as she gazed up at him with a serious expression.

"Mmkay, then I'll do it for you!" Before Natsu had time to respond, Lucy flung herself on top of him bringing them both toppling down.

"H-hey, cut it out, Lucy!" Natsu cried as Lucy's full weight was now on his body. She responded by stroking him under the chin while "purring" like a cat.

"Ngah!" Natsu tried not to feel uncomfortable, it was just Lucy, right? But this Lucy was different, he'd seen her before, she made him pet her and give her a piggyback ride to the bathroom! It was best to just let her do her thing and not get in the way he supposed.

"See, that's what I meant! Don't you remember?" Lucy slurred, picking up her head from his chest to make eye contact with him.

"Er, no. Lucy, I don't think I've ever done that." Natsu explained in exasperation.

"You're mean!" Lucy pouted though her hand continued to move rhythmically beneath his chin.

"I'm not being mean!" Natsu defended and then grabbed her hand to stop its movement. "An stop that! I'm not a cat."

"But you are!" Lucy insisted, trying to wriggle her hand out of her grasp but Natsu held it firmly.

"Lucy…" Natsu whined and she wiggled around on top of him.

"Oh, I know!" Lucy burst out and took her free hand and started patting his hair. "Just like a kitty!" Natsu sighed as her fingers continuously brushed through his hair. This actually feels kind of nice… But this is still weird and not Lucy!

"Luce…!" Natsu complained once more and grabbed her hand that was stroking the top of his head with his free hand. Now, Natsu was gripping both of Lucy's hands, pinning them down on his chest making her frown, her brown eyes shining.

"But you won't be a cat…" Lucy grumbled as she rested her head on his chest once more while Natsu let out a sigh of relief. Lucy was quiet for a few moments and Natsu thought she might have drifted off to sleep even with all the hectic events going on around them. However, she then suddenly popped up, startling Natsu in the process, with a devilish look on her face.

"Well, there's one other thing the kitties do…" Natsu was about to ask what it could possibly be but was cut off by Lucy placing a small kiss on his lips and then pulling away quickly, her face red as she actually realized what she did. Natsu stared at her, wide-eyed and in shock.

"How… How is that something cats do?" Natsu whispered almost inaudibly.

"Well… You kissed Happy and Happy and Pantherlily just kissed so…" Lucy trailed off, offering him her reasoning. Natsu pondered the though for a few moments, watching Lucy as she wouldn't look at him.

"Okay." Natsu then assured her and she whipped her face back to look at him.

"Oh." Lucy mumbled, her cheeks flushed and Natsu smirked at her.

"I'll be a cat." Natsu exhaled and placed his hands behind his head with Lucy still on top of him. Before they could discuss anything more, Erza stomped over to them.

"Stop acting all couple-y! Both of you, strip naked, I'm the master!"

"Wah!" Natsu and Lucy gasped and stared at Erza in fear.

"Do it!" Erza barked and Natsu quickly glanced around the room to see most everyone else without their clothes. Christmas comes around only once a year… And it's never normal when it comes to Fairy Tail…