Well you guys voted, and you wanted this one first. In this chapter, the Golden Trio battle the big boss Digimon that the Old Clock Shop Man told them about.


"Digimon attack"




Harry, Ron, and Hermione discussed the digimon they caught as they went to the location of the big boss digimon.

"Well our collection should be enough to fight them." Harry said.

"Well even if it isn't, we can always cover each other." Hermione said.

Soon, they saw the 3 digimon they had to fight.

They were Piedmon, Spinomon, and TyrantKabuterimon.

Piedmon is a Mega Level Virus Digimon that resembles an wicked clown with 4 swords that he carries on his back. He also acts like a magician, too.

Spinomon resembled a Spinosaurus. He was orange in color, but his underside was yellow. Where a Spinosaurus's fin would normally be, Spinomon had several sharp blades.

TyrantKabuterimon was a strange digimon that resembled some kind of bug. 4 orange wings were on his neck, and 4 more on his hips. 2 large wires and a spiked ball were attached to his hips, and a scorpion stinger was on the tip of his tail.

"Well well well what do we have here?" Piedmon sneered. "3 humans lost in digi-quartz. What a shame."

Harry would have replied if he didn't remember that digi-quartz affected a digimon's mind making act different from how they normally act.

"Spinomon! TyrantKabuterimon! Attack!" Piedmon commanded as the 3 mega level digimon attacked.

"Go!" Harry shouted as the trio summoned their partners. "I got Piedmon!"

"Spinomon is all mine!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Looks like that leaves TyrantKabuterimon for me." Ron said.

"GARURUMON!/NINJAMON!/HUCKMON!" the trio said as they raised the Fusion Loader up. "DIGIVOLVE!"




"Wolf Claw!" WereGarurumon intoned as he slashed at Piedmon.

"Trump Sword!" Piedmon intoned as he used two of his swords to block the attack. "Look behind you fuzzy!"

WereGarurumon looked behind him and saw two more swords coming at him. They struck before he could dodge.

"WereGarurumon!" Harry exclaimed.

"Relax kid." WereGarurumon said. "I'm not beaten yet. Garuru Kick!"

The blow knocked Piedmon back a bit.

"Not bad furball." Piedmon sneered. "But try this on for size! Toy Wonderness!"

Piedmon created a powerful gust of wind with a swipe of hs hand, knocking WereGarurumon to the ground.

"Say good bye you mangy beast!" Piedmon snarled. "Ending Snipe!"

Piedmon then unleashed a powerful electric attack from his hands. WereGarurumon was hit by the attack and it caused an explosion.

"Oh no!" Harry shouted.

Hermione was also having a tough time with Spinomon. MetalMamemon couldn't get close enough to land any powerful blows.

"Blue Prominence!" Spinomon intoned, and breathed blue fire onto MetalMamemon.

"Oh that is hot that is very hot!" MetalMamemon exclaimed.

SaviorHuckmon and Ron were actual doing well against TyrantKabuterimon. His Sting of Bee and Bee Cyclone attacks were easily countered by SaviorHuckmon's Meteor Flame attack.

"I don't see what the buzz is all about with you!" SaviorHuckmon quipped. "An exterminator could finish you!"

"You little…" TyrantKabuterimon growled.

"Eat this!" SaviorHuckmon shouted. "Rage Streit!"

SaviorHuckmon then skewered through TyrantKabuterimon from a flying kick posture with the blades on his feet.

TyrantKabuterimon was then absorbed into the Fusion Loader.

"Capture complete!" Ron said.

Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione were still struggling against their opponents.

"I got an idea." LadyDevimon said from the Fusion Loader. "Let me out and fuse me with Angewomon."

"I swear to Merlin if you try anything…" Harry warned, the events of this morning still on his mind.

"Just do it!" LadyDevimon shouted.

"Alright alright!" Harry replied. "LadyDevimon, reload!"

LadyDevimon appeared in WereGarurumon's place.


"Time to end these fools!"


"Let's end this quickly!"




Before them was a female digimon. One side of her was white with angel wings, and the other side was black with demon wings.

"Can we talk about this?" Piedmon whimpered.

"Oblivion Wing!" Mastemon intoned, and she created a transparent violet sphere in front of her, with blue electricity-like energy in it. She then shot a violet beam of energy at the two digimon. Piedmon went into Harry's Fusion Loader and Spinomon went into Hermione's Fusion Loader.

"Capture complete!" the two of them said as Mastemon split up into LadyDevimon and Angewomon. Both went into Harry's Fusion Loader.

"I think we went far enough today." Harry said.

"Yeah, let's get back to my place." Ron said.

"Time Shift!" the trio said, and they went back to the burrow.

Sorry it's so short! But you got to admit, Mastemon making an appearance was pretty cool eh?

Anyway, this story has reached 5 chapters. Next up is "Courtney 10 and Albedody". Kind of surprising really, but I bet you guys want them to get their respective matrixes huh?

Well, I'll see you guys soon!