Na-Ru-To a Naruto and Elder Scrolls Crossover Fanfiction
Author's Note: I know that it has been a while but I had lost my enthusiasm for writing for a bit. It had nothing to do with reviews or what not it was more of a personal issue that I had to work through. And I wanted to get this out earlier but my dad went to the hospital for a heart attack so I was understandably distracted. He is ok and back at home but it was scary and I had to help him around the house and do things.
Anyway I am trying to get these stories going again, although I have put a few on Hiatus for now, I am still trying to get some things done. But I realized that I had to start up again when I was told by someone (123) that this story was dead, HAH WRONG!
That's it, so read and review and if you have a question that you want to ask me about something and you don't want to wait until I post the next chapter then PM me and I will get back to you. I hope that you enjoy this chapter.
Review Reviews:
Guest: No, when he absorbs the dragons souls he basically is killing them, and I don't see the reason for them to talk to him. If they were going to help him in battle, then he would be over powered and I don't like overpowered Naruto. So he is just going to kill them and absorb their souls to unlock more words, like the game.
Void Dragon: I do not see myself using Jyggalag in this story but I may reference him.
Kurokawa Kazunari: Soon, Yes and a No.
123: Not dead just busy, and having to deal with idiocy around me.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Elder Scrolls
Gold x 5,862
Iron Arrows x82
Steel Arrows x32
Glass Sword
Blade of Whiterun (Review and decide what the enchantment should be/Steel Axe)
Minor Healing Potion x1
Mystery Potion x5
Spell book (Lightning)
Spell book (Unknown Conjuring)
Lockpick x11
Banded Iron Shield
Map of Skyrim
Treasure Map
Bandit's Journal (Arvel's Journal)
Soaring Eagles Ring/20 Additional Stamina
Soaring Eagles Necklace
Whiterun Medallion (Major Resist Fire)
Fur Armor Equipped
Hide Boots Equipped
Imperial Bracers Equipped
Imperial Helmet Equipped
Hide Helmet (Enchanted)
Garnet x 1
Chapter 6 Revenge the Start of the Hunt
Naruto's boot connected with the door and knocked one of the sides open with a loud cracking sound echoing in the large wooden hall. He could see that even in the midst of night a large number of people were still awake and sitting around the fire that they had going in the middle of the hall, and off to the side he could see a woman dressed in some light armor fighting against a dark elf. Or to be more accurate they were fighting until the door opened, the knives in their hands telling him such, but it seemed like he had made a better show than the two Companions. "A kind of ironic name if this is how they treat one another." He thought to himself as he looked around the room for the woman that had raved at him for his "lack of bravery", but he is not able to see her.
Stepping inside while leaving his surprise outside; he walked over to a lone man sitting on a bench to the right side of the room, opposite of the brawl that was taking place. The man was wearing steel armor and had a greatsword strapped to his back, from the looks of it either a steel or iron greatsword. He had dark hair, a greasy brown that looked like it had not been washed in a week, and the same could be said for his skin. If he was not wrong he was almost positive that this was one of the Companions that fought against the giant earlier.
"Perhaps you could help me find someone," Naruto said to the man, who for the most part did not look too concerned considering that he had just kicked a door in. "I am looking for a wo-"
"You are looking for Aela right?" The man interrupted him, and upon seeing the way that Naruto was looking at him, he elaborated, "A Nordic woman with three slash marks on her face like a beast's claw mark?"
"Yes, how did you know that I was looking for her?" Naruto asked although he was now positive that he was one of the warriors that fought against the giant earlier.
Not responding for the moment he waved one of the other Companions over, granted that looking at the outfit the woman was wearing she may have just been a maid. He asked her to retrieve Aela from the barracks and tell her that a combatant was looking for her.
"I was not looking for a fight; I was just here to show off my latest kill so that she would take back what she said about me earlier." Naruto said a little miffed that he had been ignored and that this guy apparently just pitted him against that Aela woman.
"That's fine, but this late at night there is not much that would rouse that woman without a fight being involved." He said and he picked up a mug off the table sitting next to his bench before taking a large gulp of whatever was in it. "Name's Farkas by the way."
"Naruto." He responded with his own name, deliberately leaving off the 'Firewalker' part of his name, after all it wouldn't do for him to accidentally give away what his big surprise for Aela was. "By the way what do Companions do exactly?"
"Well that depends on the individual," Farkas said while thinking on it, "but for the most part we are an independent group that takes on various jobs."
"So you are like a legal band of thieves in a way?" Naruto said with a hint of humor in his voice at the obvious joke, but he could tell almost immediately that Farkas was not a joking type person.
"A band of thieves are we?" Came a voice that was most definitely not Farkas', for one it was a woman's voice, two it came from behind him and three he recognized that voice. "What have you come here for milkdrinker?"
"Oh nothing much, but wasn't it you that said something about if I wanted to prove that I wasn't a coward to come and see you at Jorrvaskr?" Naruto said while regaining his smirk and bravado. Considering that Farkas had already told her that he was there for a fight he figured that it would be best to get to the real reason he was here before he had to go through with yet another fight. "Actually I brought something for the Companions."
His announcement had the whole hall listening, though most of them were already listen in to begin with, and he simply walked out of the door that he had kicked open. As he left he opened the other door so that he would have plenty of room for the skull, and when he drug it inside he got the distinct pleasure of watching almost all of Jorvaskr's residences mouth's dropping. He made sure to focus on Aela's face, and he was so glad that he did for he was able to watch her face and basically read her mind as the emotions flashed across her face.
As he entered with the skull half hidden behind him he could see the confusion and annoyance on her face, 'What is this fool doing, and what in the inferno is that?'
As he fully got the skull inside and stepped aside so that everyone could see the trophy that he had brought to brag to the Companions (Aela) about it and her face had the unique look of it is just a skull. That was until she recognized what sort of skull it was and her face changed to reflect the standard deadpan, 'How the hell did this cowardly, weak, milk drinking...brat get a dragon's skull.'
"So you stole the dragon skull out of Dragonsreach, and you expect for us to help you in hiding it here like a bunch of fools," Aela said as she stared at Naruto with her standard glare, "so what is keeping us from turning you in to the nearest guard?"
"Other than the fact that you are wrong about where this dragon skull came from, and the fact that the guards are aware of the fact that I just became the Thane of Whiterun after assisting in the killing of a dragon. I guess the only other reason that I can think of is the fact that now that you know that you would not want to bring shame to the Companions." Naruto said while starting out his list of reasons like one would list the flaws of a product that they are invested in, but he ended the list in a cocky tone that made it clear he was sure that he had them dead to rights. "If you do not believe me then by all means go right down the path and up the stairs to see for yourself that the skull is still above the Jarl's throne, and you can even speak to the guards about my involvement with the dragon."
He knew that she was going to either go check herself or she would send someone so that she may keep an eye on him, but due to her hot headed nature and how much she valued a warrior's pride, he was positive that she was going to go herself. It came as no surprise to him when she stomped out the door and tried to close it only to learn that he had broken the door upon his initial entry, glaring at him again she turned and headed to the Jarl's palace.
Enjoying the slight victory over his mortal...associate?, he turned to see Farkas was kneeling down by the skull and was tracing the mouth and eye holes with a finger. Not quite sure what he was doing but not having the heart to stop him from enjoying himself he just watched as more and more Companions gathered around the skull. Tapping Farkas on the shoulder he motion from the skull to the table by the fire pit, getting a nod they grabbed the skull and carried it over to the table. Sitting down at the table he continued to watch as everyone examined the skull, and he could understand the fascination of the death of a dragon, but it was just a skull.
"Hey Farkas," Naruto said as he tapped the man on the shoulder to get his attention, "how much do I owe you for the door?"
"Hmm," Farkas looked from Naruto to the skull then back at the door, "let me talk to the old man about it and we may be able to work out a deal."
"Firewalker!" Turning to the door Naruto saw that Aela was standing in the open doorway with her arms crossed under her breast, "I hear from the guards that you took the dragon on by yourself, and that you jumped off one of the watch towers onto its back."
Aela began to retell the events that she had heard from the guards at Dragonsreach, and while for the most part everything that she said was correct there were a few um horribly over exaggerated tales mixed in with it. Like the one where he ate part of the dragon's scales and he turned into a dragon and then he and the dragon fought in the sky until they plummeted to earth and both died. The one where he jumped down the dragon's throat to slice its head off while he was caught in the dragon's throat. There was one that he was sure Aela loved to tell, her favorite was the one where he waited for the dragon to land and with its back to him he charged and plunged his sword up its ass.
He couldn't help but sweatdrop at the ridiculousness of the story and that it had already started to circulate so quickly; who in the world could come up with something like that in less than four hours of the dragon's death. Quickly rejecting that story along with some of the others that Aela had told, he then offered to recount the full story for them, and all of them quickly agreed. He recounted from the dragon's arrival to his leap from the tower, to his namesake and finally his killing the dragon with a broken sword. When he was done all of the Companions began yelling out praises, questions, doubts and even some were yelling out profanities.
But the one that stood out above the others was the voice of Aela herself, "Why don'tcha prove it?" Everyone stopped their cheers and shouts to stare at Aela with a mixture of confusion and disbelief; she ignored them and just stood there with a smug smile on her face. "I mean the guards seem to believe that you said there was another dragon, a black one, the same one that attacked Helgen."
"Well yeah," Naruto said with a hint of trepidation in his voice, facing that small dragon was hard enough but the thought of that black one, that was able to call a storm from the heavens and balls of fire from the sky, well that scared him. Trying to make Aela see reason and hopefully keep her from suggesting what he thought she was about to suggest. "But there is no way of knowing when or where that one will show itself."
"That is true so how about this," Aela said with a smirk on her face, "Starting tomorrow I will join you while you travel and if you prove yourself I will personally nominate you for the Companions. Then if we ever hear anything about the dragon you can take one of the companions with you to the fight, and we will have proof of your deed."
"So what would happen if you decide that I am not worthy of the Companions?" Naruto asked while considering his options and whether joining the companions would even be worth it.
"Well if you are not worthy to join, then I would not believe any of your so called deeds." Aela said with a deadly serious glare on her face, "The only good thing that I might be able to say about you is that you are either lucky enough to find a dragon skull or talented enough to create a fake one. And all titles that you have claimed for yourself and glory that you try to bestow upon yourself I would reject, for you would be nothing more than a liar and a thief."
Naruto stared at her for a while and considered what she had said to him, and while he had no reason to prove himself to this woman, or anyone for that matter, he felt his blood boil and his pride shout at him for calling him a liar.
"YEAH, well say what you want and see if I -"
Whatever Naruto was about to say was cut off as the broken door that had been propped back into place fell open as someone knocked on the door; everyone turned to see that the person standing there was a youth with ragged clothes and a small satchel attached to his side.
"Excuse me I am looking for a Naruto Uzumaki, I was told that he was seen around here." It was plain to see that the boy was nervous being in the same area as the Companions, and Naruto saw his eyes wandering around the room, widening as they passed over the dragon skull. "I-I have a letter from Jarl Siddgeir, the Jarl of Falkreath, and I was told to deliver it to the hands of one Naruto Uzumaki without exception."
Naruto was not sure what he could have done to gain the Jarl's attention, unless the tales of his slaying a dragon had spread that quickly, but that was unlikely. It had been only maybe five hours at most since he had started out to fight the dragon, and Falkreath was such a distance that there was no way for the boy to have made it anywhere close to Whiterun in such a time.
"I am Naruto Uzumaki, however for future messages I will be referred to as Naruto Firewalker. Now speak boy what is your message, or are you only feet for the letter?" Naruto asked as he stepped in front of the Companions and practically towered over the boy.
"Just the feet I'm afraid sir," the boy spoke to him with respect as he reached into the satchel and withdrew a letter that was stamped with the Falkreath's crest. "I was only told that you would be wanting to see this, and to get it to you as quickly as I could with only you being the one to get it."
Naruto nodded his head as he took the letter, and seeing the boy about to leave he motioned for him to stay as he read the letter and felt his face pale, then burn a flaming red. Crumpling the letter he turned back to the boy and in a stern tone that held a slight underlying threat to warn the boy not to try and deceive him, "When did the Jarl give you this letter?"
"H-he gave me the letter early this morning, I was on the move for most of the day and got it here as fast-" the boy tried to give an excuse to cover himself, fearing that he was going to be the outlet of the man's aggression.
"Then you must be tired," Naruto said with his normal calm tone once more, he again motioned for the boy to remain then turned his back to him and faced the crowd of Companions. "Aela how much is it for a night at the Bannered Mare?"
"I believe it is 10 gold a night, but it has been a while since I have stayed there." Aela said while keeping watch on him to see what he was about to do.
"10 huh? Yea that sounds fair," turning back from Aela he started to dig around in his pocket for the smaller coin bag that he had on him. Finding it he began to rummage around in it for a while before withdrawing his hand and holding it out to the boy. "Here this will pay for the room and food for the night and it should cover the bill of the letter as well."
Dropping the money into the boy's hands he watched with a satisfied grin as the boy's eyes widened at the amount of coins that he now had. From his count he had given the boy thirty-five coins, which was more than enough for the room and food. But his true intentions were most definitely lost on the boy; he was hoping to keep the boy in the city for the night to try and keep a vampire from finding him all alone in the woods on the way back to Falkreath. If he had given the boy just enough money for the room he may have decided to keep it and travel through the night, but it is how they say once you have money you want to spend it.
Ignoring the boys "Thank you sir," before he left Jorrvasker, Naruto turned back to Aela, "Are you still willing to travel with me and test my skills?" Aela looked surprised at the sudden change in attitude that he had, but with only a moments delay she nodded her head. "Good, I am needed in Falkreath and I think that you will have plenty of opportunities to see just how capable I am in battle."
"Why are we headed to Falkreath, if you don't mind me asking?" Aela said, while remembering the way that his mood had darkened just after reading the letter.
"I will tell you tomorrow, but for now I have something to do before I go to bed, so I will trust for you to be ready when the sun rises tomorrow." Naruto said while getting up and beginning to leave the Companions home, "Also be ready to defend yourself from wolves, the last two times I have visited and left Falkreath I have run into a pack of starving wolves."
"I don't think they will be a problem," Aela said with a grin as if inwardly laughing at an unspoken joke, and it appeared to be a joke that majority of the Companions know about based off their own grins and smirks. "Hey wait! You forgot this thing!"
Turning back to see that Aela was pointing at the skull that was still laying on the middle of the table with one or two of the more curious Companions still standing near it and touching it in places. "You can keep it, I only wanted to prove that I am not a coward, but it seems that I still have work to do on that front."
He did not hear anything else being yelled or spoken to him so he continued on his way back to the Dragonsreach, but stopped by one of the torches that were hung around the entrance to Dragonsreach. Reaching into his pocket where he had placed the crumpled letter he unfolded it and reread it.
Naruto Uzumaki
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Siddgeir, and I have the honor to be the Jarl of the proud and ancient city of Falkreath.
I have called upon you to perform a duty for me and the city of Falkreath as a whole. Recently there was an altercation in my city and it left a young woman in critical condition, as well as one of our more profitable citizens dead in the exchange. I was informed that the young woman was placed in your care during your last visit here, so I felt that it was my duty as Jarl to inform you of what has occurred. If you are willing to help out my city then I invite you to speak to me the next time you are in Falkreath.
I look forward to meeting you in person.
I remain,
Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath
Naruto scowled and tucked the letter back in his pocket before he continued to the Whiterun Jarl's home. It was infuriating that the Jarl of Falkreath had the gall to speak like that, claiming the city as his and 'reminding' him that he said that he was responsible for Rei. The two of them were now in a power struggle and at the moment the Jarl was holding all of the cards, yet Naruto was not going to be outdone by some arrogant bastard with a fancy title.
Oh he was going to meet the man, and when the time was right he would fall and Naruto would be the one to make sure that he could not get back up. Not only had he purposely neglected to tell anything substantial about Rei condition, but he also added in that he lost a citizen that he was receiving a bribe from. He did not say the words obviously but the fact that he mentioned the person meant that he put that particular person at the same level as Rei in this instant. Add in the fact that he also mentioned the person's financial ability and there were three reasons that he immediately thought of as to why.
The first reason was fairly innocent, and that was the taxes that the Jarl could get from the unknown person, but the taxes could only be so much unless he was ripping the man off. The second reason that he had come up with was that the person was performing some illegal activities in Falkreath and the Jarl was getting a cut of the profits in return for staying silent. There was even the possibility that the person worked for the Jarl, and that he himself was just the face of the business and cover for the finances. The last reason was simple blackmail, it does raise the question as to what dirt the Jarl could have had, but it would explain his anger at losing the person. And from the way he read the letter there was no reason for him to believe that he was upset because one of his civilians died.
Stepping across the hall of Dragonsreach Naruto was searching for one of the many maids that he had seen earlier in the day, or one of the guards that should be patrolling the area. Finally finding a guard at the base of the stairs, which he assumed led to the Jarl's bed chambers; he asked where he could find Lydia the housecarl. After being given directions to where he could find the woman that was to act as his bodyguard and in all things but name servant, he proceeded down the stairs to where the guard told him Lydia's room would be.
Reaching Lydia's room he knocked and waited to hear a response, and for a moment he heard nothing, but he soon heard the sound of fabric rustling and footsteps on the stone floor. When the door opened he came face to face with a beautiful woman, she had skin that was two hues darker than pale and brown hair that stopped at her shoulders. On the left side of her face her hair was tied in a braid and when he glanced down it became apparent that she had been in her bed when he knocked. All that she had on was a gown that stopped about five inches above her knees, not enough to be considered scandalous or raunchy, but enough to show off some skin.
"You are Lydia correct?" Naruto asked as he once more focused on her face, and he could see that like him she had been allowing her gaze to wander as she took in the late night visitor at her door.
"I am Lydia yes," she spoke as she allowed the door to open just a little wider, "but I do not recognize you, are you here to deliver a message from the Jarl?"
"No, or at least not the Jarl that you are thinking of. My name is Naruto Firewalker; I just became Thane of Whiterun and was told that a housecarl by the name of Lydia was assigned to me." He paused for a moment as he saw her eyes widen just ever so much, "You are the housecarl Lydia are you not?"
"Y-yes I am." She stammered slightly before she was able to gain control of herself and with a quick clearing of her throat she began again, "Apologies my liege, I was not aware of your appearance nor that you would be coming here tonight."
"Understood, and until fifteen minutes ago I was not planning to visit until after I had returned from my trip to Falkreath," Naruto allowed a frown to show on his face, one that he was finding to be difficult to hide when he thinks about Siddgeir. "But unfortunately I received a letter today that forced me to rethink my plans."
Naruto pulled the letter back out of his pants and with a quick wave of his hand he motioned as to ask if he had permission to enter; blushing at having kept her Thane standing in the hall Lydia quickly opened the door for him and shut it behind him. He could not help but notice that on the inside of her door she had a sheathed knife hanging by the sheathes strap, and he was sure that the whole time they had been talking she had a hand on the handle of the blade. Impressed with her dedication to her own protection, and as a result his protection, he sat on her bed and handed her the letter to read. She skimmed the letter quickly and upon completing it she handed it back to him and sat on the floor on his left side.
"Hey come now this is your room, please join me on the bed," Naruto said while at the same time he felt his face flush as he realized what he had said to the almost naked woman.
"Of course my liege," Lydia said before she sat on the bed staying to his left side, "so are we going to see to the care of this young woman?"
"No I am going to go and find the one that did this and kill them."
"I see." Lydia said while staring at him for a minute, "When do we leave?"
"We leave in the morning, I need you prepared for a trip to Falkreath, armed and prepared to attack and defend. Are you going to be ready?"
"Well..." and with that hanging in the air Lydia gave a subtle glance around her room and as Naruto followed he saw that the knife behind the door was not the only weapon that she had. Along the walls there were multiple swords hanging, axes leaning and shields mounted on her walls. There was a chest at the foot of the bed and judging by its build and design it more than likely carried her armor, especially since it looked to be the same as the chest in the guard barracks and the prisons that he had been in before.
"Yes, well," Naruto said as he looked around the room again and saw that there was a desk in the corner and along it were knives and cleaning equipment, "I am no longer worried about you accompanying us."
"Ah, yes I was told by one of the Companions that I was a coward," he watched as her eyes began to glint dangerously, "so in response I kicked the Companions door in and dropped a dragon skull at their feet. One would think that that was enough to prove that you are not a coward, well then I was called a liar and a thief, so to prove myself the accuser has asked to join me and see my worth."
"Do we need her?" Lydia asked, and from the tone it was clear that it was less of a needing her and more of Lydia wishing to prove herself to him.
"Perhaps not, but she was given the title 'Huntress', I feel that she could help when it came to tracking the ones responsible for my companions suffering," Naruto studied her again before continuing, "Besides, I would rather have her there to bolster our ranks and with her there I can force her to see that I am neither a coward, nor a liar."
"I understand my liege, but what are we going to do once we get to Falkreath?"
"That depends on what information is provided by the Jarl. On the one hand he might tell us that he knows who it is and they are just unable to catch him or her. While on the other hand there is the chance that he might tell us that they ran off and we are responsible to find them, or he may offer us a lead and leave the rest to us. There are so many variables at the moment that trying to plan now will affect us negatively later."
"I see so we will make our move after we have all the information." Lydia said while nodding her head at his reasoning, "But what do we do if we are attacked on the road to Falkreath?"
"We fight to defend ourselves and protect one another while also guarding one another's back." Naruto responded instantly.
"Yes of course, but I mean don't we need to be aware of our skills and weaknesses before we are locked in a conflict?"
"Ah, I see your point," Naruto said while scratching his chin, "then tomorrow before we enter the woods between Whiterun and Riverwood we should discuss our skills and get to learn a little about one another."
"Understood my Thane, um, when are we planning to leave tomorrow?"
"As soon as the sun comes up, perhaps a little sooner if we are able." Naruto said while getting ready to leave Lydia for the night and rent a room at the Bannered Mare, "It's kinda like I am renting a second room."
"Then why don't you stay here for the night?" Lydia asked him with a serious expression on her face, "As your housecarl I am expected to be near you at all times, and this would be the norm if we are to live under the same roof."
"I have no problem with staying here as long as you have some extra blankets."
"Of course my Thane." Lydia jumped up and began to rummage through a second chest that was against the wall by her desk and produced two blankets. The first one was thin and more delicate, meant for those hot nights that Whiterun could experience or when a couple is going to be busy between the sheets. The other looked like it was made out of a sabretooth's pelt, much thicker and large enough to cover three people. With them in hand Lydia laid the thicker blanket on the ground, the thinner sheet being laid inside of it. She then laid down on the blanket unintentionally giving Naruto an unobstructed view of what she was wearing under her gown, and she folded both blankets onto herself to cover her, "I am ready my Thane."
"Lydia you don't have to sleep on the ground, it is your room after all, and I do not want to feel responsible for kicking you out of your bed."
"My liege it is not a problem for me to be on the floor, when I trained with the guards to become a housecarl I was forced to sleep on the floor for almost a year. I am accustomed to sleeping wherever you might need me to, and I offered you my bed of my own accord after I asked you to stay here for the night." Lydia said while not making any move as to leave her makeshift bed, "Besides arguing about it will only cause us to lose sleep."
Naruto had to admit that Lydia's sense of loyalty was impressive, although he felt that he had done nothing to earn it, but at the same time he was still not happy that Lydia had lost her bed. Thinking on the problem he came up with a solution, and it was one that made him grin evilly. Stripping off his armor, leaving the lower half of his fur armor on, he placed his armor and weapons on top of Lydia's weapon chest. Going to where Lydia had set up her bed he pulled the sheets back and aid down next to her, then ignoring her startled protest he threw the sheets back over them.
"My Thane this is most inappropriate!" Lydia protested sternly while trying to keep her voice down so that anyone in the halls would not hear her.
"I agree," Naruto said with a grin on his face though it was hidden from Lydia due to him being turned the other way, "why don't you leave the floor and get in your bed? Or you could stay here with me; after all you are accustomed to sleeping where I need you, right?"
He let the statement hang in the air; on the one hand she could fold and sleep in her bed saving her from any further embarrassment. On the other hand she would have to remain on the floor and deal with him sleeping next to her while they were both almost naked. Either way she would lose in this battle of wills, and he would show her that he would get his way if he wanted to and she couldn't stop him.
"F-fine then," Lydia said while shuffling was heard and felt, and for a moment he thought she had gotten up and gone to the bed but a moment later the shuffling stopped and he could still feel the blanket stretched across her. Turning his head slightly he saw that she had rolled over so that they were back to back under the blankets.
"Well this will make for an interesting night," Naruto thought to himself, but little did he know that the night was nothing compared to the morning that was to come.
Gold x 5,827
Iron Arrows x82
Steel Arrows x32
Glass Sword
Blade of Whiterun (Review and decide what the enchantment should be/Steel Axe)
Minor Healing Potion x1
Mystery Potion x5
Spell book (Lightning)
Spell book (Unknown Conjuring)
Lockpick x11
Banded Iron Shield
Map of Skyrim
Treasure Map
Bandit's Journal (Arvel's Journal)
Soaring Eagles Ring/20 Additional Stamina
Soaring Eagles Necklace
Whiterun Medallion (Major Resist Fire)
Fur Armor Half Equipped
Hide Boots Not Equipped
Imperial Bracers Not Equipped
Imperial Helmet Not Equipped
Hide Helmet (Enchanted)
Garnet x 1
AN: Hey, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I would like to say that I am already working on the next chapter, although it will not be posted until sometime in April. I have seen in the reviews that most people are telling me to use the steal health enchantment on the Axe, but I am not deciding for one more chapter, so if you want a different enchantment leave your suggestion in a review. Also the Hide Helmet's enchantment has been decided and will be revealed at a later date, probably sometime in the next two chapters.
I know that there was not a lot of actual action in this chapter but I did it that way on purpose to help build the relationship of the characters. I also wanted to try and work on my conversations in my stories because I have seen that my skills in conversing are lacking.
Now I will say that I have rethought this story and I believe I am going to limit the females in the Harem down somewhat, but I am trying to figure out who I want. Now I know of at least four different crossover females that I will use, but if you want to suggest females from the game pleases leave that in a review, and also tell me why and not just a simple 'Cuz she's hot.' If I am going to try and add them then let me know that I am not wasting my time and that there is merit to the addition.
Alright well that is it for me so leave me a review and tell me if you like the story, which I hope you did and I will continue working on the next chapter.