Chapter 1: It's Big Mom!
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.
SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't read One Piece until chapter 800, then you'll be spoiled. In this story I won't mention anything that was revealed after this chapter, which includes such things like the events on Zou (even if they will be vaguely evoked), or the thing related to a certain straw-hat's wanted poster, if you know what I mean. So if you aren't aware of the big revelations of the New World Saga, then this story isn't probably for you. But you can read it nonetheless.
Oh yeah and I use a couple of things that aren't cannon, since this is, you know, a fiction.
AN: Hey everyone! It is my first One Piece fanfiction, and, as a ritual, I like to begin with a time travel one. There are many of these genre in the One Piece fandom, and I wanted to write my own. So, this time, the whole crew goes back in time but it happens accidentally (no one dies, there's no added tragedy etc...).
EDIT: 3/7/16 I Corrected a few things, added a few lines for the first chapter. The next ones will follow
I hope you'll enjoy it :D
It was such an unrealistic scene that happened in front of him that Coby wondered if he was actually awake. A barrel, a heavy, ordinary barrel was posed in front of him and some of his self-proclaimed crewmates, the Alvida Pirates, were about to open it. Coby found it in the ship they were raiding when the young lad kept his distances to his boss, lady Alvida and her gigantic mace. Unfortunately, three pirates found Coby's hideout and decided to open the barrel on their own, ordering Coby not to tell anything to the fearsome captain. One of the pirates tried to hit the barrel with his fist in order to open it.
But then, the barrel hit him back.
Well, to be more precise, it wasn't strictly speaking a barrel that hit the unlucky pirate. It was a man. Yeah, someone was inside this barrel during the whole time, and he was screaming very loud.
Coby fell from the shock caused by the surprise. The two remaining pirates were shaking their knees in fear, because, the most shocking and astonishing thing was that, the stranger hit the pirate so hard that he sent him flying through the ceiling, forming a big hole with the unlucky felon's shape.
The two pirates drew their swords and threatened the man.
"W-w-who are you?" They asked in a weak attempt to seem threatening.
The boy cocked his head. He didn't look very frightening; in fact, he looked like a young peasant lost in the seas, with his cheap clothes and his straw hat.
"You don't know? I'm Monkey D. Luffy." He said with a juvenile voice. "So, where the hell are we?"
The two pirates ignored his question and charged with their swords.
Coby closed his eyes and screamed. "WATCH OUT!" There was no way this boy would stay alive, no, there was no way.
When he reopened his eyes, the pirates were lying on the floor, unconscious, and their swords were completely shattered.
Luffy cocked his head and… laughed? "Shishishi, you're not very friendly."
Then he turned to see the pink-haired boy.
"Oh, hi!" He cheered, as if nothing important happened.
Coby gasped upon seeing this guy's chest. This Luffy had one of the most serious scar he ever saw. On his chest, there was an X-shaped mark that implied his skin being burned or something like that. Needless to say, it was damn scary.
Luffy widened his eyes and opened his mouth in astonishment.
"Coby?" He exclaimed.
There was a second of silence, then…
"How do you know my name?!" Coby screamed hysterically.
"Wait a minute you cannot be Coby!" Luffy shouted back.
"How come I cannot be Coby?" Coby retorted angrily. "I'm Coby!"
Luffy shook his head in disbelief. "No, no, no, no, no. The Coby I know is a lot taller and older and …"
Then he hit his fist with the palm of his hand.
"Oh." He said simply. "So you're another Coby."
'The other' Coby nodded weakly. "That's right. You must have m-mistook me for someone else, sir."
The super strong odd guy with a straw hat scratched his head. "But you do look like the younger Coby I know. In fact, you're just like him."
Luffy narrowed his eyes, giving him a suspicious look. "That's strange, very strange …"
Then he switched to his usual cheerful expression. "It's so funny, shishishi! By the way, do you know where we are, mini Coby?"
Coby replied automatically. "We're on a ship, but it's being attacked by…" Then he gulped in realization. "You mustn't stay! The pirates you attacked are members of Alvida's crew! She'll kill you if she ever finds you."
"Alvida?" Luffy seemed to have countless imaginary question marks above his head. "I know this name…"
Then his face became red and he bit his lower lip.
"AH!" He shouted suddenly.
'Oh, he must have understood how dangerous Alvida is.' Coby thought, relieved. 'Then he will run away, and…'
"Thinking hurts." Luffy said randomly.
Coby fell on the floor.
There were so many questions on Nami's mind right now. Where was she? What happened to the others? What caused the sudden disappearance of the other people's crew? The last thing Nami remembered was that she along with the Straw Hats was on the seas of the New World, navigating on the Thousand Sunny. But now Nami found herself on a completely unfamiliar pirate ship. Well, not exactly, because the scene seemed surprisingly familiar.
'Did someone like Kuma send us at different places?' Nami wondered with a shudder. 'I don't see any bear marks on the floor just like last time. Or perhaps we have been captured, but in that case I shouldn't have my clima-tact.'
Suddenly a pirate opened the door of the room where Nami was.
"Who are you?" He asked suspiciously, trying to hide the blush on his face. "I don't remember you being part of the crew."
Nami didn't take any risks. She was in the New World, and any pirate could posses an inhumane strength. She was well placed to know it, after all.
Nami took out her sorcery clima-tact and aimed at the intruder.
"Gust Sword!" She shouted, and the pirate went flying, taking with him a part of the wooden wall of the cabin.
Yeah, that was a bit extreme, but then again, it was the safest thing to do.
Luffy began to ran, probably to an exit, while Coby was desperately trying to hold him back.
"What are you doing?" He screamed while holding Luffy's leg in a weak attempt to slow him. "Alvida is over there! You need to hide!"
"I need to find my crew." Luffy declared. "And I'm hungry! But I also need to find my crew… Ah, I can't decide!" He screamed.
"Your, your crew?" Coby asked weakly before being hit by Luffy. "Ouch!"
"Leave my leg alone!" Luffy retorted. "Yes, my pirate crew." He explained casually. "My name's Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm a pirate. You don't know me?"
Coby gaped like a fish. 'A Pirate!?' He thought nervously. 'He doesn't look like one.'
He shook his head. "I haven't heard about a pirate named Luffy."
Luffy laughed. "Shishishi! You guys are so fun."
Then the pirate hit the door in front of them with his leg, which revealed the deck of the ship.
The door shattered into pieces of woods, but what was the most shocking was…
"What the hell!?" Coby screamed in shock. "Did your leg just stretched?!"
Luffy stared at him and grinned. "Oh, that's because I ate the Gomu Gomu no mi." He stretched his chin with his finger in order to show him his powers. "See? I'm a rubber man."
They were interrupted by a loud noise.
Coby and Luffy went out on the deck to see what was happening. Most of the pirate crew was back on their ship, because it seemed that the ship had been damaged.
Coby widened his eyes. "It's her…" On the pirate ship's deck a fat female pirate captain was holding a mace and seemed to be more than slightly upset. 'Alvida.'
"OOOOOOH!" Luffy exclaimed. "It's Big Mom!"
Lady Alvida was a fearsome pirate captain. Well, she was mostly feared by her crew, the people didn't know her much since a bounty of 5,000,000 Berrys wasn't very impressive, even in East Blue, but no one would dare tell her that.
"Who dared attacking my ship!?" Alvida shouted, twisting her iron mace in a threatening way.
She didn't expect an answer, though.
"I did." A feminine voice said. "Sorry about that."
A young woman got out from the cabin, where a part of its walls had been destroyed. She was rather lightly clothed, which caused a few pirates to blush and catcall her.
"Do you want to die?" Alvida asked menacingly, giving a dark glare to those who dared looked at the female intruder.
They paled. "No, lady Alvida!"
"Tell me." Alvida continued. "Who is the most beautiful lady of the seas?"
They gulped. "You, lady Alvida!"
She stared at them threateningly. "Correct."
Then the captain turned to the orange-haired intruder. "You don't know whose ship you've attacked didn't you?" Alvida asked rhetorically. "You wouldn't have been foolish enough to provoke the mighty Lady Alvida. But it's too late now, I am going to kill you even if you beg forgiveness…"
Nami ignored her rant. "Alvida? I've heard that name somewhere." She muttered ".Is she related to Buggy the Clown?"
Nami, contrary to her captain, did read the newspapers. If Alvida was a subordinate to Buggy the Shichibukai and that she Nami found herself in her ship, then ..
'It's strange,' Nami thought, 'because I remember having been on Alvida's ship once, when I was still a Pirate thief. It was a short time before I met Luffy and Zoro…' She stared at all the angry pirates and noticed the threatening posture the female whale had toward her.
Nami sighed and began to use her clima-tact. She created a black cloud above the pirates' heads, her future victims being completely oblivious of the situation.
The thunder was about to strike when suddenly she heard a familiar voice.
"NAMI!" Luffy exclaimed while jumping on Alvida's ship.
Nami turned her head, and smiled brightly.
"Ah, Luffy!" Nami said cheerfully. "I'm glad to see you."
Luffy laughed. "Me too!"
While they were having their conversation, the Alvida pirates were being hit by the thunder generated by Nami's cloud. After one could see that, no, Alvida didn't have a heavy skeletal structure; all of the pirates on the deck were now knocked out, unable to fight.
Coby couldn't believe his eyes. Of all the incredible things he witnessed on this day it was by far the craziest one. "This girl, she used a stick to create thunder!" Coby said, horrified. "And then they all died! She's a … a … witch … AAAAH, she's looking at my direction!"
Then he fell on the floor, unconscious.
"Nami, do you know what happened?" Luffy asked, taking a more serious tone.
The orange-haired navigator shook her head. "No, we were all on the Sunny and then, I suddenly find myself on this ship without any explanations."
Luffy scratched his head. "Yeah, me too. I was playing cards with Usopp and then, poof, I'm on a barrel."
"I'm sure there is an explanation to this." Nami continued, thoughtful. "I noticed an abnormal and sudden drop of temperature and air pressure when we were sailing, as if we were entering a winter island…"
"It's funny, because when I departed from my village, there was a whirlpool and I put myself into a barrel." Luffy said casually.
"…Which was strange because the island we were heading to was supposed to be a spring one." Nami wondered aloud.
"It was at this moment I met Coby." Luffy continued. "At this time, he was only a sailor on Alvida's crew."
"And there was this mist…" Nami said, before choking. "Wait what? Alvida you said?"
Luffy nodded. "Yeah. And earlier I met a guy who looked just like Coby when he was a youngling, and he told me about … Alvida." Luffy scratched his head, trying to think, and then he grinned. "It's quite a coincidence!"
Nami widened her eyes. 'What? Are we reliving our past experiences or something similar?'
"Luffy." She said slowly.
Her captain cocked his head. "Yes, Nami?"
"I think we are within a mirage that gave us the illusion that we are back in time." Nami concluded.
'But, it's strange, I still have my weapons and I wear my actual clothes.' She thought. 'If we are indeed on an illusion, then we must have taken our past selves' place and we're now acting as if we were indeed living it.'
Luffy cocked his head a little more. "I don't understand."
She sighed. "We are back in time." Nami said slowly. "But…"
Luffy interrupted her by raising his fists in the air. "Yosh! It's so cool!"
"… it's probably an illusion." She finished in a heavy sigh. "A dream, if you prefer."
Suddenly, Luffy stretched his arm and grabbed the unconscious Coby.
"Alright, Coby! Let's make you enlist in the marine!" Luffy exclaimed while bringing him next to Nami.
The navigator of the Straw hat pirates watched the scene in exasperation.
"Hey you guys!" Luffy shouted to the remaining pirates who were still on the civilian ship. "You will prepare a boat for Coby, he wants to be a marine!"
They gulped. The pirates saw what the orange-haired witch did with her blue stick. The farer these guys were the better they would be.
"Of course, boss!" They chorused.
"Luffy, what are you doing?" Nami asked.
Her captain only laughed. "Shishishi! We're going to recruit Zoro a second time!"
AN: So, liked the first chapter? Do you want me to continue? Post a review if you did, the feedback is greatly appreciated :)