Note: Ok Guys! It's my first time writing a Clarence Fanfic.

It's an adaption from a British-Jamaican Novel called "FACE" from the Jamaican Writer Benjamin Zephaniah…I decide to re-write the novel in Clarence Version.

I Think it's looks great…I don't know u_u I Hope you like it! :)

Warning: Contains Clarence x OC Couple, Medicine language, Alternative Universe (High School Period and 80's time of course xD) and a bit of Bullying

Genre: Romance, Friendship, Drama, Hurt/Comfort.

Probably I put some of the Cartoon Show Characters and Novel Characters too!

Well…Let's get start it! xD

Chapter 1: The Gang of Three.

The last minutes of the last lesson of the last day of term were tricking away, and Clarence could not wait to be set free. The minutes dragged on as Mr Lincoln, the formal tutor, lectured the class on using holiday time constructively, not giving the school a bad name staying safe.

-Remember all that we talked about in Drug Awareness Week-He said-And don't go giving your parents a nervous breakdown-

Clarence raised his hand to get the teacher's attention. He had his "Up to no good" look on his face and everyone in the class knew it. –Sir, have you got any advice on Holiday sex?-

The whole class burst into uncontrollable laughter and Clarence stood up, turned and bowed to the class like an actor takes a bow at the theatre.

-QUIET-Mr Lincoln shouted at the top of his voice-Sit down, Clarence, and take that grin off your face-

Mr Lincoln surveyed the class as if it were his domain –While you are out there having fun, take time to consider the fact that next term will be your last in this year-He said-So now you have time to should seriously begin to consider what type of employment or further education you will be seeking. I suggest that you don't waste this holiday period. Talk to your parents, read up on your option and remember there is no reason why you can't use some of the time for study-

-STUDY!-Came a cry from someone back.

-Yes, Study-

Now it was Jeff's turn –Sir, I thought that holidays were for holiday's? If we have to think about work and school stuff in the holidays, then it's note a holiday, is it?-

-That's right-Sumo added-Holidays are not for working, Holidays are for not working-

-Education never ceases-Mr Lincoln replied as the electronic bell rang out all around the school. There was no "Goodbye Sirs", just a mad rush from everyone to grab their belongings and escape as if there were some emergency. Even Mr Lincoln seemed relieved that school was over for a while. But as each member of his class raced past him, he looked lonely and neglected, slowly packing his books into his old leather briefcase.

Outside the school, crowds gathered. Meetings, raves and parties were planned. Pupils split into their various groups and gangs. Sometimes at the end of school day, fights would happened, but not today –Today it was cool- Even the Big 6 Posse, the most respected and feared school gang in the whole of Aberdale, were celebrating, practicing dance moves and wishing "Peace and Luv" to everyone in sight.

One of Clarence's best friends was Sumo, but in school Mr Lincoln insisted that Clarence sat in the front row and Sumo at the back. Even so, they still managed to cause trouble and entertain the class. In other lessons they would be in the same class as Jeff, who was the laid back third member of the gang. They called themselves "The Gang of Three". Together you could feel them planning the defeat of order.

In truth the Gang of Three was just a name they called themselves; to others they were simply known as Clarence and his Mates –Jeff the quiet one and Sumo the silly one- But the three did have a reputation for mischief making and playing tricks.

Almost every page of Clarence's school reports said that he could do better but that he needed to pay more attention. Clarence saw the school as somewhere he went because he had to do by law, so the least he could do while he was there was to have some fun.

The three also had a reputation for chasing girls, Sumo and Jeff were free and single and Clarence was going out with Sophie (Author: My OC). But that didn't stop the three of them from admiring the scenery.

What they called the scenery were the cars and the girls. Fast cars or cars that sounded fast were greeted with a collective "Corrr" and girls were greeted with "Hey", "Look at her", "Come 'ere" and the occasional whistle. Sumo and Jeff never found a girlfriend this way buy they still insisted on using this tactic. On this particular afternoon Sumo's eye was caught by Chelsea from year 11. She was now 16 years old, and a bit taller than him.

Sumo whistled to her and shouted so that everyone could hear –Come 'ere, Chelsea baby, and give us a kiss goodbye-

She walked straight up to him and looked down on him and said –I'm here boy, let's do it-

Sumo was shocked.

-OK, You start it-he spluttered

-What, do you want me to start without you?-

Laugther burst out as spectators gathered around, all waiting to see the action. Chelsea stood towering above Sumo like a gladiator. Sumo got himself into more trouble every time he spoke.

-I tell ya what, close yu eyes and I'll start-

-Close me eyes. What's the matter, boy? Don't you want me to see you? Look, everyone else is watching, I wanna see too!-

The laughter got louder and now the crowd, girls and boys, started to shout encouragement.

-Do it, man, and do it good!-

-Teach him a lesson, girl!-

-Come on, Sumo…show us how it's done-

-Give her one for me-

Even Chelsea cracked a smile when one of her best friends shouted –Don't hurt him, have mercy upon his lips, for he is young and fragile-

-All right-Sumo got serious-Bend down and let's do the business-

As Chelsea bent down towards him, Sumo squeezed his eyes shut, every muscle of his face tensed. Chelsea put her hand under his chin and tilted his face towards the sky, the crowd sounding like supporters at a boxing match. Chelsea stuck out her tounge and unleashed it al over Sumo's forehead. (Author: Jajajaja…LOL xD)

The crowd roared with laughter. Sumo opened his eyes and shouted –I'll Kill you, Chelsea!- Chelsea ran off laughing and Sumo tried to give chase. As they ran over the playground it was ease to see Sumo was no match for her ability to dodge or her speed. She was a bit tall. He would take a multitude of steps for one of her strides.

That was the kind of thing that made Sumo funny. He was desperate to try and be like Clarence. He loved Clarence confidence and sense of trickery but most of his tricks would brackfire leaving him with egg –or saliva- on his face. Deep down he was a little unhappy about this.

Jeff was quite different. He liked a laugh but he was more cautious than the other two. Jeff could often be heard saying "What if we get caught?" or "I don't think it's a good idea" when the other two were in full swing. When the gang were up to mischief, Clarence and Sumo always complained that Jeff slowed them down. He was continually doing good deeds. Once when they were begin chased by the park kepper for doing high jumps over the tennis nets, Jeff actually stopped to return and old man's hat had blown off his head and was drifting by the wind. The other two stucked by him because he did like a bit of fun –And anyway, they had been the Gang of Three since primary school days-

Some people thought of Sophie as the fourth member of the Gang but she didn't. Sophie was her own person, and individual who just happened to be going out with this kid who thought he was a clever dick. Many of the girls in school had a lot of respect for Sophie because she would not allow anyone to push her around. She was a bit of judo expert and she had once been used in a hair commercial because of her Mediterranean look and her long black hair. She had been going out with Clarence for five months now, which was the longest Clarence had been out with anyone. Sophie loved Clarence's looks –His eyes, his shot blond hair- She knew that because Clarence had such a cute face, lots of other girls found him good-looking. He had the kind of face many actors and impressionists would dream of, able to mimic almost any person or animal and able to convey any emotion in a second. Sophie knew that he was aware of this gift and always use it to his advantage, but she also knew that looks weren't everything. Her friends thought she was bit mad for going out with him, but she renocked there was an intelligent person under all that front and that maybe one day she would get to him.

Sophie knew just how to deal with Clarence, when he tried to see how far he could go. Just five months ago,Amy who was in Year 9, really fancied Clarence. Clarence played it dangerously by sweet talking both of them at the same time. When Sophie heard about this, she arranged for both of them to confront him together. Clarence couldn't believe it. One dinner time they walked up to him in the playground and demanded that he decide who he really liked. He choose Sophie of course and Amy had hated the two of them ever since. But Sophie didn't leave it at that. Once Amy was out of the way, she made Clarence ask to forgiveness in front of all her friends and demanded that he bought her a Friendship Ring costing no less tan 10 dollars. That was Sophie's way.