After the war against Gaea ended, Nico found himself at a loss of things to do. He stayed at Camp Half-Blood for a while but as always, all good things has to come to an end. He grew further apart from his friends, even Will, whom had seemed like he would stay as Nico's friend for a long time, drifted away, back to his best friend Jake Mason.

Percy and Annabeth both stuck together, closer than ever after the events in Tartarus. Nico knew how they felt, he'd been there too, the only difference was that he'd been alone. He had a feeling that his trip through Tartarus had made his darker thoughts resurface, the thoughts he hadn't thought for years. He also figured that his darker demeanour was something that made him push people away from him more so than before. Percy had picked up on his solitude faster than most, even faster than Jason – but that was to be expected, since he was never around anymore. However, it was too late for Percy to change anything about the son of Hades, he was already too closed up for him to get him out of his shell. He'd seemed sad enough when Nico finally said goodbye to them, probably for good – after telling the elder about his feelings, Nico didn't have anything holding him back.

He had no idea where to go or what to do, he just had to get away from the place where no one needed him, where probably no one cared about him either. So, as he wandered into the forest, the shadows welcoming him with their comforting darkness, he did the only logical thing; travelled to the Underworld.

Looking around, Nico stretched his back, hearing a pop as he did so. The ever-present stench of sulphur stung his nose, it had been a while since he'd been in the Underworld and he had almost forgotten the smell.

Nico pulled out his Stygian Iron sword and started walking towards Hades' palace. A few monsters peeked their heads out as he passed - they lunged for him, which resulted in their heads being chopped off, their essence being absorbed by the black blade.

"You'd think they'd learned something over the thousands of years they've been around, but no~ They just get dumber each day," Nico grumbled as he pulverised another monster. He walked on and soon heard the distant barking of Cerberus. The sorting station came into view and he walked through the waiting souls, each one of them moving out of his way -there were a few perks about being the son of Hades.

The giant three-headed dog wagged its tail excitedly when it spotted him, and Nico smiled to himself. He walked up to Cerberus and stretched his hand out. The dog lowered one of its heads and nuzzles his palm, the other heads snapping at it and whined at not getting attention.

"Now, none of that. There's enough Nico for all of you," he scolded the dog, and the other heads stopped their yapping. He took his time petting each head before he bid Cerberus farewell and started heading for his father's home again. He could hear the three-headed dog whining behind him as e walked, and he smiled again.

He walked on, past the fields of Asphodel and the fields of Punishment. He spotted his father's mansion in the distance, clouds of darkness swirling above it. Nico rolled his eyes, Hades always had to exaggerate the whole Lord of the Underworld thing - "I do have a reputation to uphold, son. You would not understand." - sure, everybody cared about the swirling clouds, they were very important.

Once inside the palace, Nico made his way to the throne room, only to find that his father was absent. Persephone sat in her smaller throne and smiled coldly at him.

"Hello, Nico. I hope you are well."

Nico ignored her comment, "Where's dad?"

"That is none of your concern, boy," Persephone's calm tone disappeared for a moment before she caught herself. "He is absent, as you can see. I am to look after the palace in his place."

That fact meant that Nico was to do what Persephone said, and he would not put up with that. He was about to say something, when a dark figure emerged from the shadows on the throne, Hades stepping out as the darkness dissipated. He looked slightly surprised to see Nico but quickly regained his composure.

"Nico, I was not aware of the fact that you would be arriving," the Lord of the Underworld said, placing his black helmet down beside his throne.

Nico bowed before replying, "I'm sorry for not informing you beforehand, father, it was a rather sudden decision."

"It matters not. I sense you are troubled, do speak up." Hades sat down in his throne and beckoned Nico forward with a wave of his hand. "Persephone, I must ask you to leave, I know for a fact this is not for your ears."

Persephone looked possibly furious, but she knew her place, and lowered her head, "Of course, my love." She got up from her chair, sent Nico a withering glare and left the throne room, dark flower petals loosening from her dress in the process.

Nico walked forward a few steps, stopping about two feet in front of the steps leading up to his father's throne. He lowered his head, "What is it you wish to know, father?"

"Do spare me the idle chatter, son, out with it."

The demigod was silent for a moment, "I have left Camp Half-Blood, probably for good. I feel as if though my friends have deserted me."

Hades sighed, "This is something expected of a child of Hades. Do not blame yourself, son, it is them who are at fault. They do not see or appreciate your talents, weren't it or you, many of them would be in the Underworld at this moment. Do not underestimate or think lowly of yourself, my son, if they do not respect who you are, they do not deserve your affections."

Nico looked up, surprised by Hades' words. The god's eyes were filled with anger but also sadness - Nico hoped the anger was directed at the other half-bloods and the sadness at him. "Thank you, father." Nico smiled at Hades and saw the other's eyes flicker slightly, as if not knowing where to focus.

"Nico, I have something to ask of you," Hades started. Nico raised his eyebrows, gesturing his father to continue. "Since you are no longer participating in quests in Camp Half-Blood, I would like for you to take on a task."

"Might I ask what this task involves?"

"I want you to gather information, as well as deal with a few cases where someone has, what do you call it, 'cheated' death. These people should be in the Underworld, most of them in the Field of Punishment. I want you to harvest their souls."

"You mean, kill them?" Nico asked -Hades liked using big words with simple meanings.

"... Yes. You would need to take their life with a special dagger. Its metal will absorb their essence and keep it locked in until I bring it out here in the Underworld. Do whatever you want with them before you fully take their life, but do not make use of your sword, as I cannot utilise the soul once absorbed in the Stygian Iron blade," Hades finished, his eyes pinning Nico to the spot.

"I understand, father. I will do as you wish," the demigod said as he lowered his head and bowed for the god.

"Keep in mind that some of these individuals seem harmless, but do not be fooled, for they are good actors. Most of them will be demigods, however, some of them will be human. You may kill any monster that might get in your way. You may also use any means to extract information, you may even kill them afterwards if it proves necessary, some you do have to kill, as they will tell others of you, and we can't have them recognise you as you come to take their life."

Nico nodded, he'd thought as much, "I am grateful for this task. Thank you, father."

"Good. You are dismissed."

The demigod bowed before he turned around and left the throne room, a smile playing on his lips – after all, this sort of task was what he was best at handling, and also the sort he liked best.

[Last edited: 11.08.2017]