===this is a M/M fic, reader is a transmale===

I have not written a smutty nor fluffy fanfic in a LONG time so be gentle senpai

if people dislike the use of a name then i might edit it as a '===' to allow people to picture their own name but for now, Chris it is!

Anyway Enjoy you dirty skeleton fuckers ;^)

[ Chap 1: What might happen when you realize you're attracted to a skeleton?]

Snow and angry wind shook around the small yellow cab, the heater almost wasn't enough seeing how it was outside.

You clutched a small cage covered in a blanket that contained your pet gecko, and your suitcase sitting next to you on the seat just as tight. "M-make a right on blizzard street, house number 420(blaze it)" You speak quietly but loud enough for the driver to hear.

You, a young man, just now turning 20, were headed for your new home. You never thought the day would come, you were excited but probably a little more anxious to tell the truth. You had lived with your mother for.. well your entire life! Through struggles and triumphs you both managed to live happily. But when your mother finally got re-married; things didn't go too well. In fact, they went quite bad.

Your step-father was stern and old-fashioned, believing anyone who was a second older than 18 should not be living with his parents. It didn't help that he didn't understand you being transgender either and in fact, tried to constantly tell you, you needed to see a doctor because 'something was wrong with you'. You downright, hated him. Even being on testosterone and having had top surgery earlier that year didn't change anything in his mind. He still didn't want to understand. It made you sick, and ultimately, that is what pushed you to finally make the move to your own place.

Well, to say 'your own place' was sort of exaggerating. You weren't even able to rent a one bedroom apartment with your low-ass salary and hell you really only wanted to find someone renting a room. But as luck turns out you found what you were looking for! Or at least you hoped. The ad was odd and silly to read: [I THE GREAT PAPYRUS AM RENTING A ROOM. SAID ROOM HAS A BED AND EXERCISE EQUIPMENT IN THE CORNER FOR HIS OR HER EXERCISING PLEASURE! HOME COOKED MEALS OF SPAGHETTI WILL BE PROVIDED! PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFO AND ASK FOR 'THE' GREAT PAPYRUS!] You called; wondering if it was a joke ad but despite the strange wording online, it was indeed a real ad! The price was very cheap too, probably because it was in the poorer side of the city and the room had especially been a storage room, but you didn't mind one bit.

Finally, the orange, rabbit-like monster wearing a checked cabbie hat turned back at you "Here we are Sir. House number: 420" The cab came to a halt.

Your eyes, almost as icy blue as the wind outside, squint to look out the window coated in a thin layer of ice. A cozy looking, 2-story home with warm yellow lights lit and welcoming was visible. You nervously glanced at the address one last time on the crumpled piece of paper just to be sure..

"Ah yes! T-thank you" You speak up and shuffle a hand in your coat's pocket before pulling out a 20 and 5 dollar bill, telling the rabbit he can keep the change as you hand it to him. He offers to help, but being as anxious as you already were, you shake your head. Though you kind of regret it after you stumble into the storm and out of the warmth.

Taking one glance back as the cab drives off in a huff of fog, you turn your attention to the house in front of you. It wasn't very big nor very small, but looked cozy. The look of it…fills you with determination.

You gulp, holding your small amount of belongings and step forward, fisting your gloved hand and hit your knuckles against the door.

'Thunk Thunk'

After a few moments of silence, you hear shuffling and finally the door literally SWUNG open. You jump back slightly and crane your neck to be able to fully look up at this 7 foot, VERY enthusiastic skeleton standing before you.


You start to almost wonder if this was a good idea, your heart pounded and you swore you were almost sweating in this freezing weather. But when you think about it, a loud skeleton was better than a mean step-father. You took in a shaky breath and nodded quickly. "Y-y-yeah that's me..!" You stutter in a nervous tone. "COME IN COME IN SMALL HUMAN!" He places a mitted hand excitedly on the back of your shoulder, gently ushering you in and taking your suit case. "THIS WAY TO THE ROOM YOU WISH TO INHABIT!" You hastily follow after his long strided movements and up the stairs, taking a glance at the hallway and décor that hung on it as you follow him. You remember him saying his older brother lived here with him, but you saw no sign of anyone else.


You were mid-stride, looking at a picture of a cute white dog on the wall when you hear a voice and bump into someone abruptly, nearly dropping the cage holding your gecko. " Whoa! O-oh crap sorry-" You instinctively look up, expecting to see the tall skeleton, but when you noticed him halfway down the hall and nowhere near you, you immediately flick your eyes down. A new skeleton had appeared and was standing in front of you. He was a LOT shorter than Mr Papyrus and he was grinning very widely, so wide that you almost felt uncomfortable.

"Hehe no sweat, kid. You alright?" He finally spoke, and his voice felt smooth, deep and gentle and for some reason it made you feel very calm.

You open your mouth to shyly reply but a loud voice boomed in, cutting you off. "AH! I SEE YOU HAVE MET MY BROTHER, SANS!" Papyrus strode over quickly, his face full of excitement. The shorter skeleton, Sans was it? Didn't seem at all phased by his brother's sudden loud voice. "BROTHER, THIS IS THE HUMAN WHO WISHES TO INHABIT THE SPARE ROOM! HIS NAME IS- UH.." He looked puzzled and laughed bashfully, leaning down all the way so he could 'whisper' in your ear. "SHORT HUMAN.. WHAT WAS YOUR NAME AGAIN?" Had you really not introduced yourself this entire time? You felt embarrassed. "Oh uh.. m-my name is Chris!" You try and smile, trying hard to hide how anxious you felt right now. It wasn't really them that made you anxious, you just generally had bad social anxiety even in your early childhood years. Your gender transition didn't help aid it at all and you slowly just became anti-social, trying to avoid people when you could help it.

"Nice to meet'cha Chris, let's hope I don't slip a disk"

Did he just make a pun? Did this short skeleton just make a freaking pun? You smile a bit wider and chuckle. "Please don't because things would turn rather brisk" You weren't too good with puns in any sort but Sans seemed amused nontheless because it got a chuckle out of him. You two were cut short when Papyrus jumped in eagerly. "NO TIME FOR PUNS, WE MUST MAKE HASTE CHRIS THE SHORT HUMAN" He almost drags you down the hallway before you can catch your footing and trot along with him quickly. The short skeleton followed behind you two, snickering quietly at the sight.

You enter the small but surprisingly comfortable looking room. The walls were painted a red and it had hard wooden floors. In one corner was the bed with a small night stand next to it, a Mettaton shaped lamp sitting atop it. A few large pillows and a soft looking blanket draped carefully over the bed. In the corner was the exercise pieces and equipment all jumbled together and an empty closet with a mirror on the door. "DOES THIS ROOM SUIT YOU, DEAR HUMAN?" You were smiling happily and nodded. "Yeah! I love it" You were suddenly not nervous at all and walked in further, placing your gecko's cage on your bed,removing the blanket covering it.

"OOO! HUMAN! WAS IS THAT SMALL CREATURE YOU POSSESS?" Papyrus nearly runs over and sans follows curiously. They both gather close to the glass tank, a small spotted gecko looked up at them nervously.

"That is my leopard gecko buddy, his name is Big Boss"

"Hehe a big name for a little gecko" Sans snickers and you do as well. "That was the idea" You wink and he grins.

"WHAT A CUTE THING IT IS" Papyrus seemed completely in awe at the small little critter. Maybe lizards weren't common pets to skeletons? Either way he seemed in love with it. How cute!

You watch the tall skeleton fawn, sparkly eyed, at the confused little critter for a few moments before you start to unpack your belongings.

"C'mon bro, lets' let the kid chill for a bit, aight?" Sans pats his younger brother who seems sad to say goodbye to the gecko but stands up fully and nods. "YES! OF COURSE! I THE GREAT PAPYRUS HOPE THAT YOU, SAID HUMAN, HAVE A GOOD TIME 'CHILLING!' " He smiles happily down at you, his enthusiastic attitude makes you smile just as wide. "I will , thank you!"

As they head out of the room, Papyrus turns again. "OH! BEFORE I FORGET! I WILL COOK SOMETHING ESPECIALLY DELICIOUS TONIGHT BECAUSE OF YOUR ARRIVAL! BE PREPARED FOR THE HOME COOKED MEAL OF A LIFE TIME, MADE BY I THE GREAT PAPYRUS" He holds a mitted hand against his chest proudly and you can hear sans chuckling behind him.

"SEE YOU SOON CHRIS THE SHORT HUMAN!" And with that he gingerly closed the door and the room became silent.

You finish unpacking relatively fast and decide to relax under the covers for awhile before dinner time."Maybe I'll take a short na-yawn-p.." Your words are muffled by a sign of tiredness and you only now realize how completely exhausted you were. … and with that, you fell asleep.

[Notes: I promise another chapter will be posted momentarily! I am just too tired to keep typing right now ahah! Stay tuned ;^)]