Disclaimer: I own nothing as usual

Beast Boy whistled to himself as he walked down the hallway towards the hospital wing. He hadn't had a chance to see Starfire since the accident and he thought that since she would pull through he could. He could see Raven hunched in a chair in front of the door, sound asleep. He made sure to tiptoe past her and quietly pushed the door open.

"Hey, Star I thought I would-" Beast Boy froze, his eyes wide.

Red X was lying in the bed next to Starfire, his arm wrapped around her tightly. The pair was clearly asleep as their chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Beast Boy opened his mouth to yell, but a black energy wrapped around him and pulled him out of the room.

"Raven!" Beast Boy yelled as she dropped him down on the ground outside the in the hallway. "Red X is in there! We have to help Starfire!" He said as he started for the room again.

Her black energy blocked him again and Beast Boy began punching it.

"What are you doing?"

"He's not going to hurt her." Raven said calmly.

Beast Boy stopped fighting her energy and turned to look at her, a bewildered look on his face.

"He's not?"

Raven shook her head as Cyborg appeared at her side.

"Wanna explain how you know that?" Cyborg asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Raven turned to Cyborg. "You heard his voice when he gave her to us." She then turned to look at the hospital door. "I picked up on his emotions," She turned back to her friends, "he loves her."

Cyborg and Beast Boy's jaws dropped.

"Red X?" Beast Boy asked. "The same Red X that stole Robin's bad guy suit which he uses to steal things and cause trouble?"

Raven nodded her head. "The same Red X that helped Robin stop Chang and Ding Dong Daddy."

"So is he a good guy now?" Beast Boy asked as he scratched his head in confusion.

"You know, it's not very nice to talk about someone when they're not there." Red X said as he dropped out of the shadows landing next to the three titans.

Cyborg and Beast Boy immediately took a battle stance, but Raven remained calm by his side.

"Easy does it. I'm not here to fight." He said as he held up his hands in surrender.

Both titans looked at each other and then looked at Raven who nodded her head in agreement. They both relaxed for the moment.

"So what's your deal?" Cyborg asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Do you really love our girl or are you playin' her to get to the titans?"

"Look, I know I haven't given any reason for you to trust me, but I would never hurt her." He could feel a lump rising in his throat. "I love her."

Beast Boy and Cyborg's eyes widened at the thief. His usual sarcastic voice and standoffish manner had melted away when he talked about her.

"So, uh, when did this thing start?" Beast Boy asked.

The titans settled themselves down in the hallway as Red X began to tell them about the night when it all started. He told them how he found her crying on the bench and how she told him that Robin thought love was dangerous. He told them how he watched them battle Control Freak and how he snuck into her room and kissed her. He told them everything that lead up to the moment where he realized he loved her and he needed her.

"Beast Boy, are you crying?" Raven asked with a slight smirk.

Beast Boy sniffed and hurriedly wiped his tears away. "No, there was just something in my eye."

"Well, I guess this is the part where we tell you if you break her heart then you better get out of town because she's an alien powerhouse that could throw you into the next galaxy." Cyborg said with a grin.

Red X smiled under his mask. "Don't I know it."

"And you might have to worry about us finishing the job." Raven added.

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Red X said as he gave them a mock bow.

"It's great that we're all getting along, but who's going to tell Robin?" Beast Boy asked.

"Ooh yeah you need to give me time to sell tickets to this fight." Cyborg said as he rubbed his hands together.

Raven hit him and Red X chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, haven't quite figured that out yet."

The titans and Red X started for the hospital wing. They thought it would be best to let Starfire know that she no longer needed to hide her relationship from them and that they were not upset with her for doing so in the first place. They opened the door, but to their great surprise Robin was sitting next to her sleeping form, his hand in hers.

"Uh oh." Beast Boy said as Robin looked up to see who had just entered.

"You?" Robin yelled as he stood up quickly, knocking his chair over. He pulled out his bo staff and twirled it.

"Robin, calm down." Raven said as Red X had pulled out his own. "He's not here to fight."

"Could have fooled me." Robin said through gritted teeth.

"You pulled your weapon out first, kid." Red X said.

"If you're not here to fight or steal, then why are you here?" Robin asked with narrowed eyes.

The room was quiet save for the monitors surrounded Starfire. The titans all looked at each other, not sure who should answer that question or how it should be answered. They looked between Robin and Red X as the seconds ticked by, the tension thickening between the pair.

Red X relaxed his stance. If this is what it took to be with Starfire then he would gladly take the heat. "I'm here because Starfire and I are together."

Robin's eyes widened immensely. That wasn't the answer he was expecting. His moment of shock wore off before he tensed back up. "Nice try, but I don't think Starfire would date someone like you."

"You don't know me." Red X said, his stance remaining calm, but his voice betraying a bit of anger.

"I know that you stole my suit to benefit yourself and that you steal for pleasure." Robin growled.

"And I know that you told Starfire heroes couldn't fall in love because it was too dangerous." Red X threw at him.

Robin nearly stumbled forward at his words. "How do you-"

"Because she told me." Red X said with a smirk. "You wouldn't love her, but I do."

Robin had heard enough. He lunged at Red X, but the thief was ready. He brought his staff to meet Robin's, the force driving him into the wall.

"Liar!" Robin yelled as Red X threw him off.

"You're just mad because she's with me and got over you." Red X mocked as he swiped his bow towards Robin's legs.

Robin jumped in the air and brought his staff down on Red X who had brought his up just in time to block it. Suddenly, a bright green bolt hit both of their staffs, causing them to fly across the room.

"Enough." A voice said from the other side of the room.

Both boys looked to see Starfire standing next to her bed, her eyes glowing and narrowed, her fist clenched with another bolt ready to go. Her other hand was gripping the edge of the bed for support.

"No more fighting." She said as her eyes returned to their normal color, the bolt fading away.

She had used all her strength to stand up and stop them. She started to slip to the floor, but Red X was quick. He caught her in his arms and helped her sit on the edge of the bed. Robin watched, confused by what he saw.

"Star, I don't understand." He said.

"Please, sit, Robin." She said as she motioned for his chair. "I believe I have the explaining to do," She looked at the rest of the titans, "to all of you."

Red X tensed as Robin drew near, but the Boy Wonder did not appear like he was ready to strike again. He pulled up the chair and sat next to Starfire, ready to listen.

"Robin," She began as she grabbed his hand, "I do love you and care for you very much."

"I do too, Star." He said quietly.

She smiled. Red X could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He wasn't sure where this conversation was going to go or where he and Starfire would be at the end of it. His old instincts to run while he still could began creeping through his body. He remained rooted to his spot. He loved Starfire. He wasn't going anywhere.

"Robin, when I told you how I felt you said we could not be together and I was heart broken." Starfire said firmly, but kindly.

Robin just nodded his head.

"Just because I can not be with you does not mean I should not be allowed to be with someone else who loves and cares for me."

"But Star, Red X is-" Robin began.

"Yes, he is a thief and I hide our relationship from all of you because I did not want anyone to get hurt. For that I am sorry."

She looked at the other titans, but they only smiled in encouragement. There was nothing to apologize for.

"But his wrong doings in the past does not fully define him. Red X is caring and kind and he loves me very much," She took a deep breath, "And I love him. And that should be enough for you."

Red X smiled at her and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He didn't know what would happen now, but he knew that he could face anything with her by his side.

Robin was looking down at the ground, his hand clasped together tightly. "No more stealing."

Everyone looked at Robin in shock.

"What did you say?" Red X asked.

Robin looked up, a half smile gracing his face. "If you're going to be with a teen titan then you'll have to stop stealing."

Starfire's face broke into a wide smile and the rest of the titans gave a joyful yell. Beast Boy punched his fist into the air and high fived Cyborg.

"I can still keep the suit, right?" Red X asked and everyone's happy faces drained into concern again as they looked at Robin.

"You gotta keep up with Starfire somehow, don't you?"

Starfire pulled Robin into a hug as the other titan's cheered again. Red X held out his hand to Robin and the Boy Wonder shook it.

"Just because I'm not stealing any more doesn't mean I'm going to play hero." Red X added.

Robin laughed. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Starfire and Red X sat on the roof of the tower as the sun was setting in front of them.

"You know, being open to the team takes a bit of the fun away, don't you think?" Red X said as he absentmindedly played with her hair.

"Should we cause the trouble?' Starfire asked with a giggle.

Red X raised an eyebrow. "And what do you know about trouble?"

If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do

She pulled the mask off his face and brought him close. "Oh I know someone."

Then baby, I'm perfect

"He sounds perfect for you." He said before he pulled her into a kiss.

Baby, I'm perfect for you

I know it took me forever to finish this, but I wasn't sure how I wanted it to end. So yay it's finally done! this felt like the story got more closure. Anyway thanks for all your support and as always drop me a review!
