A/N: Good evening J I don't often write AU fics, I find them extremely difficult and they take me way out of my comfort zone! I would like to make this into a fairly lengthy story (15-20 chapters or so), and have several ideas which I am currently working on for this particular fic. As always, if you have any criticism, advice or general comments they would be very much appreciated, and please let me know if this is something you would like me to continue.

Thank you,


Principal Regina Mills walked swiftly down the corridor of the large school, her heels clicking rhythmically on the floor as she headed directly to her office. Her bag was over her shoulder and her arms were laden with paperwork which required her immediate attention, her laptop and her diary. As she reached the door to her office she pressed down upon it and stepped inside, glancing around forlornly as she realised that, considering her workload, she probably wouldn't be leaving the rooms until the early evening at the earliest. She sighed lightly, pushing the door closed and walking across the room and towards the door to her inner office.

"Good morning, Principal Mills" greeted her secretary, causing Regina to adjust her hold on her seemingly endless paperwork and turn towards the woman.

"Good morning, Katherine" she returned, tugging her bag more securely over her shoulder. "I have quite a lot of paperwork to get through ahead of the new term starting next week, so could you see to it that I'm not interrupted unless absolutely necessary?" She had so much to do that ideally she couldn't afford to have any interruptions, but she knew that this was not realistic, and instead hoped that she would remain undisturbed.

"Of course" Katherine returned, standing up from her desk and heading towards the coffee maker, picking up one of Regina's cups and pouring some of the freshly prepared beverage. "With the exception of Mr Locksley's arrival later this morning I will try and keep your diary free-"

"Mr Locksley?" Regina asked, her usually confident voice adopting a confused tone. Katherine turned towards her and found the Principal looking at her with wide eyes and a perplexed expression.

"The new Head of History" she began. "The one you employed several weeks ago-"

"I know who he is, Katherine" Regina interrupted, in a harsher tone than she had intended. "But he's not due to arrive until Monday, which is three days away."

Katherine clutched the hot cup of coffee in her hands and took a few tentative steps towards her employer.

"Originally, yes, that was the arrangement" she began in a low, hesitant manner. "But he called last week and asked if he could arrive at the end of this week so that he could get settled in, become acquainted with the school, and prepare his rooms, as his young son will be joining the school."

Regina stared at Katherine for a moment, before closing her eyes and exhaling deeply in frustration. The secretary's words were sounding very familiar, and the more she spoke of the arrangement the more Regina began to recall it; she had received an email from Mr Locksley requesting being permitted to arrive on the premises a few days ahead of schedule, and she had responded to it personally.

"You're right" she sighed. "I'd completely forgotten" she added, exhaling once more. She would need to meet the new teacher, show him around, take him to his rooms and provide him with a full induction, all of which would take at least one or two hours from her day which she simply couldn't afford to spare.

Sensing Principal Mills' annoyance, Katherine took another step towards her and offered her the coffee, sensing that it would be the first of many that she would be preparing for her that day. She knew from experience that the Principal was much more relaxed after she'd had her morning coffee, and considering how much work she had to do ahead of the new term beginning, Katherine wished she could hook her up to an IV.

"You have a couple hours before he's due to arrive, Principal Mills" Katherine stated gently, causing her employer to turn towards her. "I'll see that you're not disturbed."

Principal Mills rose her eyebrows and nodded, accepting the coffee from the secretary and nodding in thanks, before turning on the spot and heading directly towards her own office, closing the door firmly behind her.

Regina sighed in frustration as she placed her paperwork, laptop, diary and coffee onto her desk, smoothing down her skirt as she took her seat, and began to neatly arrange the documents before her. This time of year was always the busiest for her, and she had a plethora of documents which required her immediate attention, including late admissions, transfers, budgeting, finalising the curriculum, and making the necessary arrangements for the impending trip to the History Museum; all of which would need to be discussed at length in a staff meeting on Sunday evening ahead of the start of the new term.

Regina took a few sips of her coffee (which Katherine had made perfectly, as always), and reached for her diary, flicking thought it to the current day and finding that, much to her annoyance, she had failed to enter the fact that Mr Locksley would be arriving today into her day planner. Regina sighed in annoyance and drew one pile of documents towards her, and leafed through them curiously. She picked up Mr Locksley's resume from the side of her desk, before sifting through the documents before her and finding the file of his young son, Roland, who would be joining the youngest year of the school next week. She read Mr Locksley's rather impressive resume for the third time, before picking up his son's file and studying it with interest, and making notes as she read. After reading the file she gazed up towards the stack of other files she would need to read through, the light brown sleeves containing the information piling high before her. She reached for her coffee and took a deep sip, before placing it down on the desk and picking up her fountain pen. It was clearly going to be one of those days.

Robin Locksley paid the cab driver and tipped him generously, before hauling his large carry-on bag over his shoulder and making his way towards the tall wrought iron gates which led to the renowned Mills' Academy. The day was warm and bright, and the scent of freshly-cut grass greeted Robin as he pushed open the gates and stepped onto the school premises, closing the gate carefully behind him. As soon as he stepped onto the grounds he was greeted by the pleasant sounds of children laughing and playing, and enjoying the final few days of their summer. The academy itself was a boarding school, and although many student would have gone home for the holidays, as he expected many had remained.

Robin walked up the path which led directly to the large building before him, which was old and majestic but very well maintained, and despite its almost regal appearance, there was something very comforting and almost homely about it. There was a path leading directly up to the front of the building, with a small garden in the centre which boasted a white statue of a beautiful horse, which Robin admired as he made his way towards the building. There was a large driveway surrounding the front of the house, and a gate at both ends of the building which led to separate fields and gardens where the children could play safely. On this occasion the gates were open, allowing children to play in front of the building, still in safety. It truly was a magnificent and very welcoming place.

As Robin walked confidently up the path and approached the open doors to the building, he smiled to himself, knowing that his son would adore this place too. It had a large swimming pool, tennis courts, and even stables which allowed students to take riding lessons. Behind the building itself was also several acres of woodland which, according to the prospectus, the children were able to go into with supervision, in order to camp, explore and orienteer. But, for obvious reasons, the security buildings were situated at the back just before the woodland area, in order to keep the children safe. The Principal also arranged for local rangers to come and give the students lessons in survival, camping and safety in the woods which, in truth, was the main factor which led to Robin accepting the job offer. Robin walked slowly up the marble steps which led to the open door to the boarding school, his mind awash with the potential of this school, and how much his son would adore it. But the peacefulness of this almost idyllic scene was disturbed by an argument which appeared to be taking place by the gates to the left of the building.

"Hey, Peter, stop!" came the voice of a teenage boy, causing Robin to walk down a couple of steps and turn towards the wrought iron gates to his left, which led to the field and gardens. "That's not yours, you have to give it back" the voice continued.

The statement was met with the mocking laughter of a couple of older boys, who strolled confidently out of the gates and were making their way towards the main entrance. One of the boys was holding something in his hands, a shining gold chain with some kind of attachment, which he placed around his neck before turning back to the teenage boy, who had just emerged from the field, followed by two younger children.

"I don't have to do anything, weasel" Peter responded, raising his arms in the air. "Felix and I found this bauble, and we're quite intent on keeping it."

"You can't do that, it doesn't belong to you" the younger boy returned bravely, as the two children he was with (a boy and a girl) stood cautiously behind him. "Please, that belongs to Hansel and Gretel, their father gave it to them."

"Please, Peter" came the meek voice of a clearly emotional younger girl. "It's all that we have left of him."

Robin remained perfectly still beside the entrance to the building, his body shielded slightly from view, as he continued to listen intently to the conversation.

"Correction, little girl" Peter stated. "It's all you had of him" he stated in a sinister tone as he leaned in towards her, before smiling cruelly and leaning back. "But as you've been so kind to give me this gift, I will give you both a very valuable piece of information" he stated arrogantly. "Parents are useless. We don't need them, they are redundant. And if this cheap trinket is all your father gave you then, well, that speaks volumes about how much he really cares about you, doesn't it?"

"Stop it" the slightly older, dark-haired boy stated. "Peter, I've already asked you twice, please just give it back" he continued. "It means a lot to them, please. I'll pay you."

The comment was met with a scoff from Felix, who walked towards the boy and pushed him back.

"Back off, weasel" he spat, causing the boy to stagger back a couple of paces, much to Peter's amusement; but he recovered himself quickly, and took a couple of steps towards Felix and Peter, who he approached calmly.

Robin inhaled deeply and placed his bag on the ground, before turning on the spot and heading towards the scene. Peter and Felix had their backs to him, and so did not see him approaching. The sound of his feet upon the gravel did not concern them at all, as they were too busy tormenting the younger students, including Gretel, who was becoming increasingly upset.

"I'm not going anywhere until you give Gretel back her compass" the boy declared, before taking a step closer to Peter. "Peter, please-" Before the boy could continue his sentence, Felix punched him hard in the face, causing him to stagger back a few paces before falling to the ground, which was met with an eruption of laughter from both Peter and Felix.

"Hey!" yelled Robin, who ran towards the scene, causing Peter and Felix to turn towards him sharply. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded. "Give that to me" he stated, indicating towards the compass around Peter's neck.

Peter sighed and removed the compass, handing it to Robin and then making to leave. Robin shook his head and stood before him.

"No, you don't" he stated. "Stay right there, both of you" he continued, before turning towards the fallen boy on the floor, who was being comforted by his friends. "Are you alright?" he asked gently. The boy nodded affirmatively, and Robin took several steps towards him. "You're very brave" he stated, "a rare and sadly lacking trait in many people" he continued, before turning towards the girl with blonde plaits, and offering her a reassuring smile. "I believe this belongs to you" he stated kindly, before handing her the compass.

"Th- thank you" she stuttered.

"My pleasure" he returned. "It's Gretel, isn't it?" he asked, and the young girl nodded nervously towards him. "I'm Mr Locksley, the new History teacher" he stated. She smiled meekly in return. "Now, if you ever have any problems with this boy" he stated, indicating towards Peter, "his friend, or anyone else, you come and find me, okay?" he continued gently. The young girl nodded towards him and thanked him once more. "Wonderful" he returned kindly. Before he could continue, a woman who was clearly a member of staff emerged from the gates, and looked in confusion at the scene.

"Granny" stated Gretel weakly, before rushing towards the motherly older woman and wrapping her arms around her.

"What's going on?" Granny demanded, turning from the fallen child and Robin to Peter and Felix.

"There was an altercation which was started by these two boys" Robin replied, indicating towards Peter and Felix. "They stole a necklace belonging to Gretel and when this young chap tried to retrieve it, that boy assaulted him."

Granny nodded in understanding before rubbing Gretel's back reassuringly and calling her brother towards them. She directed him to take Gretel to her room and place the compass somewhere safe, assuring them both that the matter would be dealt with. As soon as they headed back across the field Granny turned her attention towards Peter and Felix, who she walked towards quickly.

"You two, come with me" she stated authoritatively. "We're gonna see what the principal thinks of your actions". The two boys sighed and, for a moment, appeared to be almost concerned, as they were led into the building by Granny.

"She's the dinner lady" came the voice of the boy on the ground who, sensing Robin's concern, sought to inform him. "She and her granddaughter run the kitchens" he explained.

"I see" Robin returned, taking a closer look at the dark-haired boy. "Are you hurt?" he asked, placing his hand gently upon the boy's own, which he was using to cover his nose and mouth.

Robin gently encouraged the boy to remove his hand from his face, which revealed he had quite a nasty bloody nose and a split upper lip. Robin removed a clean handkerchief from his inner-jacket pocket and placed it gently upon his nose, encouraging the child to hold it in place.

"Right" Robin stated calmly. "Let's take you to the nurse's station" he stated, as he wrapped an arm around the young boy's shoulders and assisted him to stand. "Although I fear that, as I've never been here before, I'm at a complete loss as to where it is" he joked.

"Don't worry My Locksley, I'll show you" the boy replied amiably, as he walked beside the new Head of History towards the front of the building.

Robin picked up his bag from the bottom step and pulled it over his shoulder, before placing his hand on the young boy's back as he guided him into the building. He followed the child down the long corridor towards the medical bay, which he knocked on politely before entering. As soon as the door was opened a lady with a badge revealing her to be called 'Mother Superior' approached the boy, encouraging him to sit down and asking him to recount what happened as she tended to his wounds. Robin remained with the boy throughout this time, distracting him on some occasions when he hissed in pain.

"You really are very brave, you know. Standing up for Gretel as you did" Robin stated gently, as he perched himself on a seat beside the boy, who was having pieces of cotton which had been placed up his nose to stem the bleeding removed. "But in situations such as those it is always best to get a teacher" Robin continued gently. "It's one of the reasons we are here." The young boy chuckled lightly in response.

"Sometimes telling teachers can just make things more complicated" the boy returned, earning a quizzical look from Robin. "Besides, I had it under control."

"Indeed you did, my boy" he returned sincerely, meeting the boy's eyes as they spoke. As Robin looked at the boy before him, whose lip was swollen and face slightly bloodied, he heard the sound of hastily approaching heels clicking upon the corridor. "Tell me, what is your name?" he asked.

Before the young boy could respond, the sound of the clicking heels became louder before coming to an abrupt stop outside the door, which was thrown open, causing Mother Superior to stand up from her previous crouching position and take a few steps back.

"Principal Mills-"

"Henry!" Regina breathed, walking briskly into the room and crouching before her son.

Robin watched as Principal Mills rushed into the room and knelt before the boy, her dark hair bouncing upon her shoulders as she looked him over with concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked nervously, cupping his face tenderly with her hand, as she considered his injuries.

"I'm fine, mom" he returned. "It's nothing, really" he added.

Robin looked from Henry to Principal Mills, considering the woman before him against the picture of her he had formed in his head from their emails and a single telephone conversation. When she interviewed him on the phone she had been very courteous and polite, but professional and formal; he had expected to find himself employed by a strict, no-nonsense woman who lived and breathed her work. But as he watched the worried face of the woman before him, who was tending to her child so lovingly, he found himself ashamed of his previous assumptions, which he banished instantly from his memory, replacing them instead with the image before him: the intelligent professional woman who was also clearly a very loving and doting mother.

"It's not nothing" Regina returned, her voice slightly high and clearly filled with concern as she spoke. "Sweetheart, what happened?" she asked.

Robin, who had been watching the worried woman's interaction with her son, decided to spare the boy from having to recount the tale again, and informed the Principal of what had happened; she was clearly extremely concerned and he wished to reassure her as quickly as possible. Regina kept her hands upon her son but turned towards Robin as he spoke, staring at him with her dark, wide eyes and nodding as he explained the situation. When he finished Regina thanked him for assisting her son and rectifying the situation, before turning from him and facing Henry once more, running her hand comfortingly down his arm.

Robin remained politely silent as Principal Mills continued to speak to her son and Mother Superior, recounting the advice which he himself had given the boy just moments previously. As she addressed her son Robin found himself watching her, the way her eyes travelled across him with a combination of concern and adoration, the way her glossy hair fell over her shoulders, and the way her slender fingers gently caressed his cheek as she considered his injuries more closely. Even though she was understandable worried about her child, she still exuded confidence and authority, in such a manner that Robin felt certain that even if Mother Superior had not announced her arrival, he would have realised almost immediately that she was the Principal of Mills' Academy. But as he continued to watch her speak to Mother Superior, tend to her son's injury personally, and place a delicate kiss upon his pale cheek, he found himself realising that she was so much more.

"Your son is very brave" Robin stated gently, earning a nod from Regina.

"Sometimes I worry that he's a little too brave" she stated, raising her eyes to Henry and stroking his cheek, before turning towards Robin. "I'm so sorry, I didn't get your nameā€¦" she stated, pushing herself into a standing position and smoothing down her silk blouse, as she looked kindly and with interest at the man before her.

"Of course, forgive me" Robin stated, rising from his seat and standing before her. "Robin Locksley, the new Head of History" he stated, extending his hand towards her. "But please, call me Robin".

Regina looked at him for a moment before taking a confident step forward and placing her hand upon his, curling her warm, slender fingers around his palm as she shook his hand with strength. Their eyes met for a few moments, her deep, dark eyes staring into the depths of his, her heart beating slightly faster in her chest. She inhaled deeply to push the feeling aside.

"Principal Mills" she stated, an air of formality gracing her previously calm and conversational tone. "Welcome to Mills' Academy."