
I've always wonder if they even exist. Some say it's an urban legend, others say that they are real. Sometimes I even wonder if aliens exist. Growing up, I would see pictures and movies of aliens(only to know that actors wear the costumes.) but there is some pictures I saw back in the day when a UFO crashed outside of Roswell, NM in 1947, or a supposed UFO sightings over Russia, Ukraine, Germany, or in some parts of the world. What was it really? The real thing, or just mumbo jumbo that the government made up just to get us to believe those theories. 18 years ago, my dad named Dutch took a team of Elite militia to the jungles of Val Verde, Guatemala to find the Prime minister and his aide that the rebel guerrillas took while they were flying over their territory. Little do they know that they entered into the hunting zone of an unknown creature that hunts for sport. One by one the invisible creature(dubbed as 'El Diablo.') killed every single member of my dad's rescue team including his old friend, Dillon. For some reason it spared my mother, Anna. The creature saved my dad for last and had a show down in the jungle with my dad as the victor. However the creature activated its destructive bomb and destroyed about a good 20 acres of the forest, my dad survived the explosion but got radiation sickness from the bomb that he was taken to a hospital for recovery. My mother survived as well and she and my dad kept this encounter as a secret. Leaving me to wonder if aliens are real? Every night I would look up at the sky and wondered if aliens are real? I kept dreaming and dreaming about what the aliens look like. Until one night...I met one.