Authors note: Sorry for the delay in posting and sorry if Danny seems a little OOC in this chapter, I've portrayed him in this way to fit with my story.

"Hey," Don says as he enters a coffee shop near the precinct just as Lottie walks out.

"Oh, hey!" Lottie replies with a smile. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. I was in my own little world."

"Don't worry about it." Flack says with a laugh. "How's things going at the lab?"

"Good, caught my first big case in the city today, just out on a coffee run for the rest of the team. You know how bad the coffee is there."

"Oh yeah," He says with a laugh. "if you wanna wait, I'll walk back with you. I'm heading up there anyway. I'm guessing it's your case I've just been assigned to?" He asks. Lottie nods and follows him back inside.

"Guess so." She says with a shrug. "Central park murder, young girl?" Flack nods, queuing up for coffee. "If I'd known you were gonna be in the lab, I could have got you a coffee too."

"Eh, don't worry about it." Don says again as he steps up to the counter.

"What're you and Flack doing together?" Danny asks, taking the last cup coffee off Lottie as she walks down the hallway to the conference room.

"We bumped into each other at the coffee shop and walked back up here together, that's all." She replies, giving Danny a confused look. "Geez, chill bro, no need to get so jealous." She teases as she speeds up to fall in step with Stella, leaving Danny behind her, still frowning.

"Relax Danny," Lindsay says, appearing beside him. "It's not like they're dating."

"And they're not going to." Danny growls as they reach the conference room.

"So, how you finding it here so far?" Danny asks, walking into the lab where Lottie was sat, waiting for results back on some fibres she'd found at the crime scene.

"Good thanks, everyone seems really nice." Lottie replies. "I like it better here than at tech crimes, that place is boring compared to this."

"You know you can come to me, right, if you ever need anything?" Danny clarifies

"I know Danny, thanks." She says

"I mean..."

"Danny...I know." Lottie says, pressing a kiss to his cheek "Honestly Daniel, you worry about me too much. I'm fine, I can fend for myself."

"I know that Lott', doesn't mean I can't or don't worry, I am your big brother after all."

"Firstly, there's no need to, I am a big girl Danny, I'm not a baby anymore." Lottie says, punching Danny gently in the arm. "And secondly, you are not older than me. We're twins, remember? God, you're really not as smart as everyone thinks." She says teasingly.

"That one minute really counts though." Danny replies in the same tone. "Seriously though Lottie, you and Flack, what's going on?"

"Oh for goodness sake Daniel, seriously, we're talking about this again?"

"I just wanna know. You guys looked pretty...cosy...earlier..."

"Danny! We had just stepped off an extremely crowded lift, of course we were going to look...'cosy', as you put it."

"Hey, you wanna come down and interrogate this guy with me?" Don asks Lottie, poking his head around the side of the door of the lab. Lottie shoots a glance at Danny who scowls but shrugs.

"Sure, I'll meet you down there ok?" Lottie says, turning to Don with a smile.

"Sure." He replies, turning and heading for the lifts.

"Go on then, Flack's gonna be waiting for you." Danny says with a huff, shooing Lottie out the door.

"Alright, alright, I'm going! No need to get your knickers in a twist!" She teases.

"Hey Lott, you wanna go out for dinner later?" He calls after Lottie, who turns and frowns at him.

"Yeah, ok, but why?" She asks.

"Pops rang earlier, said he wanted to get all of us together or something." Danny says with a shrug. Lottie frowns but nods as she walks backwards towards the lift.

"Text me the details, ok?" She calls back over her shoulder, jumping on the lift quickly before the doors shut.

"You wanna head out for a drink? Celebrate the first case you've closed here?" Flack asks Lottie as they watch two officers escort the killer out of the room.

"I'd love to Don, but I promised Danny I'd catch up with him, I haven't been able to spend that much time with him recently." Lottie says with a small smile. "Plus, I think it was our dad who organised this whole thing, so he's not going to be happy if I don't turn up. Raincheck?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you around."

"See ya." Lottie calls as she heads back up to the crime lab to collect her things.

AN: Please review!