Guys, I'm so so sorry.

1. I've been gone for so long...

2. I've kinda lost interest in this story and forgot where I was, so this chapter isn't really good...

3. This is the final chapter (and no, it's not because I gave up. I planned this ending for a long time before. I just didn't write it yet)

Well, hope you enjoy the last one.

Disclaimer: all Selection rights belong to Kiera Cass

Maxon took out an open box, and lying on the velvet was a ring. The band was made of two thin golden vines intertwined, inseparable. Two gems, one purple and one green, sat proudly side-by-side, joining together to bond the circle.

I covered my mouth.

"America, I hope you can understand why I'm doing this. I love you."

Tears sprang to my eyes. This whole competition, I had been waiting to hear those small three words, and I couldn't be any happier to hear them now.

"I've made so many stupid mistakes that I wish hadn't happened. But then again, it was those little bumps along the way that makes me love you so much. I know this might not be such a great time to do this, as I'm kind of stuck in a bed."

He flashed a heartwarming smile.

"But I'm afraid that if I wait any longer, I'll go crazy. I need you right now."

The tears dripped slowly, one by one.

"My dear, we have been through so much. The moment I asked Kriss, I knew that I asked the wrong girl. You were the only one. Every single night, I've been imagining what you would look like in a white dress, what you would look like playing with our children in the gardens."

He paused for a breath.

"Darling, I've been given a second chance at this, and I swear to both you and I that I will not mess this up. I will love and care for you so much that you'll think it's impossible. So please, if you will, may you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?"

I sat on the bed and kissed his lips. The warm sensation of safety and comfort had come back to me because of him. I felt the smile underneath the kiss and I knew that I finally had him. We could finally be together.

We broke apart, gasping for a breath. I looked into his brown eyes and melted like I had so many times before.

Like he couldn't stand another second of being away from me, he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me in for another kiss. This was a real life fairytale, and the dreams I had never known I wanted had finally come true.

I pulled away, smiling giddily, and said,


Ughh, hope you enjoyed?

If anyone wants to fix this chapter, please do and pm me.

Bye, and I hope you enjoyed the story. :)