I am going to jump right to the story. Okie? Okie.

"Was this really a good idea?" Steven said to himself. He closed his eyes as he sat on his chair in his chambers. He ran his fingers through his curly hair. "If it was, why does this feel so wrong..." He put his hand on his gem. "Mom, if you can hear me, I need your help. Was this a good idea?"

'Yes and no.' A voice said. Steven opened his eyes. He knew that voice.

"Not you again, I thought I called out for my mom, not some scary voice in my head."

'Scary? Mwah? As if, how can someone be afraid of themselves? How can I explain this Steven. I am the little guide on your shoulder."

"I thought you left." Steven said coldly.

'Heh, you can't get rid of me, I am a part of you.'

"Can you leave? I want to talk to my mom."

'Your Mom? Good luck trying to talk to her bud.' Steven shook his head and waited for another word. Nothing.

"Okay, let's try this again." Steven concentrated. "Hello, hello? Mom? I kinda need to talk to you."

'Hello again.' It was the evil voice again.

"UGH, I don't want to talk to you, evil me. I want to talk to my mom."

'Okay, okay, go ahead. I'll leave.' The voice vanished.

"OKAY MOM, I am sick of hearing that creepy voice! Where are you!"

'Gone, well at least until you... Nevermind.'

"How many times do you gotta show up? Your name should be annoying..." Steven paused. "Uh, what exactly is your name?"

'What do you want to name me? I could be uh, Steven the great, Steven two, or how about cool dude. What's even better is-'

"Shut up! I asked for a name, not names. I am just going to call you Shadow."

'Like the hedgehog? Mmm, I guess that works.'

"Okay, you got your silly little name, now leave!" Steven yelled out. It went silent, and footsteps could be heard from the corridor through the metal door. It stopped, then the door opened. Steven looked up and saw Yellow Diamond.

"Steven, is something the matter? You've been yelling quite often."

"Well you see, I uh-" He stammered.

"I don't care. Your yelling disturbs me as I am trying to work."

"Oh sorry." He said, as he looked down.

"Steven, I was wondering. Have you experinced anything unusual?" Steven's heart skipped a beat. He wasn't sure if he should tell her about his mom or shadow talking to him.

"Nothing at all!" He rubbed the back of his head, and waited awkwardly for her to leave.

"Alright, I'm going back to the cockpit." Yellow diamond turned around and was about to walk away.

"Uh, do you by chance, have anything I can eat?" She stopped in her tracks and turned around to face Steven.

"I know you humans need to eat, but since you are half gem you will learn to adapt to not to consume food."

"That's not how I work though!"

"That's how it will work from now on." Steven watched as she walked away. His stomach grumbled.

"Can I really survive without food?"

'You should go yell at her and demand food.'

"Stop coming back into my head."

'Go on Steven, get into a fight with her. She doesn't understand that you are still part human so you need food.' Steven nodded slowly. He looked out the door to see if she was still in the corridor.

"Welp, looks like she is gone, I'm too late! I'm going back to sleep." Steven brought his head back in, and walked back to his make shift bed.

'Or do you want to sleep to try to talk to your mom face to face, because if you try, you will just see me again.'

"How about, I ignore you, look for my mom, and everything ends up being happy and peaceful, and everything can be fine because I have someone to talk to besides you!" As soon as Steven finished his little speech, there was a loud explosion, heavily shaking the ship. Steven fell over and could barely stand. "What was that?!"

"Steven?!" A voice called out from outside the room.

"Huh?" Steven ran outside into the corridor. "Lapis?"

"Steven! There you are!" Lapis ran towards Steven and hugged him.

"Lapis, What are you doing here? I told you to stay back!"

"I am doing this for you Steven. Come on, we gotta go." Lapis spread her wings and bent down so Steven can climb on. "Hurry!"

"I told you to stay back! GET BACK BEFORE YOU ARE HURT!" He gripped his gem as it began glowing a bright pink.

Loud footsteps got closer to the room. Lapis began to panic. "Come on Steven, we don't have time, She will be on here any time now, we have to hurry. Let's go."

"I am not leaving, you are. Sorry Lapis." He pushed her back, little by little, trying to get her out of the ship.

"Steven, I am not leaving without you." She tried to stop being pushed back, but Steven was surprisingly really strong.

"Yes you are!" Not even realzing it, Lapis made it back to the hole she made in the ship. She looked down and saw earth, not to far below. "Please don't come back." A smile appeared on his face. "Bye-bye." A strange voice, which for sure, wasn't Steven's came out of Steven's mouth.

"Steven?" Lapis said. Steven gave one final push. Lapis couldn't react, that smile, that voice wasn't Steven's and it sort of shocked her. She fell off board the ship, too shocked to move. Falling faster and faster towards earth. As she entered the atmosphere she shook her head and pulled out her wings, catching herself right before landing onto the cold hard ground.

"Steven! What happened." Steven turned around and looked towards Yellow Diamond.

"Nothing really." He said with a smile. "Just an intruder. Everything is fine now."

Yellow Diamond narrowed her eyes. "Alright. Please, fix this mess."

"This giant hole?"


"Alrighty." He licked his hand, and splatted it around the surface of the gaping hole. It began to go back to normal. "Cool, I didn't think that would work. Welp, job well done, I'm leaving now." He turned around and walked back to his room.

"Are you hungry Steven?" He stopped in his tracks. "It will take a while before being adjusted, but I do have some of your planets resources on board so you may consume what you need."

"I'm not hungry anymore, I don't even feel my stomach hurting either." He felt his gem. "Maybe I was able to get adjusted to no food." The door opened and he went back inside.

"Excellent." She said. She went back into the control room.

"Wow, can't believe my hunger is gone, probably because of adrenaline."

'You can thank me for that, actually.'

"You again... Shadow, I thought I told you to leave." Steven kept his head down, and stared at his gem.

'Well, now you will never get rid of me, I am your talking buddy now.' Steven looked up, ready to get rid of this annoyance. His eyes widened. Another him, stared at him directly in his face. An exact copy, a clone.


'I am stronger now, I now have manifested into a sort of an imaginary friend. No one else can see me though... Yet...' He rubbed his chin.

"H-how are you here?"

'You still don't get it? I told you before, I am getting stronger with every bad decision, and me, probably being your gem half, am able to destroy your humanity and make you more of a gem, meaning you now no longer need to eat. I will take care of giving you the nutrients.'

"That's a little creepy."

'Not at all. You can thank me later.'

"Ahem, um. I have one question."

'Go for it, bud.'

"Are you evil, or good?"

'Depends on who you ask.'

"Well, I am asking you."

'Technically, I am supposed to be good, but, not down to the roots. I am a gem, see gems are made to serve the higher ups, which are the diamonds, and to humanity, a.k.a you, the diamonds are evil.'

"So, the answer is?"


Steven shook his head. "Nevermind."

End le chapter. I know it's short, but whatever. If you are confused, don't be afraid to ask me a question, and if you want, suggest some endings! I have two endings in mind, but I am not sure if you guys will like it. Because one of them cuts this story short, the other one is hard to make into a prefect story line. So if you got any other ideas, please message me.