Well...here's a somewhat rushed update, hope you guys like it! I'm sorry!


Tony relaxed all previous signs of being tense disappearing as AC/DC 'Back In Black' blared over the lab's speakers. Tony still couldn't help but wonder why the others kept trying so harm to touch his back, he knew he shouldn't be surprised considering they weren't like him but that didn't stop him from wishing they'd stop getting so damn close to his wings.

Honey Bears Protective embrace

It started early that morning when Tony had finally come up from the lab, just as Clint finished telling the others what Tony told him last night about them all trying to touch his back. Tony walked into the kitchen practically beaming at everything around him. After hearing what had happened between Tony and Clint the previous night, the team expected Tony to try and avoid them not come to them while smiling.

"Uh...Tony? You okay man?" Clint asked after a few minutes had passed by while staring at Tony oddly. As a matter of fact, everyone was staring at Tony oddly.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Tony asked still smiling, thus creeping Clint out.

"Right...I'm just gonna...yeah." Clint shuddered and quickly walked out of the Kitchen to go back to his room. Maybe he just needs a few more hours of sleep...

Tony just watched Clint leave before shrugging and turning back to the coffee machine to get a cup, and deliberately ignoring how everyone was still watching him.

Everybody turned to look at Coulson, besides Bruce who shrugged and decided to go back to reading the newspaper and calmly sipping his tea. Whenever Coulson was around and Tony did something...odd...the team would always turn to him to deal with it unless Pepper was nearby. Coulson wasn't sure why the other's deemed he was the one most suited to deal with one of Tony's odd moments.

"Stark." Tony hummed showing he was listening, "Why are you...acting so...odd?"

"Odd how?"

Coulson wasn't really sure how to respond to that without seeming like he trying to insult Tony so he didn't respond at all. Tony chuckled and turned back around, the others watched as his wings swayed happily.

Finally, after another minute or two Tony turned and walked out calling over his shoulder, "I'll be down in the lab!"

Staring at one another none of them had any idea what to say, and since when did Tony ever tell them where he was going?

It was about two hours later while they were all lounging around on the common floor (which just so happened to be the same floor that held Tony's kitchen) that the elevator suddenly beeped loudly letting them know that someone was coming up. At first, they thought it would be Tony coming up from his lab, or maybe Pepper coming to see how they were all doing or to see Tony. It was neither.

Instead, the doors opened and a tall black man who held himself confidently walking out onto the floor. Immediately Clint, Thor, Steve and even Bruce had risen to their feet warily staring at this stranger. Coulson and Natasha simply waited until the man walked towards them before they each shook his hand briefly and Natasha nodded at him.

"Wait, Nat, you two know him?" Clint asked in a somewhat accusatory tone.

"We've met." was all Natasha said before returning to her seat but keeping an eye on them.

"Meet Col. James Rhodes," Coulson said facing the team, "He's a friend of Stark's."

The team eyed Tony's supposed friend, they quickly looked to his wings to see what the man could possibly be hiding beneath his calm attitude but only saw his wings were an ashen grey with red, gold and brown strips near the edges of his feathers. They gave nothing away other than how they twitched slightly the longer the team continued to stare at him.

"Call me Rhodey," The man, Rhodey smiled pleasantly.

They all watched as Tony's wing closest to Rhodey snapped out to the side, shielding Rhodey from the team's gaze. What surprised them was how Rhodey's wings curled into Tony's and rested lightly on Tony's head.

They were both shielding one another on all sides.

"Well..." Tony clapped his hands together successfully shattering the silence that surrounded them, "Honeybear and I are going to be down in the lab. If you need us, don't."

As the two of them turned to leave the room, Rhodey's wings slowly unfurled and casually nudged against Tony's stiff ones every so often, eventually causing them to slowly loosen up as well.

"Friend Rhodes and Stark seem to be close with one another," Thor said, grinning at the doorway both men had once stood in.

Steve, however, looked to the others in confusion and said, "Honeybear?"

Wow...it's been a while since I've updated my stories.

I hope you guys enjoyed the update!


Phil Coulson: light brown with white and grey lines, roughly 8.5 ft.

Nick Fury: light grey with two white lines through it, they were 9ft.

Bruce Banner: dark brown fading into green tips, an average 8ft.

Steve Roger: white with red and blue strips and very light grey dusting the tips, and 11ft.

Clint Barton: dirty blonde like his hair, there was purple lines through his, and 8ft.

Natasha Romanoff: dark brown wings with the blood red tips, and 7ft.

Thor: a bright yellow with soft brown tips, and 13ft.

Tony Stark: black with red/gold at the end and a few random sliver streaks AND ARE 18FT.

James "Rhodey" Rhodes: Ashen grey with red, gold and brown strips near the edges of his feathers.