(Undertale completely belongs to Toby Fox and his supportive crew. This is for show, not dough.)

Prologue: Half Of A Soul, Half The Form

The young child rushed through the forest, intent on shaking off their chasers. They tripped over roots, foliage, and the like, their lungs burning. Their chest heaved with every vain step. They had no intentions on stopping.

Only escaping.

Rainwater soaked their worn navy blue T-shirt, their baggy blue shorts, and their black boot-like shoes. Their short, honey-colored hair was plastered to their cranium, bangs covering hazel eyes. Their heart wrenched.

The three were getting closer.

They had to act. Fast.

Mt. Ebhott.

Their getaway destination.

Their haven of protection.

The place where several of those vanished without a trace.

That was their goal.

As they came onto steep ground, they found it harder to run, so began hobbling.

Cuts, bruises, and scrapes littered their fair skin. Their mind was whirling.

Were they going to make it?

Or be caught trying?

The child suddenly let a mute gasp escape their chapped lips as their shoes left the ground, causing them to plunge head first into an abyss. Darkness soon began to cloud their vision.

They shut their eyes and waited for the inevitable.

And then nothing.

When the child awoke, they were racked with pain. Ache laced their entire compact form. Sighing, they clutched their head and attempted to sit up. Their head was fuzzy and their heart was burning. As their vision cleared, they suddenly realized they were in some kind of small enclosed area. Glancing up, the sky was dark. Had they fallen from there? All they recalled was pelting for an escape... and then nothing.

Finding their feet, the young human stood and looked at the ground. Golden flowers sported from a small patch of grass. Perhaps that had cushioned their fall? The air felt dank and crisp almost, which made the young child feel shivers run up their spine. Finding that they could travel, they began to walk off to the side. Was this where those who vanished ended up? Such as the seven children who had suddenly disappeared one day and were never heard from again? The child recalled people calling them the Seven Lost Souls.

Were they one of them now?

The human child kept walking aimlessly, not certain what would await them next.

As they soon found light once more, another patch of grass was seen with golden flowers... but one alone sprouted among the rest, high and mighty. The child approached, curious. Soon, they discovered the strange flower had a face in the center of it's petals. It suddenly smiled upon their appearance, which somewhat made the child rather uncomfortable consciously. They nearly leaped when the small plant began to speak with a sickeningly sweet tone filled with lukewarm happiness.

"Ah, howdy there, stranger!" it beamed cheerily. "I am Flowey the Flower! It seems you are very new to the underground, hmm? Well... how about your friend Flowey here show you how things work around these parts? How's that sound?"

The child gave no response. They couldn't. They had no ability to vocally express words.

Flowey gave them a funny look briefly before chinning up once more. He smiled, "Alrighty, I'll take that as a 'Yes!' Now... how about we get started? Ready, here we go!"

The child suddenly felt their chest heave and tense, almost warming up as a faint illumination emitted from their abdomen. Glancing down, they soon found a teal heart gleaming from their chest. Curious, they poked it, feeling a tingling sensation. It made them feel funny, but they somehow liked the presence it gave.

"See that heart?" Flowey asked. "That is your Soul. It is the very essence of your being. Kinda small, isn't it? Well... I know a way to make it stronger!"

Dread suddenly washed over the young child as they flower suddenly released small petal-like white objects around him. The child took a small step back, very uncertain now.

"Oh, don't worry... it'll only hurt..." Flowey's face suddenly morphed into a skeletal-like expression. "A LOT." With a manically sinister laugh, the plant suddenly hurled them towards the child.

Their heart raced as they were not quick enough to evade, becoming struck with the pellets. They collapsed to the ground as more came in barrages. More and more blood began pouring from their cuts and scratches. They began panting heavily. This wasn't at all of what they fell to their knees and palms in exhaustion, already worn out from their running.

Flowey laughed, "Hurts, doesn't it, child? In this world, it's kill or be killed. Yet... I have something far greater in store just for you."

Agony flooded over them as they felt their entire fiber of their being began to sear in something that couldn't be described in words. They let out a silent scream as they felt as if someone was tearing them in two with fiery claws.

"You don't mind sharing that little SOUL of yours, now?" Flowey mockingly questioned.

Their consciousness wavered as their vision began to blacken. Their mind was reeling, their heart racing as fast as it ever could.

They vainly glanced down to see their teal heart began to crack. It even emitted the sickening sound effect of a cracking bone. They shut their eyes as they began to feel numb.

And then nothing.

"You aren't the first human to come here. But I couldn't be anymore grateful for your charity. GOOD BYE, MORONIC HUMAN!"

They blacked out.

Their being cut into two.