The mission had been simple, get in, get the required information and get out without no one knowing they were there ... That's not what happened.

Each young teen had done their jobs, Aqualad, Artemis and Superboy provided the distraction, M'gan lead Kid Flash and Robin towards the designated room housing their prize, Robin meticulously scanning the buildings layouts, traps, motion sensors, heat signatures and alarm system.

Everything was going perfectly, until the desired info wasn't there, goons appeared seemingly from out of nowhere, each member was lucky to have made it out and safely back to Mt. Justice.

Upon sight of their damaged sidekicks, the mentors dragged each one into the infirmary, all but Batman who seethed in pure anger towards the teens.

How could this team mess up so badly? The kids could have died and it was all his sons fault.
Robin neglected to check the room the team was heading too, blindly walking the group into a trap, Dick knew better than that.

In seconds the dark knight was in the room, all kids just finished getting bandaged when a resigning growl caught everyone's attention.

Batman glared each member down as he slowly made his way up to the bed Robin was sitting on.

The Flash gulped, he knew that bat glare anywhere, but after listening to his nephews recount of the events, he didn't blame the kids "Batman chill out, it wasn't their fault."

The bat ignored Barry and finished his approach to Robin, the boy wonder knew he was in deep trouble, he'd done something wrong.

"Batman I-" The boy is stopped short at the raise of his father's black glove, finger pointing directly at him.

"Do you know what you did wrong, Robin?" demands the angry bat "Do you?"
Robin stands, ready to take any punishment Bruce could possibly think of "I failed the mission."

All eyes turn to Robin, what was the boy wonder saying? It wasn't his fault "Rob, it wasn't your fault man." States Wally

Batman growls once again, his hand grabbing hold of Robin's chin tightly, forcing the boy to look up "You disappoint me Robin, you know better than that!"

"Batman, calm down." States Superman, the man of steel didn't like how Bruce was treating his son

"All you had to do was be useful to your team, for once just do your damn job! Why is that so difficult?"

Robin pulls his chin; now that was going too far "I am useful, I do my part just like everyone else on the team, why do you always blame me?"

"I blame you because it's your entire fault! You do absolutely nothing for this team and all you do is get in my way on patrol."

The boy wonder wrenches his chin out of Batman's grasp, fresh tears fill his blue eyes "If I'm so bad, why take me along?"

"Mess up again, one more mistake and you're finished, off the team and done with fighting crime alongside me, do you understand?"

Robin stares, sure he'd made a mistake, but no one was dead, it wasn't bad enough to take Robin away "I ... "

"Yes or no, do you understand?" Demands the bat at his young charge, all eyes in the room roam from father to son, no words can be thought of due to the power in the sheer moment.

Robin lowers his head; the tears finally running down his cheeks, his hands clenched by his sides as his body trembles "Y ... Yes, I understand."

Batman lowers to the crying boys face "You understand what?"

Robin sniffles "I understand ... Batman." Once the larger bat was out of his space, Robin turned on his heels and ran towards the training room, passing his fellow colleagues and their mentors in his descent.

Everyone follows the fleeing boy with their eyes, tears falling down their faces as well, anger filling their every thought

"How could you say that to Robin? He's been by your side since he was nine!" Screams The Flash, he couldn't believe how the boy he felt was family was being treated "That kid looks up to you!"

Batman remains where he is, scowl deepening upon his features "He needs to be punished for what he did, there's consequences to every action."

Superboy runs to the bat, fist out ready to punch the cowl face "How dare you treat him like that! He's just a kid."

Batman grabs the fist seconds before the hit, glaring at the super clone "Don't judge my parenting; Superman can barely even look at you!"

"Leave me out of this, the way you talked to Robin was uncalled for, why would you say that to him?" speaks Superman as the man now steps forward "He's your son! That boy saved you when he came into your life!"

All beings cross their arms awaiting an answer as to why, the kids debating going after Robin, but knew he needed to be alone at the moment

Batman's glare begins to soften, his shoulders sag as his words repeat through his head, followed by Dick's crying eyes before he ran from the room.

"He made a simple mistake, it happens, but nothing too bad happened." Barry lays his hand atop the bats shoulder "Go talk to him, he needs you right now, Bruce." The last part was whispered but the message was conveyed perfectly

Bruce nods and turns to walk towards the training room, but is stopped dead in his tracks at the site of his teenaged son, out of his costume, eyes covered by dark sunglasses in his civvies.

"Robin, I need to talk with you." Begins the father, he knew he'd gone too far and had to fix this mess

Robin drops his uniform to the ground, eyes never leaving his mentors "I always get in your way huh? I'm useless to the team. I'll make things easier for you."

The Justice League and Young Justice stare in shock, was Robin quitting? "Dude, don't leave." Begs Wally

Robin wipes away a few running tears with his hand before politely waving "I wish I could have done something right for you guys."

Dick turns and walks towards the transporter, pretending not to hear the pleas for him to come back, what shocked him the most was the devastated yell from Bruce

Bruce watched as his Ward quit, he said goodbye and walked away, this wasn't supposed to happen, he never wanted this, sure he'd threatened to take Robin away, but that's all it was, a simple threat.

"Rob, man don't leave! Batman's wrong, we need you!" Cries Wally as his best friend gets further and further away

"Wally is right Robin, we're not a team without you." States Kaldur, his piercing gaze watching Robins fleeing form

M'gan wailed in Connors arms, she was losing a good friend and she could feel his sadness and disparity, Robin didn't want this "Robin, please done leave us! I know you want to stay, I can feel it!"

Conner angrily stares at Batman "This is all your fault! You drove Robin away!"

Batman runs as fast as he can, he had to catch Dick before he left "Robin! I was wrong and I'm sorry, you're not useless and you belong on the team ... Dick please!"

Robin stops just beside the transporter, he wanted to believe Bruce, he truly wished he could get those negative words out of his head, but a part of him felt they were correct.

Dick tosses his glasses towards the ground, his final step of giving up Robin gone as he exited Mt. Justice

"Recognized Robin B zero-one"

Everyone stares broken and in shock, Batman holding the small uniform and shattered glasses to his chest, tears of rage and sadness showering down his masked eyes

All thoughts out the door, Wally was going after Dick, his goggles are thrown over his eyes as he makes a speedy exit.

"Recognized Kid Flash B zero-two"

"What have I done? Clark why did I say those things to him?" Cries Bruce Wayne "To my own son!"

Barry and Clark remain froze in place, the situation keeping each grounded to where they stood, small tears falling down their cheeks

M'gan finally collapsed in Conners arms, her cries deafening the super clone, but he refused to let her go, he lovingly stroked her hair.

Suddenly Batman rushes out of the mountain, he had talk with Dick, he couldn't leave things how they were.

"Recognized Batman B zero-one"

Can Batman fix this or will he make things even worse? Stay tuned