Rose by Any Other Name

Chapter One

Julia's Point of View

It was a slow day in the coffee shop the first time I met him. Three of the regulars were sitting around, including the one I call Snob who always has to find something to complain about my service but she keeps coming back, so I must be okay. Some days I could just spit in her chocolate mocha. Anyway, I was behind the counter cleaning the machines, replenishing the dessert display when he walked in. He was about my age with dark hair and startling blue eyes, definitely a total babe. Handsome, which was the name I gave him in my head, walked diffidently into the shop, wincing when the sharp noise of the bell on top of the door broke the silence of the atmosphere, upon hearing the bell, I rose to stand by the counter.

Approaching the counter, he observed his surroundings as if documenting everything and everyone with a critical eye which kind of apposed his timid nature. While I first thought this to be suspicious behavior, but I reasoned that it is Gotham, so it pays to be cautious. I smiled as his eyes perused the menu above my head.

"May I take your order?" I spoke after a few seconds of letting him look at the menu.

"Ahem…"he paused a moment, "I will take a large coffee black." His voice was soft as if worried about disturbing the peace of the shop.

"It is okay to speak louder," I reassured as I pulled out a large cup, "After all this isn't a library, even though people do about the same things here."

"Right, sorry," he blushed, slightly embarrassed as he started to gather his money. Goodness, he was cute when he blushed.

"That will be two twenty-five, and what's your name?" I asked, ringing up the cash register.

"Tim", he stated, looking at me in a weird way, as he handed over the correct amount of money.

"It's so I can write your name on your cup," I blushed, "I don't just ask customers for their names at random." I reasoned, thinking the strange look had to do with the asking of his name. I handed the receipt back and wrote his name on the cup, showing him to demonstrate my good intentions. "I will be right back with your coffee," smiling as I walked back to the coffee machine. Having to wait for the machine to make the fresh coffee that the shop advertises, I got to thinking. Handsome Tim was cute, and downright sexy, and after thinking about the strange look he gave, I realize that it may have been a look of interest rather than suspicion. Glancing over my shoulder at him, I found him looking at me with the same look as before. Seeing that I was watching him, he quickly diverted his gaze, blushing once again. It was the same look I had seen on several guys who would later show a romantic interest. Though one of the guys did become my stalker, it didn't stop me from wanting a relationship especially one with a hot guy. With that thought, I made a decision.

Picking up the cup, I began to write on it. In the corner of my eye, I could see Handsome Tim looking surprised as I continue to write on the cup. Finishing with the cup, I filled it with the freshly brewed coffee, placed a travel lid on it and set it in front of him. Smiling, I gave him a wink and quickly made my escape to the backroom where I could watch him from the security camera. Handsome Tim stared at the cup, reading what I had written on it. I watched as he looked around to the other consumers, then with another blushed face, he quickly left the store, leaving the ring of the bell in his wake.

Once he was gone, I ventured out of the backroom and starting cleaning the machines again. Snob, who had watched our whole interaction, decided to walk up to the counter to ruin my good mood.

"Did you know who that was, Coffee Girl?" Snob said with her annoying nasal voice. Coffee Girl is the name she calls me as a sign of disrespect as my actual name is on my nametag that right in front of her face.

"Yes, I do know who that was. He is Tim, large coffee black." Handsome Tim, I added silently to myself.

Snob snorted, "That was Tim Drake, Coffee Girl, adopted son to Bruce Wayne, the billionaire." She laughed at my look of horror, "I can't believe you would give your number to him, someone so high above your meager existence. Do you really think he is going to call you? You are pathetic, Coffee Girl." With a smug look and satisfied with the knowledge of breaking my high, Snob left the shop to ruin other people's day, leaving me with the consequences of my decision. How could have I been so stupid, he probably making fun of me right now, or worse, having me arrested for stalking or harassment, I worried to myself. At the time, I felt this was the worst moment of my life. Years later, I would believe it to be one of the best.

Tim's Point of View

On 42nd street, two blocks from the Nest, my base of operations since the manor was invaded by the Demon Spawn, was a coffee shop. It wasn't one of the franchises, but rather a family-owned business that was getting some trouble by one of the local gangs. The owners were the Pattens, George and Iva. They were good people, no criminal records or any bad publicity, that fact alone convinces me to investigate deeper into the gang's interest with them. Their employees were also clean mostly except for a few parking tickets. It was through my investigation into the employees that I first saw the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.

Her name was Julia Remington, age nineteen, worked at the Patten's' coffee shop for three years. She graduated from Gotham High three years early and currently was enrolled in online classes at Gotham University. Julia lived with her mother and younger brother, and while I was digging through their tax information; I found that she was the main source of income for her family. Going through the police records, Julia had several police calls and a restraining order against a man named James Tibbing. While much of the information I gathered on her did spark my interest, it was the photo that changed my life.

The picture was from Gotham University, recent as it was taken this year. She had long flowing blond hair with creamy light skin and the brightest green eyes. Her eyes shone while her smile conveyed warmth that I was sure was unique only to her. It was then I decided my favorite color was green. I knew deep within myself that I had to meet her, just once, have her smile at me with such warmth and acceptance one time. Of course, I kidded myself into thinking that I was going to meet her only to investigate into her stalker problems and see if a link could be made to the gang's activities towards the coffee shop. Batman would not approve, I thought as I looked up the employees' schedule to find when she would be working.

I decided to go during the slow hours in the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday when Julia was working. As I approached the door of the shop, I glanced through the windows, seeing only three consumers, I entered with the obnoxious bell ringing in my wake. The noise of the bell drew the attention of the other consumers, which was embarrassing, though it allowed for me to get a good look at them. At the ring of the bell, Julia appeared behind the counter. She was even more beautiful in person with her hair in a messy bun and glasses, stealing my breath away. The glasses were a surprise since none of my research showed that, but it didn't change a thing for me.

Working to catch my breath, I made it to the counter and pretended to look at the menu above her head, but I found I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"May I take your order?" she asked me with the kindest, heartfelt smile that stopped my heart.

"Ahem…"I attempted to recover enough to speak, "I will take a large coffee black." My voice came out softly as my vocal cords couldn't handle speaking to an Angel. Angel would be a nice nickname for her, I thought as Julia leaned forward.

"It is okay to speak louder," Julia spoke in a reassuring and almost flirting tone, "After all this isn't a library, even though people do about the same things here."

"Right, sorry," I replied as the blood rushed to my face due to my awkwardness. Hoping she wouldn't notice, I began to dig for change.

"That will be two twenty-five, and what's your name?" Julia asked as she rang up the register.

"Tim," I spoke quickly feeling surprised and slightly flattered that she would ask for my name. Maybe she likes me, I thought though I quickly crushed it since I was here for investigate and nothing else. Nothing else…I told myself as I handed over the correct amount of money.

She blushed and rushed to explain, "It's so I can write your name on your cup; I don't just ask customers for their names at random." Feeling my disappointment as though Jason Todd shot me again, I watched her write my name on the cup that she pulled out from below the counter. "I will be right back with your coffee," Julia smiled, taking my breath away once again, as she walked back towards the coffee machine. Her butt looks great too, my traitorous mind thought as I gazed at her. Catching myself, I murdered it, I am here on an investigation that is it, and it has nothing to do with her. Bruce would have been so disappointed in my lack of focus.

As Julia waited for fresh coffee to brew, she peeped over her shoulder at me to catch me ogling her. I hastily looked away, once again feeling my face burn. It was after a few moments when I saw in the corner of my eye Julia picking up my empty coffee cup and beginning to write more on it. I felt my chin drop to the floor, feeling scared that she was writing something like "Stop freaking me out" or "I'm calling the police". Once she was done writing, she filled my cup, added the travel lid and set the cup in front of me with another stunning smile. Giving me a wink, she hurried into the backroom of the shop.

Fearing the worst, I stared at the cup. Much to my surprise and admittedly delight, Julia had written,


Call Me Sometime

Julia 423-789-0234.

Blushing once again, I looked around to see if the other consumers were watching, they weren't, I rushed out of the shop before I could collapse from a heart-attack. Leaving the ring of the bell in my departure, I walked down the street as if I was floating. I knew I just had one of the best days in my life.

Author's Note:

I won't always portray the same events from both Julia's and Tim's point of view. I just did it this time because I wanted to show how they both reacted to their first meeting.