An old friend


(Title by Brandon66)

Astrid is a very lucky woman, she had the best husband in the entire world, and couldn't understand why he was with her? She had been mean to him for years and only recently fell in love with him, his the chief of Berk and can have any women he wants and yet he chose her. Astrid didn't meet the requirements for a chief ton wife, she wasn't lady like, she didn't wear dresses, or acting like a lady. She was the complete opposite of the 'perfect' wife...and Astrid was horrified that Hiccup would leave her for that 'perfect' wife, she would just simply break apart if he did.

"Morning Hiccup" Astrid said while she braided her hair, Hiccup smiled while he rubs his hair, Hiccup sat up in the bed. Astrid finished her hair before she sat down on the bed, Hiccup kissed her on the lips.

"Morning, milady" said Hiccup as he gave her a quick kiss on the nose

"So what's todays schedule?" Astrid ask while she held his hand

"Not much...oh I did receive a letter that Heather is coming to Berk" Hiccup said, Astrid raised an eyebrow in surprise. She hadn't seen Heather in years, she was looking forward on seeing her. "But I can't meet her" he said.

"Why?" she asks

"Gobber has plans for me, and they're good chances I won't make it in time" Hiccup said as he scratch his chin, Astrid smiled as she got a brilliant idea.

"Let me! I'll meet up with Heather and you just work with Gobber" Astrid said, Hiccup smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Great idea, my dear" Hiccup said

The two got up and started their day, Hiccup met up with Gobber and started his weird tasks while Astrid waited for Heather's arrival. Astrid suddenly heard the roar of Windeshear, she joyfully looks up and smiled as Heather waved at her.

"Astrid!" shouted Heather while she landed Windeshear, Heather joyfully jump off of Windershear's back while being followed by another person.

"Heather!" Astrid waved her hand at her, the two held their hands and smiled at each other.

"It's so nice to see you!" Heather said, Astrid hug Heather when she notices a strange woman standing next to her. This woman is very beautiful, light brown hair, with purple eyes, she wore a beautiful dress along with some jewelry...a type of girl a chief would wed...the complete opposite of herself.

"Who is she?" Astrid ask, she already hated this woman even tho she barely knew her.

"This is an old friend, she wanted to come along with me and visit Berk" Heather said, Hiccup took out some wood and an axe. He decided it would be a great time to cut wood for winter, Hiccup took off his shirt and started to cut the logs.

"Hey! I'm Astrid Hofferson " Astrid said as she introduced herself while she glared at her.

"Its nice to meet you! I'm Asta Unn from the...the..." Asta could barely finish her phrase, her eyes were too distracted from Hiccup carrying some wood...shirtless. Asta couldn't stop staring at Hiccup, she had never seen a man like this before...she is too distracted to pay any attention to Astrid. Asta blushed while sweat rolled down Hiccup's rock hard body. "The" she mumbled, Astrid angrily crossed her arms, she looks back at Hiccup and cursed him for having a muscular body after years of being thin as a stick. Astrid waved her hand in front of Asta's face in order to gain her attention, Asta's eyes finally moved away from Hiccup.

"Hey!" shouted Astrid, Asta quickly returned to her sense, but she did occasionally glance at Hiccup's direction. "Stop looking at my husband!" Astrid said in a cold tone, Asta look at her, she was a bit surprised to hear this. Astrid could easily tell she was surprised, maybe it was because she wasn't pretty enough to have a man like Hiccup."Asta..." whispered Heather, Heather knew how protective and aggressive Astrid could be when it came to Hiccup.

"Astrid" Hiccup walk towards the two women while he threw a shirt on to Asta's disappointment, Astrid wrap her arms around his neck and brought him in a kiss, making sure Asta understood that Hiccup is HER man. "Oh! It's nice to meet you, I'm Hiccup Haddock, the chief of Berk" Hiccup said, completely oblivious that Asta had a thing for him.

"Your so hot...I MEAN ASTA! ITS ASTA! ASTA to MY NAME!" Asta said quickly fix her tongue slip from him, Asta just shook his hand like crazy. Hiccup glance at Astrid before returning his gaze towards her, Astrid was going to pay very close attention to her.

"Well...its nice to meet you" Hiccup said, Asta just blushed while she smiled at him. "Hey Heather its been awhile"

"What has Astrid done to you" Heather said while she stared at Hiccup, Hiccup hunched his shoulders with a grin on his face.

"Hey! He did it on his own free will, I didn't force him" Astrid said in her defence. All three laugh for a bit, until Hiccup remember something he had to do.

"I have things to do, but I'll see all of you later" Hiccup said

"Oh! I have to go anyways! Hm...later" Asta quickly grab onto Heater's arm and drag her away. The two quickly ran off, Hiccup smiled and look at Astrid who just gave him the death glare.

"What?" Hiccup questioned, Astrid punched Hiccup in the chest, "What was that for?!"

"You and your dam muscles!" Astrid said while she crossed her arms, Hiccup stared at her in confusion. Hiccup knew Astrid loved it, she wouldn't stop touching him when they were in private.

"What do you mean?" Hiccup ask in confusion

"She likes you, Hiccup" Astrid said as she sadly glances away, Asta is the type of girl a chief would have...not a girl who sleeps with her axe under her bed. Hiccup held Astrid's hand and brought it closer to his mouth, Hiccup gently kissed her hand.

"I do love her, Astrid" Hiccup said with a reassuring smile, Hiccup gently held her cheek and kissed her on the lips. He could see Astrid was bother by this, and he didn't want her to be sad or think of negative things. "Astrid my love belongs to you and you alone" he said, Astrid gave a small smile while she gave him a quick glance.

"Get dress or else" teased Astrid, Hiccup saluted her before he ran inside to get dress. Asta and Heather ran to Berk's small beach, Asta took a moment to catch her breath since she wasn't use to run like this.

"Asta? What's going on with you?" Heather ask. Heather knew what was going on with Asta, her word slip, her staring, Astrid's death glare.

"Nothing...its just..." Asta said while she blushed, as she recalled the shirtless Hiccup in her mind. Heather shook her head; she took Asta's hands with a worried stare.

"Asta! Astrid can get really protective of Hiccup, and for your safety I really don't recommend that you do anything! Trust me on this! Astrid is the last person you want to tick off" warned Heather, Astrid was able to kill a dragon with one hand...she didn't want to see what she would do to a love rival.

"I'm not scared of her" Asta said, Asta pulled her hands away from Heather's and just brush it off. Heather shook her head in disbelief, she could have been MUCH wiser to listen, "I'm going to explore a bit, see you later alright"

Hiccup had finally finish all of Gobber's work and he is tried, Hiccup just wanted to go home and sleep for the next hundred years. Hiccup made his way home while still yawning, he stretches his arms out and was surprise too see Asta. He had one eye opened with his arms in the air, Hiccup glance at her before he put his arms down.

"Asta right?" Hiccup said, Asta with a blush on her cheek just nod her head. "So...? Are you enjoying your stay?"

"I am! Hiccup" smiled Asta

"That's good to hear" Hiccup said with a smile. Hiccup didn't know why Asta liked him? He was pretty sure; she could find someone else in her own village. And Asta knew he didn't feel the same way, his heart belongs to Astrid's while her heart belongs to his. "Uh...I'm pretty I'll see you later then"

"Oh yeah! well" Asta said, Hiccup gave her a quick smile before he walks passed her. He could have a feeling this wouldn't end well, he was just hoping Astrid would trust his love for her, and not let her emotions take over her judgment.

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