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Olivia opened her eyes to find the other side of her empty bed. She hated waking up like that. It was different if she opened her eyes to see the ceiling or the window next to her bed, but waking up to the vacant spot next to her always made her miss him more. The large bedroom felt even bigger without him there, making her feel so small compared to her position in this world. She rubbed her eyes before sitting up, looking away from the bed to squint into the sunshine streaming through the curtains. The sun was just rising of the city of D.C.

There was a knock on the door that told her the day was going to start out earlier than usual. Pulling on her robe, she hurried over to the door and opened it to find Frank. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Just wanted to make sure you were awake, Ma'am. Today is going to be a busy day." Frank said in his deep monotone that reminded her of Sylvester Stallone. He stood with his chest puffed out and an earpiece in his ear.

"Thank you, Frank. I'll start getting ready. Where's Aaron Prosser?" Olivia asked glancing down the hallway.

Frank checked his watch. "He should be arriving any moment, Ma'am."

Olivia nodded her head. "Give me twenty minutes." She hurried to her bathroom and started disrobing before hopping into the shower, taking in the heat of the hot water hitting her skin. She could almost feel her body getting ready for the day ahead. It was as if it was programmed at this point to get ready for anything that could tear her apart, internally or externally. She felt exhausted, but she always felt that way. It felt like she could never feel fully rested again, but this is the way she worked. This is what she prepared for her whole career, and it had been everything she had hoped for.

Olivia grinned seeing Jason and Frank thumb wrestling each other outside of her door. "Well, good morning, kids!"

They both blushed before regaining their stature, arms crossed in front of their bodies as if they were about to pray. Jason stepped forward. "Jason Prosser will meet you in twenty minutes. We should probably head down."

"Okay, has anyone talked to the Vice President?" Olivia asked fixing her jacket.

"I believe Ms. Walker has. She is waiting in your office right now." Frank said as they walked together towards whatever was waiting for them.

Olivia took a deep breath as she hurried down the hallway with Frank and Jason walking on either side of her. "Please tell me somebody has coffee on hand. That is the only way I will stay awake until tonight."

Jason smiled at her before opening the door to her office. "On your desk, Ma'am."

"Mrs. President, you have a meeting with the Secretary of Defense in twenty minutes." Olivia heard the Chief of Staff, Holly Walker, say as she walked over to her awaiting hot coffee. "Later today, there is a interview for the upcoming election. The VP is flying in tonight."

"Good, I haven't seen him in two months. I swear; our schedules just seem to take us apart on purpose." Olivia smirked knowing exactly why it was that way. Holly giggled as she wrote something else on her notepad. "When is he taking off?"

Holly looked at her watch for a moment before flipping back a few pages in her agenda. "Take off is in fifteen minutes."

Olivia nodded her head as she walked back out to the hallway where Frank and Jason were waiting patiently for her. "I'm going to call my husband and check up on him. I'll meet up with you in a few minutes." She watched as the younger woman walked away as she pulled out her phone, scrolling down to the name that brought a smile to her face every time.

Frank stepped forward. "Ma'am, the meeting is in twenty minutes."

Olivia smiled. "I know, Frank. But, this is a call to Carrot." Frank grinned at her before giving her a quick nod, his sign of the all clear. She held the phone to her ear, waiting for the voice to come through the receiver.

"Hello gorgeous!" Elliot's voice greeted her over the phone.

"Hey handsome, how are you doing?" Olivia asked leaning against the wall, taking a deep breath and letting the weight fall off of her shoulders.

Elliot chuckled nervously as he stared out of the large glass windows lining the small building. "Well, I'm taking deep breaths. I've already checked all the equipment and staff. Everything seems safe."

Olivia smiled, biting her lip to keep from laughing. "You'll be fine, babe. They are trained to keep you safe. You're important to me. If secret service lets anything happen to you, they have to answer to me."

"There's one day in hell." Elliot smirked before running a hand down his face. "How are you doing?"

"I have a meeting here soon. Holly tells me that the Vice President is flying in tonight to see me." Olivia grinned as she looked out at the fountain running on the front lawn of the White House.

Elliot laughed, his nerves started to dissipate. "Really? He better not hit on you again."

Olivia felt the blush creep to her cheeks. "Last time, he made his way into our bed."

"That lucky son of a bitch." Elliot stated before another voice came over the line. "I gotta go, babe. I'll see you later tonight though, Madam President."

"See you tonight, Mister Vice President." Olivia smiled before hanging up the phone and walking with a new determination for the day. "Let's hit it boys." She said before Jason and Frank walked in stride with her.

Please review! It's short, but I wanted to see what people thought about it first. I know this is different, but my favorite Congressman has been waiting for a story like this! Happy very late Birthday!