Guilmon stares up at the starry sky, his pupils and whites of his eyes are gone, nothing but the coloring of his eyes can be seen, he seems like he doesn't know what's happening at all, as if he were lost... lost in a memory...
Guilmon then starts to shout "Spencer! Spencer Where are you! I promised I would always protect you and your family! Spencer!" Guilmon continues to shout out 'Spencer' and how he promised to take care of Spencer and his family, soon, Guilmon starts to attack things at random... Squirrels, Raccoons, anything that is near or in range of his Pyro Sphere. Guilmon starts to wear out but doesn't give up when he stands on one knee, then... Everything goes black for Guilmon.
It's been two weeks since Takato and Guilmon had been pushed into a portal by a Digimon, however, Takato realized that they were in Tokyo, and the fact that no one knows what Digimon are, worries him, Guilmon walks next to Takato, Takato's hoodie and a cloak on the red dragon, all that can be seen is Guilmon's eyes.
"Hey Guilmon... do you think we will ever get home...?" Guilmon looks at Takato, his eyes shine with worry as he continues to walk, but he then tenses when he sniffs the air, his pupils contracting. Guilmon sniffs the air again and growls a bit. "There's a Digimon isn't there... show me the way Boy." Guilmon nods as he runs where he senses the Digimon, Takato following him with ease after the few years of chasing wild Digimon and Guilmon. Soon, they reach the spot where the Digimon is, a Garurumon, however it's fur is black, and the stripes are white, in front of it is a Greymon, however, it looks different as well, and there stands a brown haired boy with brown hair, a orange and white Digivice in his hand, Guilmon growls at the Garurumon, and then tenses even more, his pupils disappear, the whites do as well, and he seems to be out of it, that's when Guilmon murmmers the name Spencer under his breath, the Greymon attacks the Garurumon, and the battle soon ends, Resulting in the Garurumon being turned into a Digiegg, that's when a car comes screeching to a halt, and the Greymon dedigivolves to a Agumon, two people come out of the car, looking at the brown haired boy, that's when the girl who came out of the driver seat gets ready to start yelling at the brown haired boy with the Agumon, until that is, she notices Takato standing there, staring at the Digi-egg that was once Garurumon, and she curses softly also noting the 'man' in a cloak standing next to Takato.
The Agumon now notices the boy and the 'man', then says. "Ah shoot! Boss we've been found out! Gah! Run!" The Agumon runs in circles, holding it's head in between it's clawed hands. The boy turns around to look at Takato, and the cloaked 'Man' next to Takato, that's when Guilmon tenses up even more, he mumbles the name 'Spencer' again and his closed mouth starts to glow red, enabling the boy to see Guilmon's face, before Guilmon opens his mouth and lets out a Pyro Sphere causing Takato to freak out and try to stop Guilmon, but only gets sent flying into the wall, groaning softly as he rubs the back of his head, a sticky red liqud comes off of his head and Takato stares at his blood covered hand, his eyes wide, and he shivers as he feels more blood dripping out of his wound on his head.
Agumon narrows his eyes a bit as he jumps away from the attack Guilmon sent his way, and he lets loose a fiery ball of fire "Pepper Breath!" The Pepper Breath misses Guilmon, but catches his cloak on fire, this catches Guilmon's attention and Guilmon rips the cloak off.
Thomas and Yoshino gasp a bit when they see the boy sent flying into the wall, and pull back a hand from his head covered with blood, but their digimon, Gaomon and Lalamon watch as an attack comes from the cloaked figure, that's when Agumon sends a Pepper Breath at the mystery Cloaked figure, catching its cloak on fire. How ever, what shocked them the most is when the cloaked figure rips the cloak off of its body. A unknown digimon was under the cloak, a hoodie on its body, the hood covering its head.
"Yoshi, we have to get that boy away from Agumon and that digimon, and most likely get him to a hospital." Yoshi looks at Thomas who had said it and she nods.
"We better do it now while the digimon are dis- What is that boy doing?!"
Takato stumbles a bit as he runs to Guilmon, and tackles Guilmon to the ground, holding Guilmon's mouth shut. "Down boy! Come on, snap of it! Guilmon!" Guilmon shakes his head wildly and when he opens his eyes again, they're back to normal. Guilmon tries to talk but its muffled, that's when Takato takes his arms away from Guilmon's mouth, and sighs softly as he gets off.
Guilmon stands up and rubs his hurt mouth, "Owwie Takatooo that hurt! Why do you have a strong grip?" Guilmon stares at Takato his tail wagging a bit, not noticing anyone but Takato until a Seed Shot hits him on the right side, making him cry out in somewhat of pain. "Owie!" Turning his head, Guilmon sees a pink... plant digimon, and a dog like digimon running at him, Guilmon grabs Takato and jumps into the air, letting loose five Pyro Spheres one after another.
A few seconds later, Guilmon lands on his feet, up on the roof of the station, he lets Takato down, who winces in pain as he holds his head over the wound on his head, that's when Guilmon smells the blood and looks worriedly to Takato. "Takatomon, you smell funny... You okay?" Guilmon sniffs Takato's head, and wrinkles his nose. Then, he notices the red sticky liquid dripping off of Takato's head, and he whines softly.
"I think I might have a concussion Guilmon... I sorta hit my head hard... Ow..." Guilmon's ears fall onto his head and Guilmon nuzzles Takato's stomach, and lowers his body to the ground.
"I could take you to that one place that smells weird, a... hospital?" Takato nods a bit, but makes no move on getting onto Guilmon.
"Why don't you carry me with your arms... so then if I faint... I wo-" Takato stops in mid sentence, and he starts to fall forward, his eyes closed, Guilmon thankfully catches Takato in his arms and holds Takato securely, however he freezes up when he hears a low growl from behind him, Guilmon glances behind him and sees the same digimon, the dog one, behind him but, he can tell it Digivolved, that's when Guilmon growls softly and jumps, always landing on his feet, he then runs, trying to find a Hospital, his eyes looking left and right, he turns at a sharp corner and hisses softly, the screech of tires is heard, and he notices a car following him.
About five minutes later, Guilmon sees a sign on a big building stating the word hospital, and Guilmon charges to the building, the car following.
Guilmon runs through the doors and looks around for someone to help Takato, he sees someone that smells very strange, to him at least, in a white uniform, and Guilmon charges at the person. Catching the person off guard, Guilmon pulls on the person's coat. "You gotta help Takato! Takato hit his head then then all this happened! Please Help Takato!" The doctor blinks and looks down slightly but freezes when she sees a red dinosaur holding a boy, around the age of 12 or 13, she nods a bit, and Takes Takato from Guilmon's arms.
"I'll do what all I can to help... okay... uh..." Guilmon blinks a bit nd then says his name
"I'm Guilmon... Takato's Digimon partner." The doctor ignores that bit, but stores it into her mind so she can ask the boy later. She carries Takato to a room, in a hurry, Guilmon follows her, worrying about his friend.
About six minutes later, a knock on the door the doctor is in with Takato is heard, Guilmon stares at the door, his bandaged face can still be seen with worry.
Guilmon had a nasty cut on the under side of his jaw, and various scraps from when Takato had tackled him, so the doctor, known as Yoru Taichihiro, walks up to the door, and opens it, at this time, Takato moans softly as he sits up, placing a bandaged hand on his bandaged head, he winces softly at the bright light.
"I'm with DATS and I'm here to take that creature back to its home mam, so if you could please move so my agents could get the creature into its cage" Takato snaps his head to the door and his eyes widen a bit when he sees Yoshino, he forces himself to get off the bed, and he stumbles a bit as he walks, he reaches Guilmon, and wraps a arm around Guilmon's neck, causing Guilmon to turn his head and look at Takato, and making Guilmon wrap an arm around Takato's waist as Takato now takes his arm away, and pull out a card, and his D-Ark, his eyes somewhat blank, that's when they snap back in focus.
"You... You guys aren't taking Guilmon away... He's my partner... my friend!" Yoshi holds out a device in her hands, and the screen brightens up, she glances at the doctor.
"Get out of here, looks like things are going to be rough miss..." Thomas grabs the doctor and drags her away from the room.
Yoshi lets Lalamon out of her digivice, gritting her teeth. "Look kid, I don't want to hurt you so... step away from the Digimon and let me wipe your memory and take you back home." Takato shakes his head, and throws the card into the air, letting Guilmon get in front of him, and walk in front of Takato.
The card falls, and Takato catches it, and he swipes it "Digi-Modify! Hyper Wings activate! Hypersonic active!" To Yoshino and Marcus' shock, glowing white wings appear on Guilmon's back, and Guilmon blurs out of sight, as if they missed something, and Lalamon with Agumon are sent through the wall leading outside. Guilmon blurs above of Takato, and lets Takato shakily get on his back, so he can run with Takato on his back, and Takato does it, and Guilmon... flies.
Guilmon pants softly as he lays down next to Takato, laying in the park, in one of the playground equipment play things. Takato had long fallen asleep, now cuddling with Guilmon, a soft, shuddering breath escapes Takato's mouth as he breaths in. Guilmon curls up around Takato's sleeping form, and slowly falls asleep.
The next day
"Hurry up Marcus! You said you would take me to the park!" Marcus sighs a bit as he and Agumon nod to Kristy, Marcus' little sister, their mother smiles softly as she hands them three baskets, full of food she had packed for them.
"Knowing you and Agumon, you two can eat a lot so, I made a lot for you guys." Marcus grins at his mom and takes all three of the baskets as Kristy tries to drag him out the door.
"Come on!" Marcus sighs a bit and follows Kristy as she walks to the park, and walks to one of her favorite parks of the park, a big cave like contraption with swings, and a rock climb on it. Kristy walks up to the opening but freezes when she sees a boy with bandages around his head, and other parts of his body, cuddling a huge red dragon like dinosaur with black markings on its body, who is curled around the boy, almost as if... it were protecting the boy, bandages can be seen on the things body as well.
She gasps softly and walks into the playground cave, she kneels down by the dinosaur/dragon, she looks at it and places a hand on its back, she softly pets it's back, and then looks at the boy, his bandages look somewhat fresh, but... blood can be seen on the bandages, Kristy stands up and goes to leave but something grabs her hand.
"Don't go...Takato and I have been really lonely... Takatomon is hurt too..." A sleepy, childlike voice murmurers to Kristy causing her to look down, the red dinosaur/dragon looks at her, big, sleepy golden yellow eyes stare into her eyes, Kristy blinks a bit and smiles a bit as she sits down next to Guilmon's head.
Guilmon rests his head on Kristy's lap. "I'm Guilmon... whats your name...?" Kristy blinks a bit
"My name is Kristy Damon. Wait... Guilmon... as in... you're a digimon?" Guilmon nods a bit at this.
"Uh-Huh... you know any other digimon Kristy?" Kristy nods a bit at this.
"Yeah... my big brother has a digimon called Agumon. I've met a Biyomon too... and he became my digimon partner.."
Marcus looks at the time... 12:59 PM Seeing the time, Marcus grins a bit as he looks at the baskets of food. "Kristy! It's lunch time! So get over here before Agumon eats all of the food!"
Kristy walks out of the cave contraption and yells back. "Can some of my new friends eat with us Marcus?" When Marcus hears this, he blinks, There weren't any kids here when he, Kristy and Agumon came here... no one has showed up either. This causes Marcus to frown and think.
If there was other kids here... the only way for them to be here without me noticing them come here would be if they slept in the park... but... who in their right mind would let their kid sleep on the ground in the park.
"Sure Kristy, just tell them about Agumon and that they can't tell anyone bout him got it?" Kristy nods, and walks back to the cave, and comes out a few seconds later, a boy with bandages around places on his body, the one that can seen with ease would be his bandaged head, maroon eyes can be seen as well.
Marcus blinks a bit, and wonders where he could have seen that boy, and shakes his head when he can't remember. Agumon suddenly tenses up and stares behind the boy, thats when a bandaged red dinosaur/dragon walks out from behind the boy, causing Marcus to freeze up at the sight of that digimon.
Kristy grins at her brother as her, the boy and the dragon/dino sit down near the baskets of food. The boy has his arms wrapped around the red creature's neck, holding it back from the basket. "Marcus, these two are my new friends, Takato Matsuki and Guilmon. Don't worry Marcus! Guilmon is really friendly!" Marcus just stares at the red dragon digimon, as it sniffs a basket, and its tail wags...
"Takatomon these things smell like food! /are they edible?" The dragon digimon known as Guilmon puts a clawed paw to his mouth, his eyes filled with... child like curiosity. Takato shakes his head a bit at his digimon's childish act.
"The baskets aren't edible Guilmon, but the food inside of them are... See?" Takato picks the basket up and opens it, pulling out some food, which happens to be bread, causing Guilmon to lunge at it, trying to get the food, shouting 'bread' while Takato tries to push Guilmon off of him. Takato suddenly throws the bread in the air, sending it flying, and, causing Guilmon to run after it saying 'please don't go bread I'm just gonna eat you'
Takato smiles and chuckles a bit as he takes a bite out of a sandwich, as he atches Guillmon and Kristy play tag... And then, he's hit with realization, and drops the sandwich, getting up and calling out to Guilmon, who runs up to Takato.
"Whats wrong Takatomon?" Guilmon sniffs Takato's chest and then frowns slightly when Takato says that its time they go... "But Takato... Why do we have to?" Takato pets Guilmon and softly says
"We need to find somewhere to stay and stuff Guilmon... so go and say bye and thankyou to Marcs and Kristy, then we can get going okay Guilmon?"
Yet again- another drabble that has lost its soul... Eh... I guess the reason why I came up witht his was.. because of how Guilmon was instantly a Guilmon. And so far- we all know digimon come out of an egg at the intraining or baby level. However Guilmon did not- so this spurred on my mind having Guilmon being someone elses digimon once upon a time (which became Marcus' father) and so Guilmon slowly remembered something... And dundundun you egt this shit... Perhaps if I get many requests- I'll make it into a story? Hmm.. nto to sure... but oh well