Well, here's another chapter. I hope you like it! I'm not entirely sure about this chapter, but I thought I'd post it anyway.
Please review :)
Just before lunch time Danny's doctor came in. Danny and Steve had both just woken up and they both felt pretty rested
The doctor had a pretty young woman with him, who was dressed in scrubs. Danny's jaw dropped, and only when Steve nudged him he closed his mouth.
"How are you feeling?" doctor Taylor asked Danny.
Danny slightly shifted in his bed and said, "It's difficult to get comfortable in this bed, but I'm just going to have to gut it out."
The doctor smiled a little and said, "Well, in that case, I think you're just about ready for physical therapy. This is Louise Davis, your physical therapist. She's going to help you back on your feet. And before you get your hopes up, what I said this morning still stands."
Danny's smile faltered a little, but he quickly put on a brave face again. He held out his hand to the therapist. She shook his hand. "Hello detective, I'm Louise."
"Please, call me Danny." From the corner of his eye he could see Steve was trying to hold in his laughter, so he shot him a warning glance.
Steve cleared his throat and introduced himself to Louise.
"Well, I'm sure you're going to be a good patient," Louise said to Danny. Steve hastily coughed, trying to conceal his laughter, which earned him another glare from Danny.
Doctor Taylor checked his watch. "Okay, I have to go. I'll see you later," he said and left the room, leaving the three of them alone.
"You know, it's going to be kind of hard for me to think of you as my therapist," Danny said, grinning.
Louise grabbed his chart and started reading. "You don't have to worry, I have two degrees, and my specialty is fracture patients."
"Oh, no, no, no, I - I wasn't saying that you're not a good therapist, not at all. I can tell by looking at you that you're a good therapist."
Louise laughed and was just about to say something when nurse Amy entered the room, carrying a tray with Danny's lunch. "Alright, here's your lunch." She looked at Louise and said, "You, out."
"Out?! She's my physical therapist!" Danny looked at his nurse indignantly, but she obviously wasn't impressed.
I don't care if she's a charter member of this hospital. Out!"
When it didn't look like Louise was going to follow her order, she pursed her lips. "Out as in move it."
Louise hesitated a little, but decided to make the best of a bad bargain. She put the chart back and rushed out of the room.
Amy deposited the tray on the table over Danny's bed, removing the lid. "You have twenty minutes to finish that, then I'll be back."
"For what?" Danny said, a little scared of what her answer would be.
"To give you your bath," nurse Amy said, leaving Danny flabbergasted. Danny looked at Steve, not knowing what to say.
Steve was also speechless. He blinked a few times and eventually moved the table closer to Danny. "You better finish this before she gets back, I don't think you want to find out what happens if you don't listen to her.
Danny started eating, even though he wasn't really hungry. After he'd eaten the soup, he shoved the table away. "Can you please eat the rest? I'm full, and you've got to eat anyway."
Steve looked like he was contemplating the idea, so Danny added, "Please?"
"Okay, but if she catches us I'll say that it was your idea." This elicited a smile from Danny. "Of course you will. If you don't start eating soon, we will get caught."
Steve finished the rest of the lunch in a jiffy, eating like he always did.
"By the way, just now with Louise... Let's just hope it was the medicine talking. If not, you're seriously off your game, bro."
"I know, that was pretty bad. I'm going to blame it on you though."
"Me? Why me?" Steve sounded genuinely amazed.
"Well, your presence is slightly disturbing to say the least. Also, I'm pretty sure you pressed the pain pump when I wasn't looking."
Steve looked a little sheepishly, confirming Danny's suspicion. "In my defense, I didn't want you to be in pain."
"I know. But I do remember the doctor saying that I should be the one deciding if I wanted a bolus."
"He also said that's to prevent an accidental overdose, which didn't happen and won't happen, since I only pressed that button once."
Danny decided to let it go - only this once. "Well, thank you. You didn't have to, but I know you mean well." He slumped into the pillow, mentally bracing himself for the return of nurse Amy.
"Don't you have something to do? Check into work or something?" He knew it sounded like he wanted Steve gone, but he didn't really care. (he actually did want Steve to leave, Steve being there when nurse Amy gave him his bath didn't sound very appealing). Steve would probably understand why he wanted him gone though.
Steve seemed to get it and got up. "Yeah, I have to check in with Chin and Kono. I'll be back."
"You want to be gone before she's back, don't you?" Danny joked.
"Well, she is a bit scary."
"Tell me about it, if I could, I would go with you. I'll survive, though," he said, even though he wasn't too sure about that.
"Of course you'll survive, but I'm certainly not jealous of you. Good luck," Steve said, and hurried out of the room, bumping into nurse Amy on his way out.