AN: *Gasp* I know right! Finally an update!
I have my reasons why it seems I have abandoned you! Don't worry I never forgot about this! Life got in the way, this semester has kicked my ass, especially my English 102 class.
Oh well you don't want to hear about why I didn't post. Here it is! Enjoy!
Oh yeah I also apologize for any and all mistakes, don't be afraid to point it out!
Chapter 9
Nico's POV
Nico tossed and turned all night, his stomach full of skeletal butterflies flapping away relentlessly. After finding out that he had a date Nico couldn't sleep. One good thing is that when he doesn't sleep he doesn't have nightmares. Nico didn't think he would be able to get through the day if he had had a nightmare last night. Ok so nightmare wasn't quite right, it was more along the lines of night terrors. He tried everything he could to make them stop, but nothing worked, for the most part he could handle them. On the good days he would wake up screaming drenched in sweat, on the bad days…he would wake up crying and so terrified that he was frozen, this sometimes lasted an hour or two but recently he would be stuck frozen with terror in his bed all day and terrified when night came again. Sometimes if he had a nightmare when his friends were over, they couldn't wake him up and nothing they did in the morning would unfreeze him. Yay him….
Nico realized what time it was and got out of bed and went on with his normal everyday morning routine. However this morning around 11 Nico was going to have some visitors, his sisters were coming. So after he finished his breakfast, he set out to tidy his already clean apartment. Just because Nico was living on his own now didn't mean that the place had to look bad, ok so his room was a little messy. He had a really bad habit of taking his clothes of and throwing them wherever, his clean clothes were always folded and out away though. Nico never really felt the need to keep his room spotless considering he was the only one who goes in there.
Not too long after Nico decided that his places couldn't get any cleaner, his sisters knocked on the door. Nico opened the door and immediately the wind was knocked out of him as he inhaled hair.
"Can't…Breathe…" Nico gasped.
"Oh yes you can, you just want us to let go" Hazel stated so matter-of-factly.
Nico squirmed free and shut the door, "I know it has been a little while since I last saw you guys but do you have to do that every time?"
"Yes, yes we do" Bianca said as she and Hazel both grabbed one of Nico's arms and drug him to the couch, squishing him in the middle. "Now spill" both the girls practically yelled.
"What else do you want me to say? I call you guys yesterday and went through a million questions. What else could there possibly left to say?" Nico questioned as Xena jumped in his lap.
"Well now that you mention it, why did you wait so long to tell us!?" Bianca questioned as she poked Nico in the chest.
"Hey", Nico said as he rubbed his chest, "I told you guys the next morning. I was with Will and then when I got home my friends were here and we talked and it got late so we all fell asleep."
"No fair that they get to hear it first" Hazel said with a little pout.
Nico rolled his eyes, his sisters were something else. "Well if you keep that up I won't tell you what happened yesterday".
Both of his sisters' eyes got wide "TELL US!" they both yelled.
"Ok, god. It's not that big of a deal." On the inside Nico was freaking out, "Will asked me out".
Nico had to cover his ears because of the glass shattering squeal that followed, poor Xena ran out the room. Questions started flying, and Nico couldn't tell who said what. "One at a time, please!" Nico had to yell to be heard.
"When did this happen?" Hazel was first to ask.
"Will asked me yesterday. When we met he said something about taking me on a proper date, since he kinda ditched work. Then when we were texting yesterday and he asked."
"When and where?" This time it was Bianca's turn to ask.
"Well….Actually, tonight. He is going to pick me up at 7. I don't know what he has planned."
"Oooo, I like the secrecy. Do you know what you are going to wear?" Bianca asked.
"I planned on wearing what I normally do..." Nico confessed.
Hazel gave Nico a look and Nico knew what she was going to say before she even voiced it. "That won't do! We are taking you shopping!" I knew it….. Nico thought.
Not even 5 minutes later the three were climbing into the back of a cab and heading toward the mall.
A few hours later Nico and the girls stumbled into his apartment weighed down by the many bags they each carried.
"How is it that we went out shopping for me and the two of you end up with the most stuff?" Nico asked exhausted. He didn't like being around a lot of people, so he avoided places like the mall at all cost. However, there was just no way he could say no to his sisters.
"Hey you can never say no to a sale!" Bianca argued.
"We found some stuff for you, didn't we?" Hazel asked while inspecting her newest piece of jewelry. She had a natural talent when it comes to precious metals and jewels. She could sense their worth and she has been known to get into arguments with jewelers over their price.
Nico looked at his few bags and shrugged as he walked toward his room, just knowing his sisters would follow.
"God Nico, it's a mess in here" Bianca exclaimed, automatically reaching for the dirty clothes.
Nico huffed and explained, "Not really, the only thing on the floor is dirty clothes. The clean ones are over there folded". Nico pointed to his desk that was covered in piles of clothes. His sisters looked at each other and without a word Bianca picked up the clothes on the floor and Hazel went to the desk.
"Really? Why are you doing that? They are fine where they are. It's not like anyone comes in here…" Nico said the last part under his breath, not that his sisters didn't hear it.
"One, we are in here and two that's a bad habit!" Bianca scolded him.
"And! You won't be the only one in here soon!" Hazel said with a huge grin. Instantly Nico started blushing, "Wha… No… Why…."
"You do want to make a good impression on Will, don't you?" Hazel asked.
Nico groaned, "Well yes but what does that have to do with my room? He isn't coming in here."
"Why not?" Bianca decided to join in now.
Nico flopped down on his bed face first and mumbled "Fuck off…" half-heartedly.
"What was that? I can't understand when you talk into the mattress" Bianca asked as she finished with his clothes. Sighing Nico rolled over, "I said he isn't coming in here. I don't know what you two think is going to happen tonight, but I am not bringing him in here".
The next hours the three of them lay on Nico's bed bickering about what was going to happen at the end of the night. Most of the time Nico either had his hands covering his face or his pillow covering his face, seriously why were they talking about this.
Before Nico realized it, it was 6 o'clock. Instantly his heart started going wild, this was really about to happen. He was about to go on a date, him, Nico!
By the time Nico had showered and gotten dressed it was 6:45 and he was still trying to get his sisters to leave. "Why can't we stay and meet him?" Hazel asked for the millionth time.
Nico sighed, looking at his watch, "I promise you will be able to meet him soon, but not tonight. It is only our first date." His sisters both sighed, "Yeah we know, we should go" Bianca answered. They both kissed Nico on the cheek and left, not before making his swear to tell them all about what happened.
Nico closed the door and leaned against it, and once again looked at his watch. 6:55, any minute now….
Not even 2 seconds after he thought that Nico heard and felt a knock on his door. His heart tried to jump out of his chest. Nico opened the door with a small smile, ok it was more of a neutral expression but to him it felt like a small smile. His first thought, Damn. Will looked hot, khaki shorts with a button down shirt that had the sleeves rolled up; at least Nico didn't feel too overdressed.
"Hi" Will said with a blinding smile.
"H-Hi" Nico instantly flinched at the breathy stutter that was his voice. Will smiled even brighter, if that was possible.
"Ready to go?" He questioned.
"Yeah" Nico replied as he grabbed his keys and locked the door. They made their way down stairs and Will led them to the park. Nico was wondering where they were going, they couldn't be staying outside because it was cold out here. Just when Nico thought they were heading to the coffee shop, Will turned going away from it.
"Where are we going?" Nico asked.
"It is just ahead. Right through here…" Will said as he walked into a patch of trees and bushes.
Nico followed right behind and when he came out on the other side of the bushes he froze.
Will looked down a little worried, "Do you like it?"
Like it? How could he not like it! He loved it!
"I-I love it" Nico said with a genuine smile.
Somehow in this tiny grove of trees there was a little clearing. Will had put up lights all around so there was no darkness, and it wasn't cold! Nico didn't see anything that looked like a heater or fire, how did he do this? Nico thought to himself. In the middle there was a blanket on the ground, a picnic was set up! They were having a picnic in December!
Will hesitantly reached for Nico's hand and pulled him toward the blanket. As they sat down Will started pulling out the food and Nico could help but think: I could get use to this.
AN: So how did you like it? These two are just too adorable! I am working on the next chapter and I promise it won't be as long as last time for another update.
Also I noticed that the chapters have kinda gotten a little longer...
Let me know what you think! And any suggestions! I love hearing what yall have to say!