Disclaimer: I own nothing, though I wish I did ;-)

Note: I've updated this chapter to account for spelling errors.

Chapter 1: 1 Girl for 10 Aurors

They had chosen the Great Hall at Hogwarts as the most neutral place to negotiate the prisoner exchange now it was just a matter of details. The atmosphere was naturally tense as Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore sat there across from one another, flanked by several of their most loyal supporters. Severus observed his mentor turned enemy with open distaste as the old man read, read and reread the prisoner exchange contract before him. He did it so as to cover up his growing feeling of anxiety that Dumbledore wouldn't agree to it. What he was asking for was bold, perhaps even telling, but it had to be done – he had to have her. She was the most important piece of the puzzle and after several long years he was more than ready for her, he was so close to victory he could almost taste it – Severus knew he must be even more careful now.

Two years had passed since Potter and Voldemort had destroyed themselves in a battle that had even put Severus' hair on end, and yet the war continued. Albus had continued on as the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, but he had never quite been the same after that. It could have been grief, the dark curse spreading from his withered hand through his body. . . . age. Whatever the case, his old master had become petty, obsessed, angry and above all dangerous. With that the numbers fighting for the Order had begun to dwindle. Without their cover boy, it was becoming harder and harder for Dumbledore to attract and keep people fighting for their cause. Though annoyingly they were still putting up an organized resistance, dragging this out longer than it had to be.

For his part Severus had become the new Dark Lord, though 'My Lord' was what he preferred to be called. It had been thrust upon him in a way, but he did not shy away from his duties. He was born to lead, the role was a natural fit. He had tried to reason with Albus in the beginning, tell him it was a unique opportunity to change the culture of the Death Eaters, to eventually decrease the anti-Muggle religious fervor that Voldemort had created and promote a healthy practice of the Dark Arts for those who wanted to practice them. However, the old man would hear nothing of it, had spat and cursed at him and had Severus removed from his sight. Thus Severus had taken his place as head of the Death Eaters, and had been surprisingly successful in changing them towards another focus – a religion with no name but that could be traced to the beginning of wizarding kind. It promoted balance in the practice of magic – the good with the bad – so to say and it upheld the belief that those with non-magical parents were enormously powerful because they were aware of their powers in an uncultivated environment. It posited that they breathed life and diversity into the wizarding community – while Severus himself believed this, it had been a challenge to convert the Death Eater masses. No matter, they will see for themselves once I have her.

Finally satisfied that there was no trickery written into the contract, Albus signed it with a quick scribble of his quill and Severus almost visibly relaxed. Maintaining his composure he signed the paper as well watched the contract curl up, duplicate itself and land gently in front of both men. Severus had no intention of lingering there was much to be done, he pushed his chair back from the large mahogany table between them, stood up and turned to leave as Albus said, "Why her Severus? Why Hermione Granger? 1 girl in exchange for 10 Aurors. . . ."

He turned back toward his former mentor, eyebrow raised, assessing the old wizard's face. The old man had a weary look on his face mixed with a particular mistrust that had been his fashion as of late. How dare you speak of her in that way, as if she has no value. . . chattel to acquire and sell at will. It had disgusted Severus that Albus would want to hand her over for a couple of Aurors, who were not particularly skilled in any way – but who was he to complain when he was getting exactly what he wanted. Manipulation was a key trait to a slytherin and he had played Dumbledore for a fool. It will be better to lie to him, Severus told himself as he paused dramatically. Something he is more than willing to believe will be best.

"I like them young and fresh Albus. I do hope for her sake she is a virgin, it will make her blood even more sweet to the taste." Severus hated this sentiment and shuddered at the thought of what he had said, but throwing Dumbledore off of the scent of what he had planned was much more important. The old man was more than willing to believe that nothing had changed since Voldemort's more than timely demise, he smirked internally at this notion. He was rewarded by a scowl on the older wizard's face. "Oh. . . . give her this." He threw a small white lamb's wool dress on the table in front of Albus, "She should come to me with only her wand – no other personal possessions. She won't last long enough to enjoy them."

Albus picked up the dress, mumbling something as he often did to himself and turned to exit the Great Hall. Severus watched him leave, then let out a sigh of relief. He knew deep down that this feeling of relief would be temporary, there was much to prepare in the next 6 hours. . . the ritual had to be perfect. He would need to mentally prepare himself for the things he must do and hoped that she would eventually learn to forgive him for these acts– for if he didn't act now she would be lost to him forever.