I'm making more one-shots oh nooo

So this is going to be one of four total one-shots, following a romance system created by homestuck. Know that comic? Great, you should know the system and understanding these one-shots wouldn't be so hard. Dont? Well i'm going to briefly explain. Feel free to skip but I recommend reading this. There are 4 different types/quadrants of love: Red, Black, Pale, and Auspistice. Red is normal love, the one we all know and are used to. Black is hate, but extreme attraction (usually the most sexual) also they tend to cause each other a whole lot of pain. Pale is like best friends times 100 or something. Auspistice can only happen with a couple in the black quadrant, it's where one person is responsible for taking care of the two in a black romance, and make sure their hate doesn't go to an extent where they kill each other(I'm going to explain auspistice more once that one-shot comes! It's hard to explain but don't worry). This first shot is based on the Black quadrant. I wanted to write this because I thought Tetrox and Arnick fit the requirements, so here I am. What pairings are the other quadrants?

lol find out later nerds

As said on the summary all characters belong to Tamarinfrog/Searching-For-Bananaflies! Also Splatoon belongs to Nintendo (please give me a wii u? I have yet to own the game).

(This is the most smuttiest thing I've ever written and it's not even smut I hate everyone who made me do this yoU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)


5 pm and practice is over. Perhaps I could go out for an extra run before I would need to-



Adjusting his hat, Arnick scowled as he turned around to find the source of the one calling his name. He already knew who it was, and frankly he didn't want to do anything with her.

"What do you want, Tetrox? And how did you get into my house?" The violet inkling hissed at the octoling as she casually sat down across from him. She had a can of soda, the last one from Arnick's refrigerator, and opened it, taking a swig at the can. Her slow movements made Arnick assume she was ignoring him. "I said," He raised his voice "What are you doing here?" Tetrox slammed the drink on the table between them.

"You actually said something different earlier". She corrected him with a smug playful smirk on her face.

"Just answer the bloody question." He demanded, unamused. Tetrox snorted.

"I can come here whenever I want, sweetie." She explained.

"And since when was that allowed?" He asked. The female octoling shrugged.

"Your window is always opened, plus this isn't the first time I've came here uninvited." She said, shrugging. Arnick turned around, finding out that his window was indeed opened.

"Having my window opened doesn't give you the excuse to come in! Why can't you be like a normal person and walk in through the front door?" He hissed. Tetrox stuck out her tongue and got up.

"Listen hon." She said, walking over to Arnick and reached over to pat his head. He growled at her. "We have this talk every time I come over."

"You break in"

"Same thing. Anyways, I came over because I need a place to crash in." She said.

"Why aren't you staying at your own place?" He asked. Tetrox sighed.

"It's too far." She said. Arnick rolled his eyes. She always made an excuse when it came to sleeping over his place, or any other wild area he has found her in.

Not that he cared for her.

"Now turn around, I'm going to take off my shirt" She said, reaching over the ends of her clothing. A light blush appeared across his face. He shifted his face away from her and used his hand to cover her from his vision.

"W-why don't you g-go to a-a room?" He stammered. Tetrox snickered.

"Are you hitting on me?" She asked. Arnick huffed in frustration.

"You know what, do whatever I don't care." He stated, before getting up while still covering his view of her with his hand. He started to head towards his bedroom, but as soon as he passed her, she immediately grabbed his hand which he was holding up. The male purple inkling froze and slowly turned to face her. She had changed into a crop top but that didn't bother him at the moment.

"What do you want?" He asked, a little hesitant at first. She smirked.

"You know what I want sugar." She said, licking her lips. There was a few seconds of complete silence, with Arnick trying to process what she meant. Immediately after 5 seconds (Tetrox made sure to count), Arnick let out a sound of disgust and forcefully pulled his arm away from her grasp.

"There is no way that is happening today, or ever again." He spat out. Arnick swiftly made his way to his room, with Tetrox following his tail.

"Oh come on! It was a joke, lighten up!" She said, snickering. Anrick refused to respond to her, and slammed the door in front of her. The octoling frowned in disappointment and annoyment. "Fine!" She called out "I guess I'll just trash your place then!" She stood there waiting for a response. Nothing. Tetrox huffed out and made a few fake stomps, slowing down her movements so it seemed as if she was walking away. There was a short pause before Tetrox heard Arnick scream from inside his room.

"TOUCH MY STUFF AND I SWEAR-" He started, opening his door only to find Tetrox standing right in front of him.

"You are really stupid, you know." She snorted. Before Arnick got to close the door again, she pushed herself in along with the violet male inkling. Tetrox sat on top of his bed leaving Arnick to do nothing but stand and watch her.

"I'm hungry. Feed me." She said.

"We went to eat 2 hours ago." Arnick argued. Tetrox pouted.

"Come on, that's no way you should properly host your guest." She got up from the bed and skipped over to his shelf. "You got any good movies? All I see are documentaries and all that boring carp." She said. Arnick scowled at her and marched towards her.

"Stop-" He started, and grabbed her hands away from the organized movies and books. "-Touching my STUFF!" He yelled out, but before he could pull her away completely from the area, she tackled him down onto the ground, and happily plopped herself on top of his stomach. He reached over to push her back, but she grabbed both his arms and slammed them against the ground, apart from each other. Arnick winced as the short term pain. She gave out a roguish smile as she leaned forward. She stopped a few inches away from Arnick's face. Seeing how things were going, Arnick didn't really like what was going to happen in the future.

But his body said otherwise.

"You're so fun to play with." She whispered. Arnick growled at her.

"Get off me." He demanded. Tetrox shook her head.

"Wow sugar, you really know how to lighten the mood." She said. Her nails started to dig into his arms, and Arnick started to worry if he was going to start bleeding. But there was definitely going to be a few marks there.

"Let go of my arms, you're hurting me." He said, trying to stay calm. Her squirming body wasn't helping him at all. Damn lady was probably doing this on purpose.

"Why don't you say it Arnick." She cooed. "I know you want to." Arnick blinked in confusion, but instantly knew what she meant.

"Get. Off. Me." He said once more. He was not going to let her win this time. Tetrox sat up in disappointment, but didn't release him.

"You're so boring." She said, but it wasn't in her usual playful tone. Arnick glared at her.

"I'm not some source of entertainment." He said. Tetrox grinned.

"Oh no." She said. "You're even better." She leaned forward again, brushing her lips against his ears.

"You're a source of pleasure."

As soon as Tetrox whispered that, Arnick mustered out the power to somehow sit up. His sudden movements made Tetrox lose her grip on him and fall back letting out an uncharacteristic shriek. Before Tetrox could make any other moves to regain her position on top of him, Arnik leaped onto her and held her down, pushing her against the ground, her body hitting the ground let out a soft thump, due to the soft carpet. Though both of Arnick's arms hurt from Tetrox's assault, he still kept her arms down like she did before. She struggled against the ground, but he refused to let her leave. After a few attempts the octoling stopped squirming and locked eyes with the inkling.

"Looks like you got me." She said. Arnick clenched his teeth and Tetrox snorted. "Say it," She challenged again. Arnick hissed at her and leaned forward just like she had done moments ago when she was on top. Even Tetrox slightly leaned forward as well in anticipation.

"I hate you." Arnick spat out. That was all the octoling needs before pulling her arms away from Arnick's grasp and pulling him into a forced kiss.

Arnick didn't seem to mind that he lost his grip on Tetrox's arms. Her arms were too busy pulling his body down hers anyways. Arnick growled as he felt Tetrox starting to bite his lip. Due to her sharp teeth, He could already feel himself bleeding.

There was no way he was going to let her have her way. Arnick immediately pulled away from her and slammed her down once again into the ground. She cried out slightly from her head hitting the ground again (thank cod for the carpet though) and hissed at him. Arnick pulled his shirt off and quickly leaned in again. With his shirt off, Tetrox took the ability to to wrap her arms around and use her nails to leave some marks on his back. Arnick hissed in pain and slightly parted from her lips.

"You're the worst." He muttered into her mouth, while getting back to kissing her and biting her lips. "You're scum." The more he spewed insults, the more she was motivated to keep torturing him. Their tongue wrapped around together, fighting over dominance. Tetrox moaned both in pain and in pleasure, and an idea popped in her head. She raised her knee and pressed it between Arnick's slightly parted legs. As she rubbed her knee against his crotch Arnick immediately gasped and sat up. Tetrox took this opportunity to push Arnick off of her and resume their childish game of wrestling. But in the end, Tetrox happily sat herself on top of Arnick once again. She caressed Arnick's cheek.

"We're going to have so much fun tonight, sugar." She cooed and removed her top and sports bra.

'That was...eventful'.

Arnick wasn't sure when the two had fallen asleep, but he had woken up in what he assumed was dawn. As he sat up, he groaned in pain. His body was extremely sore from…


As he got up, he realized he didn't have anything on. He lazily searched for his shorts and wore them as soon as he found a pair. He dragged himself towards the mirror and noticed a bunch of bruises and bite marks on his chest and basically everywhere. He stared at his reflection before immediately going into a blushing fit. He...he can't possibly go out in months with these marks, and it was summer! Oh cod didn't he have training in two days? In the middle of his panic mode, he didn't realize Tetrox waking up. She got up and threw on whatever shirt was near her. It was big on her, so she assumed it was Arnick's. She noticed he was facing the mirror, covering his face with his hands and groaning. She grinned and got up, approaching him. As soon as she reached him she wrapped her arms around him.

"Morning sugar." She said casually. Arnick only mumbled in response. "You sucked last night by the way." She teased. Arnick finally removed his hands from his face, revealing his purple blush and just faced her.

"I hate you." He said again. Tetrox grinned and kissed him on the cheek gently.

"Yeah, the feelings mutual."

Okay guys brb I gotta go drown myself in holy water god damn.

Well that was the black ship I have (honestly I was originally going to do Daisy X Cyanthia, but I couldn't get a plot so I chose this one). Its 12 am just like the time i published my first one-shot "Of Dancing Shippers and Blushy Nerds". MMMM K BYE

(Next one-shot is pale! I haven't fully decided but the plan is most likely Sorrel X Daisy. If not expect Tanrine X Angelo for the pale one-shot).