Hello people. This is my second fanfic, so I hope it's good.I'm a bit behind on fairy tail so this will take place after the Tenrou island incident. Criticism is appreciated. Unsure if Natsu and Lucy will be paired. Gajeel and Levy will be paired. Now that that's out of the way, let's see fairy tail kick some ass! Oh, and I probably should mention, I don't know Amestris's layout well so forgive me if something seems wrong.
Father's POV
This was going to be extremely difficult. To open a doorway forcefully and take that realms power. He could only imagine the fruit he will bear, or in this case, philosopher stones. "It's time." Father activated the transmutation circle.
"Father." A mysterious white figure stood before him. Truth. "That door was never meant to be opened by anyone of this world. The price will be extraordinary."
Father chuckled. "In case you have forgotten, I am a philosopher stone. I pay no price and I will become god!" A door appeared in between the two entities and started to open.
The door began to open and he could hear Truth yelling about the consequences. He simply ignored him as a white light engulfed the room.
Ed's POV
Dammed Mustang! Always criticising him and his height. Apparently there were no good assignments available so he has to just walk around Central and hope he finds something. Al ran up next to him and tried to calm his brother down. "Come on brother, It's been awhile since we had any time for ourselves."
Ed took a deep breath. "We don't have time with homunculi running around! Besides, what are we going to do?" Quit suddenly, the earth started shaking. "What the hell? There shouldn't even be earthquakes in Central!" Then it stopped as quickly as it started.
"What's going on brother?" Al asked.
"I don't know, but that was no ordinary earthquake."
Al pointed his finger at the sky. "That's not the end of it."
Ed looked up only to see… "A METEOR!?" He watched as the comet hit the far end of the city, the ware houses. "Me and my big mouth." The brothers sprinted to the crash sight.
Wendy's POV
What was going on? She and everyone were about to go on a job then… she was here. Her friends! Wendy quickly scanned the area to see that they were all here, just as confused.
"Wendy, are you okay?" She looked down to see Carla at her feet.
"Yes thankfully, where are we?"
Carla shook her head. "I honestly have no idea, but it seems everyone who was on Tenrou Island is here, except… master Makarov."
"Hello everyone." They all turned to see a small white figure speaking to them. Everyone got into battle stance. "Now, now, that won't be needed. I'm not here to hurt you, in fact, I'm here to help you."
That seemed to calm most people down, but not Natsu. "Why should we trust you!" Everyone seemed to agree with Natsu on this one.
"Because I'm your only way of getting back to your dimension." Everyone's eyes visibly widened.
Lucy spoke up. "Do you mean, we're in Edolas?"
The figure shook his head. "No, another one entirely." All the people in the room started panicking. "Let me explain." They all turned towards him in anticipation. "In this world there is no magic, but instead alchemy. A very powerful man used alchemy to rip you from your home and turn you into philosopher's stones."
Wendy ran this through her mind. "Does that mean everyone else-"
"Yes, they were all turned into stones." Everyone had a glum face.
"Alright." Natsu spoke up. "How do we get them back?"
Truth smiled "His head quarters are unknown, but as for turning them back," The entity turned towards Wendy. "Only one of you can do that."
Wendy could feel all the eyes on her. "Me? Why me?"
"Because, any normal person in a philosopher's stone dies, however you are not ordinary people. Your friends are all in an injured state in those stones so you must heal them to bring them back."
They all counted on her. She was scared but she can't let them down. "One more question." Gildarts said. "Is there anyone we can trust down there?"
He thought about that for a minute. "Fullmetal, don't trust anyone else in the government unless he does, oh, and you will all be separated throughout the country. Good by." Before anyone could object, they all blacked out.
Erza's POV
Erza opened her eyes. The images of the conversation with the white man came flooding through her mind. So, another world huh? At least this time she wasn't a giant lacrima at first. She grunted painfully, getting up and analyzing the situation. Judging by the sun, it was around noon and she appeared to be in the middle of the desert.
She suddenly heard something beneath her feet. Erza looked down to see Natsu snoring with happy on his chest beside Gray. So they arrived here with her. "Get up you boys!" The reaction was instant.
They both shot straight up, saluted her and shouted "Yes mam!"
"Good, there seems to be a city in the distance. We must make haste!" Erza started pulling on her giant cart of luggage.
Natsu's and Gray's jaws dropped. "Where did you even get that!" Shouted the ice wizard in disbelief.
"Onward!" Erza continued, changing into a red t-shirt with blue jeans with her requip magic.
Laxus's POV
The first thing he noticed was the incredible pain in his head. He looked around and saw he was in some sort of workshop next to Gildarts. "Ugg, what happened?"
He heard a door opening and saw some man covered in grease with a pretty nice mustache walk in. "I found your friend here carrying you across the wilderness with one leg and arm. I couldn't leave you in that kind of state." Laxus looked at his friend and saw that his metal limbs were missing. Must not have made the trip.
"If you're looking for new limbs, I'll direct you to the best mechanic in town." So they have prothstetics here to, that will come in handy.
"Thank you very much for your help, sir."
Lucy's POV
Lucy rubbed her head as she got up. That crazy exchange with that thing and the trip left her with multiple headaches. She suddenly remembered what was going on. The wizard scanned the room for anyone. In the beds next to her she saw Wendy with Carla, Cana, and Juvia. Wait, beds? Apparently they were in some kind of hospital room.
One of the doors opened. A short, old woman walked in. "I see you're awake, finally. Mind telling me why I found you girls in the middle of the forest on my walk?"
Lucy searched her mind frantically for an excuse. "Umm, well, you see…"
The old woman raised an eyebrow. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm Pinako."
The blonde sighed in relief. "I'm Lucy and this is Wendy, Cana, and Juvia. Thank you so much for your help."
"Don't mention it dear. Feel free to stay until your friends wake up. I have lunch in the kitchen if you'll join me."
Lucy shook her head. "No thank you. If I'm not here when one of them wakes up, well… one of us," she eyed Cana, "probably will panic and do something stupid." Pinako only laughed as she walked out the door.
Bickslow's POV
Bickslow shook his head, grunting at the discomfort. He heard coughing next to him and turned to see Evergreen. "You okay?" She nodded.
"Yes, but it seems we landed in the middle of a warehouse."
Bickslow smiled "well at least it broke our fall."
Evergreen scrunched up her face in agitation, what did he do? "This means someone probably noticed and is coming!" Oh, that explains it. He looked at freed, by his feet, still asleep. Hey that almost rhymed!
"But Freed is still asleep!"
"Then carry him!" Bickslow grumbled as he lifted his friend on his shoulder. They started running.
Gajeel's POV
Gajeel woke up with the feeling of something warm being pressed on his chest and cold everywhere else. He opened his eyes to see the bookworm on top of him. "So, you're awake." Gajeel looked up to see Pantherlily standing above his head.
He smirked, "Hey Levy!" The mage woke up flustered and used her hands to push herself up. Unfortunately, one of her hands was on Gajeel's face. "Down here shrimp."
Levy looked down and blushed bright red. He doubted it was because of the snow everywhere. "Sorry!" She got up and brushed herself off. "So, where are we."
Lily shrugged, "as far as I can tell, we are in the middle of a frozen tundra." Gajeel saw his cat sadden a bit, "kiwi's don't grow in snow."
Mirajane's POV
"Elfman, you're too injured to walk on your own." Mira told her brother.
"She's right." Lisanna encouraged "Let us help you." They have been dragging their brother through the street of some city, despite his protests.
"No! A real man would bear through the pain!"
"Elfman," Mira was using her scary voice, "You'll do as I say." The wizard paled, then slumped his shoulders in defeat. She switched back to her normal voice "good!"
"Do you need help?!" They all turned to a woman in a white dress and black hair in braids.
"Yes please, that would be nice." Lisanna told her.
"Come inside, I'll bring the first aid kit."
So that was the first chapter. I hope you'll like it. It was hard finding a different place for everyone, but I'm happy I did. If you think I can do anything better, please put it in the review. Enjoy!