Barry glared at the stubbled face in front of him, keeping his sarcastic remarks behind clenched teeth. 'Stupid Oliver and his stupid hero advice.'

The wheel chaired hero had been listening to Oliver's drivel for less than ten minutes but was already done with the man. If Barry could he was sure he would have gotten up and punched him but as it was he sat in his chair and gripped his dead legs to keep from lunging at him.

"Don't look at me like that Barry I know it seems like I'm being insensitive but you said he would be back and if you want to avoid being killed you need to understand what you did wrong-" Barry's eyes flashed with rage and the Arrow raised his hands apologetically at his wording.

"- or what his weaknesses are so that you can defeat him next time."

Still squeezing the life out of his leg Barry spoke with a carefully controlled voice even though he would rather be yelling.

"I don't know if you've noticed Oliver but it doesn't really seem like there's gonna be a next time BECAUSE I CAN'T FUCKING-"

Okay so he lost it a little bit but really it was Oliver's fault for wanting to turn this horrible mess into a training session I mean really? What the hell was he thinking?

Felicity, the only other person in the cortex, looked towards the two men, startled at Barry's yelling, and quickly rushed over. Laying a hand on both men's shoulders she bent down to their eye level and gave a smile with eyebrows raised.

"Everything okay here? Darling? Barry?"

The speedster was still red faced with anger and shook the hackers hand off with a twist of his wheels as he backed up and away from the two of them.

"Yeah, just fine, except Oliver here wants to use my traumatic experience as a training exercise. And it doesn't make you insensitive Oliver it makes you a dick." Still muttering to himself the scientist wheeled out of the room to go grumble by himself.

"What were you doing?" Felicity turned to her boyfriend with confusion and they both watched the Flash roll off as Oliver sighed.

"I was talking to him about his Zoom fight and how looking at the details of it would help us to learn more about him and possibly how to defeat him. I think Barry just saw it as another person telling him he wasn't good enough. I know he doesn't need another reminder of what happened, that wasn't what I was trying to do. I just wanted to give him a way to keep up the Zoom hunt but…"

Felicity scratched lightly at the nape of his neck in comfort. "I know honey, I just don't think he's really ready to talk about what happened yet, much less recount it in detail to someone else. We'll let him cool off and then we can talk to him."

Oliver nodded sullenly, still feeling guilty for making his friend so upset, and hugged Felicity around the waist as he pulled her onto his knee.

Barry rolled down the hallway of STAR Labs going over the conversation in his head and yelling at Oliver over and over in his mind just to get his anger out. It only added fuel to the fire and his arms pumped furiously as he spun his wheels and glided on the shiny floors till he found himself outside. They had switched him to a lighter wheelchair once they realized his legs weren't coming back anytime soon.

It had been two weeks and Barry couldn't live at STAR Labs and so Barry had to live at home with Joe and Iris. That, of course, meant Joe would have to carry Barry and his wheelchair upstairs every day because that's where his bedroom was. Barry didn't mind the lighter chair, he could go faster in it and it folded in the car when they drove.

Sitting under a tree outside the parking lot of the labs now, Barry rolled back and forth lightly, staring at his shoes. Oliver was his friend and he had thought he would have been nicer about this whole thing. Telling him that should focus on what he did wrong in the fight, as if it was his fault he was like this. Like he hadn't tried hard enough. Barry stopped his chair and put his face in his hands. It was his fault. He hadn't listened to anyone when they said he was being reckless and he hadn't been thinking. He had been arrogant and naïve to think he could stop a force like Zoom. And Linda had almost died because of it.

He supposed that Oliver pointing it out had made him so angry because he knew it was true but didn't want to see reason. And he had yelled at him. He was the dick. God, now he felt terrible. All his anger had left him and now he was just tired and embarrassed.

The beet faced boy didn't notice Caitlin's tapping footsteps approaching until she was standing in front of him.

"Hi Barry, enjoying the sunshine?" She had just gotten back from lunch and was holding a brown paper bag in one hand.

He only looked up at her briefly before looking at his lap again mumbling. She set her bags down and uncurled his hand from where it had been digging into his thigh and gave him an admonishing look as she smoothed his hand out. He hadn't even realized he'd been doing it that time. Dr Snow carefully massaged his palm and gave him a kind look. "What's wrong Barry?"

"I yelled at Oliver. And swore. And called him a dick." The doctor rose her eyebrows in surprise but kept kneading at his hand, focusing on the joints of his fingers and knuckles.


Barry flushed red again. "He tried to give me some advice and I took it the wrong way. I wasn't really mad at him anyway." He didn't say that he was angry at himself for being so stupid and for putting himself in the chair but Caitlin heard the silent words anyway. The woman was wise beyond her years and Barry could see it in her face as he gazed at her.

She looked at him with kind understanding eyes and stopped massaging his hand, holding it in her soft hand in comfort instead. "I'm sure he'll understand. Oliver can be surly and grizzly but he really does care about you Barry. Just go and apologize and he'll forgive you I'm sure."

She was still holding his hand and the Flash squeezed it with a smile. "Thanks Cait."

She smiled she wide her eyes crinkled and she let go of his hand so he could roll back inside.

Oliver was sitting at one of the computers with Felicity on his lap when Barry and Caitlin entered the cortex and Caitlin nudged Barry at the same time that Felicity cleared her throat at Oliver.

"I'm sorry." Both men spoke at the same time and Oliver quickly followed with an explanation when Barry paused.

"I shouldn't have brought that up and I'm sorry if it sounded like I was blaming you. That's not what I wanted to do at all."

Barry shook his head and rolled closer. "No, I'm sorry I overreacted. It was my fault and I was just feeling a bit sore about it but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm sorry I yelled."

Oliver smiled kindly.

"I forgive you Barry."

Barry smiled, feeling lighter and was grateful it was over quickly. The apology from Oliver had been a little surprising actually but maybe Felicity had made him do it. It's not that Barry thought Oliver to unkind but the green hooded Arrow was known for his blunt nature and the past few weeks he had been more careful, gentle even. Barry might have gotten annoyed at being babied but actually it was nice, Oliver wanted to take the effort to put his nature aside and be supportive of Barry. It was nice.

Caitlin moved past from her spot beside her favorite patient to put her brown paper bag on one of the desks. "Well now that all is forgiven, I have snacks. Chocolate croissants and don't worry Barry Cisco's coming back with pizza too.