Well, here we are for the second part of preparation while I try to think how this fight will go down. For now though, just a bit more things to get over with. Hope you all don't mind at all.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.
Chapter 11: Preparation Part 2
Pikachu was laying on the grass, going through thoughts on the fights. He never experienced fights like this to survive, and also learning to fight on his own without Ash.
"Are you okay, love?" he looked up and saw it was his mate, Sylveon.
"Yeah. Just trying to rack my head how to deal with the final round. Ash told us about what to expect."
"Yeah. I might end up having to actually fight on my own, just in case. He told me to fight with my own instincts."
She snuggled as he smiled.
"I know you will do great. Although, who would he pick."
"That I don't know."
He stared at the others as they sat down, playing or chatting.
"Sweetie, are you sure Ash will use you?" Butterfree asked.
"Yes. He knows I am one his strongest and his most reliable one. Plus the extra resistance training has helped me out to deal with my weaknesses."
The bug Pokemon went over to cuddle him.
"Just...be careful...I just don't want to lose you."
He smiled "You won't, love. I promise"
She snuggled close to him, smiling that her lover would be alright.
Mew was with the other Pokemon.
"I wish I could join this fight. It sounds so exciting!"
"I know Ash wants to, but the risk is too high. Especially with the way the Rockets are, they would capture you and use you on their experiments."
"I know...just wish I can join and fight."
"Keep your training up. You might jump in, eventually."
She nodded and sighed.
Kangaskhan was allowing the child to play with the others, all while chatting with Golduck and the others.
"So, has Ash decided how it will go?"
Golduck nodded "He already has made his choice. Just remember: Fight until your body can't take it. Pace yourself, and make sure we do what we can to make it through the day."
Snorlax agreed "I do think I might get involved, considering how much damage I can take."
Fearow smirked "Most likely me as well, since I tend to keep myself flying hard enough."
Magmar was looking up "Same here. I have gotten stronger the last time around."
Then came Muk "I do believe that Ash has faith in us that we will succeed."
"Yeah. Though he did say that the last opponents will be nothing but champions."
Pikachu then appeared with them "Yeah, but if we stick with the plan, I guarantee we will win this fight."
Bellosom arrived with a nervous look "I...I don't know if I can keep up with the champions though."
The fossil Pokemon patted the back of Bellosom as she looked at him "I have to say this though: Just push your efforts in all of this fight. Win or lose, it is better you pushed that fight then stand there and do nothing."
She nodded and smiled "Thank you."
He nodded and went to sit down, and thought "These youngsters are just looking for motivation." He looked at the others and nodded "I think they can make it. I have seen so much of my old friends fighting to survive. I am lucky and privileged to be given one more chance to live my life again. Even if the circumstances are strange to me."
Then they discussed more ideas on the awaiting battle.
Oak looked into the monitor and noticed the conversation going.
"It seems that they are interacting more than ever. Then again, it is the last round for Ash. I am proud he made it far, but I wonder if he can pull a trick up his sleeve in one last fight."
The door opened and saw Gary Oak coming in. He looked calm and passive. Carrying two cup of tea, he handed it to his grandfather.
"How are they?"
"They seem excited and a few of them are nervous."
"Well, it is the last round. And people are rooting for Ash."
He nodded and looked at his grandson. "Are you disappointed?"
HIs grandfather stared at his eyes and then sighed "It's….complicated."
He took a drink and nodded "You feel that Ash should have been sticking to a fair fight?"
"That is what I expected from him."
"Well….he did stick to the rules. Then again, he tends to be unorthodox in his tactics. But would you happen to do the same?"
Gary looked on the monitor and took a drink himself. The young man reflected and asked himself that question each time he fought out there. Would he be willing to do the same against other opponents? Of course he would.
"You are right, gramps. I would."
"I think Ash feels guilty of not giving you a fair fight, but he will eventually. In time. For now, let's cheer him on!"
He nodded "I owe Ash an apology."
Unknown location….
The masked man stared at the computer with the layout of the land. Then he pressed a button.
"Are all positions in place?"
"Yes sir! We are ready."
"Good! Make sure you keep an eye on the monitors for the signal. Once the signal is hit, you know what to do."
"Yes sir!"
Communication ended and then he took out his Pokeball.
"Destiny awaits us."
Orange Islands….
Ash looked at his Pokedex and began to ponder which Pokemon to use. He did his research enough to know which Pokemon the other three champions used.
He kept looking into the list until he heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me."
He recognized the female voice. He went up to open the door. Serena was waiting and she went to kiss his lips.
Ash was surprised by the kiss and just waited.
Once that ended, she smiled softly. "How are you doing, Ash?"
He smiled softly "I'm doing better now. What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to tell you that I recognized a Rocket Member on the tournament."
She nodded and looked around. She closed the door.
"It's one of the champions. It's Smith."
She nodded "He is one of the Rocket commanders. He is very dangerous in the fight. The reason why I know is that I used to work for him. He's ruthless and pushes his Pokemon to the limit. Just try to take care of yourself."
"Why not warn Lance about it?"
"I have a feeling that if we do, it might compromise the location of the Rockets. If they see him missing, it might cause them to go back into hiding."
"Right. I will do what I can to take care of him. Then have Lance to keep an eye on him after the fight."
She nodded. Then she looked at the television screen.
"I'm happy that you made it this far. Just try to keep your head up, and keep dodging the other champions, and you will make it. I believe in you."
He smiled softly as he kissed her lips. She smiled and kissed back. It has been a while since they spent time with each other.
Then the kiss ended as Serena looked at the time. "I have to go now. Stay safe, Ash."
He nodded as he saw the girl that he love, leaving. Once she was gone, he went to rest up.
The next day…
Ash already has his six Pokemon, ready to go. It was the toughest choice that he made, but he had faith that they will hang in there.
He wore a dark jumpsuit, with his equipment he needed for the last round.
"Please have all the contestants meet at the teleporter."
He went over and saw the other three champions. He saw Smith for a brief moment, and then the others. He nodded and went to the familiar teleporter platforms. They all got on their own teleporter.
"Destination Pummelo Island. This will be a six on six free for all. The trainer with the most Pokemon that is conscious will be the victor."
They were ready.
Then they were gone and the world watched.
To be continue….
A/N: Well guys and gals. This is it. Ash will face off against the other three champions. Hope you guys like it and see ya guys and gals later.