A week passed before Regina and Zelena could find the time to go to the Emerald City and talk to the wizard again. When they arrived they were met with the city guard. No one was being allowed in to see the wizard anymore.

"What happened?" Zelena asked one of the guardsmen. She was met with a cold state as he stood at attention and refused to speak.

Regina looked around, noticing a young coal boy covered in soot. He was carrying a small bucket and scurrying in and out through the crowd of people at the gates. She followed him and managed to catch him going in a side entrance. She quickly returned to Zelena and lead her to the door before they went in. They managed to sneak past the patrolling guards and entered the great room where the large curtain hung to hide Walsh's true form. They heard grumbling and shuffling behind it and quickly went to investigate. Slash behind it, packing his things in a duffel bag.

"The wizard is leaving?" Zelena asked.

Walsh glanced up. "Yes." He said, shoving clothes into the bag. "Before he ends up like your goat friend."

"What's going on?" Regina asked, looking around at the empty room. The only thing that remained was the curtain.

"Your wonderful wizard is going back to Kansas. You people are dangerous." He replied.

"Wait." Zelena commanded. He sighed and turned to face them. "Did someone threaten you?"

"A representative, you could say. I have 3 days to leave Oz or I will be killed."

"Who would benefit from the wizard's departure?"

"Diana, I assume." Regina said. As she thought about it, it all started to click together. "Godric gets sent to prison, she gets command of the Elites. Wizard leaves Oz, she gets command of the city. No one will be able to stop her."

"And Doctor Dillamond?" Her sister asked.

"Either he found out something he shouldn't have and was in the way and needed to be eliminated, or it was just personal."

Walsh clapped mockingly. "Congratulations. You've stumbled upon the biggest conspiracy in Ozian history. Well done. I suggest you forget everything you know right now and move somewhere far away."

"We're not going anywhere." Zelena said firmly. "And neither are you, Coward. You're going to help us."

"Says who?" He demanded.

"I thought you loved Oz. Help us fix it."

"I think the two of you should just go back to being teenagers in school, okay? Stay in your lane." Walsh snapped. "It's safer that way." He turned back to packing.

"Make a statement before you go. Pardon Godric. You don't have to name the real culprit, just help stop Diana." Zelena pleaded.

"If it is Diana." Regina muttered.

Her sister whipped around. "Are you serious, Regina? Like you said, everything points to her."

"Exactly. Everything does point to her but you would think someone of Diana's station and intellect would know not to draw so much attention to herself. It's too perfect."

"Like I said." Walsh commanded. "Go home."

Regina sighed. "You're the wizard of Oz. And you're running away. You can command an entire world, and you're afraid of one woman."

Walsh sighed dramatically, making the sisters roll their eyes. "I'll do your little trick, but that's it. Then I'm gone. Then you go back to Shiz and leave me alone." The sisters exchanged looks before nodding. Walsh rolled his eyes. "Go home now, I'll get your friend out of jail."

"We'll go see Doctor Dillamond." Zelena said. "Maybe he's awake and can tell us who did this." She took the lead as they snuck back out of the palace and caught a carriage back to Shiz. Doctor Dillamond was being housed in a small compound for wounded Animals. It was overpacked and smelled like a barnyard.

Regina tried to discreetly cover her nose as she followed Zelena through the throng of talking Animals. They approached the counter and asked for the Doctor.

A black and white cow was behind the glass wearing glasses and a white lab coat chewing a piece of cud. "Wait in line suga."

"We just need to know if Doctor Dillamond is awake and if he is okay." Zelena said. "Can you please check?"

The cow slowly chewed her cud before finally looking at down at a clipboard. "What's his species?"

"Um, talking goat."

"He's just getting out of surgery. He won't be getting visitors until tomorrow."

"Well, what happened?" Regina asked.

"Someone tried to cut his throat apparently. Luckily a little munchkin saved him."

Regina frowned. "What's the name?" She looked at Zelena. "Maybe they saw something that could help us."

"Boq. He's a student at Shiz."

"Thank you." They walked outside and quickly came up with a plan. Regina and Rafe would go find Boq and see if he remembered anything from the crime scene. Zelena and Elphaba went to help the wizard prepare to clear Godric's name while they sent Jake to look at the crime scene itself. Boq lived in the boy's dormitory across Shiz and Regina wasn't supposed to go there so Rafe had to retrieve the little munchkin. He barely came up to Regina's waist and the first thing she noticed was how nicely he dressed and kept himself groomed.

"Hello, Boq. I hope my friend wasn't too rough in trying to get you here." Regina said with a glance at Rafe.

"No, milady, he was a right gentleman. He said something about the injured goat and I wanted to help." Boq nodded firmly. "I don't remember much from that night. Just a bleeding bloody goat."

"Can you tell us what you do remember?" Regina prompted. "Please, it's important and any little thing could be of use."

Boq nodded and closed his eyes to think. "I was walking to the dorm that night while my friends went to the local whorehouse." Regina frowned slightly and Rafe chuckled. "I came upon the goat on a quiet road. He was choking and had his hooves up against his throat like this." Boq demonstrated, balling his hands up into fists to simulate Dillamond's hooves and how he couldn't stop the bleeding effectively. "I bandaged him and ran like the dickens to get help."

"Thank you." Regina smiled. "I appreciate it." Boq dipped his head respectfully and bowed deeply at the waist. Regina motioned to Rafe and they started off back to the stables where they'd all agreed to meet up.

"Someone tried to slit Doctor Dillamond's throat." she hissed. "It must've happened rather quickly. He's very proficient in magic."

"Then why didn't he heal himself?" Rafe asked.

"I don't know. Maybe something was blocking it or it happened so quickly he was in shock."

"Then it was basically an assassination. What I don't understand is why this goat is so important that someone would go through the trouble." Rafe muttered.

Regina shrugged. "I wouldn't put it past Horrible Morrible but I want to be sure." They arrived back at the stables just as Jake did. He was out of breath and laying on a hay bale. "Find anything?"

"Yeah." He sat up and held up a piece of torn fabric. It was purple and smooth like silk. "It got caught on a branch. Purple silk. Must be someone important then, huh?"

Regina turned the fabric over in her hands. "This isn't real silk. A very good imitation, yes, but it's not real."

"How do you know?" Rafe asked.

Regina scoffed. "I used to rub Rocinante down with a silk blanket, I know silk when I see it. Trust me." They exchanged looks. "I used to be rich, remember? Anyways, does purple mean something in Oz?"

Jake grinned. "I'm glad you asked." He lead them over to a table and shoved everything off of it. He pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, revealing it to be a map of Oz. It was colorcoded. Yellow to the east. Red to the south. Blue to the west. Purple for the north and green directly in the center for the Emerald City. "Depending on where you're from that's the color you would often wear."

"So whoever attacked Doctor Dillamond is from the purple region?" She asked.

Jake nodded. "Gillikin Country. There aren't that many in Shiz to be honest and none of them can afford silk."

"So who do we know who likes to wear purple?" She frowned.

"Think of this way. Who has to wear something flashy to catch the attention of patrons as they perform?" Jake made a waving motion.


"Yep. I told you they were spies."

"Spies." Rafe cut in. "Not murderers."

Regina looked at the silk again. "I know a bard we can talk to." It took half an hour to find Cullen, serenading a pair of young maidens by the fountain. He was wearing a bright red shirt and poofy yellow pages pants. A typical bard outfit. Rafe quickly grabbed him and dragged him over to Regina.

"Unhand me, you bastard." Cullen shook him off and immediately grinned at Regina. "If such a beautiful woman wanted to talk to me, all she had to do was ask."

"I was planning to but my associate is very impatient." Regina replied with a stern look at Rafe, who only smirked. "Anyways, I need your help with something-"

"A poem? A sonnet? A song? Sick of these two and you want to run away with me?" Cullen asked with a sly grin.

"No. I need to know of any Gillikin bards in Shiz."

"Only one."

"Who is it?"

"I shall only reveal his name for a kiss."

Regina rolled her eyes. "Cullen, this is important."

"So is this." He yelped when Rafe picked him up by the back of his neck.

"Now is not the time to play games, fool. A would be murderer is among us and you are withholding information that could put him away. We don't have time for this. What's his name?!"

Regina raised an eyebrow at the warrior's commanding tone although she would've liked to do this without so much violence. Still, it was invigorating to see him be some rough and demanding. Unfortunately the bard must have had balls of steel because he was hardly afraid of him. Regina sighed and made Rafe put him down. A kiss was just a kiss. She grabbed the bard by his shirt and kissed him. "There. What's the guy's name?" It took a minute to form a coherent sentence but when he finally did it only raised more questions than it answered. "Tik Tok?" Regina frowned. "Who's that?" Cullen decided to take them to him. Apparently the guy hardly ever left his dorm and it was hardly difficult to sneak past the other guys at the door and go downstairs into some kind of basement. Cullen knocked on the door and waited. Regina tilted her head as she heard the unmistakable sound of gears turning and ticking. The little creature that opened the door only came up to Regina's chest. He was made of polished copper and was the cause of the ticking sound. It was a mechanical man. Most of his body was rounded and his head looked like a ball with two holes punched out to fit his glass eyes in.

"His name isn't Tik Tok. He's a tik-tok. They're mechanical people." Jake supplied.

The proof of the crime was all over the little man's metal body. Dents from Doctor Dillamond's hooves, burn marks from his magic, a tear in the shoulder of the metal man's purple silk shirt.

"What's your name?" Regina asked, crouching in front of him.

"Grommetik." came the mechanized reply.

"Why did you attack Doctor Dillamond?"

"She told me to."

"Who did, Grommetik?" she asked. He looked away, avoiding her gaze.

"They can't lie." Jake supplied. "We won't hurt you. Just tell us the truth."

"It was the Morrible." It was all he needed to say. Regina and Zelena immediately took the news to the police and Morrible was arrested within an hour. Unfortunately she managed to weasel out of staying in prison by saying that she was with Diana herself at the time of the murder, to which Diana backed her up on, neither did she have any contact with a tik-tok named Grommetik. Even with Grommetik's infallible testimony they were unable to put her away and the little metal man ended up taking the blame although he wouldn't be in prison long. Regina felt that the police were against Animals and didn't really care about Dillamond or Grommetik would've been imprisoned for much longer than 2 years for trying to murder someone. During that time the wizard and Zelena successfully got Godric out of prison. He came to them a couple days later to speak with them.

Regina and Zelena both sat down at the kitchen table while Henry fixed Godric a mug of ale. "Tell us what's going on." The redhead demanded.

"It's very complicated."

"So is being someone's puppet." Regina returned. "You owe us for getting you out so quickly. Let us have it. Is Diana truly trying to take over Oz?"

Godric nodded. "I didn't believe it at first. I didn't want to, but...yes. I realized when she disbanded the witches council. Do you remember them?" He looked at Zelena, who nodded.

Regina frowned and her sister was quick to explain. "The witches council was a group of witches who wanted to show Oz that magic was beautiful and wonderful and could help make things better. They ruled Oz until the wizard came along and Diana rose to the head of Shiz and the Emerald Court. Then the council just faded away."

"All those witches against one? Is Diana truly that powerful?" Regina asked.

"No." Godric said. "And she knows it. The council didn't fade away she had them hunted down. Those that survived went into hiding. Now the only magic users are in Shiz or the Academy, with a few scattered herbalists around. She's not very powerful at all actually. One of you could possibly defeat her."

"So why is she the leader of Shiz?"

"It doesn't matter if you're actually powerful or not. Just so long as people think you are. Also, she built the school." Godric shrugged. "She has the wizard in her back pocket. We know he's powerless and she must be manipulating him to get him to do what she wants."

"Where does this Morrible woman fit into this?" Henry ventured to ask.

Godric rolled his eyes. "She is just a very annoying woman who hates magic and Animals for what reasons I didn't care to talk to her long enough to find out."

"But why?" Regina asked.

Godric shrugged again. "Oz is on the brink of civil war because many believe that Animals like Doctor Dillamond are no better than any other animal like a horse or a chicken. Most Animals have fled to the forest where the Beast Kings rule, but even they are on the brink of war right now."

"Beast Kings?" Regina frowned. "Damn it, I need to take a class on this stuff."

Godric chuckled. "The Beast Kings. Brrr, known as the Cowardly Lion and Rama, the Hungry Tiger. Both are the largest of their kind and rulers of half the Great Forest. A war between them would devastate a fourth of Oz."

"Shouldn't you be doing something about that?' Henry asked.

"We're trying but we can't just send people to the forest. You have to be invited by an Animal. Otherwise you'll be killed on the spot."

"Anyways!" Zelena snapped. "How do we get justice for the good doctor? Also I want your best healers at work right now to save him. He's the best teacher you guys have got."

Godric dipped his head. "It shall be done."

"What do we do now?" Regina asked. "About Diana."

"I can't move against her without drawing suspicion. Next time I won't be framed for murder, I'll be the one getting murdered."

Zelena stood up. "We can-"

"I would advise against it." Henry cut in. Zelena looked at him,arching an eyebrow. "You two have already drawn Diana's attention. She'll be watching you more closely, to find out what you know."

"He's right." Regina sighed, laying her head on the table. "We need to lay low for a little while."

"I would say until you graduate." Godric added. "Focus on your studies and excel, make it into the Academy. I can better protect you there and I can give access to things you don't have now. Can I trust you two to help me restore peace to Oz?" Regina and Zelena exchanged smirks before looking back at the sorcerer and firmly nodding. "Good. I knew I could. Good night." He teleported away and Regina stood up to leave.

"Be careful." Her father said softly. "Both of you. I know you want to help and I know you want to make things better, but please remember that you are playing a game with very powerful players. I'd hate to see you get hurt."

"We will Daddy." Regina assured him. "Chistery! Come on, let's go." The little monkey glided onto her shoulder and she followed Zelena outside to where Fate and Max were tied to the fence. They mounted up and rode off back to Shiz.


With the threat of her mother gone, Regina felt freer than ever. She lived her life to the fullest, learning a variety of things and taking many different classes at Shiz. From diplomacy classes to bard classes where she learned to play different instruments and sing. Acting was a bit of challenge because she took the class with Zelena and neither could make it through a scene without snickering and laughing. She mastered all of her magic classes and Doctor Dillamond, making his prodigal return, even asked her and Zelena to help teach sometimes. Zelena became a magic master, one of the best at the school and by her senior year was helping Doctor Dillamond teach the underclassmen as her main job. However when those 3 years were up, they had another challenge to overcome: joining the Academy. Jake, Rafe, Melanie and Victoria had already graduated and joined and now Regina and Zelena needed to prepare for the test.


Regina swallowed nervously as she walked into the pitch black room, one so similar to the one she'd had to go through just to be admitted to the university.

"Are you nervous?" Godric chuckled as the torches around the room were lit, revealing him standing on the other side of a table. On the table was a basin filled with water and a small dagger.

"Yes." Regina stepped forward until she stood in front of the table. She looked up at him and he nodded. She picked up the dagger and pricked her finger, letting a drop of blood land in the basin. The surface started to cloud over immediately but otherwise nothing happened. "Is that it? Did I get in?"

Godric grinned. "Did you honestly believe that you had to take the test." He healed her finger with a hand motion and the water became clear again. "You are one of the top 3 students in Shiz. You're automatically getting admission, not to mention a personal friend of mine." He held up a white card. "I'll see you soon for orientation."

Regina grinned as she took the card and raced back out of the room to find Zelena waiting for her. She nearly leaped on top of the redhead and held up her card. "Did you get in?"

"Of course I did." Zelena scoffed, flicking her hair over her shoulder with a smug grin. "Let's go. There's a train that'll take us into the Jade Mountains."

"What's a train?" Regina asked.

"It's a metal machine that's powered by steam. It goes really fast." Zelena answered. "We should go finish packing."

Regina nodded her agreement and followed her back to their room. They finished packing quickly and Regina took everything down to their cart with Fate and Max hitched up to the front. Zelena went to talk with Elphaba who had been acting rather odd since the whole thing with Doctor Dillamond. She had taken up strong opposition against the treatment of Animals. Zelena was of like mind but in the past year her girlfriend had gone off the deep end a bit with it. Lately things had been a bit rocky between them. Regina chose not to get involved in any long term relationships any of her years in Shiz. There were a few flings with Rafe and Jake and a couple of other men and women but nothing much, even though she was sure that Rafe and Jake would've preferred to pursue a deeper relationship. There was one that continued to stick. Maleficent dragged her through a portal about once a week for a night of pleasure. On top of that she gave Regina some magic lessons and kept her informed on proceedings in the Enchanted Forest. Rumpelstiltskin was still very pissed that the dragon had ruined his little plot and she even gave Regina the Dark Curse for safekeeping, both of them knowing that Rumple would never be able to use it if it was in another world. He didn't seem to know that he could just steal a handful of Mal's scales to accomplish his goals, but neither planned on telling him that. Regina's main focus was enjoying her time in school. She didn't want to plan for the future. She learned her lesson in doing that with Daniel.

It was another hour before they rode into the city towards the looming black train. Regina had long since realized that the technological advances of Oz were far superior to the Enchanted Forest, but she'd never seen anything like this before. Even Zelena seemed a little apprehensive as they boarded. Their horses and larger luggage was placed in a car behind them. They kept their smaller bags and Chistery rode on Zelena's shoulder as they walked down the rows of seats. Regina chose one next to the window and Zelena sat in one in front of her, turning sideways as she often did. Henry arrived a few minutes later, sitting next to his daughter. Godric had given him an assistant's job at the Academy so he could help provide money for the family and not be bored at home, although Regina could hardly believe one could ever be bored in Oz.

Some of the other students joined them in the long train car. Having graduated together they were on their way to their next stage in life. Unfortunately, one annoying blonde was coming as well. Over the years Regina learned to ignore Galinda, while Zelena only seemed to despise her more with each passing day. Strangely enough, it was Elphaba who seemed to have the strongest relationship with her. Their extreme loathing for one another had turned into friendship. Zelena was the opposite.

"Where's Elphaba?" Regina whispered.

"I don't know. Probably at an Animal rally or something." Zelena sighed.

"You two okay?" Regina asked in concern.

"No." was Zelena's only answer. Regina wanted to ask for more details but the train blew its last whistle for the last call. Both of them sat up a little straighter when the Queen Mother stepped aboard. She walked right up to the sisters and smiled.

"Congratulations on your graduation. The Academy is lucky to have you." She said with a bright grin. "I'm very proud of you. I hope you won't be involved in any more monster hunting." She winked.

"Thank you, Diana." Zelena said.

Diana dipped her head and departed as the train blew another whistle and started to move. "What was that about?" Regina whispered. Everyone was staring at them.

"Sounded like a threat to me." Henry murmured.

"She's trying to get us singled out." Zelena glanced around the car. "Make it seem like we're getting special treatment or something so everyone will hate us."

Regina leaned back in her seat, looking out the window as the Emerald City flew by. Within minutes Zelena and Chistery both had fallen asleep by the train's smooth ride. Her father followed soon after while Regina remained wide awake. A greater destiny continued to await them. How could one sleep at a time like this?"


It took 3 days to reach the Academy, nestled deep in the heart of Winkie Country, dominating an entire mountain range. When the train stopped, Regina was the first one off to look upon the sheer majesty of their new home. The Academy was massive, merging with the natural world just as Shiz had done. The academy itself was situated at the head of the valley on the mountainside and a city almost filled the valley below. Zelena came to her side and her jaw dropped.

"By the gods." The witch exclaimed. "This is amazing."

A buzzing in her pocket made Regina look down and pull out the white card Godric had given them. A map had appeared on it. "Come on guys." She grinned as she lead her family into the city. Along the streets were children playing, young wizards and witches putting on shows, merchants selling their wares and people singing and dancing. Fountains and sprinklers dotted the cobblestone roads and Regina and Zelena hopped around to avoid the spray. Henry and Chistery snickered at them. Finally, they had arrived to the large rustic stone mansion that had been provided for them.

"By the gods." Zelena whispered again.

The front door opened and Godric grinned, now dressed in black and white colors. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come see your new house." Regina and Zelena barely waited for him to finish before racing inside. The mansion came complete with elegant furnishings and fine rugs, tapestries, groceries, clothes of the perfect size and supplies for their new classes. There was even a small paddock in the back for their horses and cart, as well as new riding tack and equipment. Regina could not believe the bathroom. It was made primarily of black marble and came with soft white towels and pleasant smelling soaps.

"All of this for us?" Regina asked, coming back down the spiral staircase.

"Indeed." Godric dipped his head. "I had it built three years ago especially for you all. You got me out of a tough spot and I want to show my gratitude. I fear I may have to ask more of you in the future."

"Fine by us." Zelena voiced. "When do we begin classes?"

"Not for another month. I like all my students to come sooner rather than later and get settled in. Besides, you have some friends who have been awaiting your arrival." He smirked and teleported away. The front door flew open as Victoria, Rafe, Jake, Melanie, Mimi and Fiyero burst inside and ran to welcome their friends. They gave the sisters a tour of the city and they went swimming in a lake and ate dinner at the water's edge. The city itself was made of golden stone while the academy castle was crafted from black and gray rock. As it was in Winkie Country, whose official color was yellow, the city beneath the Academy was simply called the Golden City. The castle looked dark when compared to the gilded city at its doorstep, but Regina could almost feel the difference between the two. Standing on her new balcony, she stared up at it, imagining her future. It was going to be amazing. She was no longer a child, she was free, she could live.

"You okay?" Zelena asked, coming to her side and putting her hand on top of her brunette sister's.

"Yes, I couldn't be better. I thought Shiz was amazing, but this place...is just…"

"Amazing times two." Zelena grinned.

"Yeah." Regina sighed contently. She leaned her head on Zelena's shoulder. "You talked to Elphaba? Is she coming?"

"She said she would come in a week." Zelena said. "But I don't know. I knew she was good friends with Doctor Dillamond, but he's okay now. She just can't let it go."

"Things will work out, Zelena." Regina rubbed her arm. "I'm sure it will. If not...I'm sure greater things are in your future."

"Do you think it's wrong if...I kinda met someone else?" Zelena asked. Regina immediately sat up. Her sister rolled her eyes with a smirk. "I just met him earlier today when we got off the train."

"What's his name?"


"Hades? As in the god, Hades?" Regina said.

"Oh, you can have sex with a dragon goddess but I can't meet a handsome immortal? How is Maleficent, by the way. Does she like redheads?" Regina glared at her. "What?"

"You just met a god who apparently has a crush on you and you want to talk about me and Mal?"

"Oh it's Mal now?" Zelena smirked. "Getting cozy with each other after three years?"

"You're so annoying." Regina sighed, walking back inside. Zelena burst out laughing as she followed her into the room. She jumped on the bed and laid down with another content sigh. Zelena smirked and gave her a kiss good night. Regina slid beneath the sheets and closed her eyes. A warming spell traveled along the blankets. A smile touched her lips as her big sister lulled her to sleep. This was only the beginning.


Regina was the first one up for their first day of class. She was quick to shower and quick to get dressed in her new black and red uniform. It consisted of black leather pants, black boots and red lace up shirt with a long tail. She brushed her hair, did her makeup and checked her bag to make sure she was well prepared. Zelena still took some effort to wake up but in the end she was ready in record time. Regina was almost giddy as they ate the breakfast her father had prepared and got the horses saddled. The sisters rode together through the city to the academy. Stablehands took their horses at the gate and they filed in with the rest of the students to a large auditorium. Godric stood at the head.

"Welcome newcomers, to the Ozian Academy. Shiz was for babies. Now you are grown up, wiser and stronger. Now you will learn to truly harness and hone your many talents. All of it being for the good of our world. For Oz." He gave a long speech about the greatness of Oz and how the Academy was its first line of defense against many dangers. Regina only half paid attention. After an hour the new students were released to find their classrooms. This year Regina only had four classes: Magic, riding, survival, and a basic class to touch up on her knowledge on Ozian flora, fauna and history. She wouldn't share any classes with Zelena and Godric himself chose them. Zelena was upset because she only got one magic class and it was a minor one. Everything got more challenging from then on. Henry, who was given a job as Godric's assistant, asked why he split them up in such a manner.

"Zelena is very insecure about herself." Godric replied as they walked along the academy walls to his office. They could see for miles in every direction. "She needs to learn to trust her own abilities, as well as not to rely completely on magic. She is very powerful but one day she might not have her magic at her disposal and it could become more of a crutch than an advantage."

"And Regina?" Henry inquired.

"Regina has the confidence, she's more well rounded but she lacks...something. I'm not sure what it is exactly. She's meant for more though. Both of them are."

"Meant for what?"

"I don't know. To lead, perhaps. To rule even. Only time will tell what they will become."


Being a part of the Elite Academy not only meant more aggressive schooling and challenging classes that steadily got more challenging, but the students were part of much of the relief effort and security of Oz. Resolving large scale disputes, influencing wars, helping people during natural disasters, it was a full time job that they got paid for as well as school credits. Each student was assigned a trajectory team consisting of 2 archers, 2 warriors, 2 spellcasters, 2 healers and 2 scouts. The leader of the team could be any type. The teams were assigned a trajectory, a direction in which they were responsible such as East, North, South and West. Zelena ended up being sent west and Regina got the south. It wasn't too hard and they were paid rather handsomely. Enough so that Regina could easily care for her father and herself. Within 3 years, she and Zelena both were the leaders of their teams and their pay doubled. Even little Chistery got a job as a scout along with the other magical creatures employed at the Academy. Some of their friends chose different directions in life. Melanie took a job as advisor to the wizard while being part of the academy. Everyone was a bit surprised that Walsh had decided to stick around. Now he employed a squad of guards to protect his throne room and filled the Emerald City with them to defend against any assassination plots. Fiyero and Victoria joined the Emerald City's guard, Fiyero easily becoming captain within a couple years, and Mimi took a spy job to find the missing witches of the old council and bring them to safety at Godric's behest. Life got a bit harder but it never stopped being interesting.

"Hey!" Regina yelled at the top of her lungs, silencing the bickering cats. The Great Forest grew silent at once and she looked between the giant tiger and the massive lion. "Brrr, give him back his ribbon, please." The Cowardly Lion growled. "Now, Brrr!" With a snort of annoyance the lion untied the second ribbon in his mane and tossed it across the negotiation table. Chistery picked it up and tied it onto Rama, the tiger's tail for him. "Now, the two of you used to be best friends and you almost sent half the country to war for a ribbon." Both of them hung their heads. Regina waved her hands, making beautiful and multicolored ribbons fall from the sky. "There. Everyone has a ribbon." She was a bit surprised and annoyed at how happy the jungle animals had seemed about having ribbons. All of this for a damn ribbon? She swiftly departed from the strange place and made her way back to the academy with her team. It was her first peacekeeping mission, to settle the dispute between the Beast Kings. It was the stupidest, most pointless feud she'd ever seen. But at least it would score her points with Godric. Her necklace started to vibrate and she pressed a button on the pendant. "Regina. What is it?"

"Regina, where are you?" Zepena called frantically.

"Just outside the Great Forest." she could hear the sounds of fighting and yelling. "What's going on?"

"We're under attack. West of your position near Bear Rock. Hurry!"

Regina immediately turned to her team and waved her hand for what different direction they were now turning in. She remained at the head as they pushed the horses to full canter, sprinting to help her sister. She recognized the monsters just as soon as she saw them. Ogres. Oz didn't have ogres and their fighting strategy reflected that. Zelena was blasting them apart to protect a fallen comrade and the others were struggling to take the rest down.

"Archers, aim for the head!" Regina roared. "Warriors, aim for the heart." She lead the charge herself and blasted away three ogres in quick succession. She rushed to Zelena's side, almost falling off of Max to do so. It wasn't until Hades arrived in a flurry of blue smoke that they managed to defeat the last of the ogres.

"What the hell were those things?" Zelena asked as they checked on the rest of their teams. Luckily, no one had died but their healers would be kept busy for a long time.

"Ogres." Hades answered, checking the redhead to make sure she was okay. Her sister and Elphaba had long since separated in a very horrible and angry way. The green skinned witch hadn't been seen since except for small attacks on people known to hurt and abuse Animals. Zelena had tried to make things work but in the end decided to break up with Elphaba and pursue a relationship with Hades, one that was working well so far. The god even "degreenified" Zelena so she no longer had to hide herself.

But back to the present situation. No one seemed to be gravely injured and no lives had been lost in the battle. Regina checked on her team and made sure everyone was okay. "What happened?"

"Godric sent us to patrol near here and these things attacked us." Zelena said. "They just came out of nowhere."

"Ogres aren't native to this world." Regina said. "There must be a portal or something near here-"

"Regina, look out!" Zelena yelled.

Regina turned around and instinctively raised a shield around herself. The ogre that had come out of nowhere slammed his fist into the shield and sent her flying. She landed hard on her shoulder and rolled for several feet, effectively knocking the air out of her lungs. She got back to her feet as more of them roared into the clearing. She threw a few fireballs, struggling not to hold her wounded arm. One of the ogres broke through their line of defense and she drew her sword, letting out a sonic blast that made the beast stumble backwards. It was all she needed to launch the sword like a missile, hitting it right in the heart. As the rest fell, silence reigned around the clearing.

Zelena examined some kind of tear in the air itself. "A portal. A powerful one, but...something's off about it."

"It's strong but in terms of opening its pretty weak." Regina added.

"Can you imagine if it opened fully and all of those monsters came pouring out?"

"Yeah, but personally I don't want to think about it." Regina sighed. "We wouldn't stand a chance." she healed her arm and signaled to Hades and the other spellcasters. "We need to seal it until we can get Godric down here to look at things." It required nearly the rest of their magic to complete the task, but once it was done they wasted no time heading back to the academy base. Zelena and Regina took their report straight to Godric. They found him in his office, looking over some papers and scrolls. He seemed extremely concerned when they told him the news.

"That means whoever created the portal has a lot of strength to power it, but no direction. Someone is trying to get to this world."

"Who would go through this much trouble?" Zelena asked. "And why bring ogres?"

"I could ask Mal. Ogres are usually native to the Enchanted Forest. I don't know about the other worlds." Regina offered. "If something is happening over there, she'll know about it."

Godric nodded. "Send 200 of our soldiers and 300 of our spellcasters to the portal. I want it sealed twice and an army waiting in case it breaks. Regina, you're gonna have to instruct them on the best ways to kill these things."

Regina dipped her head. "Of course, Godric."

"Good work, the two of you. You and your teams can have the next 2 days off. You're dismissed."

The sisters sent out Godric's commands and soon returned to their mansion for much needed rest and relaxation. Late that night Regina contacted Mal through a mirror and the dragon was quick to answer.

"Regina, dear, it's not our usual time. Ready to be devoured by a dragon already?" The blonde smirked.

"Another time perhaps." Regina said. "I need some information. On ogres. Any activity from your end?"

"Hmm." There was a long pause from the dragon. "They're amassing in the south woods." She said finally. "I go out every morning and destroy hundreds near my border but their numbers double every night. Ogres have no direction, no leaders, no alphas. Someone is commanding them, I'll bet. It's the only thing that makes sense."

"Ogres came here, through a portal." Regina said.

"An ogre army to attack Oz? My, you're going to be busy." Maleficent chuckled.

"What is my mother up to?"

Mal shrugged. "Don't rightly know. No one has seen her since you and your friends came and made her look like a fool. I wouldn't bet all of my gold on her being the cause of this. At least, she's probably not the only one behind it. The Dark One's been quiet as well. Too quiet for him."

"So, what do you suggest?"

"Me? I would assume these ogres are meant to attack Oz and cut them off at the source. Find what or who commands them and destroy it. The ogres won't be able to function properly without it."

"That would require going back to the Enchanted Forest and even if we did, you said there is an army of those things there."

"Then you have a problem."

Regina sighed. "You can't go cut them down? You're a dragon. Ancient and powerful."

"One that can still die." Came the reply. "Will that be all?"

"Yes. Keep me posted, please."

Mal dipped her head and blinked out of existence. Regina relayed the news to Zelena, who was up as well.

"Damn. Good bye peace." Zelena said. "It was nice knowing you. Hello war." She walked into the kitchen and poured herself some wine. "What are we going to do?"

Regina shrugged as she sat down. "I don't know. I suppose we tell Godric the news and let him decide our next move."

"We're going to have to do something besides sit here. We should be rallying the people, preparing them for what's to come."

"Causing a panic will only make things worse. We need a real plan." The two spent the rest of the night formulating a list of ways to protect as many Ozians as possible. The Emerald City would have to take in a lot of people and everyone in the western and southern lands would probably need to evacuate. The following day was spent sleeping or relaxing as well. The next, they went back to Godric for instruction on how to prepare for the imminent threat of attack. When Regina told him what Mal had proclaimed, the sorcerer went silent as he pondered this new information.

"We've discussed it." Zelena said, gaining his attention. "Send us back to the Enchanted Forest and let us deal with this problem. If our mother is behind it then it's our fault."

"I'm not sending you two to your deaths."

"And you can't force people to accompany us." Regina cut in. "Mal said to take out what's controlling them. It shouldn't be too hard to find. Oz is our home and deserves every ounce of our abilities to make it safe."

"You two aren't done." Godric rose to his feet and looked between them. "Your time in Oz is far from over. I won't send you on a suicide mission because you think your mother might be behind an attack."

"What more proof do you need?" Zelena demanded. "A written confession?"

"I need time to think." He snapped. "And to contact allies. Report back to me in three days."

Regina scowled as they exited the office. Outside in the hall, Rafe and Hades were waiting for them. "What happened?" Hades asked, looking at Zelena with concern.

"Godric won't budge until he has a second opinion." Zelena said, entering his arms with a sigh.

"He denied your request to go to the Enchanted Forest?"

"Yes. For now."

"Enchanted Forest?" Rafe grabbed Regina's arm. "You're not going back there, are you?"

"If I have a choice, then yes. I'm not gonna let someone send us an ogre army for a gift. 90% of Oz doesn't even know what an ogre is, much less how to kill one. We'd be overrun in a matter of hours." She replied.

"I'll come with you." He said.

"No. If it comes down to it, we need you here. You're the best warrior we have and our best general." Regina shrugged off his arm. "Thank you anyway."

"Regina." He said gruffly, making her turn back around. "We need to talk."

"About the ogres?"

"No, about...something else."

Regina shook her head. "I need to eat something first. I'm starving." She turned to head to the kitchens, the big warrior following right behind her. The cafeteria here was different than the one at Shiz. This one didn't have set times or class periods for meals and students were coming and going at all times of the day. Regina smirked to herself. It was strange to continue to think of herself as a student being almost 26 years old now. She got herself a wrap platter, one like she and Zelena had on the day they bought Fate all those years ago. She sat down and Rafe sat across from her. "What is it?"

"I wanted to see...if there was anyone in your life right now." He said slowly. "Besides your family, that is."

"Rafe, I told you." She sighed. "I'm just not in the mood to be courted." They had dated a while back in Shiz but Regina had never wanted anything permanent. She just wanted to be a teenager and that involved exploring her options. True she was older now, but Rafe was one of her best friends.

"Regina, I would like another chance."

"I know, but...not right now." She went back to eating and he got up and left.

"You two okay?" Zelena asked, sitting next to her sister.

"Just fine." She shrugged.

"Sure you are. What does he want?"

"To court me. I told him I'm just not in the mood for it."

Zelena sighed and hugged her sister from behind. "You're gonna have to find love somewhere, my dear. I do want some nieces and nephews."

"As do I." Regina smirked. "Let's end our little war first."

They both looked up as a young man in black and red armor approached, saluting the pair of team leaders. "Godric has summoned you to the battle chamber."

Regina and Zelena both quickly rushed to answer the call. They arrived at the battle chamber in record time. The other members of their band had been gathered as well.

"I've given it thought." Godric said. "You're right. We can't contain the tear in the worlds from our side. We need to destroy it at its source. Regina, Zelena, you two will each lead teams to the Enchanted Forest to destroy whoever is causing this. For the good of Oz. I can spare 300 foot soldiers and spearmen and 200 archers."

"It won't be enough." Regina said. "Mal said that the ogre numbers are in the hundreds and double every night. She kills hundreds every day but it does no good. What can we do that a dragon can't?"

"Then you need more dragons."

"What?" Regina frowned. The ground suddenly started shaking and Godric waved his hand, opening the great balcony nearby as the massive winged serpent landed on it. Radiating with power and strength, it was a sight to behold. Regina's jaw dropped as the black dragon lowered its head, the light from the fires around her dancing across the metal plate on its head.

"We have dragons?" Zelena exclaimed.

"Indeed. To the east. They live underground and are only allowed to come out once every 100 years to feed. Why not let them dine on ogre flesh?" Godric chuckled. "Children, say hello to your history teacher, , and go get ready."

"Ready for what?" Regina asked.

"To learn how to ride a dragon."


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