Note: here's Marinettes point if view during a few parts in the book.

In Which We See Marinettes POV

From Chapter three

Marinette couldn't believe her luck. Here she thought that she was going to be spending lunch the same way as always (eating about half her lunch and staring at Adrien) and instead got asked out to lunch! By Adrien! Marinette was too excited to speak, so Alya did most of the speaking for her.

From Chapter Four

As they began their journey to a café that Adrien and Nino said was "The best in Paris!", Marinettes leg twinges.

She keeps herself from wincing. The wound is painful, but she doesn't want to worry anyone.

"It you want we can stop and rest your leg for a bit."

Oh My Gosh. Adrien was offering to help her! What should she say...what should she say...

"N-no, it's f- fine."

Darn that stupid stutter of hers.

Here she was, in front of the love of her life, and she couldn't even make one complete, stutter free sentence. She wished she could be like her alter-ego, Ladybug, all the time. That her was brave, confident. She could say a stutter free sentence. Marinette had tried to be like Ladybug when talking to Adrien, but it just didn't seem to work.

Then, Marinette saw something that seemed very un-Adrien-like. A smirk.

"You know, if you want, I can carry you to the cafè."

Marinettes heart pounded as red hot blood pooled across her cheeks, coloring them a nice shade of crimson. Adrien had just flirted with her! Her knees shook and her head flet like it was full of air. "What do I do?!" She thought.

"Oh n-no, don't w-worry about it!"

Marinette cursed her stammering once again.

Adrien looked thoughtful for a moment, then said, "I'm guessing you like to design clothes based off of that hat you made, am I right?"

Marinette was surprised that Adrien had remembered her hat, and that she liked designing. Glee filled her mind. "Er, um, y-yeah I-I do.", then, Adrien said something that almost made Marinette blow a brain cell. "If your designs are as pretty as you they must be amazing."

Now Marinette could feel her blush spreading to the rest of her body. Great. Now she looked like a cherry.

What was going on with Adrien? He had gone from barely even noticing her, to a full blown Chat Noir. Marinette was super confused. She tried to speak, but nothing came out. Adrien looked at her, a small amount of worry mixed with laughter in his eyes.

"Something wrong Marinette?"

"N-n-no, n-n-noth-nothing's wr-wrong!"

Great. Now her stuttering was even worse. What was Adrien up to?

Marinette had never felt more relieved when they reached the cafè.

Taking their seats, a very pretty waitress came to take their orders. Marinette could see hunger in her eyes when she spotted the blond model.

"Back off!" She wanted to yell. But once again, Marinette was silent.

The waitress winked at Adrien. "And what can I get a handsome guy like you?"

Marinette silently fumed. The Adrien did something very unexpected. He threw his arm around Marinettes shoulder, winked at the waitress and said, "Whatever my friend Marinette gets!"

Marinette just about fainted.

The rest of the lunch was full of chatter, from everyone except Marinette. She stayed blushingly silent the entire time.

"That was fun, wasn't it Marinette?"

It was now 6th period. Geometry. Marinette was still silent, ignoring Alyas question as she wondered about the way Adrien had behaved. He had been acting exactly like Chat Noir. Alya continued telling Marinette about how this was a big step in Marinettes and Adriens relationship. But Marinette didn't hear them.

From Chapter Five

Marinette was still confused as to what on earth had happned that day. "Tikki, we're heading out to patrol early, I need some fresh air."

Marinette quickly transformed, then began swinging around Paris.

When Ladybug landed on a high building, her leg sent a shock of pain through her. She winced, then sat down.

"My Lady?"

Marrinette was pulled out of her thoughts by Chats voice.

"Hm? Oh, hi Chat."

He sat down next to her.

"What's on your mind Ladybug?"

"Some guy I know was acting weird today. "

"Weird how, my Lady?"

"He was acting like you."

She smiled and poked Chats nose teasingly as she stood up, careful not to hurt her leg while doing so.

"Oh really?"

"Yup, now, that's enough personal life talk today, we'd best start patrol."

"Wait, my Lady."

"What is it Chat?"

Chat looked at her worriedly,

"How's your leg?"

Ladybug looked at him in surprise, she had forgotten that patrol meant running on her injured leg.

"As long as I don't overexert it, then it should be fine!"


Even after telling him she would be ok, Chat still watched her to make sure she was ok. Making them take frequent breaks. Ladybug would never tell him, but she secretly liked the attention.

They ended patrol as usual. Chat making his usual pickup line, and her casually turning him down. If only Chat acted like Adrien, maybe then she would fall for him.

Marinette couldn't be more surprised when she opened her door to find a long black limo waiting outside for her.

She stared as Adrien Agreste came out of the limo and opened the door for her. He kindly helped her get her injured leg in the limo (man it hurt, mabye Chat had been right about not doing patrol).

They sat there in awkward silence for a while. "Say something Marinette!" She thought.

"Th-thank you."

Adrien looked surprised that she had said something, then he looked relieved.

"You're welcome, by the way, how's your leg feeling? It looks worse than before."

Oh my gosh he was asking her how she was!

"Eh? Oh, um, i-it's fine, I j-just slept on it f-funny last n-night."

"Hm, you should get it looked at, it could get worse."


Marinette blushed furiously.

He actually cares!

"Look," said Adrien, his cheeks tinged pink as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday-"

He was apologizing?

The shock made Marinette jump up in her seat a little bit.

"Oh no, n-no it's f-fine!"


"Y-yeah! Don't worry ab-about i-it!"

She breathed out. Oh gosh this was embarrassing.

"Here, I got you a small box of chocolates to apoligize."

Marinette gaped at the small box of heavenly sweets.

"Th-thank you!"

Before he could hand her the box, Marinette heard screams from outside. She looked out the window and saw a monster rushing at them. She closed her eyes as she felt Adrien curl himself protectivly around her.

From Chapter 8

"Please wake up Adrien, please!" Marinette pleaded to the comatose Adrien in vain. Painful memories dashed across her mind. They were of Adtien, bruised, bloody and battered because he protected her. She wondered of Chat was in the same state as Adrien, he could even be worse off then him. Ever since the battle, she hadn't heard a thing from her feline companion. She had barely slept a wink. Up during the day at school and the hospital with Adrien, and up all night long searching for Chat. All for naught. A tear managed to find its way down her cheek. "Marinette, please stop crying, he'll be fine, the doctors said so, now please take care of yourself, you need to sleep, you're exhausted."

Marinette turned to see her pink Kwami, Tikki, looking at her in concern.

"I know Tikki, but I love him. I just hope there's no lasting injuries when he wakes up."

Tikki nodded in agreement.

Marinette laid her head on Adriens chest, half asleep she mumbled under her breath, "Adrien, I love you, I never got the chance to tell you that before, so please wake up, wake up so I can tell you."

She then opened her eyes to see a smiling Adrien looking at her.


The day Adrien asked Marinette to marry him was the happiest day of her life. And the most hilarious.

Adrien had surprised her with a quiet picnic out in the country for an all day date. However, they had only gotten about halfway out of Paris when the police station their radio blared out an urgent message. A gun toting maniac was robbing a bank and held all the people inside hostage. Adrien pouted and Marinette rolled her eyes. Time to save the day. They transformed and headed to the site of the crime.

Once again, Ladybug and Chat Noir had saved Paris.

The day continued the same way, every time they tried to leave on their date, Paris would need a hero. Chat was getting more annoyed each time they were interrupted. At the end of the day, Marinette had kissed his cheek. "See you tomorrow kitty cat." She had began turning around, but Adrien grabbed her arm.

"WAIT!" He yelled. Marinette looked at him in surprise at his loud outburst. It was then that a man dressed in black came rushing past them, carrying a bag of stolen items. "Just a sec Chat!" Marinette transformed, knocked the guy out and left him for the police and came back to a vet flustered and angry Adrien.


Marinette burst into laughter.

"Adrien, it's ok, we can have a date tomorrow!"

"No! Don't you see! Today is our six year anniversary of meeting each other! I wanted today to be special! I had eveything set up! And now its ruined! I even got you a rin-" Adrien shut his mouth quickly.

"What were you going to say Adrien?" Questioned Marinette.

"N-nothing!" Adrien squeaked.

"Adrien Fèlix Agreste, you tell me right now, what were you about to say?"

Adrien sighed, he knew that Marinette was determined to know what he was going to say.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng,"

He got down on one knee and brought out a small ladybug printed box, Marinette gasped, her hands flew to her mouth as unshed tears stung in her eyes.

"Will you, do me the honor, of becoming my wi-" "YESYESYESYESYES!" Marinette threw her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"Yes I would Adrien Agreste, yes I would."

And so, the soon to be married couple laughed, cried, and kissed in the middle of the sidewalk as a light drizzle fell around them. Life was perfect.