I Don't oregairu or its character, if I did than I won't be sitting unemployed writing fanfics.

Today my mom called and asked me to attend a party hosted by some rich person. The contents of the invitation did shocked me but not as much I thought it would. As I was I was thinking this someone called my name when I was passing through the school corridors.

"Miura san" said he.


"I needed a favour to ask of you"

"And what that would be" I asked, it was not uncommon for me to ask his opinions on my future courses as well as asking his help in liberal studies although indirectly through Yui. "Yui seem to be upset over something, if you could talk to her and help her" his voice being nearly inaudible towards the end. So Yui knows or some other thing happened.

"Ok I will talk to her, but you'll owe me" I said

"Isn't she your friend and shouldn't you help her when she's going through hard times" and he continued after a pause "as much superficial relationship you have you still count her as a friend don't you." He's getting on my nerves, I have to show his place.

"Now by the look of it I'm not the first person you asked for help, you were rejected by others, it would have been easy for you to go to Yukinoshita but you didn't. So I think it's your fault that she's upset. That means you fucked up and I'm cleaning this mess. Therefore don't you dare to shit on me with your cynical bullshit."

"Ok I owe you one" hikio said with his lame shivering voice.

"Now where is she?" I asked

"Yukinoshita is absent so she should be in the club room alone"

"Ok I will be going there now and don't be a creep trying to listen through the walls." I said. His eyes shouts that he's a petty criminal and he could do such things.

" I would be eating at my usual place near the tennis court" he continued "Thank you".

Atleast he have manners, I could bet that her sister has knocked manners into him, he was an ape and a creep last year.

So I went towards the clubroom where Yui would be depressed and upset over something worthless like Hikio made fun of her grades or cooking. If it's cooking then there is nothing I can say that would help her. If I praise her cooking or motivate her than I would have to eat those poisonous vegetables or it could be burned cookies. And while thinking that I reached the Service Club and opened the door.

"Hi Yui" I greeted her

"Yahallo Yumiko" she started enthusiastically but ended on depressing mode. This is bad that's why Hikio was this desperate that he was willing to owe me one.

"Yukinoshita isn't here?" I asked her even though I knew she was absent.

"No she had some family business to attend to" Yui said as though something bad has happened. Does she know about it. I will confirm it later first I needed to know why she was upset. Before I could speak she asked

"So Yumiko, do you have any request for the service club"

"No, I visited because we haven't had lunch together in long time" I said

"So should we start or call Hina also for the lunch" said Yui. No Yuigahama san that would complicate things further.

"Ebina had some matters to attend to that's why she couldn't come with me here." enemy strike averted, I should watch less cheesy spy movies.

"Oh that's fine then, should we start the eating our bentos then." yes please Yui, I am starving.

"Thank you for the food" we said simultaneously and started eating our bentos. As I was devouring my bento I saw teacup beside me which I didn't notice when she put there or when she made it. I should wait for her to drink it. If it's inedible than she would warn me, or if it is poisonous than I would be able to see the effects of poisoning. She drank it and surprisingly there was no effect of poisoning on her, even then I waited for a minute and then drank it.

"The tea is great Yui" and I continued "when did you learn to make this great tea" It was shocking, Yui can make something edible this scrumptious( Yui Dictionary: very tasty). Her expression changed to anger and then happiness. Did I said something wrong. Either way I don't care, I'm going to savour this moment.

"Yukino taught me" said Yui

Now it was time to get to the main topic for which I was here

"Are you alright Yui?" I asked

"I'm fine Yumiko."said Yui

"You don't look fine to me" seriously get your shit together then, I wanted to say that but couldn't seeing her sad puppy dog face. How does she make that face.

"It's just lately everyone seems to be distancing themselves from me." said Yui.

It's other way around you airhead, I keep inviting you to our escapade to pastry shop and you always reject it. I know you don't want grow those pairs more but at least you could drink coffee with us. But I saw a pattern here so I politely asked her as she is my friend "What made you think that?"

"Yukino and Hikki keep fighting in the clubroom as if I'm not even there in the club room." Do you want me to knock some sense into that bitch Yukino and that creep Hikio. Just tell me and I will accept that mission. And Yui do you know difference between fighting and bantering, How could you you can't process that much can you.

"And lately you also have stopped talking to me" said Yui.

I invited you to come with me to newly opened pastry shop yesterday and you declined saying you had to attend to service club request. Keep your cool Yumiko. Keep your cool. Just ask her the question you wanted to ask.

"Yui, is it that time of the month?" I asked her. Why is she blushing. This is normal for girls right.

"How do you know that?, that's creepy Yumiko" asked Yui , her face becoming red like hot iron rod. This girl just didn't say that to me right, I just want to beat the shit out of her. Now cool down Yumiko, She isn't herself now. She forgets to filter what she is saying this time of the month. She is an airhead remember that Yumiko

"This happens when you're sad Yui, and you start blabbering nonsense" I said to her nonchalantly. "Are you going to tell me the reason for you being sad."

" I asked Hikki for Date and he said No" said was third time she was rejected by that weirdo Hikio. Yui do you have some self respect or not, a person if rejected doesn't want to see that rejectors face and you have been rejected 3 times and you are saying it nonchalantly like you asked for his homework to copy and he said 'NO'. Learn something from Hikio, after rejection he worked hard, got good grades just because he didn't want to see that bitches face.

"Yui you have to move on, he cares for you but as a friend, if you don't you will suffer as you're suffering (in nearly all the other fan fics as well as mine)" i said to her with as caring as a mother would. My motherly mode was starting to switch itself on.

"He never rejects me, Hikki being kind can't reject me on my face. So he tries indirectly and fails miserably" and she continued

"Yumiko your mother mode is starting, Hikki once told me that you have this motherly side also." I'm going to forget the latter part as it's embarrassing.

So I've to do something so that he rejects her on the face, that should be easy as Hikio likes Yukinoshita and Yui is her best friend. That isn't easy now as it seemed few seconds ago.

"That would be good for you Yui" I feel relieved now as she seems to be in better mood.

"When are you going to confess to Hayama" asked Yui

"Sometime soon" I said

"Don't get your hopes high"

"Does he like someone else?" Yukinoshita came to my mind

"Yukino doesn't tell me about what happened between them in the past, only Hikki knows some parts other than Haruno-san and that to from only reading between the lines "

"Does he like Yukino" I needed to confirm as she interjected their past into the conversation

"Nobody's knows that other than Haruno-san and only Hikki can get that information from her." she said that as if to keep your distance from her, subtitle:Haruno is dangerous.

So I had to ask her, if she knew and that was the real reason why she was upset.

"Do you know about the party tonight? "

"Yes, how do you know about that?" Yui asked.

"Hayama was careful that my family doesn't get the invitation, but he doesn't know my parents are divorced, so my mother got the invitation and asked me to accompany her"

" So what're you going to do?"

"Don't worry I had given up on Hayama long ago, now I see him as a friend only."

"So you lied to me about confessing to him soon."

"Yes I didn't know how you would react so I had to lie to you given you were also following someone who can't fall in love with you." I said as truthfully as I can. And then she hugged me.

What is this BIG soft pair trying to push towards me. Was this the the reason why Yukinoshita was so small as it sucked all of hers. This had to be it, I can't think of any other reason of her being so big. Even I was also staring at those when she let me loose. Was this inferiority complex. But I had the perfect size. Get out of over analyzing everything.

"Yumiko you are zooming out just like Hikki, are you alright"

"Don't you ever compare me with that creep Yui, just never." if my maternal instincts weren't switched on I would've showed you your place. Why I am thinking of myself as some queen and a mother.

"Does Hikio knows" I had to ask it.

"No he doesn't know about the party, I only know because I saw the invitation hidden last night when I was in sleep over at Yukino's" said Yui. Hidden; was she embarrassed, or feeling guilty. I wonder what that is.

"I think she would have her reasons to hide it from you." because Yukinoshita will never lie or hide things from you or that I believed. Well there was one more exception to this rule the accident which she till now hadn't told both of them about.

And then my phone rang, it was Ebina. So I picked it up.

[Where are you, you said you will wait for me at the canteen] said Ebina

["Are you free now"] I said

["What the hell you're talking about"]

["Then I will meet you at the canteen"]

Call Ended

"Yui, are you fine now?" I asked.

"Yes now I'm feeling better, thank you for talking with me" she really is being formal now. I wonder how I am at this day of the month.

"Ebina and I are going to that pastry shop again will you accompany us."

"Yes, I had cancelled the club today so yes I will go with you to that pastry shop."

"Then let's meet up after school than" why did I say that we being in same class in same class, where is my mind today.

"Later than" I said and exited the clubroom and went towards the tennis court, while messaging Ebina cancelling our meeting and telling her that if Yui ask her tell her that she was busy with something because of that she couldn't eat lunch with her.

So I reached the stairs where he was drinking his Maxx Coffee.

"Yo" he greeted me.

"Hello" why I said hello, I don't need to give respect to this creep. He was making face as he was physically assaulted by High School boys.

"How did it go, is she fine now?" asked Hikio

"Yes she's fine, she just wasn't feeling well"

"Was that the only thing bothering her" as perceptive as ever Hikio, I f only you didn't have those fish eyes girls would have been throwing themselves at you metaphorically. Not that I would tell him that.

"She is going through girl problems, would you want to listen to those, will you?" easiest way to deal with these loner perceptive kinds is to have upper hand and violent attitude. They give up easily as seen in the past.

"No I don't want to listen to those things" his face turning red.

"By the way I'm here to collect the debt"

"What Debt?" what an asshole he is.

"You owe me one"

"That, as Hikigaya always pay their Debts, what can I do for you milady"

"I need to go to a party and it needs a plus one, so you were the only one other than hayama who would not embarrass me and doesn't get the wrong idea"

"Would it have good food" seriously Hikio the way you're going you aren't going to get a girlfriend, a beautiful girl asked you to a party and you're asking would they have good food.

"Yes, it is organized in one of Seven Star hotel's ballroom. So obviously the food will be great."

"Then yes I'm willing to go with you."

"Do you have black tuxedo, It's one of those parties" I asked.

"No Miura san I am from middle class family so I never needed those as I had a black suit."

"Don't worry I will ask my mother to send it to your house" and I continued " mail me your address" now why the hell he is looking at me like that. Then he opened his mouth and said:

"I don't have your number and mailing address" oh right why would I give my phone number to him. Valid reason Hikio. Then we exchanged the numbers and then he mailed his home address. All this time he was smiling like an idiot, I could bet he was dreaming. Why I would bet money because whenever free food word or birthday party, he would smile like this, same smile at Yui, Tobe, Ebina birthday party, in Totsuka's birthday party it was the brightest. I don't know why.

"So I will pick you up from your home at Six in the evening today"

"Ok I'll be ready then"

Tonight's the night. And it will be the most entertaining night of my life till now.


This is my first piece of creative writing ever In my 21 years of life. If it was Tamanawa I could've done easily, talk about globalisation, the need for it, what drives it, the affects, the cases of it, wait I started writing about globalisation.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone reviews it. And tell me what I did wrong and where I've to work hard first.