I don't own Mortal Kombat! Please comment and review on this chapter. And no flames, if you don't mind.
Free For All
Everyone person turned to look at Kano. Some held looks of pure anger, mainly Jacqui, Sonya, Kung Jin, Johnny, and even Takeda as he got up off the ground. Meanwhile, Cassie smirked evilly. Kano laughed menacingly at the group of heroes.
''Try as ya will, you'll only fail.'' Kano mocked them. ''If ya know what's good for you, I suggest you leave, and no one will get hurt.''
''As I've said before, I don't negotiate with scumbags.'' Sonya bared her teeth in anger, balling her fists. ''What'd you do to my daughter?''
''Made 'er better.'' Kano drew out his knife, his cybernetic eye starting to glow brighter. ''How's about a demonstration?''
''Let her go.'' Jin ordered.
''Aw, then you'd miss all the fun!'' Kano grinned psychotically. ''Get 'em!''
With that, several more Black Dragon soldiers appeared from the fog, charging at the group.
''Had a feeling you'd be like that.'' Sonya glared at the cult leader. After the words left her mouth, several S.F soldiers ran out from the cover of the fog.
Almost immediately, they began battle against each other. Sonya charged Kano, who smirked as Cassie tackled her mother before she got the chance.
Cassie pinned the General's hands to the ground. Sonya noticed Cassie's changed eyes, as well as her sharpened teeth and claws that were digging into her hands. Cassie leaned down, fangs gnashing in a threatening manner. Sonya struggled as she tried to push Cassie off of her.
Although it proved futile for the General. Cassie's teeth got closer, but an energy blast was shot into her side, knocking her off her mother. Sonya looked to where it had come from, discovering Jacqui, who had her gauntlets aimed to where Cassie had been. Giving Sonya a nod, she turned and began fighting against the Black Dragon again.
Cassie rolled a few feet away, as Sonya got up quickly. Cassie looked up at the General, banging one fist on the ground as she got up, a growl escaping her mouth.
Sonya readied her wrist gauntlets, taking aim at Cassie.
After a few moments of hesitation, Sonya fired off several shots. Cassie performed a series of flips, dodging each and every blast.
But with each flip, Cassie had gotten closer to Sonya. Soon, Cassie kicked her mother in the head, knocking Sonya off her feet.
Sonya recovered, getting back up. She ran forward to attack Cassie, throwing a punch. However, Cassie caught Sonya's fist, twisting her arm painfully. Sonya cried out in pain, but quickly spun around, twisting her arm free of Cassie's grip and elbowing her in the stomach.
Cassie stumbled back, as Sonya fired a blast from her gauntlets, hitting Cassie in the chest and knocking her back.
Sonya walked forward as Cassie laid on the ground, groaning and struggling to get up. Sonya put her boot on Cassie's throat, preparing to render her unconscious with another energy blast.
Before she was given the chance, a knife whirled by her hand, barely grazing the top of it. Sonya's eyes widened as she drew her hand back in shock, a thin red line forming where the knife had struck.
She turned to see Kano walking towards her. Sonya's anger flared as she saw the smug smirk on his face.
The two began to brawl as a sound cut through the air. Nobody heard it except Cassie, due to her enhanced senses.
It was a portal that had opened…close by.
Cassie weakly got up from the ground, quickly but quietly walking through the fog.
She could sense the being of ten thousand souls. She could smell the Zaterrean. She could hear the mercenary, the rattling of sand grenades on his belt.
Their footsteps echoed in her ears, as she knew they were approaching.
She saw three shadowy figures through the blanket of fog. Before she could ready herself for an attack, bands of green restrained her, lifting her in the air.
Cassie growled as she looked up, seeing a hooded figure with black straps hiding his full face, his robe flowing behind him.
Then, behind him, appeared Erron Black and Reptile. Cassie narrowed her eyes.
''Here.'' Reptile hissed, looking Cassie over.
''Ermac.'' Erron huffed. ''You said you sensed a Tarkatan in Earthrealm.''
''And this is it.'' Ermac said, looking over at Erron. ''theirs is Tarkatan DNA flowing through her veins.''
''How?'' The Zatterrean looked to Ermac. ''She is of Earthrealm.''
Erron cleared his throat, pointing to a symbol on a wall close by. It was a Black Dragon symbol.
''That's your answer.'' Erron said. ''The Black Dragon are responsible for many fucked up things.''
''We are to take her to the Emperor.'' Ermac said, lowering Cassie from the air.
The bonds around her vanished, and instead there was a single one keeping her arms bound to her body, and two bounding her wrists.
Reptile and Erron grabbed Cassie roughly by her shoulders, forcing her through the portal.
Ermac, Erron, Reptile, and Cassie walked through the portal, into the Emperor's courtyard. All three men took notice of the empty place, which was usually busy with people.
But scattered all amongst the courtyard were many Tarkatans, led by Tanya. They were all in hiding, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
''Now.'' One Tarkatan hissed.
''Wait.'' Tanya held up her hand. ''Who is with them?''
One Tarkatan sniffed the air. ''An Earthrealmer.''
Tanya narrowed her eyes. ''They betrayed the Empress. Leave no survivors.''
A fireball appeared in Tanya's hand, a signal for them to attack.
The Tarkatans immediately jumped out from their hiding places, running forward and circling the four.
Tanya quickly teleported behind Erron, taking his revolvers and destroying them in a blink of an eye.
Erron's hands shot to his gun holsters, discovering the absence of said weapons. He huffed, glaring at Tanya who had teleported between two Tarkatans, completing the circle.
''We shall handle them.'' Reptile said to Ermac. ''Take her to the Emperor.''
Ermac nodded, using his energy to blow two Tarkatans out of the circle and flying between the open gap, using the magical bonds to drag Cassie along.
Tanya nodded to the two Tarkatans that had been blown out of the circle. They nodded back and ran after Ermac.
Erron put his fists up while Reptile conjured a ball of acid.
The markings on Tanya's skin lit up orange as she summoned a fireball, throwing it at the two. Reptile jumped out of the way, while the ball of fire grazed Erron's shoulder. He hissed in pain, holding his shoulder with his other hand.
Erron heard a snarl, looking up to see a Tarkatan rushing towards him, blades extending from his arms. Reptile was busy fighting off Tanya and other Tarkatans.
Despite his singed shoulder, Erron punched the Tarkatan in the teeth, knocking a few out. The Tarkatan stumbled back, but quickly regained balance, swiping his blades at Erron. Erron ducked, the first attempts for his opponent not working.
While the one Tarkatan kept him busy, Tanya snuck away from Reptile, sneaking behind Erron. She took her staff from her back, jumping in the air and putting it underneath her, so she was in a crouching position upon it. Erron kicked the Tarkatans legs out from underneath him, turning around to face Tanya.
Tanya smiled down at him, before jumping from her staff and slamming it down on his head, knocking him out cold.
Tanya looked to Reptile's bleeding and unconscious form. Perfect.
Tanya knew Mileena would be most proud. Why not take it a step further?
''Kill them.'' Tanya ordered the Tarkatans, while motioning for some to follow her.
Four Tarkatans left to follow Tanya, hunting down Ermac. Tanya could sense him. Ermac housed her family's souls. She'd wretch each and every soul free, all the while destroying the being of ten thousand souls, the one who dared betray Mileena.
Tanya smirked as she felt them getting closer. The true Empress of Outworld would be crowned, and Edenia would be restored.
Tanya turned a corner, finding Ermac with Cassie still bound by his magic. She bared her teeth, running behind Ermac. She flipped up, wrapping her legs around his head and flipping back, smashing Ermac's head on the ground.
The move was effective. The bonds that had restrained Cassie vanished. Cassie quickly stood up, staring down the Tarkatans.
One Tarkatan looked curiously at her. He could feel the Tarkatan blood coursing through her veins. He knew that this creature was a hybrid, just like the true Kahnum.
Mileena would want to see this creature.
Tanya looked up from where she was punching Ermac's face. He had been unconscious, but Tanya had kept going. She climbed off him. She then watched as green energy appeared around him, swirling and surely keeping him alive.
Tanya growled, a dark purple powder conjuring in her hands. She then threw it on him. The purple chased away the green, and enveloped his form.
The dark shroud would weaken him and prevent him from using any of his powers. It would also slowly eat at his life, and the souls captured within.
Tanya looked back over to where the Tarkatans were, watching as they rendered a girl unconscious. They then bound her with ropes, in any case she woke up.
Tanya walked over to them.
''Who is she?'' Tanya narrowed her eyes at the girl's figure. ''And why is an Earthrealmer in Outworld?''
''We do not know.'' One Tarkatan replied. ''Kotal would not risk Outworld to capture an Earthrealmer and cause conflict between the realms.''
''That we know.'' Tanya said. ''The Empress will want to see her. Earthrealm refused to aid the true ruler of Outworld, then those who are not with her are against her. And traitors are to be executed.''
The Tarkatans nodded. ''She could prove useful.''
''That is for Mileena to decide.'' Tanya answered, holding up a golden crystal. She held it out if front of her, as the crystal began to glow. Soon, a portal blinked into existence, the same color as the stone.
Tanya walked through, the Tarkatans following, carrying Cassie.
Sonya performed an arc kick, effectively kicking Kano in the head and knocking him off his feet. Kano looked up at Sonya, who walked over, her nose bloody and her uniform torn in some places, blood dripping from several cuts and bruises already forming. She narrowed her eyes and kicked him in the face twice. She then jumped on top of Kano, aggravating the bruises and cuts on his own body. Sonya punched him the face with one hand, the other wrapped around his throat.
Sonya momentarily stopped punching him, growling as she asked him a question.
''What did you do to my daughter?!'' she hissed at him.
Kano smirked, despite Sonya's tightening grip on his throat. ''I'm not…gonna talk.''
''Your clan's already gone. Base is taken and rigged with explosives. Why wouldn't you?'' Kung Jin walked over and asked, his bow in hand.
He was followed by Jacqui, Takeda, and Johnny.
''General Blade.'' Jacqui said, her voice laced with anger, but filled with worry. ''If you kill him, we won't know how to cure Cassie.''
Takeda turned to her. ''Anything else?''
''She's gone.'' Jacqui averted her eyes to the ground.
Sonya's eyes narrowed. Turning to look at them, she said, ''Keep an eye on him. Jacqui, you're with me.''
Jacqui nodded. Sonya hesitantly got off Kano, all the while watching him like a hawk.
Sonya then nodded to the men standing behind her, turning around and storming off to the Black Dragon's base with Jacqui trailing behind her.
Once inside, Jacqui asked Sonya a question. ''What're we looking for?''
Sonya kept walking, but responded nevertheless. ''Clues on what Kano did to Cassie. And how we can get her back.''
Jacqui sighed. At least she got an answer.
''From here on,'' Sonya began, turning to Jacqui, ''We split up. You take the East, I'll take the West.''
With that, Sonya walked away, leaving Jacqui on her own. Jacqui looked around, finding one room with a bright light coming from within. She narrowed her eyes, hesitantly walking to the door.
Yeah, I'll leave it at that for now. But please, comment and review, and I'll see ya next time! KLD kitkat out!