The Last Saiyan

Prince Vegeta sat staring out into space by a window. The clock struck one and Vegeta

sighed sadly.He remembered the battles he had fought in, yet the one that stood out more vividly

then the others was the battle against Goku. Vegeta looked out into the night and thought,

'Kakorate,why do you haunt me so'.Vegeta went to bed and dreamed of Goku fighting Cell.

Bulma awoke and looked at her husband sleeping beside her.Bulma wondered if Vegeta would talk today,

it had been three years since Vegeta last talked to anybody.The last person Vegeta had talked to

was Goku; he had said that he was sorry and so did Goku, Vegeta had even shook Goku's hand.

Bulma shook her head and turned away. Vegeta slowly opened his eyes and watched Bulma.

"Good morning Bulma"Vegeta said. Bulma jumped.

"Good morning Vegeta, so you finally want to talk"Bulma snapped. Vegeta just smirked.

After breakfast Vegeta did something else that surprised them all, he did not go to train

as always, but sat with them in the living room. Bra sat reading a book, while Vegeta and Trunks

played chess. After a hour had passed Bulma sighed and looked at Vegeta.

"Gohan and Videl have been married for two months now"she said. Vegeta's eyes became as big as saucers.

"Gohan is only 21,why did he get married"Vegeta asked in surprise.

"I don't know, he fell in love, I guess"Bulma said.

"Just like you did"said Mrs.Briefs calmly.

"Mom!"Bulma yelled.

"She fell in love twice, Vegeta dear "Bulma's mom smiled slightly at Vegeta. Vegeta smirked, again.

"Why did you get married Gohan"Vegeta asked slowly. They were all sitting in the living

room, Gohan and Videl had been at Capsle Corp. for over a hour, Vegeta hadn't talked to either

one of the two for the whole hour.

"I don't know, I just did"Gohan said. Vegeta rolled his eyes

and won the chess game against Trunks.

"Where did you learn to play chess Papa"asked Trunks.

"My old friend taught me how"Vegeta answered calmly.

"Cool"Trunks replied.

"We had better go now"Videl said.

"Yeah, we have to meet Hercule"said Gohan. Vegeta began to sniker softly and put one

hand over his mouth.

"Bulma, where is the dragon ball radar"Vegeta shouted up the stairs. It had been a week

since Vegeta had learned that Gohan was married to Hercule's only daughter Videl.

"It is called a dragon radar"Bulma said stepping down the stairs. Vegeta held out his hand, Bulma rolled her

eyes and then handed Vegeta the radar.

"You had better not break it either Vegeta" Bulma yelled after the saiyan prince.

'What is he going to do with the radar' Bulma wondered.

Vegeta dropped lightly to the ground in a place nearly 1,000 miles from the Capsle Corp.

Vegeta pulled the dragon radar out of his pocket and turned it on. Vegeta turned north and flew

four miles. Vegeta landed in a forest and groaned softly. Vegeta looked back into his memory and

saw the sceane once again.


Piccolo and Vegeta stood silently off to the sides of the group. Gohan, Goten, Goku and Chi-Chi

stood together, Chi-Chi was in tears, the rest of the gang said good-by to Goku, before Goku

could leave however Vegeta had stepped forward and said,

"Kakarot, I am sorry." Goku had took Vegeta's outstrecthed hand and said,

"I am sorry as well." ______________________________________

Vegeta turned away mentlly from the memory and started to look for the dragonball. After

twenty minutes of searching Vegeta sat against a tree and looked at the four star ball. Vegeta

looked around and quickly found a place to keep the dragonballs hidden.

Vegeta looked around him, then knowing how much Mr.Popo liked flowers, Vegeta planted

a flower among the others.

"What are you doing here Vegeta" Piccolo's voice asked so suddenly that Vegeta jumped.

"Looking at the flowers, are you Vegeta"said Dende calmly. Vegeta turned and

looked at the three people before him. There were two Namekians and one Earthling. Piccolo was a

Namekian worrior, Dende was a Namekian healer, Mr. Popo was an Earthling.

"Why are you here Vegeta?"Piccolo asked again. Vegeta looked around again then told them his plan.

"Bring back Goku is a good idea,but I'm not so sure about bring back Raditz"Piccolo said

later that day when Vegeta returned, so far he had six dragonballs.

"I know Raditz acted evil when he first got here but that was because evil was all that he knew" Vegeta said sadly.

"Vegeta where were you"Bulma shouted.

"Visiting" Vegeta replied. Before Bulma could say anymore a car came up to the house and out popped Chi-Chi and Goten. "I invited them over" Vegeta said proudly. Goten knocked on the door. It had been over three years since even Trunks and Goten had last talked to each other.

"Why did you come so late at night?" asked Bra.

"Vegeta said that we were supposed to spened a few nights here" Goten said uncertainly.

"Certain you will" Bulma said.

After dinner Bulma talked on the telephone for awhile.

"Bed-time kids" she said when she returned. Trunks and Goten went to Trunks' room. Bra waited for Bulma to take her upstairs. While Bulma was upstairs the phone began to ring. Vegeta quickly picked-up the phone and Piccolo's voice came through.

"Vegeta"Piccolo said.

"Yeah" answered Vegeta.

"I have the last dragon ball. Dende said that he thought Bulma would never quit talking, she said that all of us are to come

over to the Capsle Corp. tomorrow" Piccolo whispered.

"I'll come over as soon as Bulma and

Chi-Chi go to sleep, okay "Vegeta whispered back.

"Okay" said Piccolo.

Vegeta was just hanging up the phone when Bulma came back downstairs. Bulma and Chi-Chi

talked for awhile at 10:00pm they said goodnight to Vegeta. After a little while Vegeta put on

his coat and flew to Kami's Lookout. Piccolo looked up as Vegeta landed softly on the ground.

"About time" Piccolo said.

"It has been three years since those two have talked to each other, I never knew that so much could happen in three years," Vegeta told Piccolo. Piccolo rolled his eyes, then they sat and waited for Dende and Mr.Popo to return.

"It's going to be morning by the time they get back," Vegeta said suddenly.

"So," Piccolo said. "Where did Kakarot learn to drive," Vegeta asked changing the subject.

"At a driving place, if you ever go there beware of Ginger," Piccolo answered.

"Who is she," Vegeta asked. "A road rage prone driving instuctor" Piccolo told him. Vegeta laughed softly a real laugh for the frist time in his life.

______________________________________ The gravity was intence. Vegeta turned his head and noticed Bardock was fling upward. Vegeta followed him up toward Frieza's ship. Vegeta stared in horror as Frieza gathered energy for his death ball, as he (Frieza) threw it, Vegeta figered it out.


"No!" Vegeta howled awaking him and Piccolo.

"Vegeta what happened" Piccolo asked. Vegeta's face turned red and he told Piccolo about his dream. Vegeta looked as sunlight hit Kami's Lookout, he looked at his watch 6:00am.

"Piccolo, what time did Bulma say everybody had to be at the Capsle Corp." Vegeta asked.

"10:00am" Piccolo answered.

"Hello" Dende said calmly from where he was sitting on Mr.Popo magic rug. Vegeta and Piccolo looked up in surprise. Dende jumped down, went to the middle of the place and and put all seven of the dragonballs on

the ground. Until nine o' clock they wondered what to use the first wish on.

"Why don't we use the first to revive all the humans who died directly or indirectly by Babidi or his henchmen " Vegeta suggested. Piccolo, Dende, and Mr.Popo all nodded. Vegeta looked at his watch and said

"It's 9:30." Mr.Popo and Piccolo left for the Capsle Corp.

Dende rasied his hands and said the password. The sky began to darken as the the

dragonballs began to glow. Dende steped back a couple paces. The dragon lifted out of the

dragonballs. . "What is your first wish" the dragon asked.

"Will you revive all the humans that were killed because of Babidi's henchman" Dende said. After a moment's pause the dragon said,

"So be it, what is your second wish?" Dende turned to ask Vegeta which Saiyan Vegeta wanted to

be revived first. Vegeta had been knocked out though and couldn't answer. Something grabed

Vegeta and draged him away. Dende quickly revived Goku and Raditz then told that them something

had took off with Vegeta, the two Saiyans took off fling and Dende went to tell the others.

"The last Saiyan is waking up" a voice above Vegeta said. Vegeta forced his eyes to open

at first Vegeta could not see because of the pain in his head. Something touched Vegeta and he

turned his head slightly and saw a Lukours, Vegeta's eyes widened in surprise, and if his foot

was not cruched undernight a rock he would have attacked, a Lukours, the enemy of all Saiyans.

The small Lukours girl watched Vegeta, then spoke in a bell-like voice.

"I'm sorry I hit you in the head Prince Vegeta, but you're a warrior and you would have fought me and I would have lost." Vegeta glared at her for a minute then turned his head toward the door, he could sense two power levels, one was a super Saiyan power level. Suddenly Goku and Raditz brust though the wall.

Raditz walked over to Vegeta and pulled the rock off Vegeta's leg. Goku had knocked everyone

out. Vegeta looked at his watch as he stood up and yelled, "Oh no, we're two hours late."

"For what" Goku and Raditz asked at the same time. "Something Bulma planed" Vegeta called back, "Thanks." Raditz looked sideways at Goku and asked

"Who is Bulma?"

"Bulma is Vegeta's wife" Goku answered. Raditz nodded then they followed Vegeta. Suddenly he stoped

"WHAT!!!!!!" Raditz yelled.

The three saiyans landed softly by the Capsle Corp. then Vegeta went forward to open the

door but it wouldn't budge not even when Vegeta used his key. The three of them looked into the

window, amd saw that Bulma was in tears. Vegeta went around to the back door and the three

Saiyans went inside. Vegeta stopped where they couldn't see him it seemed that they had taken

Dende's story wrong. Vegeta motioned to Goku and Raditz to stay put, then he stepped forward

and said

"Bulma, are you alright?" Bulma jumped up and ran to Vegeta, then she wrapped her arms

around Vegeta's neck and sobbed softly. Vegeta motined to Goku who stepped out of the shadows

and almost right into Chi-Chi's arms.

"Where are you going to live Raditz" Goku asked his brother a whole month later.

"I have my own house here on Earth" Raditz said. The three Saiyan warriors where at Master Roshi's House,

Goku and Raditz where sitting side-by-side, yet Vegeta was nowhere in sight. Vegeta stood alone

near Master Roshi's House watching the two brothers talking. Suddenly Vegeta walked forward and

said, holding out one hand

"Friends?" Goku and Raditz put one of their hands on Vegeta's hand

and said
