Title: And I Love you so
Author: Trista Groulx aka dustytiger
Rating: T (like the show)
Disclaimer: NCIS belongs to it's network, creator, writers, actors and actresses who bring it to life weekly. I am a very poor crafter who is board being unemployed and am only doing this for funzies.
Warnings: See part one.
Summary: After DiNozzo finds out that Ziva was killed in Israel he discovers she had a daughter – their daughter. He has to fit her into his new life with Keates.
Notes: All right, wow, so this is the last part. Just wrapping things up. I am so happy that this fic did not cause me to be threatened to harmed, harassed, and bullied. Thank you for all the reviews, and the likes and alerts.

It had been a year since Eden had come to America and they were having a small party for her. She was settling in well both at home and at school. There were still times she missed her mother and Israel but she was happy. There were pictures of the small family throughout the house, and there was even a few of Eden as a baby that Shmeil had sent over, asking to keeping the ones Ziva had been in, with exception of a few for Eden. She also had a picture of her mother on her night table so she could say goodnight to her.

DiNozzo had taken a day off to watch Eden because she had a cold. Breena assured him that she would be happy to watch her, but he wanted to be there for her. They were on the couch watching a movie. Eden was curled up to her father, under her favourite blanket. Since she had come into his life DiNozzo had started watching a lot of movies he had never thought about watching before.

"Are you sure you can see all right, angel?" he asked her.

"Yup," she told him, not wanting to move.

He kissed her forehead softly. "All right," he laughed.

They watched the movie she moved her pillow so that she could have her head on his lap. DiNozzo smiled, and couldn't believe he'd once thought he didn't want this. He had heard a lot of his friends talking about parenthood, and told them in his younger days how foolish they sounded. He was now one of those guys who knew that there were challenges, but were also moments like this one that made everything else worth the struggles.

"Daddy," Eden said as the credits rolled. "What happens when you and Zoe have a baby?"

DiNozzo was shocked by the question. "What makes you think Zoe and I are going to have a baby?"

"Well, cause you're married now, and when you're married you have babies."

"There are other reasons people marry each other, angel," he told her. "We don't know if we want to have kids together."

"But if you do have babies, what about me?"

"Nothing will change. If we do have a baby it will need a lot of attention at first, but that doesn't mean we love you any less or the baby more. Right now we're happy to just have you."

"Doesn't Zoe want a baby that looks like her?"

"That's not important to us. We both love you very much. Like she tells you all the time she likes being your step mother because she got to choose to be your mom. That's the truth Eden," he assured her.

"Oh, okay, Daddy."

"Even if we do have a baby, it won't be right away, you'll have lots of time to get used to the idea. But we're happy the way things are right now. I promise you no matter what happens you will always be my angel."

She moved to hug him. "I love you, Daddy."

He hugged her back. "I love you too, Eden."

DiNozzo held her tightly. There were still moments that he was amazed that this child was his. When she would hug and he heard her call him daddy, his heart still soared. He loved this little girl more than he ever thought he could love another person. He tried not to think about the moments he hadn't been part of, and focus on the moments he was a there for.

She had a lot of her mother in her, but there were parts of him in there too. She was a bit of a trickster sometimes; she and Victoria would often try to convince people, even their teachers, that they were in fact sisters. They could spend hours in the kitchen together, which made him want to cook more since he wasn't bored any more.

He looked at her and she had fallen asleep. He smiled, and ran his fingers through her hair. He was still amazed by how much he loved her. He had often heard his friends with children talking about parenthood and wondered why they would do it. Now that he had his own child, he finally understood. Despite all of the stressful moments, a simple moment like this one could erase all the struggles from that morning. He was glad in a way that he had found out the way he had, since this meant he couldn't run from it. He had to the right thing for his daughter, and he could only hope she would feel the same way as she grew.

As he sat there, his foot going a little numb he realised he was happy. He had a woman he loved in his life, and a daughter who was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He couldn't have asked for anything more, but had never dreamed her might achieve it.

Notes: Well that was that, I hope the grammar isn't too wonky. I have been on a crafting binge so editing has been on the back burner. I own my mistakes, but I hoped you liked it. I don't know what I will write next, but I'm not one for sequels. I like to move on and fresh write. Thank you for being so kind, reviewing, alerting, and faving. Heats all of you. -trista