I'm back, ladies and gentlemen! After receiving dozens of requests for a Little Mermaid-based story, I decided to make the third of Fairy Tail's Disney Parodies, The Little Rain Mermaid. Title says it all! Undoubtedly one of the best films in the Disney Renaissance, The Little Mermaid is the one film that started it all. Now, on to the summary!

Juvia Lockser, a free spirited mermaid princess, falls in love with a human prince named Gray Fullbuster. After bravely striking a bargain with the sneaky sea witch Kyôka, an adventure of a lifetime is about to ensue. Will land and sea ever come together in harmony? (Juvia X Gray)

DISCLAIMER: All rights belong to Disney, Hiro Mashima, A-1 Pictures, and Bridge. Please support the official release.

A cool wind blew through the air and puffy grey clouds hovered above the ocean, and a small flock of seagulls cried as they glided on the breeze. They swooped down closer to the sea above three dolphins leaping in the waves. One of the gulls continued to cry as it rested on the ocean's surface, amidst the happily yapping dolphins. The four scattered as a majestic ship broke through the fog, riding on the crashing waves. Onboard the ship, a crew of sailors was working hard, swabbing the decks and catching the fish as they sang merry sea tunes.

Sailors: I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue,
And it's hey to the starboard, heave-ho
Look out lad, a mermaid be waiting for you
In mysterious fathoms below
Heave-ho, heave-ho…

A few sailors began to hoist up the sail, with the help of none other than the prince of the kingdom they called home. Gray Fullbuster, son of King Silver Fullbuster, smiled as the wind blew through his dark blue eyes. "Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face…"

His faithful grey and white sheepdog Ur barked cheerfully in agreement. Gray turned to his butler, advisor, and friend, Lyon Vastia. "A perfect day to be at sea. Out on the open, surrounded by nothing but water!" Gray added with a chuckle.

Lyon stood upright, his face green from being seasick. "Oh, yes, Gray. That's simply delightful," he replied sarcastically, before leaning back over the edge of the ship and retching.

"A fine strong wind and a following sea," a sailor named Sting Eucliffe commented, as Gray ran over to help him with one of the ropes. "King Makarov must be in a friendly mood right now."

"King Makarov?" Gray asked curiously, petting Ur. "Who's King Makarov?"

Another sailor named Rogue Cheney added, "He's the ruler of the Merpeople. They live deep under the sea in a huge kingdom named Fairylantica. When I was a kid, my dad, Skiadrum, told me stories about it."

"Hmph. Merpeople. Nothing but superstition! It's an old fish fairy tale," Lyon scoffed, making his way towards Gray.

"I'm sorry to disagree with you, Lyon," said one of the sailors, Orga Nanagear. "But the story of King Makarov and his Merpeople is a real one! I know a guy who saw a mermaid with his own eyes! She even tried to bring him down below the waves!"

Lyon looked at Orga skeptically, "If you're referring to Rufus Lore, I need to remind you he's always the one to go heavy on orange juice.

"I'm telling ya, it's the truth!" Sting argued, holding a fish in his hand up to Lyon's face. "Down in the depths of the ocean live a whole lot! And when King Makarov does his thing, oh yeah, the waves buck, rock, to and fro!"

As Sting finished his sentence, the fish slipped out of his hand and flapped briefly in Lyon's face, who yelped. The fish then fell back down into the ocean as the merry sea song concluded.

Sailors: Heave-ho, heave-ho, heave-ho
In mysterious fathoms below!

As soon as the fish swam deeper below the surface, it looked up to where the bottom of the ship cut through the waves. It breathed a sigh of relief, glad that it was back in the ocean. The fish smiled and turned to swim towards the great undersea kingdom of Fairylantica.

Merfolk from all over Fairylantica swam towards the castle, and made their way into the grand concert hall. Merpeople, dolphins, fish, and all sorts of other sea creatures flocked into the room, taking their seats in front of the stage.

A fanfare of trumpets sounded. A small, young white seahorse with long dark blue hair tied to two ponytails swam forward and cleared her throat. The seahorse's name was Wendy Marvell. She announced, "People of Fairylantica, I present to you, His Royal Highness, King Makarov!"

A thunderous round of applause and cheers echoed through the concert hall as King Makarov entered, riding in a shell carriage pulled by three elegant dolphins. Makarov lifted his golden magical trident, and fired a blast to light an underwater chandelier.

Wendy continued, "And presenting, the distinguished court composter, Natsu Horatio Felonious Ignacious Crustaceous Dragneel!"

A fanfare of kazoos sounded and the audience cheered once again as Natsu Dragneel, a salmon crustacean crab with salmon spiky hair, entered riding in a cone shell pulled by two orange fish. The fish whinnied, suddenly swimming faster to try and catch up to King Makarov.

"Whoa!" Natsu cried, desperately clinging to the fish's reins. "Easy there, girls!" The fish then slowed beside King Makarov.

"I'm really looking forward to this performance, Natsu," Makarov smiled.

Natsu chuckled heartily, "Your Majesty! This will be the finest concert I have ever conducted." Makarov's large shell then landed on the highest seat in the concert hall, and Natsu continued, "Your daughters, they will be spectacular!"

"Yes," Makarov replied with a grin. "And especially my little Juvia."

Natsu replied, "Oh, yeah. That's right, Juvia. She has the most beautiful voice. I haven't heard a voice that beautiful since your late wife, Queen Clara. She was the prima donna of the concert hall…" He wiped a single tear from his eye, "May she rest in peace..."

Makarov nodded with understanding, "Yes, she was the star of the opera. And I miss her too. And I know if she could be here today, she'd be very proud of our seven little daughters." He then gave Natsu a wink of his eye and a thumbs up. "Now go out there and knock 'em dead, Natsu! Give 'em a performance they won't forget!"

Natsu complied, "You got it, Your Highness! This performance will be the best in the house." He managed to get properly back into his cone shell, jugging the reins. He then mumbled to himself once he was out of Makarov's earshot, "If only Juvia would show up for rehearsals once in a while."

As the fish pulled Natsu down to the podium, the orchestra tuned up and the audience clapped. Once at the podium, Natsu released the fish's reins and climbed out of the shell, before reaching it and pulling out a thick musical score. Natsu raised his baton and waved it in front of him, and the orchestra began playing. Three large clam shells rose onto the stage, which in turn opened to reveal two of six of the seven daughters of Makarov.

Daughters: Ah, we are the daughters of Makarov,
Great father who loves us and named us well!

One by one, the mermaids swam up from their clams, sang their name, and then vocalized afterward.

Daughters: Mirana

The first mermaid in white long hair, Mirana (Mira/Mirajane), vocalized.

Daughters: Levyna

The second mermaid in light blue short hair, Levyna (Levy), vocalized.

Daughters: Erzana

The third mermaid in crimson long hair, Erzana (Erza), vocalized.

Daughters: Lakina

The fourth mermaid in short purple hair and wearing sunglasses, Lakina (Laki), vocalized.

Daughters: Lisanna

The fifth mermaid in short white hair, Lisanna (Lizzie), vocalized.

Daughters: Canala

The sixth mermaid in long brown hair, Canala (Cana), vocalized. Finally, another large clam rose onto the stage behind them. The six mermaids swam up next to the clam, pointing towards it. Natsu threw King Makarov a quick grin before turning back to the girls and continued directing the orchestra.

Daughters: And then there is the youngest in her musical debut
Our seventh little sister, we're presenting her to you
To sing a song that Natsu wrote, her voice is like a bell
She's our sister, Juvi—

They stopped and everyone in the concert hall gasped when the calm opened, Juvia wasn't there. Natsu's claws flew up to his head, and he turned anxiously to look at Makarov, who obviously wasn't happy. How could the star of the show— his youngest daughter— disappear like that?

An angry look plastered on Makarov's face, and he yelled, "JUUUUUVVVVIIIIIAAAAA!" His thunderous voice echoed all over the concert hall and throughout the whole undersea kingdom.

Natsu slapped his claw to his forehead in anguish, "Ugh! That girl's gonna be the death of me! Always swimming about when she should be singing! Where could she have gone this time?!"