The Lucaya moment in Girl Meets Rules in Maya's POV. Enjoy!

(Oh and I didn't proofread this cause I don't feel like it so sorry about the grammar mistakes if they're any)

Stupid foot.

You just kicked the vending machine and nothing came out, only your foot hurting. You sigh in annoyance because you know your plan is going downhill. And other people know this, too. You have to do something—and fast.


A familiar deep voice spoke. You turn toward him, fixing your hair. As he's descending down the step, you see his eyes flicker to your hair and back to your face. You smirk the slightest bit. He walks toward you, stopping a couple of feet away. You glance at his bandana tied around his head and the war paint on his face. You think he looks sexy, but you rip your eyes away and look at his eyes, raising a brow expectantly.

"If there's no good kids out here noticing us," he continues, glancing to his left. "Then…what's the point?"

You freeze for a split second because he's right—you know he's right. But you're not going to tell him that. This is Mayaville and you're the leader. You know you have to do something—anything—to show him you know what you're doing.

So you grab the top of his blue army shirt (accidentally popping a button) and pull him toward you, putting on your best menacing face. His mouth opens a little, like he's going to gasp but nothing came out. Instead, he closes it immediately and leans in even closer, towering over you, looking into your eyes.

You lean back the slightest bit because you lose your breath for a second. He's so tall, so close. But you keep your act.

"You questioning my leadership, Hopalong?" you say, straining your neck to gain some height, but to no avail. You glance at his lips for a fraction of a second and realize if you lean another inch, you could kiss him.

"Okay, these names you're calling me are killing my street cred."

You blink in surprise because his voice went down a few octaves. And you think it's hot. You blink again because you can also feel his hot breath on your face, and you can smell his scent—pine.

"Aw, and what would you like me to call you?"

He smirks, glancing at your lips and then back to your eyes. "I'd like you to call me Mad Dog."

You accidentally tighten the grip on his shirt. You swear his voice just got deeper, and you're stunned. Your head tilts backward and your eyebrows raise slightly.

Mad Dog.

You think it's hot. Of course, you would rather die then let him know that. But the thought of him getting angry again sends shivers down your spine.

He doesn't take his eyes off yours, waiting expectantly for an answer.

"You don't seem like a Mad Dog to me," you finally say, and you know you're lying.

He glances at the floor, and then raises his eyes back to yours. "Well, what do I seem like to you?" His eyes bore into yours, waiting for an answer—needing an answer.

What does he seem like to you?

You can't tell him the truth. You look down at his shirt, searching for an answer. And then you smile, because you got it. You look back into his eyes, still smiling.

"You know that lame that Mary had?"

His smirk falters and he blinks. "I don't like where this is going."

But you do.

You know have to stop, now. That's your best friend's crush. You have to.

So, you use all your willpower to push him away, but finally feeling like you can breathe again. You're still smirking and you turn to your right, trying to hide your face, hoping it wasn't as red as it felt.

Mad Dog.

Lucas Mad Dog Frair.

Has a nice ring to it.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this. I literally wrote it in 15 minutes. I'd appreciate a review or/and a fav :)