Sitting in the waiting room, Arizona is nervously checking her phone every few minutes. She is not really expecting a call or text, but she wouldn't be opposed to the distraction. She made this appointment two weeks ago after the dinner party from hell. Although she had been planning to do it for months, that night made her realize there was no reason to wait. She's ready to move on with her life and this is the next step, but now sitting here alone, she can't help but think of a hundred reasons that this is not a good idea. Nervously, she closes her eyes and thinks about it, knowing that in her heart that she wants this more than anything.

"Arizona Robbins," the nurse calls out.

The blonde stands up and slips her phone into her bag and follows her through the door.

"Arizona, it's been two years since we last saw you." Dr Samson says glancing through the file.

"Yes," she squeaks out. Then clearing her throat she repeats, "Yes, Dr Samson."

"I see that you are single now and that you are a certified Fetal Surgeon? I didn't realize we had one here in Seattle, that is fantastic." Dr Samson says smiling at the blonde.

"I am double board certified now in Pediatrics and Fetal Medicine," Arizona clarifies nervously.

"What an accomplishment! Well, I see that you've been seeing Dr Dawson and I have her letter of recommendation that she agrees that you're ready to try again." Dr Samson continues as she goes through the file. "It looks like everything is in order, let's talk about donors."

"I have narrowed it down to five, just like last time. And I'd like you to review them and help determine the best match." Arizona replies.

"Of course." Dr Samson says, then looking up she smiles and adds, "Arizona, I think it's great that you've decided to try again. Now, I'll get back to you in the next few days. The nurse is going to give you the kit and prescription. I suggest that you start the injections as soon as possible, there's no reason to wait. Do you have any questions?" Dr Sampson asks.

"Uh, no." Arizona replies hesitantly.

"Are you sure?" Dr Samson asks.

"Yes, I'm sure. I just, it's good. I don't want to wait. Uh, thank you Dr Samson." Arizona says standing to leave.

"Call me if you have anything comes up, okay?" Dr Samson says as she leaves.

Sitting in her office, Arizona looks through everything and then takes it and sets it up in her bathroom. She isn't ready to tell anyone yet, although she really wants to tell April, she's nervous about telling anyone at the hospital. So far the only person that she's spoken with about this besides Dr Dawson is her Mom.

Barbara isn't used to keeping secrets from her husband, but Arizona was adamant that she wasn't ready to tell her Dad that she's trying to get pregnant on her own. He was so disappointed with her after the divorce, that she can't bear to disappoint him again. Nothing she could say to her daughter could convince her that she's not disappointed him, he's just worried about her.

How could either of them be disappointed by this child that they raised, who is now a brilliant surgeon, double board certified in two challenging fields? And the irony isn't lost on Barbara that she begged her daughter not to go into the military to be a doctor. And Barbara remembers how thrilled she was when Arizona announced her Pediatric Fellowship, Peds surgeons don't go to war, she reminded Daniel. And he had to admit that he too was relieved when she moved to Seattle and got her own department so young. "She's going to be safe and happy there." They told themselves proudly. And now their daughter has survived a car wreck, a shooting and a plane crash.

"Honey?" Daniel says concerned when he sees his wife sitting at the table with the phone in front of her looking off into the yard.

"Oh, I was just thinking of calling Arizona." She admits to him.

"It's lunchtime there, is she expecting you to call?" He asks carefully. He's pretty sure that something is up between the two women. He's noticed that his wife has been distracted lately and dropping hints about wanting to visit Arizona to see her new place.

"Not really. But I know she had a meeting this morning that she was worried about, so I just wanted to call and see how it went." She carefully explains to him.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on or do I have to wait to find out?" He asks abruptly sitting down at the table and taking her hand.

"She's not ready for you to know. But it's good. Potentially really good news," Barbara replies.

"Then why do you look so worried about it?" Daniel asks.

"It's big news, so I'm a little worried." She admits.

"Maybe it's time that we sell this place and just move out there. There's a base out there, I can get consulting work there as easily as here." He points out.

"Daniel, let's call a realtor and find out what we need to do to put the house on the market." Barbara replies quickly latching onto his suggestion.

Now Daniel knows that something big is up and he can guess what would make his wife this eager to sell the house and move, grandkids.

Arizona reads the email from her Mom and Dad again. They're talking about selling the house and moving to Seattle. She's surprised but actually relieved that they are considering it. It would be much easier to do this if they were here to help. She can't help but wonder if this means her Mom told her Dad what she's trying to do. She had hoped to wait until she was pregnant to tell him.

Sighing, she gets up and heads into the bathroom. She's eager to begin, but it seems to have thrown her cycle off and now she's still waiting for her period to begin so she begin the injections. The first time she tried this, she took the Clomid pills, but now that she's almost 40 she is trying FSH, and she has to admit that she's nervous about having to inject herself for 7 days but she's willing to do it, if it means she can get pregnant.

"Arizona, what's that?" April asks noticing the bandaid on her abdomen. They met for coffee and now they are changing in the locker room together.

"Ah, nothing." Arizona says quickly pulling her scrub top down hoping to end the conversation.

"What's going on? Are you sick?" April asks going over to her and pulling the top back up so that she can look at it. "That's a blood blister from an injection." She says firmly.

Meredith enters the locker room and glances at the two women. Arizona quickly pulls down top down and brushes April's hands away. She knows that Meredith went through these same injections and she doesn't want her to see it or she'll know what's going on and tell Callie.

"There's an open on-call room across the hall ladies," she says sarcastically.

"Funny, I was just looking at her…" April begins to explain.

"Weird mole, I have a weird mole and she was just looking at it for me." Arizona replies. "You're right April, I should totally have this checked out. I'll make an appointment with Dermatology." The blonde grabs her things and bolts from the locker room.

Now April is really suspicious. She follows the blonde out of the locker room and takes her arm. "What the hell was that about?" She asks, concern and worry all over her face.

Arizona looks up and down the hall before pulling April into the supply room and then looks around before she blurts out. "You cannot talk about this with anyone but me. Not even Jackson. Especially not Jackson." Arizona says firmly.

"Okay, well Jackson and I are barely talking Arizona, so that won't be a problem." April points out.

"I just started FSH injections. I'm trying to get pregnant." She confesses.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! That's fantastic." April exclaims excitedly. "Oh but…" she adds.

"Do not go there. There is about me and what I want, there is no 'but'." Arizona says firmly.

"Okay. Wow, you've decided to do this on your own? I can't believe that you haven't told me until now. Wait, is this why you went back to Dr Dawson?" April asks.

"Part of the reason, yes. I realized that I have spent the last two years struggling to accept the loss of my leg, the baby and Callie. And finally I just got to the point where I wanted to put it all behind me and really move on. That's when I realized that having a baby is more important to me than having girlfriend. April, I just turned 38 years old, if I'm going to do it, I need to do it now," she explains.

"Okay, well you don't have to do this alone. I'll help any way that I can. Okay?" April offers slipping an arm around her friend and hugging her.

Callie is walking out of the locker room checking her phone when she looks up and notices Arizona and April exiting the supply room together. Wondering what's up, she walks over to where Meredith is standing waiting for her interns. "What's that about?" She asks nodding towards them.

"I don't know. I interrupted something in the locker room, Arizona said April was checking a mole on her stomach. Do you think she's converted Kepner?" Meredith jokes.

"Uh, that is so not funny." Callie says walking off.

Alex walks up beside Meredith, "How was class this morning?"

"It was fine. Hey I need you to tell me when you're ready to give the Peds presentation. Arizona said that she only had time to do one on Fetal medicine." Meredith reminds him.

"Yeah, I know. She gave me her notes and slides. I just haven't had time to go through them yet." He grumbles.

"Okay, then meet me in the lab at lunch and we'll go through them together." Meredith suggests.

"I don't know if that will work today, but we can try tomorrow." He says glancing at his pager. "Um, I need to go, apparently Robbins is rounding on Peds today."

Arizona and Jo are heading into the next patient's room when Alex exits the stairwell. "Dr Robbins!" He calls out and she stops and turns.

"Hey Karev, you're late." She replies.

Jo hides a smile, she texted Alex as soon as Robbins showed up and began reviewing charts.

"I'm not late, because these are my patients. Rounds begin when I begin them. What are you doing?" He says pulling her aside.

"Look, I have a little time this morning and I just want to know what's going on in this department. You may be head of peds, but I'm Chief of Fetal and Maternal medicine, so technically they are my patients too." She reminds him.

"Look what's going on with you? Lately you're being all emotional and weird and this isn't you." He points out. Glancing at Jo for back up. Wilson shrugs, she's not going to get in the middle of this.

Ignoring him, she turns to Jo, "Wilson, next patient." And she head into the patient's room.

As the finish rounds, Arizona asks Jo to join her for rounds on her patients and Alex looks up confused, but nods to Jo to go ahead.

"Wilson, have you considered what your specialty is going to be? " Arizona asks.

"It's between Ortho and Peds. I really like Ortho, but I'm not sure Dr Torres wants me on her service. I asked her about the fellowship and she was really encouraging, but then I haven't been able to get back on her service." Wilson explains.

"If you want back on her service, then I suggest you tell her. I think she's under the impression that you've decided on Peds." Arizona points out to her.

"I love Peds, but here I'm worried that I'm just seen as Alex's girlfriend and I don't want to be that person." Jo explains.

"Then don't be that person Wilson." Arizona replies as they stop at the nurses' station and she takes the tablet from the charger.