Wedding Night and ever after

Odin took a moment to ponder about Sigyn's revelations. Contrary to Loki and her, he didn't laugh. It was not very funny to learn that some of your closest friends had died, killed by their own offspring and that said offspring acted as a bunch of greedy, bratty sadists, lashing out their childish whims at their own kind and kin.

"We need to continue this." He declared.

All looked at him, none thought this was right.

"We'll continue. While you two..." He pointed at Loki and Sigyn. "... will be in seclusion, they'll have to stay here, waiting for the 'incident' to occur. That will give us some time to send a 'friendly Asgardian embassy' that will receive the Fire people's complaints... I am sure we will have enough testimony to make a legitimate intervention in a calm and peaceful way. And give a fair warning to your brothers."

Sigyn looked carefully at the All-Father.

"You cannot be sure that will stop them. You don't know them."

Odin breathed heavily. "No. But it will scare them enough. They'll learn what I may do."

With this, he rose to his feet. "We must go back to the feast. We've been too long already." He left with Frigga on his heels, turning to the newlyweds, gesturing them to hurry up. Sigyn trembled. She turned to Loki, all panic now, showing him her torn dress and ruined face. "I can't! Not in this state!" Loki took her hand in reassurance. "We'll go. I'll create an illusion around us and all will think that nothing happened." He kissed her hand. "Trust me, my dear. You can walk as you are. No one will see." Sigyn followed him, unconvinced.

But Loki was right. No one noticed her disheveled state and the fact that Loki had no armor and no helmet. They sat down. The party was truly on and Thor was flirting with Sif while Fandrall had two maidens on his knees (as usual...). Volstagg was feeding his conquest for the night some of the pastries (his beard was spangled with crumbs. Loki wondered why the girl wasn't disgusted by his disputable table manners...). Hogun was the only one not to respond to the advances of some suitable lovers. Yet again, he was eating and drinking with moderation and would go to sleep early, indifferent to the feast and thinking only about tomorrow's training. To Loki, Hogun was a wonder. He had a fondness for the man and his self-discipline.

Loki turned then to his new wife. Sigyn was lost. She looked at the place tiredly, probably wishing that everything was over and wondering what to do afterward. She surely had not planned to remain alive and to have a future, although uncertain. She was shivering, she had dark circles around her eyes, she looked burned out. Loki didn't know how to calm her down. He grabbed a cup of strong wine and a plate full of various treats. He presented them to Sigyn.

"Here, you need to eat and drink." She shook her head. "I can't! My stomach is in knots."

He gently held the cup to her lips and helped her sip. It took her an effort to drink a bit. Then he fed her some bread and grapes. She yielded but Loki suspected that it was more because she had no arguments left to protest. It was weird for him to act like that, protective and caring. Usually he didn't really mind if people around him were in need. The only thing he had in mind for years was how to outgrown his brother and take the throne. Now, it was how to survive this mess while trying to still have a decent conjugal life. He looked at the three red-headed pigs who were stuffing themselves full and ogling all the available maids and servants with glassy yellowing eyes. So classy...

"Please," said Sigyn gently pushing his hand away, "No more or I'll be sick..." She pulled her hand to her mouth. She looked more sleepy than sick, luckily. She was starting to doze off. He pulled her to his chest, holding her waist. "Here, lie on me. Rest a bit." She obediently laid her head on his shoulder and quickly went to sleep. Loki laughed internally. To the outside, they looked as a hieratic unfeeling couple of beautiful statues. In reality, they looked like they had just got up from bed (which they had, in a way...). He surprised Thor looking at the false Loki with pity. The real Loki tried not to laugh. Thor felt sorry for his poor little brother who would be the only male not to have any fun tonight. If only he knew...

He felt her sighing and moving a bit. He found himself wishing she would stay still. He never cared much about the closeness of another body. His few temporary lovers had pleased him but didn't leave a strong impression. But the simple feeling of Sigyn's warmth made his legs go weak. This was going to be a long night...

Finally, the ritual of the newlyweds' exit took place, except that it was made with Loki's illusion while in reality he was carrying Sigyn in his arms to theirs chambers.

She woke up slowly, trying to figure out what was going on. "Where are we going?" she said drowsily. "To bed." He said abruptly then bit his tongue because she got tense in his arms. "Just, to sleep, to rest. All right? You are exhausted and so am I. We deserve a peaceful night at least." She just nodded and carried on.

In their chambers, he helped her to her feet. While he was undressing in the next room, he heard water splashing. She was cleaning her face. He came back in his night tunic and pants. She was sitting on the huge gilded dressing table, grimacing while trying to comb her hair, but it was too tangled. Loki came from behind, looked at her through the mirror and gently picked a brush to help her.

He brushed the amazing mane with slow careful strokes. It was thick and seemed moving with all its numerous shades, like soft flames that didn't burn. He saw the red-gold-orange flow of silky threads following his gestures like loving tentacles around the brush's handle and his hand. The light touch gave him goosebumps. He saw Sigyn closing her eyes, appreciating the soothing bedtime ritual. He started to think this was the first real sensual gesture between them.

When the brushing had left the warm mane disciplined and shining, he admired it for a longer bit and wondered why, as a Fire-Head, she had not tried to stop all of this. He locked eyes with her through the mirror and she seemed to guess his thoughts.

"I don't have any powers. I know that my... kind are supposed to be … powerful. But I have nothing." She leveled her eyes to the ground. "I am useless. So they said." Loki caressed her hair softly. "You are stuck with a good-for-nothing wife." He smiled at her, still looking at her through the mirror, gently laying his chin on the top of her head. She remained still as if it was perfectly normal for an almost total stranger to show such strange signs of fondness. "And you married a Silvertongue. That's no better." Loki chuckled. She turned questioningly. "I have a very bad way with words." He laughed gently. "I use them to get what I want from everyone. Frigga, my mother, says it will be my doom..."

Sigyn lowered her gaze to the ground. Her face turned dark.

"So, will you use them to get what you want from me?"

Her question was heavy with under meanings. Loki looked at her and caressed the flaming hair one last time, deciding that they both had their share of emotions for the night. None of them was fresh and perky enough to endure more.

"At least not tonight. I'll be content with just a good night's sleep... With you next to me."

Being reassured on her husband's intentions, Sigyn fell rather quickly in a deep slumber. But, having said that, Loki was incapable of any sleep. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He didn't know what the future held for them both but he was determined to make something out of it.

They were both laying on their sides, in fetal position, facing each other. She had both her hands under her head like a young child. He ghosted the gesture of a caress on the long thigh, the shapely hips, the round shoulder... He noticed that the shoulder strap of her nightgown had fell, revealing creamy freckled skin, lightly golden under the candlestick's flame. He caressed it barely but it was enough to wake Sigyn up.

"Just exactly what do you think you are doing?" She said a little indignant. "You said we would just sleep!" Loki smirked.

"Just appraising the merchandise..." He said in mock business tone. He slipped his finger lower on the hem of her collar, pulling down just enough to reveal an interesting cleavage. "Hmm, appetizing..." He pulled lower...

She laughed out loud and slapped his hand, more as a game than in a defensive way. "You are going to appraise my hand on your face, Sir, if you don't stop!" She seemed more amused than seriously angry.

Loki came to a decision, judging by the playful mood. "Do you want to appraise mine?"

And he rose from the bed and took away his nightshirt before Sigyn could say anything. Then he pulled down his pants and prayed that she would not kick him out of the bed, screaming like a banshee. He laid back on the furs, knowing that the black pelt would make him look whiter. She was staring at him with wide eyes but not saying a word.

There he was, shivering a little from the night air, totally naked and unmoving, gulping a bit in apprehension. In fact, he had never shown himself naked to any of his former lovers. He didn't like to be judged for his litheness. He knew that he was thinner than the average Aesir, that he had his own charm but he was not the strong muscled type Asgardians favored. He had no idea what she liked (and maybe she didn't know it herself...) and he wanted to know if she found him attractive.

It was hard to guess what Sigyn was thinking then. She looked at him up and down, maybe a little overwhelmed by the sudden display. She didn't seem horrified or repelled, only a little... disturbed. He noticed that she was carefully not looking at the dark shape between his legs, clearly embarrassed. That was how he knew she had no experience in the flesh (or only bad ones... but he didn't want to go that path right now.) and that he had to help her getting familiar with it.

"You can touch if you want to." he said, hopefully, getting closer to her. She raised her hand hesitantly to his chest and then she looked disgusted.

It gave him a little fright but then he realized she was not looking directly at him but at the contrast her freckled pinky hand made to his pale snow-like skin. She was judging her own skin and found it ugly compared to his. "Hey, hey..." He said raising on his elbow and grabbing her chubby hand. "None of that, you are beautiful." She raised her eyes to him, all self-loathing and bitterness now. "My brothers... They said no one would fuck me since I was dirty and covered with specks of sh..."

Loki knew what she was going to say and he shut her up not very gracefully by a kiss a little too much brutal than he would have wanted. She resisted first out of scare then he felt her yield again but he remained on her lips, not forcing the entry, even if it made their teeth clash a bit.

He broke the kiss and stare in her eyes. "Rule number one." He said raising a finger to her lips, playing the pompous teacher. "No mention of those bastards in our bed, especially when I am naked and vulnerable." He pressed his lips again to hers. "Rule number two, and this one is capital." he drew her into his arms. "If I ever hear you saying horrible things about that delicious skin of yours again, I'll throw you on my knees and give you a good spanking. Are we clear?" Loki thought she was going to laugh with him but she just remained astonished. "A good what?!" Oh, dear, he thought, a whole education to make...

Then a very naughty thought came across his mind and he slowly went closer, gliding like a snake "Do you want me to try?" And he started to attack, more invasive than aggressive, pining her down, caressing her, sliding his head on her shoulder to cover her with kisses. She yowled and tried to fight him off but then she laughed. He took it as an encouragement and started kissing her in earnest.

They fought like children for control, messing around and giggling like fools.

And then... Damn.

He was getting hard. She felt it on her thigh and reddened (which made her even more attractive which was worse...).

"Sorry... Can't help it." Loki said a little contrite.

If he was totally honest, he would admit having made this mess a bit on purpose, hoping that would ease things. She didn't seem to mind. Her hand found the passage and started caressing him. "Don't do that..." he murmured. "Or I'm not sure I can..." My, she was skillful. He took it as permission to go further. Kissing harder, demanding entry with his tongue, being granted, feeling a little dizzy with all this easiness, this being so natural when everything was complicated between them.

He gently pulled her hand away. "Take off your clothes. I want to see you." She looked embarrassed but accepted nonetheless.

She was rosy all over now, her breasts were full and displayed signs of similar arousal... She was just perfect. He didn't try to see below. He wanted to give her a little time to adjust. He knew she was doing it more to please him than because she wanted it. But he wanted her to feel the same ease and pleasure, not to act the dutiful wife.

"Well, let's put my silvertongue into use, shall we?"

And, before she could say anything, he settled between her legs, attacking the tender part.

A moment later, he had to stop because she was shaking too much. He found it strange that she wasn't making any noise when he realized she was muffling her cries with both her hands, looking at the ceiling in desperation. Apparently, no one ever did that to her because she looked dumbfounded. "Hush, it's all right." He pulled her hands away, she whimpered. "Shh, shh, let me hear you... No one else will listen. I promise."

So she let go.

After a long time of this treatment, they were both a sweaty mess. He wasn't sure but he felt her tremble rather hard but not close enough to reach climax. His mouth and lower parts hurt but he couldn't just take her like that without any delicacy nor any warning, could he?

"My dear, my dear..." He was really breathless, almost begging. "Can I? Can I? I know I swore but... Can I? Please? Please?" She became redder than ever, her eyes shining, her hair no more disciplined, more like a crazy halo, and her mouth slightly open and wet from her biting. She truly looked like a ruby dipped in water. He hated how he sounded pathetic but this time he had really lost it. She remained silent but opened her arms to him, simply offering everything. He came to her.

The first assault was painful and not very pleasurable for any of them. They both whined. "I am sorry, so sorry..." He started to babble. "It's alright, I am alright, go on..." She murmured with a very small voice. He grimaced as he felt that he had torn something in this sweet wetness and he knew that a little blood was spilled. Now he felt miserable and lame. That was not what he wanted to give her. "It is alright, I swear." She said firmly. "Go on, it will be fine."

The second assault was easier and less brutal. He slowly rocked and she encouraged him softly. "Go on, my sweet prince. You are so kind, so gentle..." While focusing at the diffuse pleasure he felt, he couldn't help but wonder at her words. By any chance, had she encountered someone that was not as kind nor gentle? But the thought dissolved in the heat that was Sigyn's body.

The third made them both moan openly, without restraint. He had found an angle that seemed to satisfy her. Her feet hooked behind his waist, holding him tighter. The rest was hot confusion. There were cries, sobs, pleadings... A regular rhythm that increased. Someone uttered "Oh! Oh, gods!", someone murmured "Harder, please...", and other confused things, "Sweet prince," "My red queen..."

Until the inevitable conclusion that left them panting, shocked, clutching at each other, undone...

It was when Loki managed to come back from the sweet death that he realized Sigyn had scratched his back until he bled. He could see the droplets on his shoulder. He didn't care that much. He did made her bleed inside, after all. That was only fair. He looked worriedly at his new conquest, hoping the experience wasn't too traumatic or too much of a failure.

Eyes closed, slowly breathing, she looked different now, more glowing, less vulnerable. He could see it had been at least satisfying.

"Sigyn," he murmured. "My dear?" He caressed her face. She opened her eyes, golden and heavy with their exertion. And then something strange happened to Loki.

He was overwhelmed with foreign thoughts and sensations, soreness and tiredness but also relief, happiness, contentment and another feeling close to deep affection, not towards Sigyn but towards himself. He had to shake his head because he felt like he was on his back looking at his own self. He felt dizzy, hearing voices he never heard, seeing things he never saw... It was a typhoon of hallucinations.

There was a crowned red-haired woman he saw for the first time gently caressing his face. He saw an unknown king with a golden red beard kissing the top of his head. He saw countless Fire maidens and women laughing and dancing. Then darkness, then he saw the disgusting pig-like Sodarn screaming at him "You useless CUNT! You'll do as I SAY!" Loki shuddered then in horror as the pig pulled down his pants to show his repulsive hairy cock with obvious intent. Then darkness again. Then sheer terror and despair, an unequaled rage, sights of pools of blood on white marbled floor and the mewling of a faraway cat. A harsh cruel voice followed by manic laughs "Ya want that darn cat alive? Go kill yourself!"

Then nothing but emptiness and everlasting black. Then he saw himself with his armor and horns, his green eyes questioning, himself in his green coat, his hands outstretched, trying to calm his own self down, then holding a cup of wine and finally in his own nakedness chuckling naughtily, "...and give you a good spanking. Are we clear?"

He grabbed his head with his two hands and shook it. Loki then opened his eyes and he was staring at a terrified Sigyn. And then he knew she had experienced similar visions. "What in Hel was THAT?!" he screeched.

They stared at each other and deep inside they knew. They could hear it bouncing back and forth between their minds.

Is that you?

Is that you?

But how?

I don't know.

You're in my head.

So are you.

Who are you?

I need you.

Is that really you?

I need you.

Did I hurt you?

No, you didn't.

They did hurt you.

Yes, they did.

I can feel you.

I can feel you.

I can hear you.

I need you, please.

You are mine. I am yours.

I am yours. You are mine.



They grabbed each other, shivering with a crushing, excruciating joy. Something huge had fell upon them. Bigger than simpler love-making, bigger than marriage...

And they had no idea what it was.

They spent the next days like this, sleeping, reading, eating, learning about each other, chatting, laughing, making love... And trying to figure out how could they have developed telepathic abilities...

They did experiences. Apparently, Sigyn was the one able to read thoughts and penetrate minds and Loki and her shared some kind of bond. They could enter each others psyche and "send" to the other.

Loki thought this was funny. Instead of losing her power with her virginity, she actually gained them by having intercourse. And Loki benefited from the action, apparently. Each time they had sex, he shared the same capacities for a few hours. But it was still a weak power, they couldn't read the minds of people outside the chambers.

They must have been a show for the servants that refreshed the bedding, made the bath and brought the meals. The new couple playing and laughing like children, half-naked (or totally naked...). At least, Loki thought, Odin, Frigga and Thor would be reassured on their mood. Loki hoped Thor would be a bit jealous of his unexpected happiness.

For he was happy, indeed. He just hoped it would last, whatever might happen.

Their sweet time closed to an end. Odin sent a secret message and informed them that the three morons could not stand one more second of this waiting. They acted like stressed-out dimwits, crashing everything and harassing everyone, drunk most of the time and making proper fools of themselves. There wasn't a day without Frigga wanting to slaughter them with her sword or Thor, to bash their head with his precious hammer. Odin actually almost smacked the three of them with his spear but managed to keep control. The three idiots were whining that they had no news of their dear, dear sister, poor little thing... Out of their minds with worry and grief for their beloved sister, they left a trail of droplets of wine and crumbs, right in the middle of the Throne Hall. The only consolation was that this was proof they were going crazy with terror that the plan might not work. Little did they know that the worst was about to come.

That was why the next morning, Loki helped Sigyn put on her new Asgardian outfit and brush her hair. He liked doing it for he was a tiny bit jealous of Sigyn's handmaidens, touching his wife while he was not here. He smirked thinking that was the first time in weeks they were both properly dressed.

"I don't want to go back there." She sighed. "Me neither" he answered. "But we need to get on with it." They both went to the door. "Do you think they will make it harder?" He gently pressed her wife's hand. "Simplicity and resignation is not part of their nature, I think." He kissed her hand. "But whatever they might say or do, remember this. It was easy for them to bully you when you were on your own but, now, you have me and Asgard behind you."

And, on they went.

As Asgardian tradition commanded, the newlyweds arrived at the morning banquet. Loki holding his wife's hand, wearing his casual black and green outfit and boots, Sigyn in a red and gold dress, similar to the kind Frigga and the High born Asgardian ladies use to wear, but without any jewels. Her beautiful mane was worth a tiara covered with diamonds and rubies and she knew it.

They looked like who they were, a happy, triumphant couple. And everyone could see it. They were all amazed at the difference between the expressionless marble figures of the wedding and the warm and loving item displayed in front of the whole crowd. If only they knew the rest, Loki thought. Sigyn and him decided to keep their new abilities a secret until further notice. Indeed, although no one would make one remark, out of respect for tradition, they had made quite an impression. Thor and Frigga were satisfied. They smiled to them and directed them their seats. Thor grimaced at his brother, and mouthed "Lucky bastard!" Loki answered with a smirk. Loki wondered if Thor knew the whole case. Probably not. As the All-Father would say, the less people in the know, the better.

The best was the glance Sigyn threw at her brothers who seemed turned into statues in a heartbeat. They had expected her as a corpse, not walking around as if she owned the place. Loki remarked that Surt (the less aggressive of the three) was sweating profusely, King Sodarn had literally knives jumping out of his eyes to his sister. Sert (which according to Sigyn, was the most cruel of all, the one with more brains, hence the more dangerous) managed to keep his countenance straight. Instead he ostensibly patted a purse on his belt while looking at his sister right in the eyes. Loki saw Sigyn blanch and he remarked that the purse was slightly moving on its own and a very faint noise came out of it.

The kitten.

He had the black and white stray in this purse. And it was still alive for now.

She looked at Loki and her fear went right to his mind like a straight arrow, making him wince. "What are we going to do?" she sent, "he's got it." Loki, in turn, sent his warmth and confidence to appease her. "We'll save him. Don't worry." She smiled, but she was still panicking...

At the end of the banquet, even Thor could feel the bad vibes.

The three Morons could not stand in place. They burned with the will to catch their sister on her own so they could have a little discussion about sibling's love and loyalty. But Loki knew their game and didn't leave his wife's side for a second. The confrontation was inevitable but Loki was not going to let them have their way with his new treasure.

"Sister, one word." Cut Chief Moron the Great. "Allow us, dear Brother-in-law ?" He said with a disgustingly obsequious smile. Creeper... thought Loki. In the recess of his mind, he heard Sigyn's inner laugh and felt the nervousness she bravely tried to hide from her husband. At that moment, he knew he was in love with her and that she loved him back.

He flowed her with renewed vigor and certainty that the end of the day would see them together as long as they wished, including the kitten. He sensed her sending back relief and her love.

"Well, dear Brother-in-law," Loki pursued on the same tone. "You understand... I'd rather hate to part with my dearest ruby, even for a minute." Sygin came forward. She put her arm around Loki's waist and he answered by putting his around her shoulders. "Besides, Brother," She completed, "There is nothing my sweet Prince couldn't hear, is there? I have no secrets for my beloved husband." And with this she turned Loki's chin to her mouth and shared a searing kiss with him. Then she turned to the three fuming brutes and smiled like an angel. No one would have think they were anything else but peaceful relatives having a comfortable chat... Well maybe except for the beautiful purple complexion of the three brothers that brutally increased.

"Sister, come with us. Now." That was Senn, wanting to get on with business. He tried to grab Sigyn's arm. But Loki was faster and crushed his wrist until Senn backed off.

Loki smiled was gone. He was wearing now his cold battle face. His voice cool and menacing...

"The only chat you are going to have is with ME, dear brothers-in-law..."

All of them were mute and petrified. The three Morons knew Loki knew. One wrong move it will all go bloody. Sigyn saw Senn and Surt's hands going to their pockets were surely they had managed to hide a weapon in spite of the protocol rule of no-weapons-during the wedding

"Dear 'Brothers' " Loki started "If you think you will win by a very brave three-on-one fight, you are dumber than I thought. Just exactly who do you think is waiting right behind the columns ?"

And as soon as he had said this, Thor and his merry gang went out, with a full display of hammer, blades, daggers and the like.

"Brother, what is the meaning of this ?" Thor looked annoyed and mostly worried. The All-Father had ordered him to follow his brother discreetly and be careful for there was going to be action but no explanation.

"All in time, Brother. Sigyn, my love, stay with Thor." Sigyn went next to Thor although reluctantly. But the situation being that difficult, she didn't want to argue.

Loki then turned to the three Morons, calm and composed, taking all his time.

"So," He said. "We are not to display courtesies any more. So next time you call me 'brother'..." He leaned a heavy hand on Surt's shoulder then took it back as if he was afraid of soiling it. " I'll gut the three of you. I have only one brother. He may be a blonde oaf..."

"Hey !" yelled Thor. Sygin, Sif and the warriors suppressed a smile.

"... But he is MY blonde oaf. You, on the other hand..." He came closer to the three and lowered his voice. "You are scumbags not even worthy of the nine realm's slums. You just had the chance to be born princes but you are lower than dirt." He came closer to Sodarn's ear. "I know you killed your parents, probably by poisoning. I know that at least YOU, king of scums, committed sexual assault on your own sister to break her. Let me tell you, it didn't work." He patted his shoulder, and went to the other two. "By now, know that the All-Father is aware of your absurdity of a plan. Muspellheim invited an Asgardian embassy and they are currently gathering evidences of your abuses... Now." he turned around, sure of his effect. "Your sorry excuses for heads are right now on the pillory and Sigyn and I are the ones holding the ax. It will come, on our terms."

He lowered his voice again sure that the three Morons would be the only ones to hear. "One day, one night, when you three least expect it, it will come on you and there won't be enough of you to burn on the funeral pyre. If there is an actual funeral, since I seriously doubt your people would grieve that much... And if there is no funeral at all, don't worry, your beloved sister and I will provide." He licked his lips in a deliberately lusty way. "She'll have your three ugly heads on her dresser and we will smile as I will brush her hair and help her dress, seeing you three slowly rot. We'll have your bodies impaled in a private chamber when we will make love in front of your decaying corpses until they turn into dust that we will flush in the privy. I hope that in the deep recess of Hel, you'll hear our screams of pleasure. My ruby is an insatiable lover." He licked his lips again. Then gasped as if he had forgotten something of the utmost importance.

"By the way, there would be no ass on the Fire Kingdom throne and they'll have to turn to Odin to recognize the heir. And, as you would have no time to breed any spawn, guess who's left to take the position ? My dear wife, the only royal heir left, and yours truly."

He turned around, smiling sweetly.

"Now, Senn, you have something my red queen wants right now and alive. Hand it over and you three may have a chance to get out of here in one piece."

Sigyn held a breath. Senn, whose skin had the color of ashes, put his hand on the purse.

"HERE ! Your darn fleabag !"

It went very fast. Senn grabbed the bag, raising it higher as he could. His obvious intent being to smash it on the ground to break the kitten's spine. But Volstagg, who could be incredibly fast for his big frame and had a fondness for pets, blocked Senn's arm and snatched the purse who became alive with desperate mewling and frantic movements. Volstagg, still holding the purse, gave a good punch to the brute who tumbled on his butt and rested there, vanquished.

Volstagg brought the bag to a trembling Sigyn. She opened it and the round head and huge yellow eyes of a black-and-white stray popped out, yowling in panic. It was emaciated and dirty. Senn had not tended to it at all. "Silinn..." Sigyn held it to her breast and the tiny pet seemed to calm down, being reunited with its true mistress.

Loki grabbed Senn's collar and threw him out of the room, followed by Sodarn and Surt, dark and silent. "You just brought it on yourself, piece of shit." Loki snarled. "You are to leave now, all of you. I am done with you. I am not particularly a pet lover but I hate seeing them getting hurt by assholes like you lot. Mind my words, your days are counted, the three of you."

The brothers went off. There was nothing left to say about them...

Loki went back to what was rightfully his. His friends, family and love. He gently grabbed the kitten from Sigyn's hands to examine it. "You are in dire need of a bath and lunch, little one. And I am not considering sharing the bed with you until it is done." Sigyn laughed behind her tears.

And back they went to the palace.